Community Chest Carnival Today Weather Editorial See Your Counselor (Homtfrttnrt Sailg (Eampus Weelc f% Cloudy See Page 2 'Serving Storrs Since 1896" VOlUMf CXI Complete UP Wire Service SIORRS. CONNECTICUT, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30. 1958 Offices in Student Union Building No 114 UN Security Council Debates Inspection Of Arctic Zone, Varied CCC Festivities Open; US Armed Training Flights New York. April 29 —(UP) "the United States believes Parade Called For Tomorrow fear of contradicting its self- —The United Nations Security that what is now needed styled pose as a peace-loving Riillelin — The Dully « am- .i Dan e, Beta Sigma Council debated the crucial is- is the will to take (the first) nation. pus WHS ml.H mril lute last Gamma .md Merritt-A; Ringo iue of how to prevent a war constructive action. Our pres- However, the Kremlin let it m:; In that the 1 mmmiiiil \ Booth. Theta XI; Pitch a today. ent proposal in no way dimin- be known it isn't going to give Ckssl carnival, originally Penny, Student Marketing As- The United States and the ishes our belief that discus- in easily on the matter. As -. hi-ilnl. .1 for today only, will sociation. Douse the Flame, Soviet Union each had their sions should be renewed ur- today's debate began, Soviet now run both today and to- Kappa Kappa Gamma; Ten ideas on the subject. Each gently on the general question Foreign Minister Gromyko is- morrow because of Inclement Cents a Dame. W'heeler-C; accused the other of attempt- of disarmament." sued a new ultimatum in Mos- weather. KING Toss, Sigma Alpha ing to divert world opinion It appeared certain that the cow to the United States. The ii.ii.nli-. sluleil for Epsiion; April Showers, French from the real crux of the mat- free world members of the He warned America to halt this afternoon, will be li.-l.l A and Phi Sigma Kappa; ter. UN Security Council would ap- its H-bomb flights or. in his tomorrow Instead. The mid- Break 'he Balloon or Ring the prove the Arctic inspection plan. way In the Field House will Bell, Grange Hall; Shooting UN Ambassador Henry Cab- words, "bear grave responsibil- And it appeared unlikely Rus- ities for possible consequenc- be Open tonlelit from « to Gallery, Alpha Epsiion Plj ot Lodge resolved that a sia would veto the measure, for es." 12 and tomorrow from 6 to Sponge Throw, Apha Zeta o- system of inspections be estab- 10 p.m. mega; Bridle Path. Sigma Phi lished in the Arctic zone that TEN < 'ONVERTIB1.ES. ear- Epsiion and Delta Zeta; Delphic would preclude any chances of ning "Miss University Of Con- Oracle, Delta Pi; Come with in enemy air attack being necticut", her court, and sev- the Outing Club. Outing Club; made over that area. WHUS Marathon eral dignitaries, will head the and Hit BIO Din, i'hi Epsiion UN Ambassador Arkady So- parad.-. .loan Weatherley. Kap- l'i will also be present at the bolev said that's not the point. pa Kappa Gamma, la ' Miss mldwaj. He resolved that the UN atop University of Connecticut," and TWO TROPHIES will be America from loading its Starts Third Day her court includes, Helen Don- awarded for the two top mid- bombers up with hydrogen nelly, 3-C: Ilvi Joe, Holcomb way booths. The Judges of the bombs and sending them off on The WHUS Marathon is In by the Student Unio.i. The Hall; Shirley Dimmock, Sprague midway events will be Mr. alert patrols. its third day. At 10 a.m. this -schedule calls for coverage of Hall; and Margaret .Sime, Al- Will.nd Slstare, Auditorium morning WHUS will have its the opening of the midway pha Delta Pi, Manager, Franklin O, Flngles, Sobolcv put forth the follow- remote unit in the Student Un- from the Field House by Lt. Senator Theodore Ryan, Pres- ing argument, "singling out the Registrar, and Miss Gladys ion Snack Bar to pick up re- Governor Jewelt, and then at idem Pro Tern of the state Kneeland, Secretary to ths Arctic zonu of inspection from quests and pledges from stu- 9 p.m. the roving microphone Senate will attend the CCC in the general disarmament prob- Student Union Manager. dents, returns again to the carnival slead of Lt. Governor Jewell The candidates in the Ugly lem does not put an end to ph k In the afternoon the remote !" ' interviews, the crown- who is now acting Governor Man Contest will also be the problem of playing with ,ne uepn ,he crew will be on the move again '"*, °' 1 - auction, for Abraham Ribicoff who is present at the carnival. The atomic fire." Hnd ,ne to bring vou live coverage of Presentation of the out of the state. Ugly Men this year are Mouldy Lodge's answer to this was the CCC "parade as it motes award.s- A,1 'hi« !ime ,he Ryan will cut the ribbon to Maud IV, Arse Strong All' awards will be made to the begin the parade which will American lt, Horrible Hair, houses who have made the open the carnival this after- and Father Brimstone. The greatest contributions to the noon. winner of this contest will be WHUS Marathon and the house The midway events will be- the collector of the most funds AFROTC To Give drives. gin at 8 p.m. in the Field for the Community Chest Car- THIS AFTERNOON Bob House. Two big tents have nival. Gregory and Tom Rogers A NOVEL ADVERTISEMENT the Community Chest Carnival mid- been set up for two Student Channels 3 and 8 will film June Commissions square off in their canoes from was painted on the North Campus way. The midway will open at 6 p.m. .skils to he presented by Kappa the parade as it proceeds from Rock by the girls of Unit 2-C, in Alpha Theta and Crawford B Thirteen Air Force ROTC the middle of Mirror Lake. The and will include booths of many the Storrs Grammar School to Epsiion; Richard F. Drchrr, starting time is 3 p.m. and two anticipation of tonight's activities on groups on campus (Photo—Fusco) and Trumbull Mouse. Kappa Memorial Stadium and also the cadets will be commissioned in Woodward House; Edward N. Alpha Theta will present a the United States Air Force lovely mermaids will be stand- various e\eils at the midway (iiddings. Lambda Chi Alpha; ing on the shore to rescue the Variety Show and Crawford-11 during the carnival. These will Reserve at Commencement. Robert L. Lewis. commuter; and Trumbull House will pre- Four other senior cadets are gallant loser. be released at a later datp. Robert T. McClure Theta XI; tent a Western Skit. ADMISSION into the carnl- slated to receive their commis- Emile R. Poulin, T 'olland Hall; Warner Klapprodt will be The orher midway events In- \,il will bo 411 cents and nickel sions when they graduate in Thomas W. Scott. T hcta Xi who manning the paddle for Bob clude; "Roaring Twenties" by February 1959. AH of the ca- Graduates Can Study and dime tickets will be col- will also graduate in February Gregory and Norm Zareski Alpha Delta Pi and Theta Sig- lected at the Vilnius booths dets have received their cate- 1959. will hold down the post for gory ratings. ma Chi; "Typical Date on and Shows, These tickets will Catergory II- Ulysses J. Tom Rogers. This will be done Campus" by Merrit-B and Colt be sold A! vau'kus apots in the THESE RATINGS are deter- for contributions to the WHUS House; "Last Chance Saloon" mined on the bases of physical Brualdi, Tau Kappa Epsiion, Field House, Marathon. Bystanders will be In Nuclear Science by Delta Chi; Golf Driving The carnival Is sponsored by fitness, major course of study, who is slated to graduate in given a chance to contribute The first stage of a new Stephensen has served on the Range, Tau Kappa Epsilon» Alpha Phi Omega. The chair- and aptitude. The various February 1959 and who is the on behalf of their houses, and A CONTRACT recently was Miniature Golf Corse, l'i Beta categories in which the seven- only cadet In this category. graduate program in Nuclear faculties of the University of awarded to the Atomics DIMS man of the carnival is Peter if enough requests come In the Science and Engineering at the Phi; You Drive It Course, Sig- Becker, Sigma Phi Epsiion. teen have been placed are Cat- Category III has only one Un- boys may make more tries at Minnesota, New York Univers- ion of General Electric Co. to University is scheduled to get ity and Cornell University. draw up plans and offer advice ma Oil Alpha; Badminton, Barry K ravel, and Richard egories I-Pilot. II-Technical iversity student, William H. Mil- dethroning each other. French B. Services, Hi-Straight Commis- ler, commuter. • under way in September. TWO GRADUATE assistant- on the development of a larger Mcnga are assistant Chairmen THE STAFF members of in making the announcement THE i oi.LOWING events and Paul Perregaux is Public- sion, and V-Gcneral, for those CATEGORY-V has Arthur F. ships have been created for nuclear research reactor and today. President Albert N. Jor- associated laboratory facilities. are also Included; Snuff the ity Chairman. The chairman in not qualifying for physical or Carter. Trumbull House; Salva- WHUS have been on hand qualified graduate engineers Candle, Crandall-C; Test Your gensen explained that the pro- who wish to obtain experience charge of the House Drive Is other reasons in Categories 1 who will receive his commission twenty-four hours a day since gram will be for full-time grad- Recommendations based on .Strength.
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