. A. ' n ' > ’ - y • « T Average Dally Net Pren Rim The W enth^ ■ Per^Ch* W eek'iM ed ■ Cloudy with occasional llg lA '^ ■> ttHofell, iMf » *'>’U rain or drizaio tcnlidit and morrow morning, low ' in loy.^vk' 30b; partial cleiuring tomorrdNilSt' - 'i 15,087 Mgb 4 0 ^ . ■ •"'■■‘'''i 'i- Mtl^hekfeT-^A Ct^ o / W » ' ! Charm yOL. LXXXVI, NO. 137 (ty^NTY.PODR PAGBR^TWO SBCtlONtt ilANCHEpER, CONN./MoW a Y, MARCH 13, 1967 (Olaastfled Adveytislng on Page 31) PRICE SEVEN C tO fU ^ , 7 1 ^ f tee Btdloons ■ICAiNfSAS C I T Y . Mo. (AP)' ^llCe t^ief C. M. Organizer K s ll^ blew the whistle on ‘ballobA .yeddldra at the po­ lice pirous. In Municipal AudltortOay yesterday and a •ose lot of-children got free bal­ loons. Kelley said a 'ruling was TEW YORK Ul^) — .made two years ago that |im«B H. Meredith, s civil sales of novelty items on ^htS maverick who drew Sunday vioUted Missouri’s j,e wrath of many Negya M.iie. laws "and I ordered iMderg for opposing Adam 'them stopped." ^ , Solon Admits t^yton P o\^, suddenly T h e 1 vendors protested l&lled out of the special that such sales are made in cpngtessional- rape today. stores and were made the Personal Use He apparently gave into previous' Sunday at an auto- fifpwing pressures. nmbile show. Kelley's order Of Some Gash In a surprise pbst-mldnlgbt •stuck. , .f .So, . rather than deflate ahhouncement, Juet as stunning W a s h in g t o n (a p )— as his entry into the « c e last their helium-filled balloons W d ' repack them. the Sen. Thomas J. Dodd wa* ^ e s d a y as the choice of Repub­ described today as a ma­ lican leaders, f Meredith offered 'vendors gave them to the no explanation for his withdraw­ youngsters. jor organizer of his own al. He declined to elaborate on a testimonial dinners — af­ flhe-sentence statement: "1 fairs which helped two have decided not to run in the years ago to put $94,869.- 18th Congressional District." R e d D n ltB in 57 into his personal bank Some Harlem sources said account. titat Meredith, an independent Y ields Pair 'liie Connecticut Democrat D.emocrat, bowed to pressures acknowledged that deposit in from civil Hgh'ts leaders. There one of a tangled series of stipu­ also were reports that Powell, O f O ld Foes lations filed as the Senate ethlca through liitermedlaries, had committee opened Its Inquiry been appealing to Meredith to MOSCOW (AP) — Two old into his financial affairs. drop out. men who once were among the And Dodd acknowledged that 'The appeals were said to have .r fri*’ Soviet ; Union’s most powerful some of the $170,000 from four been made on grounds of a need poliUcians — Nikita S. Khru­ testimonial affairs went to pay fw Negro unity. Meredith re­ shchev and Vyacheslav M. Mol­ for home Improvements, liquor, portedly was told that by ac­ otov — emerged from ^scurity flowers, football tickets and oth­ cepting the Republican nomlna- Sunday to vote in a legislative er personal expenses as well aa iitm to run against Powell, a ** vai ' election. campaign costs. Democrat, he would be the . Condgned to what Khru- He Insisted, however, that White man’s candidate. Sen. Thomas Dodd and his wife arrive to attend public hearing of the Senate riichav used to call-"the dust Ethics. Committee. Dodd’s financial affairs are under scrutiny by the commit­ virtually, ail the funds went to , Sources said Meredith was bin of history," the two former tee. (AP Photofax) pay off political debts. And It told that he could make an even adversaries have been living in could not be determined Imme­ tQpre dramatic gestures by the secluded reUre"ien‘. '^e diately from the 162 pages of giving up the support of the Kremlin’s post-Stalin leadership stipulations and exhibits how white people. This, it was said, James Meredith talked with newsmen in New York reserves for its political losers. High Court Ruling much testimonial money Dodd would make him an even bigger City this morning but gave no explanation of his Their public' appearances are Shaky Ground spent for personal expenses. hero In the Negro community. sudden withdrawal from the special congressional rare, an,d they are seldom men- Dne factor that reportedly CHAPEL HILL, N.C. A series of stipulations cover­ race against Adam Clayton Powell. (AP Photofax) Uoned in the Soviet preM. ing loan repayments with funds Indirectly influenced his deci- .Khrushchev drew a friendly (A P )—^The ground at the id<m to quit, it understood, University of North Caro­ from a testimonial bank account crowd o f tqt least 1,000 at a Speedy Trial Right showed that part of the money was a statement by Dr. Martin lina is so shaky that the de­ polling station hear his Moscow Went to make payments against tuther King Jr- Pedestrian Dies in Vernon apartmSnt. It was his biggest partment o f geology is mov­ JKing said in Hartford, Conn., ing its seismograph out of i$88,600 in foans taken, to pay his public turnout since he was inebme taxes. Sunday night that Meredith’s ousted in 196i. town to the peace and quiet campaign against Powell in on of nearby farm country. The testimony about Dodd’s Thin, subdued iahd looking Us own role in promoting the testi­ Harlem is lU-tlmqd. King said T years, IQuhlsht^v .shined University geologists, Town Girl Killed 2 WASHfl^TCM (AP) —The on the "firndamehtal fairness monials came from Jiunes. P. ihat it would be much better for - back at his groetdra, touahied;hi8 hope the instrument will be the House to seat Powell again Su^hme dourt ruled today that assured by the due process Boyd Jr., fprmer administrativa clause of the. 14th Amendment” able then to settle down and because of What he termejl ; (See page Twen^-Thiee) the right to a speedy trial, guar­ assistant to the senator. The other justice who did not do its job—detecting earth­ "unique factort" which wpold anteed by the sixth amendment Boyd said at the time of a i m Tf;; join in Warren’s opinion was quakes. tmuse Harlem Negroes-tar Vhle . to the U.S. Constitution, is bind­ dinner addressed by then Potter Stewart. He noted, ■with- Chapel Hill is no more for him en masse. Caeelll, 18, of 125 Bourget of Weyhioiith, w sf Wll- r-i • ing on the states. Vice President Johnspii..— Dodd .Chief .Justice ^arl Warren out amplification, that he con- turbulent thw any other Meredith, is. admitted when YollllfiSterS Safe college town. But geologists Instructed hlni to give, this an­ he accepted the Republican of- MaasachusettiFISlIl*? u w e killed struck by a car 4Arlfe waiktag announced this for the court as curred in the result. say construction work and swer to people udw, asked, fer to oppose PoweU that he was separate auto mishaps in across the Wilbur CroM HUgh- it ruled North (Carolina may not The court acted on an appeal street traffic have given the whether he would int «nioney' laying himself open to "the fear Hartford and Vernon Saturday way in Vernon. .i ■-. ■ Ind^ihltely postpone prosecu- by Pster Klopfer of Duke Uni­ seismograph the jitters re­ tro ia the iu^f: "Iwl hem I and the scorn from fellow Ne- “ *ght. Miss Ctaeelll, who su ffe i^ tkm c t ft Duke University zoolo­ versity who challenged approval Inlb Icy Tbndt; cently. M ^ s .” Caselli was killed at severe head injuries, was pro- gy profesSor oil a trespass in­ by North 'Carolina- courts of a (8m Page 8hQ Not a single Negro political pjn. when the car - in nounced dead at Hartford-Hoe- ; TORRINGTON (AP)-A;^toe- dictment. procedure that permitted his leader of either major party, or which she was a passenger was pltol, a hospital spokesman i»- year-old glri and her yduQ^ "This court has never decided retrial at anj)iu. time on^ a sus- any Harlem community or na- Wvolved in an apparent auto ac- ported. brother clung to broken ic4 Ih that issue before," the chief jus­ pend)Sd‘ trespass indictment. civil rights leader sup- cident on Capitol Ave. near For- Hartford police, who are ,e ^ the Brass hflU dam for 15 min­ tice said from the bench. Warren called this an "ex ­ est St. in Hartford. Investigating the mishap, qu^- utes before being rescued by "The right to a speedy trial is traordinary criminal proce­ Moriarty Mentioned (See Page Pour) The other victim, Napoleon ed the driver of flie car in liwo firemm and a passerby. as beusic as any right contained dure’’ and the North Caro­ ■ ■ ' ________________. wMch Miss Oaselli was killed as . All three rescuers also broke in the "sixth amendment," he lina Supreme (jourt’s position ' sajriiig his car w m struck by throiigh ^ . ice before Jereen added. ' “has been expliclty rejected as many as throe oar;. No^cara Bush and her brother Jeffrey, With the decision the court by every other state court which In Dodd Stipulation were discovered at the aoeiM, A;tMre phlled to safety Sunday. to<dc another historic step to­ has considered the question.’’ “Dodd Testimonial Breakfast’* DeGaulle Prestige poUoe said, hut they are check­ Jereen Ahd her l»other were ward r^uiring BUI- of Rights /*By p b i n e A s FI8KE It serves, said the chief jus­ '..in Hartford on Oct. 26, 1963, ing stortes of several witnesses.
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