Local History of Ethiopia Wib Hamer - Wyrambo © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) wib (A) beautiful, scenic; hamer (A) 1. ark; 2. reddish-brown /horse/ -- Hamer, ethnic group in the South Omo Zone HCB47 Wib Hamer (Wub H.) 0549'/3625' 1236 m 05/36 [Gz] HCB79 Wib Hamer (Wub H.) 0604'/3635' 1961 m 06/36 [Gz] HC... Wiba Debre Tseyh (in Gofa awraja) 06/36? [Ad] JEH74 Wibara (Uibara) (area), cf Webera 12/41 [+ WO] wibit g..: gola (O) room in traditional house, cave; stable; gola (A) golha (T) kind of shrub or small tree, Salix subserrata HDM44 Wibit Gola kebele (Webit .. ..) 09/39 [Ad] in southern Ankober wereda, 11 km south of Ankober town; area 1,448 hectares. [CSA 1994] HDM54 Wibit & Widede kebele (Webit & Wedädé ..) 09/39 [Ad] in central Ankober wereda, 4 km east of Ankober town; area 854 hectares. [CSA 1994] ?? Wible Maryam (church), see Simema wichale (A) small monkey; -- Wichale, Wochale, Wechalé Wuchale, name of an Ittu tribe of the eastern Oromo known from fighting with imperial forces -- in the 1620s, also a modern branch of the Arsi-Siqo Oromo living north-east of lake Ziway -- Wichale (Wuchale) (which one?) town in Debre Sina wereda HDB66 Wichale (Wich'ale) 0845'/3617' 2165 m, 08/36 [Gz] west of Arjo HDL53 Wichale (Uccialle) 09/38 [+ WO] HDL54 Wichale (Uccialle) (plain) 09/38 [+ WO] HEF63 Wichale (Uccialli) (plain) 11/39 [+ WO Gu] HEF72 Wichale (Uccialli, Utchale, Utchali) 11/39 [+ WO Mi x] (Fre: Outchali) (area) with coal used by the Italians HEF72 Wichale (Wich'ale, Wuchale, Uccialli, Utchali) 11/39 [Gz Te WO] (Wetchale, Wechalle, Wouchale) 1879/1990 m 11/39 [x Po] Gz: 1130'/3936' = HEF72, 1712 m; MS: 1120'/3930' = HEF51 Distance 40-50 km north of Dessie and 461 km from Addis Abeba. At the main road northwards, with sub-post office. Denka kebele surrounds most of Wichale settlement, except for Begido kebele a little to the south-west. Within a radius of 10 km there are at 3E Limo kebele 6E Dudu Arba kebele 10E Way Teklo kebele 9SE Tebisa kebele 10SE Seglan kebele 4S Robit kebele 8S Golbo kebele 7SW Dibil kebele 8SW Kolet kebele 3W Abet kebele 6W Feka kebele 10W Teremchig kebele 4NW Bizen kebele Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 1 of 16 Local History of Ethiopia Wib Hamer - Wyrambo © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) 8NW Kwashat kebele 2N Baylawet kebele 3N Wergesa (settlement) 5N Baykedagn kebele 8N Mehal Amba kebele 10N Wete kebele 6NE Were Kalo kebele 9N Gora Arba kebele The Treaty of Uccialli (this Italian-derived spelling is the one most seen in historical works) was signed on 2 May 1889 by Emperor Menilek and Count Pietro Antonelli. Wichale had a postal agent (sub-post office) under Dessie. "My guides pointed out a large tree across a gorge a few hundred meters from the road as you enter Wuchale, under which the treaty was signed." [J Graham] HEF72 Wichale & Jido wereda (Wuchalena Jido ..), 11/39 [Ad] (-1994-) is divided into 68 rural and 2 urban kebeles. HDL55 Wichale Maryam (Wich'ale M.) 0933'/3853', 09/38 [Gz] (church), south-east of Fiche ?? Wichale Mikael, with market ../.. [18] HEF.? Wichale sub-district (-1997-) 11/39? [n] (centre in 1964 = Balie) HDL64 Wichale wereda (Wuchalie ..) 09/38 [+ Ad] (centre in 1964 = Sele) GDD07 Wichgonyuni 08/33 [WO] wid ..: widd (A) expensive, precious ?? Wid Ben (visiting postman under Dessie) ../.. [Po] H.... Wida (centre in 1964 of Midir Gebeta sub-district) 13/37? [Ad] HE... Wido, see Lai Wido, Tach Wido JCL62 Widthl 06/43 [WO] widu a..: ager (agär) (A) country HDM32 Widu Ager kebele (Wedu Agär ..) 09/39 [Ad] in southern Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda, 30 km south of Debre Birhan; area 821 hectares. [CSA 1994] H.... Wifat, cf Yifat, 10/39 [x] historical Muslim area (-1300s-) between Awash and Kassam/Kesem rivers. HEE68 Wiga Mere kebele (Wega Märé ..) 11/39 [Ad] in almost north-westernmost Tenta wereda; area 4,202 hectares. [CSA 1994] HDM.. Wigir (district in Tegulet) 09/39 [n] HDU00 Wigir kebele (Weger ..) 10/39 [Ad] in westernmost Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda, 30 km west of Sela Dingay; area 1,075 hectares. [CSA 1994] wiha, weha (A), waa (Sidamo), wi'a (Kambata) water HEF53 Wiha Helo (Uaha Helo), see under Hayk 11/39 [+ Gu] HEF52 Wiha Maryam (church) 1119'/3931', west of Hayk 11/39 [Gz] HDM.. Wiha Teggeb 09/39 [n] JDN68c Wihi (Ui-hi) 10/40 [+ Gu] HEF53 Wihilo kebele 11/39 [Ad] at the middle part of Tehuledere wereda, immediately west of Hayk; area 2,696 hectares. [CSA 1994] HDL81 Wijiba 0949'/3832' 3002 m, west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz] (Italian fort/ruins nearby) Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 2 of 16 Local History of Ethiopia Wib Hamer - Wyrambo © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) HDL85 Wijiba 0947'/3853' 2619 m, east of Fiche, 09/38 [AA Gz] (with church), see under Debre Libanos HEU Wijig 1248'/3936' 1840 m, near Maychew 12/39 [Gz] HC... Wijigra, village in Awasa wereda 07/38? [n] There is a megalithic site with patterns engraved on steles. GCM76 Wika (Uica, Gobus), cf Weka 07/34 [+ WO] HDL86 Wikir (Wik'ir, Wiqir) 0948'/3858' 2518 m, 09/38 [Gz q] (with church Mikael), east of Fiche HDS78 Wikma (Wik'ma, Wiqma) 1040'/3816' 1928 m, 10/38 [Gz q] north of Bichena wikro (T?) excavated, rock-hewn? HET86 Wikro (Wik'ro, Wiqro, Uocro) 13/39 [Gz q WO] 1324'/3904' 1755 m, south of Abiy Adi HFE15 Wikro (Wkro) 13/38 [+ x] (with rock-hewn church), see under Abiy Adi HFE51 Wikro (Wik'ro, Wiqro) 1406'/3833' 2010 m 14/38 [Gz q] HFE61 Wikro (Wik'ro, Wiqro, Wkro) 1407'/3836' 2239 m 14/39 [Gz q x] (with two/?/ rock-hewn churches), west of Aksum, see the churches under Nebelet HFF22 Wikro (Wik'ro, Wiqro, Wokro, Wukro, Wukiro) 13/39 [Gz q Ad x] (Ugoro, Uogoro, Wogoro, Wugro, Woghuro) 13/39 [Gu n] Gz: 1347'/3936' = HFF22, 1972 m; MS: 1330'/3930' = HEU91 (with sub post office; rock-hewn church Cherkos nearby) Centre at least in 1956-1980 of Hulet Awlalo awraja and in 1964 of Dirae wereda. At the main road northwards. Within a radius of 10 km there are at km 4SE Sellasi Adgu (village) 2462 m 8SW Iyesus Awlalo (Jesus Aulalo) (village) 5W Korar (Qorar, Auza) (village) 2233 m ?? Abreha Atsbeha (local centre), see directly under its name (David Buxton collected the following spellings: Agroo, Corou, Oucro, Ouqro, Ucro, Ouaqero, Oukero, Ouogro, Uogoro, Woghuro, Wogro, Waqro, Weqro, and he used the variety Wuqro himself.) "The one sizeable town between Adigrat and Mekele." There is bank and post and main market on Thursdays. Wikro : Cherkos (Cherqos, Tcherqos, K'irk'os) The rock-hewn church is visible from the main road just north of the town, across the river. Unlike many of the other rock-hewn churches it has been easy to visit for a long time, and for many years it was the only such church in Tigray known to the outside world. Still by the 1940s it was the only one that could be reached by a road for motorcars. A modern bell-tower stands in the grounds and there is a new gatehouse to the compound, as well as some other buildings. HFF32 Wikro : Belesa (Beles, Bäläs) (villages) HFF73 Wikro (Wkro), 14/39 [Ad x] (with rock-hewn church), see under Idaga Hamus HF... Wikro (Wukro), 14/38? [+ Ad] (centre in 1964 of Barkwa sub-district) HFF22 Wikro Giyorgis & Cherkos (Wik'ro ..) 1347'/3936', 13/39 [Gz] churches near place HFF22 Wikro as above HFE57 Wikro Maryam (Wik'ro ..) (cave church), 12/39 [Gz] 1206'/3904', in Dera north of Atsbi, south-east of Adwa There is a health centre with referral hospital in Aksum. HF... Wikro wereda (Wukro ..) 13/39? [n] Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 3 of 16 (-1994-) is divided into 30 rural and 7 urban kebeles. HDD29 Wila 0821'/3822' 3065 m 08/38 [Gz] HDL85 Wila 0950'/3853' 2452 m, 09/38 [AA Gz] (with church Gebriel), east of Fiche JBP00 Wila (Uila) 0432'/4044' , 04/40 [Wa WO Gz] (well, with ford Melka Wila/Malca Uila) wila ch..: chama (O) clear weather; symbolically: the sun JBP01 Wila Chama (Uila Ch.) (area) 0433'/4048' 04/40 [+ Gz] HEM03 Wila Gakarehama kebele (Wela Gakaréhama ..) 11/39 [Ad] in mid-easternmost Guba Lafto wereda, about 14 km east of Weldiya; area 1,421 hectares. [CSA 1994] wila ge..: gerram (gärram) (A) gentle /horse/ HDM41 Wila Gerem kebele (Wela Gäräm ..) 09/39 [Ad] at the middle of the western border of Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda, 27 km s Local History of Ethiopia Wib Hamer - Wyrambo © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) HES64 Wilkifit (Wolkefit, Uolchefit /Grare/) (village & pass) 13/37 [LM Gz Gu WO] (Wilkefit, Wolchefit, Ulcheffit) Gz: 1312'/3755' 1991 m; MS: 1311'/3754' = HES54, pass 2835 m. Italian stronghold in early time at the road to Gondar from the north. wilo (A) full day = 12 hours HCS53 Wilo 0743'/3748' 2512 m, north of Hosaina, 07/37 [Gz] cf Welo, Wulo .. HDK63 Wilo 0937'/3747' 2457 m, north-west of Kachisi 09/37 [Gz] HDE74 Wilso 0848'/3851' 2133 m, south-east of Akaki 08/38 [Gz] wilti d.: dora (Afar) stream; dooraa (O) brave, courageous ?? Wilti Dora ../.. [20] Scientists and students had a camp there in mid-1975. They collected 99 fossils. win (A) real, true HDU52 Win (Uin), see Gedoye HER36 Winchi (area) 12/37 [WO] HFE57 Winibo 1405'/3907' 1957 m, south-east of Aksum 14/39 [Gz] HDM65 Winin Amba kebele (Wenen ..) 09/39 [Ad] in northern Ankober wereda, 10 km north-east of Ankober town; area 566 hectares.
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