"STUDENT" Newspaper 191 Lippincott St._ TORONT' M5 STtlPENT lTtDI/ll\iTi February — April 1976 CANADA'S NEWSPAPER FOR UKRAINIAN STUDENTS DOUBLE ISSUE : . Page 2 STUDENT- "You must support the French language rights outside of Quebec if you want Multicul- turalism to survive." This was basically the most recurring message to be ~y heard at the recent Second Canadian Conference on Mul- STUDENT ETL'DIAfVTJ ticulturalism held in Ottawa on Feb. 13, 14 and 15. This message, which seemed by the way to be almost wholly propounded by the French Canadians, quietly re- ceived the full endorsement of Labour Minister John : "STUDENT" Munro and his fellow' Anglo Canadian Mandarins. After 191 Lippincott Street, all, why shouldn't Munro endorse something that would Toronto, Ontario. relieve him of his troubles by 'letting the ethnics fight it out with the French' ? Why shouldn't the Mi- , - nister put the responsibility , for Multiculturalism on ' the shoulders of all minority ethno cultural groups? - . It seems that the Imperial Fountain has saved the day for Munro. Or has it? "STUDENT" is a national tri-lingual and bi-monthly news- The Federal Government has safely neutralized the paper for Ukrainian Canadian students and is published by question of multiculturalism by dichotomizing it. the Ukrainian Canadian Students' Union (SUSK). Either we accept and support the language and cultural "STUDENT" is a forum for fact and opinion reflecting the rights of the French, in which case, when the French - interests of Ukrainian Canadian students on various topics: Canadians are secure and equal with the Anglais social, cultural, political and religious. perhaps in ten years, then multiculturalism may receive some support, or else we do not support the linguistic repre- The opinions and thoughts expressed in "STUDENT" claims of the French, in which case (quickly points Ukrainian Cana- sent the particular situation in which the out the government) multiculturalism goes down the dian student movement finds itself, both within the Ukrain- drain through no fault of theirs. In no uncertain ian Canadian community and within Canadian society. terms , Munro stated that if the minority ethno cultural groups do not show support for the French language We reserve the right to edit articles and letters for control rights and if they do not com- on length, taste and legal matters. stop criticizing and plaining about the implementation of "the multicultural program, he should not be held responsible if the pro- "" gram is scrapped. Such an irresponsible attitude - cannot be tolerated. It seems to us that the whole question of multicul- - turalism must be posed in a different way. Presently, bilingualism is being implemented across the country - by the Federal and various provincial governments with full financial and authoritative backing. We are glad for the French. However, there are many people who - believe that it ' is unjust' that French Canadian commu- - nities of 500 people be given massive public funds for - language instruction courses , the cons t ruction of - schools and communication networks etc., while Ukrain- ian Canadian or Italian Canadian communities : - of 50,000 : are denied these same services. The government is not asking who wants or does not want bilingualism - it is STAFF AT LARGE being forced down everyone's throat. Luba Bilash We do not oppose the idea that all French Canadians Yurko Stebelskyj should have the opportunity to learn and live in their Chrystia Protas language. Go ahead, give those 50 French Canadian fa- Natalka Chyrska milies in Canmore, Alberta all the facilities, insti- Michael Reshitnyk tutions and resources for their assured epanouissement But, at the same time, how about considering the needs of those "STUDENT" STAFF 400,000 Italian Canadian families in Toronto : Editoi-in-chief — Lubomyr Szuch Ontario? And what about the million Canadians who are neither French Co-editors -' Taras Pawlyszyn Canadians, nor English Canadi- ans? Winnipeg Senator Eugene F orsey (a leading British Canadian con— — Bohdan Romaniuk stitutibnalist) prides himself of his mighty heritage and Edmonton ofthose "ideals of British liberty and justice which have sent their light forth Ukrainian language and their truth a- mong all races editor — Mariika Hryn of men". In light of the fact that the government of Canada is disregarding the needs of Advertising Manager — Myron Spolsky over one third of the peoples of Canada, Senator Technical Editor — Bohdan Kupycz Forsey's and similar government pronouncements are, it Distributing Manager — Roma Andrusiak seems to us, nothing but mere empty phrases. Business Managers — Irka Iwor-hiw Irena Welhasch , . , " / 7- - . p./ " .. " _" . " -- ,,.,,- - . - "" - '. -' "" : "The Law and the Press In Canada", . Wilfred h. Kesertcn. "", "The publication of a statement which to ' the defendant's knowledge is false and ' . : calculated to injure is malicious, and " ' is treated as intended to injure. - ' - "Everyone who - publishes a defamatory libel is guilty of an indictable offense . - and is liable to imprisonment for two years." . : , STUDENT-CTYflEHT Page ,--1 :- - , Letters -2? - 29 ,.-, - - » TO THE EDITOR , -- - , - : - 1 ,, STUDENT ' welcomes comments - on, criticisms - - of, and replies , - , to the contents of this pub- - / " - . lication ."/, as well as informa- ' - "!- tion which is relevant to -- " Ukrainian students. Please , address all letters to: - 1 , - : '. THE EDITOR .- / /, 1 STUDENT NEWSPAPER' - - , - 191 LIPPINCOTT STREET / TORONTO, ONTARIO / - , -- - , / , - Dear Editor: Dear Editor: , As has been ascertained by Please accept my hearty - popular opinion, . the 12th Annual congratulations for an # SUSK - , "" Western Conference in Cal- excellent Deceirfoer issue gary was a very /, - successful and of 'STUDENT' . , worthwhile , , / - event. Many people , worked very hard on the confer- Keep up the good vcrk! - -- ence and 1 was happy to hear " that all the participants felt Sincerely »" / they benefitted from the con- , - /" " / - ference, and enjoyed themselves Andriy Richniak - immensely. , On behalf of the Ukrainian Students' Dear Sir: ""^ . "" Association in Calga- /" ry, I would like to thank all - Regarding the letter by "/, - those who devoted their time /" and efforts (and gave up valua- 0. I. Murunchak in your ble study time) to make this Christmas issue: „" "/. will be that it "- conference a success. These I agree - ", people included John Andruschak, no problem to take o-n , - Irene Kuszka, John Zalischak, the Red army with the - help of the PRC, but - . - Joan Holowa, Oksana Suchowersky, , has he thought of the Walter Golobiowski, Walter Pere- wernicky, as well as Sheila Slo- difficulties involved , Great in extending the - bodzian. I would also like to / to Uzhorod? - -/" thank those people who attended Wall - - the conference and supported us " Best wishes, all in the first major effort . - , in the history of our club. Myroslav Yurkevich "", "- This conference was indeed " : - the 'spark' that was needed to , ,. awaken us to the exciting and - "" fulfilling activities to be had - in SUSK, and our , in local clubs. See you all at the National / /, SUSK Congress.' / / Roxalianna Kozak UKRAINIAN The Ukrainian community here derdale to Miami Beach. During Our future plans range from HROMADA in southern Florida (Fort Lau- December we also put up a bea- pysanka parties on April 4th IN FLORIDA derdale, Hollywood, and Miami)' utiful Ukrainian Christmas ca- and 11th, to a Ukrainian style picnic and sing-along at TY is very much alive and our rolers' scene in the Merchants Park in Hollywood on the 25th, degree of enthusiasm is grow- Bank of Miami. The scene con- to an active participation in ing stronger every week. The sisted of five figures dressed the Bicentennial Celebration myth that Floridians only sit in authentic Ukrainian costumes City of Miami International under palm trees on sandy surrounded by snow and Ukrainian Folk Festival in May. beaches and soak up the sun is embroidery in the background. - If you are visiting our Sun- dispelled by our activities. On January third, we sponsored shine State, please get in Ukrainians here are more ac- a Winter Ball and cocktail par- touch with us. We'd love to tive and 'together' than some ty at the Ukrainian American meet you! of the Ukrainian American or- Club. In February, the Univ. ganizations we have visited. of Miami had its annual Carni- Call: Yurko-Miami-261-9763 We may not be as numerically Gras , which is the biggest car- Natalka-Ft . Lauderdale- strong as some of our fellow nival held by a college in the 563-0501 organizations, but we feel United States today. The U- Pavlo-Miami-446-3413 that our vibrancy is,at~~times~, krainian Club of the U. of _M. unsurpassed by many of our and our Hromada had a Ukrainian or write northern friends. booth, at which we sold Ukrain- Ukrainian Students Hro- ian food and gave away some li- mada of Florida So far this year, we have spon- terature to the thousands who Ukrainian American Club sored at least one activity ev- attended folk 3595 NW 35th Street., ery month. Our latest activi- March brought a fantastic concert and spaghetti dinner. Miami Florida, "If you ever tire of snow ties for 1975 consisted of Christmas caroling on December The concert included songs, dan- U.S.A. 33143 polar bears and flurries, 25th through January 7th, and ces, and hilarious comedy. It visit us." snowplows, visiting homes from Fort Lau- was a big success. - S U S K NEWS S U S K NEWS s u S K NEWS S U S K NEWS S U S K "NEWS NEWS WINNIPEG STUDENT HOCKEY CLUB DEFEATS UKRAINIAN MONTH AT NEWARK CHORNOrciRSKA SITCH TORONTO UNIVERSITIES Newark, N.J. (Svoboda) N The University of Manitoba Ukraini- Club Hocket team "Kozaky" E an Students' (SUSK IS) Ukrainian Stude- Newark "Chornomorska Si- W defeated the nts' Clubs of Toronto re- hockey team by scores of S tch" all-star cently held Ukrainian Stu- 5-2 and 9-0 in a two-game series played dent Month in Toronto.
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