I4, Environment Canada Environnement Canada Fisheries Service des peches and Marine Service et des sciences de la mer Catalogue of Rivers in Insular Newfoundland Volume D LIBRARY DEPT. OF irtih ENVIRONMENT. FISHERIES SERVICE ST. JOHN'S - NFL,D,! by T. R. Porter, L.G. Riche and G. R.Traverse Data Record Series No.NEW/D -74 - 9 Resource Development Branch Newfoundland Region DATA REPORT SERIES NO, NEW/D-74-9 VOLUME D CATALOGUE OF RIVERS IN INSULAR NEWFOUNDLAND by T.R. Porter, L.G. Riche and G.R. Traverse RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT BRANCH FISHERIES & MARINE SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT OCTOBER, 1974 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page RIVER INDEX (vi) LIST OF FIGURES (x) GLOSSARY OF TERMS (xii) 1 INTRODUCTION 5 EXPLANATION OF CODES 7 Watts Bight Brook W-49-0551 11 Parker River W-01-0568 15 Bartlett's River W-01-0571 19 Upper Brook W-01-0572 21 East Brook W-01-0580 25 Northwest Brook E-02-0033 29 Irelands Brook E-03-0059 31 Northeast Brook E-03-0066 33 Northwest Brook E-03-0067 35 West Brook E-03-0080 37 Salmon River E-03-0085 41 Freshwater Creek E-03-0123 43 North East River E-03-0167 47 Beaver Brook E-04-0169 53 Shoal Brook E-04-0177 55 Northwest Brook E-04-0179 Cloud River E-04-0185 57 Unnamed E-04-0206 63 Sofflets Brook E-04-0234 65 11 Page Cascade River E-04-0235 67 Little Harbour Deep River E-04-0250 69 Cat Arm River E-04-0266 71 Coney Arm Brook E-04-0284 77 Coney Arm River E-04-0288 79 Main River E-04-0311 83 Corner Brook E-04-0314 89 Natlins Brook E-04-0316 91 Saltwater Brook E-04-0325 93 Rattling Brook E-04-0331 95 Hampden River E-04-0336 97 Big Chouse Brook E-04-0341 101 Little Chouse Brook E-04-0342 103 Purbecks Brook E-04-0352 105 Wild Cove Brook E-04-0358 107 Western Arm River E-04-0362 109 Middle Arm Brook E-04-0367 111 Fleur de Lys River E-04-0387 115 Rattling Brook E-05-0403 117 Baie Verte Brook E-05-0404 119 South Brook E-05-0406, 123 Pacquet Brook E-05-0428 127 East Brook E-06-0482 129 South Brook E-06-0506 133 Indian River E-06-0557 135 iii Page West River E-06-0564 145 South Brook E-06-0568 149 Tommy's Arm River E-06-0594 153 Sops Arm Brook E-06-0599 159 Shoal Arm Brook E-06-0605 161 Pennys Brook E-06-0610 163 Badger Bay Brook E-06-0612 165 Seal Bay Brook E-06-0632 167 West Arm Brook E-06-0672 169 Unnamed E-06-0681 173 . New Bay River E-06-0682 175 Northern Arm River E-07-0776 181 Peters Arm Brook E-07-0778 185 Exploits River E-07-0779 189 Red Indian Lake E-07-0779-1 205 Lloyd's River E-07-0779 209 Victoria River E-07-0779 213 Great Rattling Brook E-07-0779-12 217 Badger Brook E-07-0779-50 223 Mary Ann Brook E-07-0779-50-8 225 Little Red Indian Brook E-07-0779-51 227 Noel Paul Brook E-07-0779-66 231 Harpoon Brook E-07-0779-78 235 Rattling Brook E-07-0781 239 Wrris Arm Brook E-07-0785 243 iv Page Southwest Brook E-07-0815 245 Indian Arm Brook E-07-0821 247 Jumper Brook E-07-0831 251 Dog Bay River E-07-0848 253 Southwest Brook E-07-0849 259 Gander River E-09-0861 261 Barry's Brook E-09-0862 273 Ragged Harbour River E-09-0882 279 Anchor Brook E-09-0894 283 Deadman's Brook E-09-0895 287 Windmill Brook E-09-0903 293 South West Arm E-10-0930 297 Indian Bay Brook E-11-0949 299 Traverse Brook E-11-0975 305 Middle Brook E-11-0976 309 Gambo River E-11-0978 315 Northwest Brook E-11-1013 321 Terra Nova River E-11-1022 325 Big Brook E-12-1057 333 Unnamed E-12-1062 335 Bread Cove Brook E-12-1077 337 Northwest River E-12-1088 339 Salmon Brook E-12-1089 345 Middle Brook E-12-1091 349 V Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 351 REFERENCES 352 vi RIVER INDEX Name of River Index Number Page Anchor Brook E-09-0894 283 Badger Brook E-07-0779-50 223 Badger Bay Brook E-06-0612 165 Baie Verte Brook E-05-0404 119 Barry's Brook E-09-0862 273 Bartlett's River W-01-0571 15 Beaver Brook (Western Brook) E-04-0169 47 Big Brook E-12-1057 333 Big Chouse River E-04-0341 101 Bread Cove Brook E-12-1077 337 Burlington River E-06-0482 129 Campelton River E-07-0821 247 Cascade River E-04-0235 67 Cat Arm River E-04-0266 71 Cloud River E-04-0185 57 Coney Arm Brook (White Bay) E-04-0284 77 Coney Arm River (West Arm Brook),E-04-0288 79 Corner Brook (White Bay) E-04-0314 89 Deadman's Brook E-09-0895 287 Dog Bay River E-07-0848 253 East Bay (Burlington River) E-06-0482 129 East Brook (Pistolet Bay) W-01-0580 21 Exploits River E-07-0779 189 Fleur dE Lys River E-05-0387 115 Freshwater Creek E-03-0123 41 Gambo River E-11-0978 315 vi i River Index (cont'd.) Name of River Index Number Page Gander River E-09-0861 261 Great Rattling Brook E-07-0779-12 217 Hampden River E-04-0336 97 Harpoon Brook E-07-0779-78 235 Horwood River E-07-0848 253 Indian Arm Brook E-07-0821 247 Indian Bay Brook E-11-0949 299 Indian River E-06-0557 135 Irelands Brook E-03-0059 29 Jumper Brook E-07-0831 251 Leamington River..;, . E-06-0682 175 Little Chouse River E-04-0342 103 Little Harbour Deep River E-04-0250 69 Little Red Indian Brook E-07-0779-51 227 Lloyd's River E-07-0779 209 Main River E-04-0311 83 Mary Ann River E-07-0779-50-8 225 Middle Arm Brook (White Bay) E-04-0367 111 Middle Brook (Gambo) E-11-0976 309 Middle Brook (Bonavista Bay) E-12-1091 349 Natlin's Brook E-04-0316 91 New Bay River (Leamington River)„E-06-0682 175 Noel Paul Brook E-07-0779-66 231 Norris Arm Brook E-07-0785 243 Northern Arm Brook (N,D B ) E-07-0776 181 viii River Index (cont'd.) Name of River Index Number Page Northeast Brook (Hare Bay) E-03-0066 31 North East River (Chimney Bay).-E-04-0167 43 Northwest Brook (St. Anthony)...E-02-0033 25 Northwest Brook (Hare Bay) E-03-0067 33 Northwest Brook (Bonavista Bay) E-11-1013 321 Northwest Brook (Chimney Bay)...E-04-0179 55 Northwest Brook (Port BlancEord) E-12-1088 339 Pacquet Brook E-05-0428 127 Parker River W-01-0568 11 Peters Arm River E-07-0778 185 Pennys Brook E-06-0610 163 Purbecks Brook E-04-0352 105 Ragged Harbour River E-09-0882 279 Rattling Brook (I D B ) E-07-0781 239 Rattling Brook (White Bay) E-04-0331 95 Rattling Brook (Baie Verte) E-05-0403 117 Red Indian Lake E-07-0779-1 205 Riverhead Brook E-06-0564 145 Salmon Brook E-12-1089 345 Salmon River (Hare Bay) E-03-0085 37 Saltwater Brook E-04-0325 93 Seal Bay Brook E-06-0632 167 Shoal Arm Brook (Badger Bay)„„E-06-0605 161 ix River Index (cont'd.) Name of River Index Number Page South Brook (Springdale) E-06-0568 149 South Brook (White Bay) E-05-0406 123 South Brook (Green Bay) E-06-0506 133 South West Arm (Valleyfield) E-10-0930 297 Southwest Brook E-07-0849 259 South West Brook (N.D B ) E-07-0815 245 Terra Nova River E-11-1022 325 Traverse Brook E-11-0975 305 Tommy's Arm Brook E-06-0594 153 Upper Brook (Pistolet Bay) W-01-0572 19 Victoria River E-07-0779 213 Watt's Bight Brook W-49-0551 7 West Arm Brook E-06-0672 169 West Brook (Hare Bay) E-03-0080 35 West River (Riverhead Brook) E-06-0564 145 West Arm Brook (White Bay) E-04-0288 79 Western Arm Brook E-04-0362 109 Wild Cove Brook E-04-0358 107 Windmill Brook E-09-0903 293 Woodstock River E-05-0428 127 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Statistical Sections and Conservation and Protection Branch Districts for Insular Newfoundland 4 2 Parker River showing obstructions 12 3 Beaver Brook showing obstruction locations and sections surveyed 49 4 Cloud River showing obstruction locations and sections surveyed 59 5 Cat Arm River showing obstruction locations and sections surveyed 73 6 Main River showing obstruction locations and sections surveyed 85 7 Middle Arm Brook showing obstruction locations 113 8 Baie Verte Brook showing obstruction locations 120 9 South Brook showing obstruction locations 124 10 Indian River showing obstruction locations 137 11 Tommy's Arm Brook showing obstruction locations and sections surveyed 155 12 New Bay River showing obstruction locations and sections surveyed 177 13 Northern Arm Brook showing obstruction locations and sections surveyed 183 14 Exploits River drainage system 191 15 Exploits River drainage area 193 16 Dog Bay River showing obstruction locations and sections surveyed 255 17 Gander River showing obstruction locations and sections surveyed 263 18 Barry's Brook showing obstruction locations and sections surveyed 275 x i List of Figures (cont'd,) Figure Page 19 Deadman's Brook showing obstruction locations and sections surveyed 289 20 Indian Bay Brook showing obstruction locations and sections surveyed 301 21 Northwest Brook showing obstruction locations and sections surveyed 341 xii GLOSSARY OF TERMS Drainage basin: the area drained by a stream and all its tributaries (Murray and Harmon 1969).
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