ORS OF THE NATIONAL 970 70 THE DIRE CT very first necossar y 1 TRADES' ASSOCIATION. of life; was prohibit ed by thij uncertainty. At present the price of corn could e calculated , to, the . very penny almost , and specula- Gent lemen,—I rejoice to find that a nati- C tors had purchased up the grain in every par t .of the bod is to be held aona«nal repres entation of your y world. They were awar e that they could brin g it at J -at Birmi ngham on Monday and Tuesday next, in here at a cer tain price , and there was a scar city sad and in order that the result of yonr delibera- in the harvest , and they went and purchase d and ftioi tion3 may not be lost for want of puhltca tionj I monopol ised the granaries of the world , and they ifceg&eg to app rise yon that I havegiren direct ions have thus been enabled to raise the price of corn 10s., itha that as much space as you may require in the 23s„ ay, 30s. per quarter. (Applaus e.) He had *H* Northern Star ' shall be reser ved for that por- not the least hope tha t the condition -of the country no; pose. As upon the repor ting of all such could be benefited by the entire suspen sion of the ma matte rs very much , depends th eir value to Corn Laws, whilst the present system of fore stalling re- , since 1815, t ssw society, and as it freq uently occurs that and usury existed, , Never was he ' more deter minedl y carried out ipoi port ers unused to Trade s' business do injury by spirit of reduction \ than it was at this moment. imi mis-statements arising from misconception, by the employers- in the Free Tr ade Stor e Houses. My Lord , future , ballot, and tha t then two-third s of the amount There was not a manufacturing town in Lanc ashire i ai and as I prefer saddling any erro rs that may FORTHCOMING MEETINGS open tho se hidin g-places, at least for inspec- j&ational Sanfo (U/mnpanp* should "-be[ applied towards purchasing bis freeh old ; or determ ina tion was , not , you rathe r than upon myself, you or Yorkshire where . the oc occur upon tion, board and that he should be allowed to appropriate the monieB months your reports, au- gauge every vessel, take stock Babsard Castu ;.-—On Monda y evening.2fth inst., realised by BitAGBBtfRff. —The quarterl y meeting will be ; held and where it had hot been for the last few wi will be good enough to send of every ' sale to the Land Purch ase Department , if secret ar y, to the railwa y train , have a return of the a lecture was delivered in the • Christian Brethr en s he should pre fer on Sunda y, May 23, at 6 o'clock, at the house of evinced by the employers to reduce wages , no v tl the nticated by the London Meetin g-house, exp pri n- doisg so. George Nurton, Temperance week as possi- unthrash ed stacks, and , my life for it, you will lanatory of the objects - and hotel; Walley Bask , matter what the consequen ces were. (" Hear , oi office on as ear ly a day in the ciples of the National Land Company, by Mr Cha rles Mkbtbt r Ttbv il.—Our members are rapidly in- when all the. members are r equested to attend and ^ find a real plent y, where scarcity is made a cre asing hear ," cries of " No> no," and app lause.) Some V b Vie, in order tint your procee dings may be Winter. The lecturer expatiated at great length on every , week. We hare taken the large and pay u p arrears. Free Trade bugbear. I tell you candidl y that commodious long gentlemen said , " No, no-," let the hand s who were \ ii introduce d with a suitable comment. Should the powers and capabilities of the land, and showed room of the Rising Son Inn. where Bi«MHMs-HAM.—The shareh olders meeting at the I burn to knock those Free Trade rascals down its we shall meet m future every .Sunday present, and who knew the fact, speak to it . (Cries t! ibis arrange ment not suit yonr mana ging body the advanta ges which the company held out to mornin g, at Ship Inn are reque sted to attend a special general when I see th e vipers grinn ing at the woe members. A vote -of tbanka was unanim ously ten o clock, to rea d the star, and also every Mon- meetin g at the above place on Sunday evening, of " It is true. ") , The repor ter of the Manchester Londo n, those gentlemen will have the day evening, May t in they have creat ed and lamenting over scarcit y, awarded to the lecturer. for the enrolm ent of members. We 23rd, at T o' clock precisely. Guardian put his name iri brackets as Leach , the « goodness to notify their objection to Mr " money intend to celebrate the 24th of May Char tist, while their storehouses are full. My Lord , if BiRjnsoHAM. —Rba -streki Skcthm c.—The in our new CbNGHBro sc.—A special meeting of shareholders Let him do so again, and he would ask barney, Northern. Star office , who will make a the place ot meeting. will be held ' him to 1 you don't inspect them I fear a great er enemy club in connection with; this branch , in id ef at James Gosling s, Eton-street , on Sun- put this down—tbat the Guardian told them i the necessary arrangem ents for the attenda nce Land and Labour Bank, commenced on Monda y last. Norwich. —At a public meeting of the share - day next at half-past seven in the evening. that a person in Ireland , whose name he did not will. The approaching election terrifies you, a reporter ; while I app rise you that the Upward s of one hundr ed shares were taken up, to holders on Sund ay last, Wm. Flowers in the chair, Br M 'Douaw will deliver two lectures at Hull on recollect , had made £70,000 in t , by 4 of I my Lord. You would prefer office with their Mr Barber delivered a lectur e tbe2&h hree weeks publicat ion in such case cannot be so complete start with. The members earnestly entreat on the merits and and 25th of May .—Subject :: '• Agricaltwal purchasin g Indi an corn cheap, and selling it dear. l lague, pestilence to a graceful brethren throughout the country to adopt the above, benefits of the Land and Labour Bank , Chemist ry ; " : with experiments to , satisfactory as if sent officially by your \p , and famine, which gave illustrate tie (A Voice: Russell was the name. ) The population or i retirement , consequent upon the honest per- or similar means, to aid the director s. Ten pounds great satisfact ion. The following resolutions were science. - secret ary. As much space as your proceed- were paid iu by a member to the deposit depart- unanimously carried :— ; ' ¦'J ,jt Doncastkr. in the same distri ct where this corn was sold were formance of a sacred dut y. But, my Lord , do -ii-msi —The sharehol ders are requested to : lags may req uire being held at your service, ment, making, in all, sent to the respect ive depart- That s branch be established in aid ct the liandjand. meet at 5 o'clock, at the house of Mr Thomas Phil- famishing to deat h ; and , when dead , th ey were not deceive yourself— you are widening the ments from this branch, by members,,ninet y-five labour Bank , and that a committee be elected to 'pre. lips, Church -lane, on Sunday buried without coffins. He thought men could not and as an edition of the Star is published for ¦ evening next ,.to eleet breach between the represented and the un- pounds. ; ¦ . * . pares code of rule s to ba laid before a ^meeting of officers for the ensuing quar ter; . A tea party and be mad e happy , until the hands that produced the Scotland and the north of Eng land , at twelve ball will represented—bet ween the rich oppressor, arid Bolton.—A special meeting of this branch was members on ¦ Sunday evening, May 80, at half-past six be held on Whit-M onday at the>Brown work of the world , and the- brows that broug ht it to o'clock on Thur sday night, you will see the ne- •' ; " ¦. ' • Low, t rench Gate the poor oppressed; and rest assured that the held pa Sunday last, when the following resolution o'clock; ; , to. celebrate the location of the a pr ofitable market by their sweat , should be per- 4 <cessity of an earlydelivery of the matter. Your -¦ ¦'¦ ¦ '- ¦ :/ '—- ' That the thanks n O' Cqnnorv iHe,. when Church , and not Free Trade , will be .the casus was. passed :— -/• » - .- . :. ' ' ' of this meeting are givento to Feargus ?I? a ^ T ^ l Mr/Frank mitte d to enjoy the ri ght of choosing their own re- secretory will be good enough to send matter as That we ; approve , ©f , the Conference being held at ^I'Cpnnor , Esq.,ioir bin^excellent addrets the allottees Mirft eld from Bamsley and Mr Joh n.Grimauaw ot belli at the next election, for when did the this town, will deliver presentatives. " (Thunders of. app lause.) fast as it is prepared , as a flood of man uscript r Xowbaod *, in Jul y next ; affd that we hope the dire ctors at O'ConnorT ille, and his noble replv to those who objeet suitable addresses.
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