Chairman´s Newsletter EUROPEAN UNION MILITARY COMMITTEE Issue nº April46, 2018 @Kostarakos LATEST E5ENTS .en. Mik ail Bostarakos In this issue: In the process of implementaon of the EU Global Strategy, sensi e 6russels, 13t April: CEUMC0s progress is ongoing in the field of Military Mobility. inter2en*on at Martens Centre0s Military Mobility addresses a strategic need. It idenfies a series of op- e2ent Message from the Chairman eraonal measures to tackle physical, procedural or regulatory barriers which currently hamper military mobility. Facilitang the mo ement of p. 1 military troops and assets is essenal for the security of European ci- )ens. It is key to build a more e*ec e, responsi e and joined-up Union CSDP actors: and use public money more e,ciently. Addionally, enabling swi. and seamless mo ement of military person- EUTM RCA nel and material within and beyond the EU will result, in the short term, by Brigadier Gen. Hermínio MAIO in increased e*ec eness both in the CS01 Missions and 2peraons and in the naonal framework. p. 2 Enhancing military mobility, howe er, is not a simple domain and is characterised by its mul-dimensional nature. The challenge, in this Tatoi 7.reece8, 19t April: CE1 respect, is to allow for a be4er mobility of forces throughout the EU yet CSDP in ac*on: UMC0 address to t e 6t Air assuring full respect of the so ereignty of the Member States o er their Power Conference organi:ed by New from our Opera*ons and naonal territories and their naonal decision making process regarding t e Hellenic Air Force Missions military mo ements. The end of 2017 has signalled a key milestone for Military Mobility in p. 3 the EU. In fact, building on the polical momentum and aware of the sensi eness of the topic, Member States decided to bring work for- News from t e Commi-ee ward on this issue. As a follow up to a European Commission and 7891 :oint Communicaon adopted in No ember 2017, Impro ing Military p. 4 Mobility in the European Union has been included among the more binding commitments of 1ESC2 projects. At the same me, it has be- .en. Mosca Mosc ini0s inter1 come one of the acons in the implementaon process of the joint EU- NAT2 declaraon of 8 :uly 2016. 2en*on in t e occasion of t e The 8oadmap on Military Mobility de eloped by the European 0efence EUMC0s 13t anni2ersary Agency (E0A) and adopted by the Steering Board last February, repre- Rota 7Spain8, 23rd April: CE1 UMC0s closing remarks at t e p. 5 sents a significant step forward. It idenfies tasks, responsibilies and melines for impro ing military mobility with parcular reference to Dis*nguis ed 5isitors' Day of legal, customs and cross-border mo ement permission aspects. MILEA 18 Aast March, the 7igh 8epresenta e and the Commission ha e sub- mi4ed an Acon 1lan on Military Mobility for Member StatesB endorse- ment. Built upon the E0ACs 8oadmap on Military Mobility, the Acon 1lan proposes recommended acons, implemenng actors and ambi- ous melines on how to address idenfied barriers to military mobility The views expressed in this newsleer are within the European Union. those o the author and do not represente the o"cial posi$on o the European Union Military At the moment, the military reDuirements for Military Mobility are be- Commiee or the single Member States) ing defined in coordinaon with other stakeholders. The EU Military Chie s o De ence Commi4ee (EUMC) will assess those reDuirements as well as agree the 6russels 24t April: CEUMC0s pro ision of all related military aspects de eloped by Member States Bey note speec to t e Hungari1 with the support of the EU Military Sta* (EUMS). an Defence Forces Senior Course I am glad to say we are looking at a new upcoming success, achie ed through the posi e engagement and contribuon of all pares in- ol ed in the implementaon of the1 EU Global Strategy. EUTM RCA by 6rigadier .eneral HermCnio MAIO EUTM RCA Force Commander .eneral, ow are you facing luon of the European Un- t is mission of leading ion, especially in the do- EUTM RCAG Is it a c allenge main of Security and 0e- to command people from fense and the implementa- so many countriesG on of the EU Global Strat- As Mission Force Command- egy. 7ere, we are pro ing er, it is a great honour for that we can go further me to command the Euro- working together, uphold- pean Union Training Mission ing European alues and 2018. I take great pride in contribung to a more se- leading these outstanding cure and stable en iron- Brigadier General Hermínio MAIO Soldiers of EUTM 8CA. ment. 2ur predecessors in- EUTM RCA Force Commander with Ten countries are contrib- cluding personnel second- Major General Daniel GRAMMATICO ung to the Mission: France, ed from EU82C281S by Aithuania, 1oland, 1ortugal, their respec e states and facing in close coordinaon 8omania, Spain, and Swe- this team led by 1ortugal with the CA8 authories, den of the European Union, ha e been working hard the United Naons together with Bosnia and and proudly to ensure Eu- (MINUSCA) and the Europe- 7er)ego ina, Georgia and rope is ha ing a posi e im- an Union Instuons, par- Serbia. Ten di*erent mode pact in CA8 and to ensure cularly the European Un- operandi and yet, one com- that the mission assigned ion 0elegaon. mon plan, one common to us is enrely met, within e*ort and a common goal to our best military and ci ili- D y as t e Mission now a4ain: the rebuilding of the )aonal alues and tradi- decided to spread a News1 Central African 8epublic 0e- ons, as well as in the best le-erG fense structures and its interests of European ci- Sharing our EUTM 8CA Armed Forces, in the frame- )ens. newsle4er with Global and work of the Security Sector Through our Mission we Aocal readers also helps to 8eform led by MINUSCA. A are enabling a more secure gi e to the ci)ens of CA8 great and enduring e*ort future for the populaon of and Europe a be4er under- along with the CA8 authori- the CA8, the region, the standing of the missionBs es and other countries and connent and also to the tasks and accomplishments. internaonal organisaons European Union. Ee are of the Internaonal Com- making the path for a more munity. sustainable economic and social de elopment in this And do you t ink t is kind part of the world. of mission is important to t e European UnionG D at ot er en**es are en1 Ges, our acons in CA8 are gaged in t is Eoint eFortG important steps in the e o- This is the endea or we are 2 News from our Opera*ons and Missions EUFOR ALTHEA 2n April the 27th, in a ceremony held at EUF28 7eadDuarters near Saraje o, Brigadier Gen- eral :H)sef S)pisjIk handed o er the posion of Chief of Sta* EUF28 to Brigadier General GIbor 7or Ith (7ungarian Armed Forces). The ceremony was honoured by delegates from Bosnia and 7er)ego ina and other disn- guished guests, including the 1rincipal 0eputy 7igh 8epresenta e, Mr 0ennis 7earne, Brig- adier General 8obert 7uston, Commander of NAT2 7eadDuarters Saraje o, and Brigadier General Jsolt Sandor, 0eputy Commander of :oint Force Command in 7ungary. EUNA5FOR ATALANTA 2n April the 5th, 8ear Admiral Simone Mal agna (Italian Na y) assumed the role of Force Commander of the European UnionBs counter-piracy 2peraon Atalanta on board his Kag- ship, ITN Carlo MargoLni. The ceremony, held in 0jibou port, was a4ended by 2peraon AtalantaBs 0eputy 2pera- on Commander (0C2M), 8ear Admiral Alfonso Nanclares .M EU NA5FORMED Sop ia 2n April the 24th, following the cooperaon agreement signed last 4th of :uly 2017, the 2peraon Commander, 8ear Admiral Enrico Credendino, and the Italian Naonal an-mafia and counterterrorism 1rosecutor, Federico Cafiero 0e 8aho, met the Italian 1rosecutors commi4ed in the fight against human beings smuggling and tra,cking. The meeng, held in EUNA9F28 Med N 2peraon Sophia 7eadDuarters, has been a success- ful model of cooperaon between a military operaon and lawBs enforcement agencies. EUTM Mali In April, EUTM Mali has organised and conducted the 6th Company Command Course (CCC6) at the Ooulikoro Training Centre (OTC). 0uring the almost 12 weeks course, 20 Malian Armed Forces (MaAF) junior 2,cers were trained, educated and prepared for their current and future dues as Company Unit Command- ers. EUTM Somalia 2n April the 16th and 17th, the EUTM-Somalia Mission Force Commander, Brigadier Gen- eral 1ietro Addis, met the Somali 0eputy Chief of 0efence, General Abdullahi Anod, to dis- cussed the posi e results achie ed by the Birjeh Ba4alion Aight Infantry Company, recently trained by the instructors of EUTM-Somalia. 0uring the meeng, Gen. Anoud announced that the Somali Naonal Army is ready to start the training of addional 120 soldiers. Training, together with Ad isory and Mentoring, is one of the of EUTM-Somalia mandateBs pillars. EUTM RCA 2n April the 14th, the EUTM-8CA organised and held the PCQrQmonie des couleursP. In the occasion of the meaningful e ent, a number of soldiers parcipang in the Mission were decorated. 3 News from t e Commi-ee 17th anniversary of the first sitting of the EUMC On April the 11th, on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the EUMC, the daily meeting has commenced with a short address from the 2nd Chairman of the Committee, General Rolando Mosca Moschini.
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