OUR GRAND CELEBRATION RICHNESS OF ROCHE RIVER Celebration Items. ~~~~ I In the afternoon the horse races ; occu ied tentl0n at the track Princeton Upheld Her Reputation For P f " j Splendid Strike on Friday . Creek— Celebrating Dominion Day in Good I-q^wjlfew **<•- was *on »" The Gladstone and Lucky nt Style-Horseraces and Sports | J^« „H "JS^^ ^„ ,," Silverthorne Producing a Success—Close Game of High Grade Ship- Football. ,\ ping Ore. m '* Bess,.*" first in the saddle-horse . Brant | and W. ^UJBtoterman \ finishing" second I theinu*#me of the ricl and third. The half mile race was post- I Covered iu the dis] poned until Wednesday afternoon, when heavily seamed with ' jottles of Ellin down the. night property adjoining the Br^ick, there In the quarter mile foot race, Charlie \ is two feet of the sam/quality of oreJ ReveI-v showed splendid staying quali- -j Roche River district pjtoduces the high-1 ties> beating W. Kruger by 15 feet. hood, the town was literally packed with the Similkameen,! out over the Hope and it is safe to say that a more harmoni­ ous two day's jollification was never held worth seeing. The horses and the riders, REEK. all packed a remarkably heavy load. the sports had Mr" John Miles sworn in j veritable bonanza as special constablejin case o'f any trouble Western Wedding. m, the new work Our Keremeos friends carried away half the prize money. We are glad you : pleasure in announcijfc th, to the ^ of t jperty. The large- did so boys, and when you celebrate at if Alexander.warillant/M. D. home we will be there and try to return to Miss Mary S. Dunlop. tne compliment. The young couple are well k: more, and 15 tons of high grade bornite Princeton and district, Miss Dunlop hav­ Howard Aldoi ore piled on the dump. The work done The visit of the Hope Baud was one oi ing been a most popular teacher of the yards open we has exposed about 100 tons of ore, which the chief attractions. The blare of the local school for the past five months. will run close to 20 per cent, copper. As trumpets and the roll of the drums help \ The ceremony was performed at Fair- ly. The 3-leg the ledge is 10 feet wide, and gaining ed keep up the excitement wonderfully Iview on Saturday Init/Jnt^hf "»T H Ir- strength rapidly with depth, Mr. Wheel­ er ha« every reason to feel satisfied with Big Bill is an expert slow rider. He mp, Vic Ryder bride and groom stealing away quietly his property. claims the judges did not treat him fairly :ompeti to escape the publiblic^j y of Princ He refused to consider the offer of a in the slow race, as he could not have ar­ :he father of the thusiasts, who halaid /ecided to ro; allyce! $100,000 working bond on the property, rived sooner, unless he got off and push­ Similkameen country, Robert Stevenson, ebrale the eWent \fit took pi eav n as he and his associates intend develop- ed the cayuse along. winning in splendid style. Theprospec- \ L ' S flfinoeton. quietl; Frida ng : vithoi tors' foot races were a great success, the afWrtrOtuV, thV-fioctor and his bride rode for Conconully, Wash., where he F challenge r! ! The Princeton Racing box of cigars and pipes presented by Mr. 60 miles, received the ministerial bless­ has the managementof^ne of the best and Athletic Association issue a challenge Hilton Keith, of Vancouver, being great­ ing, and were home ^gain by Sunday mines in the-district. to any man 63 years of age, to run against ly appreciated by the lucky winners. - evening, having ridden fully 120 miles Messrs. Rogers, Gallinger, Silverthorne Robert Stevenson, 50 yards for $100.00, After lunch the horse races took place on horseback in two days. and Osen, returned from the L,ucky Sil­ •/Side. Open to any runner in the Dom- on Vermilion Avenue, when K^L-Sum- Dr. Whillans comes from Ottawa, Ont., verthorne claim yesterday. It adjoins* i >f Canada, or the United States. and is a graduate of McGill University. the Gladstone and is owned by the Mon­ He settled in Princeton 18 months ago prospectors' race was captured by George te Mira Mining Company, of which Mr. " Gimme another cold bottle ! Allison, after two exciting heats, George and has proved himself a capable and sidei one years have I celebrated the ( being lucky on account of Jim Snow- hardworking physician. done broke into a body Fourth. Whoop, Waughoo don's horse bolting the track near the Miss Dunlop came to Princeton from )frich [rite,with a seam of born­ her go Gallagher! Whats the wire, when he had the race well in hand. Vancouver, where she received her edu­ ite on the'foot wall. The ore is certainly with Tin'k ? He's all right!!! " The slow race was not a success from a cation at the High School. the best of the kind found, being solid racing standpoint, b.ut a good deal of Her many friends there will be pleased even a few feet from the surface. "We Personals. merriment was created by Bill Martin's to learn of her happiness. arg more than satisfied with our proper jockeying. The Klootchmans' race _was Doctor and Mrs. Whillans have settled ty " said Mr. Rogers, " and we intend Rev. R. A. Finlayson will hold servi­ down in their new home on Bridge doing 100 feet of work on the claim this ces in Princeton and district during the Street. ish of the first three horses being ex­ fall, as soon as we complete the work on present month. ceedingly close. Ahkat took first by a the Moonshiner property near Granite." Among the visitors during celebration short neck, second and third running a A report has reached the STAR office days were noticed Mr. and Mrs. George dead heat. that our old friend Captain S. F. Scott Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neil, Mr. and A grand ball at tbe-Hotel Tulameen, has been successful in closing a large Mrs. Joe Richter, Mrs. Daly, Miss Arm­ with a supper provided in the Hotel deal in Victoria for California oil fields, Church Notice. strong, (and all the boys young and old) Jackson's best style, wound up the first in which he was heavily intorested. The from Keremeos. day's sport. genial Captain has sent word to this R. Stinson has gone to Copper Moun­ On Tuesday morning the Princeton office that he intends taking a trip over Rev. R. A. Finlayson will preach i tain to complete the work on the Prin- • Giants met the Keremeos Wanderers in his old range during the summer. He is the Schoolhouse tomorrow forenoon - cess Maud claim. a closely contested game of football. assured of a heartv welcome in Princeton 11 o'clock. Everyone has a cordial ii A party of three came in from Van­ The game was a first-class one, being free vitation to be present. couver via the Hope trail yesterday. Ma. THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR OUB DIVIDEND PAYERS. B. 0. Mining Properties Make a Splen­ did Showing;. \ Palace We have much pleasure in reproducing the following excellent recapitulation of Livery the dividend paying mines in British Col­ [Stable. umbia, taken from the Nelson Tribune, a naner which has always been to the fronl pressions, viz.: Stock jobbing, coupled KEREMEOS, B. C. with expensive management, and not the real merit of the properties: When statistics are sought. for and found, they do not confirm the state­ ments made by the gang of blue-ruin shouters that are now decrying British ;rs from the Boi Columbia as a field for mining invest­ ments. Instead, they go to prove that British Columbia, considering the age of iu quartz mining industry, stands well to ront. Quoi dat ild i tana and Idaho and Utah t quartz mining has been carried on by In Montana, 13 companies have paid d Williams idends ; in Idaho, but 7. In Utah, companies have declared dividends, a Run in Connection with in California 26. British Colnmbia, < . the Keremeos Hotel. be printed for circulatio will tend to give people c When last Div­ Total Prospectors Name of idend waa de- Divid'da Paint m Paid. March, 1901..... t 20,000 ....sropr April, 1901 Cariboo, I IcKinney.... 478i<>87 April, i-Juo..'....'." i75,ooo I COVERS THE WORLD r, Rossland. January, 1898... If you want to Outfit January, 1899'... 1/ cheaply and quickly, I sSSs 1,305!°°° do so at the § A, Em HOWSE, JaPnuary^898::.' 287lsoo 3 GENERAL MERCHANT War §agl ,' Rossland.'. February, 1900 545)250 May, 1901 KEREMEOS STORE H Nicola Lake and Princeton. WM. HINE & Co., The Last Straw. I William Fleet Robertson, Pro cial Mineralogist and wetjrianket in QuicWke hav Repaie a large MACHINr workE SHOP., a large FOUNDRY, a large plant, dinarv to the mining development of ike' money by buying a large staff of men, and a large desire to do your repair work for you. ur outfit at the point We make a specialty of QUICK REPAIRING of practically all kinds British Columbia is shortly to start out u start prospecting. of machinery. Or you may need something immediately from the fol­ to inspect the mineral resources of a wide lowing lines, which we can ship at once from stock : Engines, Boilers, new section of country. His itinerary Pumps, Fans, Blowers, Ore Cars, Ore Buckets, Giants, Grizzlies, Belt­ will start from Vernon whence he will ing, Pipe, Valves, Boiler Tubes, Engineers' Fittings.
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