In This Issue: The Answers to Every 'Back-to-SchooTNeed^ •1?:*; •v? A Newspaper Devoted Complete Newi, Picture* To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Qearly Full Local Coverage And ImpartiaHy Each Week Mepenbent - leaber r-ubllshw! Bucnr Thun>d»y PRICK EIOHT CBfT$ at IS Clrffn Sinrl. Woodbrldg*. N J XLVII-NO. 26 Bntfrnt us Swond CIKHR Muter WOODBRIDOE, N. J., THURSDAY, AUOUST 18, 1955 »t the Post Olflrf, WoodhrlttRT. N J. Board Sets Water Lack Sweetness Stirs Town and Conference On Schools Complaint Light N. J. Asked to Act after ft, CHARLES K GREGORY Mwting Mondfiy to Swk Fortls, Hopelawn Alifta Decisions on Design, Protests are Heard um going to make my Coal, Program Start pitch today lor economi- WOODBRIDGE—A formlil com- s,'hool-building, because WOODBRIDGE~The Board of plaint Against the Middlesex Water [understand the Board of , Education will meet Monday for Company will be lodged with the' j exclusive consideration of the pro- Board of Public Utilltte* by the * Burntion will meet Monday l posed building program and for Township for failure to pttvttt . r.uh some belated decf- ; decision on R course of action, , water, especially in the HojtolaWn bns on a practical ap- It is understood the board will and Fords sections. carh to providing 300 roach a decision on low-cost school The action was taken after a Hims by 1960. I buildings and whether It will in- large delegation of the Hopelawn • • • • j vite outside architects to present Alliance and Individual r«aldenta [.sketches and suggestions for of the area appeared at Town ; |prforc I do this, however, | economies. meeting Tuesday and uked lor. t to offer my gratitude At Monday night's meeting, the the committee's support. \ whomever has been re- Board received several letters The complainants declared they onsiblo for weeding the TOWNSHIP ON TI1F AIR: Wondhridce Township will he the subject of a Port of New York Author- from groups advocating so-called hnd no water from 10 o'clock Sat- rdrns at the town hall, a ity prpram over CIVS Sop.-mh.r 17 at 5:45 P.M. Above the program Is tahw recorded. laMnc part "functional-type" school buildings, HAS DATE WITH HIS HERO: Little Dickie Makin, the 11 -year- urday morning until 9:30 Saturday wer* Charles E. Gruorv. publisher of The Independent-Leader: Commltteeman George Mroz who as urged by The Independent- old Iselln youngster who plays flawless baseball in the field and night. There was no water to. the ... r which I pressed last fire mains, a spokesman said, and presented the Town Committee and Postmaster Leon E. McElroy, the Township . unofftel.J hb- Leader. bats at .330 despite severe odds, will havr a dream come true on io'k purely in loyalty to-my If a fire broke out there would torlan. Left to Mint are Martin Weldon. CBS moderator; Anthony ManrleHo. AuthorUy coordina- The Chain O'Hills Woman's club Sunday, August 28, when he meets Duke Snider of the Brook- have been a tragedy. j-respect as a resident of tion officer, Mr. Gregory; a CBS representative. Arthur Volstad, CBS engineer, Mr. Mroz and Mr. endorsed "low-cost, .functional lyn Dodsen, on the Happy F«lton "Knot Hole Gang" pra-eding Commltteeman George Mroz, community. The tower McElroy. school buildings" as "best method the came between the Brooklyn club and the St. Louis Cardinals, of meeting our needs." As x result of a fine article written by Johnny Royle. sports edl- , serving as charlman- In the ab- •The Menlo Park Terrace Civic tor of the Independent - Leader, and the efforts of Charles E. sence of Mayor Hugh B. Qulgley, noved and the canna lilies Organization In its letter to the who is on vacation, said a telegram . marigolds can be dis- Gregory, editor of this newspaper, Mr. Felton has requested the Duff Vows Ail-Out Fight Hurricane Connies Board urged construction of "less youngster's presence at the game to meet hts Idol. Young Makln had been sent to the State Board nod. We planted a variety expensive, adequate school build- Is an Inspiration to all sport lovers, for he plays excellent base- of Health stating that the Mid- dlesex Water Company had failed ther flowering plants, but ings" as "common sense dictates ball despite the loss of an arm, a foot, and part of the other Wrath Visits Town 1 to supply any water to the Fords avcntly they choked to For Ban of 'GandyDancers' that course of action.' foot. In the picture above, Makin Is reading the letter from Mr. Ir All the letters were received by area and that it constituted "a Felton inviting him to be on his program. Sitting beside him Is ath—and while we can't WOODBRIDGE - The Township Is continuing Its fight to pject WOODBRIDGE—With (torreri the Board and ordered filed. health haaard." The telegram fur- his dog, and Mr. Royle, who delievered the letter. Dickie's father / them, we can enjoy the he "gandy dancers"--road pans workers—of the Pennsylvania Rail- tiiil rains and wind gusts up to 65 The resignation of Francis B. ther urged the State Board of will accompany him. of orderliness that has oad who are llvmt; in railroad cars off Fulton Street. miles an hour whipping across the Meehan, a teacher at School 8, Health to order the "Middlesex Township ahead of and iri the Ifrsterdny, J. H. Knolf. track supervisor of the Pennsylvania Rail- Keasbey was received and ac- Water Company to restore water ien installed. wake of Hurricane Connie, there .md, in chnrRp of the railroad ramp here, came to Woodbridge and cepted. service Immediately." » « * * conferred with Police Chief John R. Egan and Township Attorney Na-; was conslderabledamage caused by Conunttteeman Richard Krauss flooded cellars Saturday. Protection Fire Company, Keas- Truck Driver is Accused ; might as well Interpolate :han Duff. bey, in a letter to the Board, asked declared the "water company pays Many sections of the Township ». too, my utter disgust at Mr, Duff told Mr Knolf during that the grounds at Keasbey no attention to anyone." were without electricity but most derision which permitted the conference Hint the Te'vnship School be given a blacktop sur- Krauss Complaint of the service was restored within After Fatal Avenel Crash would leave-no stone unturned to Rites Held Today face. "It Is not only In the summer phain hot-dog stand to rise 24 hours, However, some of the "get rid of the sandy dancers" Bid By MacWIIliam WOODBRIDGE—A complaint of riuisinK death by auto has been time that there ts no water pres- the entrance to our new street lighting Is still out. who have been a source of trouble A letter was received from John filed against John Kovtun, 30. 3205 Tremley Point Road, driver of sure. Plenty of times there Is no school. I don't suppose For Avenel Suicide Trees were down all over the to the police and an annoyance to MacWIIliam, partner of the late the Nu-Car Carriers Corporation auto-conveyor truck, which figured water in the winter time in Fords," Township and the Road Depart- another hot-dog stand residents In the vicinity of Fulton Aylin Pierson, architect, asking in a three-vehicle collision and took the life of a 32-year-old Brook- Mr. Krauss continued, "If the Mid- AVENEU—Funeral services for ment was kept busy carting away lywhere can claim as ex- Street. the Board consider him for any lyn woman, seriously injured her husband and sent both Kovtun and dlesex Water Company can't sup- Miss Eleanor M. Einhorn, age 27, trees and debris. The police de- When Mr. Knolf expressed the work that may be done in the fu- another truck driver to the hospital. ply water, let's get rid of them. isive a back-drop as this partment switchboard was kept opinion some of the merrahnts 427 Woodbine Avenue, who ended ture. The truck, operated by Kovtun' You can't call them up to com- because we borrowed busy, particularly with calls from have been benefittlnR from the her life at her home Sunday, were The superintendent of schools had just received a shipmenp t of plain as they leave the receiver and one-half million! the Fords and Hopelawn areas camp's existence here, it is un- was authorized to advertise among four brand new cars frof m thtthe LinLi - off the hook. The least they can held this morning from the Qrein- where the residents were without dollars to construct a the eohool personnel that a v&-coln-Mercury plantEdi, Edisondi M,, Mon- Enrollment Record do Is to have someone to answer derstood he WHS told Woodbridge er Funeral Home, 44 Green Street, tipstone - decorated palac merchants can get along without water. ^ •'• -i(Continued or* P»«e Eight) day morning. The accidenidtt oc- the eomnlaints. They are getting : J '•*<*••>••-/«• , _.... fBpijrtw curred at the foot of the Pennsyl- away with murder." I " ' " i also kept busy answering calls At Hospital School Mr. Duff said yesterday that al She in survived by four sisters, vania Railroad Bridge, Route 1, One Hopelawn resident said he lidded a dismal littl fchakswmrntd':#» u>$£ «fu»tftmil oft somsomee, r!i of Coney Island, a the objection* would tie outlined In Mrs. Frank Florlo, Avehel: Mrs. Hopelawn Group Avenel. .. PERTH AMBOY—Twenty-nine had tried to get Mr. Mroz on the of the fire companies to give the' According to police, Kovtun's phone Saturday to complain and ii1 architectural odds wit' a formal complaint to be sent tc John Kurpell and Miss Theresa use of their pumping equipment Atlantic City nursing school stu- ,he Superintendent of the Penn truck jumped the safety isle and dents will enroll in the Perth Am- was told his phone had been dis- building and serving the Einhorn, both of Elizabeth and to pump out cellars that were Requests Signal collided with a car driven by Paul connected.
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