Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México ISSN: 0366-2128 [email protected] Sociedad Botánica de México México Duno de Stefano, Rodrigo; Rico Arce, Lourdes; Martínez Bernal, Angélica; Gutiérrez Báez, Celso Notes on the flora of the Yucatan Peninsula V: New records and miscellaneous notes for the family Leguminosae Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México, núm. 78, junio, 2006, pp. 43-46 Sociedad Botánica de México Distrito Federal, México Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=57707805 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Bol.Soc.Bot.Méx. 78: 43-46 (2006) SISTEMÁTICA Y FLORÍSTICA NOTES ON THE FLORA OF THE YUCATAN PENINSULA V: NEW RECORDS AND MISCELLANEOUS NOTES FOR THE FAMILY LEGUMINOSAE RODRIGO DUNO-DE-STEFANO1,5, LOURDES RICO-ARCE2, ANGÉLICA MARTÍNEZ-BERNAL3 AND CELSO GUTIÉRREZ-BÁEZ4 1Herbario CICY, Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán, A.C., Calle 43 No. 130, Col. Chuburná de Hidalgo, C.P. 97200 Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. 2Herbarium, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AE, U.K. 3Departamento de Biología, Div. C.B.S., Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Apdo. Postal 55-535, Iztapalapa 09340, México, D.F., Mexico. 4Herbario UCAM, Centro de Investigaciones Históricas y Sociales, Universidad Autónoma de Campeche, Ciudad Universitaria, Av. Agustín Melgar s/n, A.P. 204, C.P. 24030 Campeche, Campeche, Mexico. 5Author to whom reprints requests should be addressed; e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: Two novelties of the family Leguminosae, Acaciella villosa (Sw.) Britton et Rose and Zornia gemella Vogel, are report- ed for the first time from the Yucatan Peninsula Biotic Province. Additionally, information on two other little known species is included: Rhynchosia americana (Mill.) Metz, and Senna reticulata (Willd.) H.S.Irwin et Barneby. Lastly, information on some other species or names used in the region is discussed: Acacia spadicigera Schltdl. et Cham., Albizia adinocephala (Donn.Sm.) Britton et Rose, Albizia rubiginosa Miq., Bauhinia glabra Jacq., Eriosema simplicifolium (Kunth) G.Don, Lonchocarpus cochleatus Pittier, and Zornia diphylla (L.) Pers. Key words: flora, Leguminosae, Mexico, Yucatan Peninsula Biotic Province. Resumen: Se presentan dos novedades de la familia Leguminosae para la Provincia Biótica de la Península de Yucatán: Acaciella villosa (Sw.) Britton et Rose y Zornia gemella Vogel. Se incluye información de dos especies poco conocidas en el área: Rhynchosia americana (Mill.) Metz y Senna reticulata (Willd.) H.S.Irwin et Barneby. Por último, se analiza información sobre otras especies o nombres usados en la Península: Acacia spadicigera Schltdl. et Cham., Albizia adinocephala (Donn.Sm.) Britton et Rose, Albizia rubiginosa Miq., Bauhinia glabra Jacq., Eriosema simplicifolium (Kunth) G.Don, Lonchocarpus cochleatus Pittier y Zornia diphylla (L.) Pers. Palabras clave: flora, Leguminosae, México, Provincia Biótica Península de Yucatán. brief botanical survey of the Mexican portion of the UADY, and UCAM). As a result, two taxonomic novelties A Yucatan Peninsula Biotic Province (YPBP) suggests for the Mexican portion of the YPBP are reported here, that the family Leguminosae is one of the most important together with relevant taxonomic and geographical com- elements of the region, regarding number of species, fre- ments about these two new records and other species of quency, and biomass. Sosa et al. (1985) reported a total of interest for this region. 1,939 species for this region, of which 244 are legumes, representing 12.1% of the flora. A second checklist (Durán Acaciella villosa (Sw.) Britton et Rose, N.Amer.Fl. 23:104. et al., 2000) provided the figure of 2,477 species for the 1928. Figure 1a. region, with the number of legumes remaining the same; Mimosa villosa Sw., Prodr. 85. 1788. this was also supported by A rellano-Rodríguez et al. Acacia villosa (Sw.) Willd., Sp.Pl. 4:1067-1068. 1806. (2003). As part of the project “Illustrated Flora of the Acaciella fisheri Britton et Rose, N.Amer.Fl. 23:99. 1928. Yucatan Peninsula”, we began to study in detail the botan- As “Fisheri”. ical material of the family Leguminosae deposited at the MATERIAL EXAMINED: MEXICO: Campeche, km 267, herbarium CICY and other herbaria (BM, K, MEXU, carretera a Villahermosa, Municipio Carmen, ruderal en un 43 RODRIGO DUNO-DE-STEFANO, LOURDES RICO-ARCE, ANGÉLICA MARTÍNEZ-BERNAL AND CELSO GUTIÉRREZ-BÁEZ potrero ganadero (fl.), 2 octubre 1988, J.S. Flores 10277 Jalisco, Michoacan, and Tamaulipas), Central America, (CICY, UADY). Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and the West Indies. DISTRIBUTION: Mexico (Campeche, Chiapas, Guerrero, DISCUSSION: This is the first record of A. villosa in the b a Figure 1. Herbarium specimens. A. Acaciella villosa (Sw.) Britton et Rose (J.S. Flores 10277, CICY). B. Rhynchosia americana (Mill.) Metz (C. Chan y J.S. Flores 555, CICY). C. Zornia gemella Vogel (J.J. Ortiz e I. Miranda 2316, UADY). c 44 NEW RECORDS OF LEGUMINOSAE IN THE YUCATÁN PENINSULA Mexican portion of the YPBP. Standley (1930) recorded (1982), the species was recorded for the states of Chiapas, this species for the Mayan area without voucher references, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Veracruz, as well as Yucatan in Mexico, and mentioned the Mayan names xaax, kantebo, and kante - and Central America and South America. It is a member of mo, and the fact that it is used as medicinal. The most com- section Senna ser. Pictae (Benth.) H.S.Irwin et Barneby, mon species of the genus in the region is A. angustissima and it is similar to S. alata (L.) Roxb. The most evident dif- (Mill.) Britton et Rose var. angustissima. The latter species ference between them is the length of the petiole and the is differentiated from A. villosa by the following charac- pod; the former species has short petioles, up to 3.5 cm ters: it is a tree up to 5 m tall (in the former case, maximum long and a sharply 4-angular, winged pod with a rhombic height is 1.5 m); their leaves are smaller, up to 8.5 cm long cavity in cross section. S. reticulata has petioles up to 13 (in the former case up to 28 cm long); there are more pin- cm long and a plane-compressed pod, not winged and cav- nae by leaf, 3-8 (10) (in the former case 3-6); there are less ity linear-elliptic in cross section. In Yucatan, the Mayan leaflets, 7-25 [in the former case 20-35 (-50)], the margins name is yaaxhabin. are involuted, and the abaxial surface is densely villose (in Z o rnia ge m e l l a Voge l , Linnaea 12:61. 1838. Fi g u re 1c. the former case, glabrous or pubescent but never villose). H e dy s a rum ge m e l l u m Wi l l d. ex Voge l , Linnaea 12:61. 1838. R h y n chosia ameri c a n a (Mill.) Metz, C a th. Univ. M ATERIAL EXAMINED: M E X I C O : C a m p e c h e , Amer.Biol.Ser. 16:126-127. 1934. Figura 1b. H o p e l c h é n , C a r r. Dzibalch é n - P i c h , ejido San Miguel Lathyrus americanus Mill., Gard.Dict. ed. 8. Lathyrus n. Allende, vegetación sabana (vg.), 27-08-2002, J.J. Ortiz e 19. 1768. as: “Americana”. I. Miranda 2126, ( C I C Y, UA DY); same locality, vege t a c i ó n MATERIAL EXAMINED: México (Campeche), Puerto sabana (fr.), 01-10-2003, J.J. Ortiz e I. Miranda 2316, Rico-Atasta, Municipio Carmen (fl., fr.), 28-06-1981, C. (UADY). Chan y J.S. Flores 555 (CICY, MEXU); 5 km al E de Cd. DISTRIBUTION: United States of America (Texas) and del Carmen, Municipio Carmen, 18°38’30”N, 91°45’55”O, the Neotropics (Mohlenbrock, 1961). 10 m s.n.m., manglar secundario, ruderal (fl.), 27-05-1996, DISCUSSION: One specimen (J.J. Ortiz e I. Miranda C. Gutiérrez B. 5271 (MEXU, UACAM, UADY). 2316, UADY) known for the area was previously identified DISTRIBUTION: Mexico (Campeche, Chiapas, Colima, as Z. diphylla (L.) Pers. Mohlenbrock (1961) mentioned Durango, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Queretaro, Oaxaca, San Luis that this latter taxon only occurs in Asia and it is the most Potosi, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas, and Veracruz). Also United d i s t i n c t ive species of the ge nus because of its large, States of America (Texas) (Grear, 1978). glabrous and glandular fruits. Our specimen does not have DISCUSSION: This species was not included in any of the a ny of these ch a r a c t e r s. In F l o ra Novo - G a l i c i a n a , p r evious fl o ristic ch e c klists for the entire Yu c a t a n McVaugh (1987) mentioned that the name corresponds to Peninsula (Sosa et al., 1985; Durán et al., 2000; Arellano- an Asian species, regarding its use in many Mexican spec- Rodríguez et al., 2003). It was included, however, in the imens. This is the first record for the genus and the species checklist of Campeche State (Gutiérrez-Báez, 2000) with in the Mexican portion of the YPBP area. Zornia is a genus no mention about the novelty for the state and the Mexican of the subfamily Papilionoideae, tribe Dalbergiae (Lavin et portion of the YPBP. This is a species with unifoliate al., 2001), easily identified from the other genera of the leaves, leaflets wider than longer, base cordate and apex group occurring in the region.
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