Volume 87, Number 51$1.00 .PROSPECTFRDAY, MOUNT FEBRUARY 24,2I017 ******EC RLOT 0039A**C071 MT PROSPECTPUBLIC LIBRARY 10 S EMERSONST STE 1 MT PROSPECT,IL 60056-3295 0000058 1.11.11..,11.1..11.1..11111 IOU lllll ILI Cruise Night BONKERS FOR BUCKETS Sticking Around Rumor That Popular Event Might End 'Lost Momentum' By TODD WESSELL Journal & Topics Editor Ford Mustangs and Thunderbirds, Pontiac GTO muscle cars and possibly Chevy Chevelles will line Northwest Highway in downtown Mount Prospect for the II th annual Bluesmobile Cruise Night starting May 27. The popular event, coordinated by members of the Mount Prospect Lions Club, attracts on average 1,000 people to the downtown area providing a boost in business to nearby shops and restaurants. Despite rumors last fall that the event might end, "there's no way it would ever go away," said organizer Christopher Gordon. "No consideration has been given to not holding it," said Gordon this week. "Every year we have to review where we're at." (Continued on page 8A) The boys from Fremd cel- ebrate their Mid Suburban League boys basketball cham- pionship Wednesday night at Prospect High School. Turn to page12A. (Shawn Clisham/ Support Continues To Wane The Journal) Right: Maine West's Allison For Red Light Cameras In MP Pearson directs traffic Monday night during her team's win over Maine South to advance Third in a series on the racefor several years have stated to last night's (Thursday) for Mount Prospect Villagethey do not want red light cam- girls basketball sectional championship game (after the Board. eras catching motorists who Journal's press deadline). A disobey rules of the road. win there over Evanston would By RICHARD MAYER Not one of the five candi- have propelled the Warriors to next Monday's super -sectional Assistant Managing Editor dates running for three village at Addison Trail. For full cov- board seats April 4 are in favor erage of last night's contest, Several communities in theof installing the cameras that turn to the Journal Online at Journal-topics.com. (Dion Chicago -area utilize red lightcould generate thousands in Martorano/The Journal) cameras to generate additionalnew revenue for a town like revenue, but not Mount Pros-Mount Prospect. pect. Elected village officials (Continued on page 8A) it. r VViAtii Page 2A I Friday, February 24, 2017 The Journal www.journal-topics.com SELL TODAY Pets & Prayer RISK FREE `Paws In Pews' Welcomes All God's Creatures' To Church By DENISE FLEISCHER GUARANTEED Lifestyles Editor "Some churches are known Hat/Skil/. for music ministry. We wanted to find one that brought togeth- ERVICE GUARANTEE er lots of people," said the Rev. 224.650 SSHT (7748) M.C. Eccles of St. Martin's www.SpousesSellingHousesTeantnet Episcopal Church. Apparently that goes for pets, too. The sign on the grounds of St. Martin's promoting "Paws CALL NOW1-800-184-2150 in the Pews" said all creatures are welcome. The new pet min- Save On A istry was a group decision, said Eccles, who got help from Sue Metal Root! Krauser, stewardship chair at St. Martin's, and Denise Bozza, senior warden. Becky Cippola worships with Raggles during "Paws in the Pews" service in January. Having seen the success of their pet blessings, organizers. took things a step further and invited church members to the monthly "Paws in the Pews" Eucharist service. The first ser- vice Jan. 22 included four dogs who were well behaved and wore leashes. The next "Paws in the Pews" was scheduled for Rev. M.E. Eccles' pets Raggles, Feb. 19 followed by March 19, a poodle -terrier mix, and Pixie, a April 23, May 21 and June 18. chocolate lab. After the services, the church Left: Denise Bozza, senior war- hosts a Water Bowl & Coffee den at St. Martin's, with Gabby, a www.1866GetAPro.com Hour social time. Black Lab. "All God's creatures are a blessing in our lives," Eccles said. Her dOgs Pixie, a choco- Col. Jill Morgenthaler's new late lab/pit mix, and Raggles, puppy Jasper also attended. a poodle -terrier mix, attended. St. Martin's is also consider- Denise Bozza's black Lab ing starting a new grief and loss Gabby was there, too. Retired group for pet owners. Village OKs Payments To Fire District Mount Prospect will pay the The village is now respon-continue to provide contin- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1ST Elk Grove Rural Fire Protectionsible for providing thoseued education for fire district COME FOR ALL THE FUN S FESTIVITIES District over $600,000 annually properties with police and fireparamedics. In return, the fire ALL WEEK LONG! in each of the next three yearsservices in addition to otherdistrict will continue to provide allowing the district to continuevillage services. mutual aid to the village under serving unincorporated areas By annexing, Mount Pros-an existing agreement between around the village. pect is obligated by state statutethe two. The new intergovernmentalto pay the Elk Grove Fire Pro- Moving forward, both will agreement, approved by vil- tection District a five-year, pro-continue to work together in lage trustees Tuesday, followsrated tax levy payment for thegood faith to establish a long- Mount Prospect's efforts overnewly annexed properties. term plan to provide fire protec- the last year to forcibly annex The agreement approvedtion services to any remaining several previously unincorpo-Tuesday night calls for an ac-unincorporated areas. 'Complete European DO *Fresh Bakery rated pieces of land. During that celerated payment plan to assist Mount Prospect Fire Chief (wit/ Mil Boar's Head) 'Fresh Hot Foods *ButcherShop 'Grocery time, Mount Prospect annexedthe fire district in maintain-Brian Lambel and the fire chief Imports 'Large Produce Area property along Lynn Court,ing services to the remainingof American Fire and Rescue 'Complete Bakery Addison Court, Busse Road,properties within the district,have started the process of out- Open 7 Days East of Creek, Malmo Drive,so it can remain operable inlining three options to present to A Week Nordic Road, Carboy Road andthe short-term. fire district board members. 6am to 9pm the UnitedAirlines property, all According to the agreement, According to Lambel, all 959 E. Oakton St. OFF Des Plaines, IL ANY $50.00 on the village's far south side.the village will pay the districtsides are committed to working 60018 Those properties were served$665,427 in the first year andtogether to provide the most (847) 827.6700 NUMICIEMCOUN:11 MO 14.41.,08; WE ACCEPT by the Elk Grove Rural Fire$665,426 in each of the nexteffective and efficient service Protection District for fire andtwo years. to both the Mount Prospect and EMS response. The fire department willfire district communities. www.journal-topics.com The Journal I Friday, February 24, 2017 I Page 3A DP To Opt Out Of MP Eyes Birch Manor Annex Minimum Wage Hike? ByRICHARD MAYER know if they had any say invices they will soon start Assistant Managing Editor the annexation process andreceiving from the village will By LAUREN BARRY how becoming part of thebe quicker and more efficient Journal & Topics Reporter Residents of an unincorpo-village would affect them incompared to the county. rated condominium complexthe long run. "The county is trying to get Des Plaines aldermen are expected to discuss opting out of new on Mount Prospect's far south Village attorney Lancerid of these donut holes, and if Cook County minimum wage and sick day regulations during a side asked village trusteesMalina stated Mount Prospectnot now, it is inevitable," she council meeting in April or May. for more time before forciblycan pursue forcible annexationsaid adding the county keep- According to Ald. Don Smith (7th), chairman of the city's fi- annexing their homes into thesince Birch Manor is less thaning certain unincorporated nance committee, Des Plaines has until Julyl, the day the mandate village. 60 acres in size and surroundedparcels is becoming too costly goes into effect, to make its final decision on the issue. Several residents from theby the village. Residentsto maintain and serve. In October, the county approved an ordinance that requires Birch Manor condominiumswould have little say in the With the village annexing businesses to raise their minimum wage from $8.25 per hour to spoke at Tuesday night'sdecision -making process. Birch Manor, Cooney said fire $10 per hour this year. From now until 2020, the minimum wage Mount Prospect Village Board Director of Communityalarms and smoke detectors will rise incrementally to $13 per hour. The new ordinance also meeting. Located at the north- Development Bill Cooneywould need to be installed in requires businesses to offer full and part-time employees who west corner of Dempstersaid residents in Birch Manorall the residential units. work more than 80 hours in a four -month period up to 40 hours Street and Linneman Road,would see an average $55 in- Village Manager Michael of paid sick leave each year. the 18 -acre Birch Manorcrease in their annual propertyCassady said the village is As a Home Rule municipality, Des Plaines has the option to development includes 288tax bills paid to the village.working with the complex's create its own minimum wage standards rather than adhering individually owned condo-He pointed out those residentsmanagement company and to the county ordinance. minium units. Located inwere paying $85 annually forlooking into Community Shortly after the ordinance was passed, Des Plaines Chamber Elk Grove Township, it cana vehicle sticker from CookDevelopment Block Grant of Commerce board President Holly Sorenson explained that forcibly annexed into MountCounty, but that cost would gofunding to help install those owners of small businesses in the city were afraid that they Prospect since it is surrounded down to $45 for the village'salarms and detectors.
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