day to Carleton Schwab Wagner, J. SHL'BKKT A complete ttort for »omm Aldermen Attack Frolic Women nephow of Charloa M. Schwab. The AMBRICA'S FOREMOBT THIBATRKS AND HITS. DIRECnON OV UOB AND J. Frogs' Drives ceremony took placo at tho home of CEHTORT THEATRE g*t ?.*¦#!¦* Olson Nation's of the bride. EV08. A SAT. MAT.. 50c ta t2.50.,Poi»' OHverAe Neglect Mr. and Mrs. Wagner will reeide in THE, WINTER GARDEN'S AtKIBW^^rW*«XI.SP.Opena at 19:1ft for Dlnla* and Danctag. .ALL UTAB Cast ln the Ruper Br-"vnaei» mat" COMPANY In Panic From Train Danville, Pa., where he Itpresident of Disabled Veterans Subway tho Danville Structural Com¬ Greatest Laaghing Hit t CDI7CC We« 42d St. Kriii. 8:80.IPhon<- Sl -»-..- Tublng rnAl.CE> MatJi. W«d. & Hat., 2:3<).|Hrja-it IN THE HIGHT Broadway at 79th Street pany. He graduated from Lehigh WATCHI? Catch of Two in University in 1914 and was captain of PASSING SHOW m THE WQMAN Hold Up Resolution to Per¬ 1,500 Animals, Day's Boys Park, tho football team there for two years. OF 1931. MARGAnET RINKWATi-Rlr H .¦ " ii OF BROKZe* mit to Solicit Burst From Container at Times e rmetmn* Willie & Howard of taste League Funds Square, Eugene Rl Iflll 4i)Ui, West of B'way. r>-(». 8 30. fwmm EXCELLENCEwithout Composer-Pianiet Heard MARIE ORE83LER.300 OTHER* DlfJUU MaUneaa To-day and Sat.. 2:20. extravagance on Streets; Would Make Spreading Terror Among Feminine Passengers EVOS. 8:15. MAT. TO-M'W. J:15. of price is the principlc we Morris BVG8. 8:30. MAT3. TO-DAT A SAT. follow in selccting our Beggarg of Ex-Service Men Plays Two New Sonatas; stocks of Apparel and Fffty women tried to climb through frogs with apottod backs, the Bort con- Stoessel, Violinist, Assist* r%*CA5W0.3T IwAT. t'S'-DAY: &WrICHSTEJ£A COMEDY OF PARI8IAN tmt >Tlfnfia-$-$ador- Home Furnishings. Charges thnt th© govcrnmont was not the wtndows of a southbound Broadway sidercd most edible by connoisseurs. Harold Morris, as- When tho a composer-pianlst, THEROSECIRLhiVleISISd The result is that care of soldiers hunt began they had Back sisted Albert B T happy taking proper disabled express train at Times Square yester¬ by Stoessel, violinist, -.*.- ? ¦' Others,, and LYDIA LOPOKOVA ln a n>!w Ballat to hold the frogs, but this a a Ma'*.To-dayA8at.,2:15. our merchandise not only and sailors were made at 5 o'clock when burat devcloped gave recital of his own compositions PLAYHOUSE by M. FOKINE. yesterday by day 1,500 frogs hole, through which the capti.ves es- afternoon at Aeolian Hall. NEW YORKS PRETTIEST CHORUS. satisiics the cultured stand¬ P. II. La President of so yesterday Major Guardia, through a huge paper bag and began crpcd, Capaccuti bought n big paper Two works -in were on the DORIS *Bts.S:.'(0. ards of this locality, but our that was manuscript RKPtBMl MaU.To-d»j*Kat.,2; the Board of Aldermen, and other mem¬ a hopping contest that causod instant bug soon filled to acapacity. program, a sonata for violln and piano KEANEromjnce West 42d St JOHN GOUJEN frajeota prices satisiy the value Tho said that when TttEATBB, nr. B'y. Era. 8:38 WM. A. B'y. Et~8:20. bers of the board at its weekly meet¬ elevatlon of silk clad nnkles and a youngsters they in E flat major, and a sonata for piano ""nali9QTU <CT AflthQt T»ea..B.Tf and Sat. standards of every locality. boarded the train at 242d Street they in A flat The Matlneea To-day and Sat. 2:80. BfiADY's-rOllI Clt Mats To-nior'w lliKACE "LA RTK and ing. A discussion of tho subject ensued chorus of feminino shricks. Just as major. first of these JHALE HAMILTON noticcd the bag was wot, but thought was written in 1919, and the second DEARME SPORT SKtRT when Alderman Charles H. Haubert, of Kcrne of the women wero making for it would hold out until they reached in 1916. But the most the were interesting piece !.« WMM ofl'ered a resolution wind'ows doors home. When the Times BROKEN Brooklyn, grnnting open opened train reached on the was an "DRAMA, COMEDY ANO FARCE. AN The Fine quality all-wooj mate¬ ic, a wild rush the fol¬ program earlier work, in THB CRA8HINO ABBOPLANTB. J LITTLE permission the National Disabled and for platform Square somebody stepped cn the bag. a sonata for in B flat ORIOINAL AND DIVERTINQ PLAY.".Sun. THEATRE Eth. a to 1" Year and Soldiers' to solicit funds on the lowed. which the piano minor, 44 St. 2:S0. rials; checks, stripes League burst, releasing animals. composed in 1914. 45t-i> WMt ot B'way. E.g». 8:30 Era. 8:25 \West MaU.To-day.Thnra.ASat., streets from the of the Angelo and Cleofonte Sor- Several hundred to BflATU. ¦ .TAD Thea., B'way * 45th 8t. plaids. Box plaited, side day approval by Capaccuti frogs escaped In this work, recently played here BUU n Mata. To-day and Saturday. 2:30. AdiUil Mat*. To-day (Pop.) * »»U. 2:25. Mayor to April 30. rcntino, who said they lived at 54 Jane the Times Square plati'orm and others Oliver afl-j -k HORinURA MTESDAI or "The war by Denton, Mr. Morris has made BEST «EAT8 TO-DAY MATINEE $1.50. _2flS£!ArVt plaited plaln tailored. risk insurance legislation." Stieet, Manhattan, were responsible for were carried to Brooklyn. Capacutti use of inTHE green said La "was the near The two are told that the of good indisputable talent. It is Ani'e** Navy wivli tan, white, grey Major Guardia, nassed panic. boys frog bystanders bursting a written for E 6H0/T/ under a told the station his caused him a loss of $4, grateful work, effectively ¦ ¦ U* ********* G0DDESS AMING COMEDY"raicMA* or C Brown misapprchension by Congress. huntcrs, they guards. paper bag the instrument, rich in striking ARLiSS ny vVTIaLIAM AnCITBR. 3ux penhagen. We believed that it would substantially Yesterday they went to the big swamp He said that he and his partner made themes, which have both character with tan or white. Black care for disabled men. Tt did not work at Van Cortlandt Park with nets and an average of $6 a day every spring TAe4 ne THEATREjnc^ina uuiGU1LD Pressntst HERSELF .^-MEl* CORNERED ' and originality. There are occasional ,4-4*. ST. THEATRE that way at all, and to-day we find that captured by actual count 1,500 green "when the frogs are running monu-nts bt. TWO WEEKS with white. these men of inspiration in the sonata - fabber LAST 1DAJIY "fWS 2 15 EYEKINCSIM5 must be made virtual beg- for violin and but like the PIM WAY* 16.50 value 21.50. gars ln order to support themselves. piano, piano fiARRIPIf 65 West 35*. Fltaroy I52J. "The first bill, after hostilities had sonata in A flat the work as a whole UAnntWlV Btb. 8:30. Mat*. To-m'w & Sat. iD.W.CRIFrlTHX The Fricrulfa Store is overelaborate and con- MASTERPlECE' ended, that Congress passed was ono 950 Choruses Whistler Brings $2,450 loosely Sing structcd. Both young men gavo of uppropriating SMO.OOVOOO to take care At Sale of their best EAST'SYMPHOrWOfiCHESrXA of profits lost on caneelled contracts. Jones Etchings 'and received hcarty ap- muike nutiirs k»w.'.&':!S: _\^\ Nevertheless the government has failed In First Program plauso. to care for its disabled war a J. PIII TftN w *16th 8t e***8 »¦**»¦ properly "Wnary," dry point etching by MAT. SPANISH DtiLmvn 1 MaU. To-ro'w Ic Sat. r U Ia 1 Vl'a MlM- To-day and Sat NOW ON EXH1BITION IN veterans." Of Music Festival A. McN. Whistler, was sold last night Ralph G. Kemmet Marries j .SILO'S Alderman Rudolph ITannoch, of the at the Anderson Galleries for Mildred MlSS Lulu Bett x<$kv^ vVw< itnwr iriaa<i7ie. declared that the war risk $2,450, Fischer, Aetress TODAY LOVE © 2»ND PERFORMANCE TO-NIGHT. Bronx, bu- PERFORMANCE T0-NI0HT. he record ever for this im¬ I08TH Fifth Ave. reau had refused to supply figures on Oratorio With New price paid A surprise announcement of the mar¬ GOOD 8EATS AT BOX OFFICES FOR NEXT SIX WEEKS._ Art Galleries disabled veterans when requested to do Society, portant example. J. F. Drake was the riage of Mildred Fischer and Ralph G. so a committee headed Colonel York O'rches-I buyer. The print was included in the Kemmet, both of 40 East 45th St. by by Symphony of Margaret Anglin's F^.iCE DAtLf Wickersham. This committee is con- Collen.tion Herschel V. Jones, of company, playing in the Prazee The¬ " tlraand Star Gives SELWYNTHEATRES °^JxST LYRIC.^noST.WoFff'-Ji'AVi- S. W. Cor. ducting an inquiry on the subject and Soloists, Minneapolis, the sale of which is con- ater, was made last night. Miss 8LASCO IRANE?' sidered one of the most of Yta&T Va/nderMH Ave. will make a report at the Carnegie Hall 'The Children9s Crusade' important Fischer, daughter of Frederick Fischer, THKATRB. Btgs. 8:2". I". Silo ft Son. mass next modern etchings ever held. Proceeds conductor of the St. Loui3 Orchestra APrtl I A Janx-s Auotloneera, meeting Monday night. from the Have Itren Instructed Alderman Abraham Bockerman, So- entire sale totaled $42,665.50. and Choral Society, made her stage CI TliltlE TrfEA.. W. «d Rt. Errs. 8:48. Pat & Marion Bent "The' Chlldren's Crusade," by Gabriel one of riebut this season in Miss CLHI.UC MATS.
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