Special Edition Спеціальне Видання XXIst Olympic Games in Montreal July 17 -August 1,1976 The Ukrainian Weekly Edittor СВОБОДА SVOBODA УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAINIAN D A I L V VOL. LXXXIII No. 135 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 18, 1976 25 CENTS UNA Executive Committee Olympic Games—The Greatest Assess Progress at Parley Sports Event in the World JERSEY CITY, N.J.-Assessment of of 5318,300 in death benefits, by 53,700 progress in all phases of its activity, as less than last year, and a total of 5384,000 well as developments in Ukrainian com­ in endowments, or by 559,000 more than munity life, were the principal items on last year. the agenda of the meeting of the Supreme Executive Committee of the Ukrainian Membership Movement National Association held at its headquar­ ters here Monday, July 12. Reporting on the movement of member­ Attending the meeting, chaired by ship and new services^ Mr. Sochan said Supreme President Joseph Lesawyer that as of the end of June, UNA's total were the supreme officers: Vice-President membership amounted to 87,533, includ­ Dr. John 0. Fiis, Director for Canada Sen. ing 68,443 active members. Soyuz sus­ Paul Yuzyk, Vice-President Mary Dush- tained substantial losses in the first six nyck, Secretary Walter Sochan, Treasur­ months, notably 559 in total membership er Ulana Diachuk, and Organizer Stefan and 706 in active membership. Hawrysz, as well as Svoboda Editor-in- A total of 1,322 new members joined the Chief Anthony Dragan. UNA in the first half of the year, or 54 less than year, the two totals constituting the Assets Grow lowest gains in the past decade. Of the total organized this year, 344 are mem­ Reporting for the first five months of bers of the juvenile department, 787 the year, Mrs. Diachuk said that the adults and 191 are ADD certificate Association's assets increased by holders. 8615,461.14, while a total of 5470,902.75 In accordance with a resolution of the was paid out in dividends to members in Supreme Assembly, proposed by Mr. A site that, thanks to television, is familiar to millions around the world is the early June, income from dues for the first Sochan, Soyuz has started accepting ceremonious opening of the Olympic Games. As athletes from all participating five months was by 57,378.57 less than for non-medical applications for amounts of nations march into the stadium under their banners, preceded by the five-ring up to 510,000 by persons up to 35 years of the same period last year and by (4,243.12 Olympic flag, the Olympic torch brought from Greece is lit atop a podium, less for the first six months of the year, age. After consulting the actuaries, Mr. signifying that the Games are underway. The flags are hoisted and the oath is amounting to a total of 51,545,180.92. Sochan proposed and the Executive taken by the athletes. Then competition starts in some 20 sports. This year the The yield on bonds amounted to Committee approved the following: 5569,176 or by 567,902.84 more than for The UNA will request special investig­ site is Montreal, Canada, where the XXIst Modern Olympiad is taking place the same period last year. Interest on ative reports, conducted by an investig­ from July 17th through August 1st. mortgage loans brought in 5105, 567.62, ative concern, on applicants for 510,000 (See special insert on the Olympic Games inside this issue). by 516,235.16 less than last year. The worth of life insurance or more (prev.- Ukrainian National Urban Renewal Cor­ 55,000); poration, in charge of UNA Building, paid Holders of term insurance certificates Mark 100th Anniversary Of Emsk to the UNA interest on loans, for July 1 (T-5 and T-10) may apply for new through December 31, 1973, in the certificates before the expiration of their amount of 5263,017.03. The Corporation present ones without medical examination Edict With Hunger Strike still owes interest for the period beginning for the same amount of term insurance but January 1, 1974. not more than 510,000 to age 40 and not NEW YORK, N.Y.-A group of politi­ ian prisoners, Vasyl Fedorenko and Income from printing amounted to more than 55,000 to age 50. cal prisoners incarcerated in the Vladimir Mykhaylo Makarenko, who were later 5213,000, which was almost the same as Prison staged a hunger strike on May 6, joined by inmates of other nationalities, last year, while Soyuzivka's income of Organizing Department 1976, on the occasion of the 100th among them many Russians. 552,800 was by 52,000 less than last year. anniversary of the Emsk Edict, according The Emsk Edict, proclaimed by the A total of 5107,600 was paid out in cash Mr. Hawrysz, in reporting for the to the press service of the Ukrainian Russian tsar in the German town of surrenders, reported Mrs. Diachuk, or by Organizing Department, said that in the Supreme Liberation Council (abroad). Bad-Ems ur 1876 prohibited the use of the nearly 57,000 less than last year, the sum (Continued on page 13) The strike was initiated by two Ukrain- Ukrainian language in publications. Fedorenko, 47, was twice previously arrest for his poitical activity. His last arrest stemed from his alleged Thousands Attend CN Week attempt to illegally cross the Soviet-Cze- cho-Slovak border en route to Germany. He had unsuccessfully tried to obtain an Observance At Statue Of Liberty exit visa to Germany were his sister NEW YORK, N.Y. (UCCA Special).- American and international leaders. AFL-CIO which took them to the ferry resided. Thousands of members from various Coordinators and masters of ceremonies from where they were transported to Fedorenko was caught at the frontier, ethnic organizations of the metropolitan at the program were Lee Edwards, Liberty Island. Once on the island, they arrested, and sentenced to 15 years in area of New York and other tourists from executive secretary of the National Cap­ formed marching ranks, following the prison. around the globe attended the "Bicenten­ tive Nations Committee (NCNC), and Dr. flag-bearers and proceeded to the assem­ The first five years of his incarceration nial Salute to the Captive Nations," held Walter Dushnyck, member of the UCCA bly area near the Statue of Liberty, where were spent in strict regime confinement. on Sunday, July 11, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Executive Board and editor of "The a special stage was erected by AFL-CIO On April 20, 1975 he was trnasferred to at the Statue of Liberty in New York Ukrainian Quarterly." for performers and speakers. the Vladimir Prison, where he staged a Harbor. As they marched, the Staten Island 95-day hunger strike. In December of that The special "Salute" observance was Liturgy at St. Patrick's Music Society Military and Concert Band year he began a second fast hoping to sponsored by the American Bicentennial under the direction of Mr. David Simon, secure a review of his case. Committee for the Independence of the The "Salute" rally was preceded by the played martial tunes. Among the march­ Makarenko, 44, was arrested on July 5, Captive Nations, an ad hoc organization Holy Liturgy at St. Patrick's Cathedral in ers were local SUMA members. 1969, and sentenced by a Moscow oblast made up of about 50 labor, veterans, New York City, attended by hundreds of The presentation of the colors was court to eight years in prison. ethnic and patriotic groups in the New people, at which an appropriate sermon performed by members of the Queens He was accused of allegedly writing a York area. County Chapter of the Catholic War letter to a meeting of the Communist The AFL-CIO had endorsed the Bicen­ was delivered by Very Rev. Msgr. Robert Veterans, led by Commander Jerry Party in Budapest. He apprently signed tennial Salute and provided much of the Moskal, of the Ukrainian Catholic Arche- Bianchi who also recited the "Pledge of the letter: "The party of partyless logistic support for the organization of the parchy of Philadelphia. Many attendants Allegiance" with Edward Fermoselle of workers struggling for socialsim." rally. were dressed in their native costumes and the Cuban Exile Organization "Abdala." Makarenko spent the first part of his The four-hour program featured music carried their national flags. Following the singing of the American sentence in the Mordovian penal colony. and folk dancing by various ethnic After the services, ethnic representa­ national anthem by Elizabeth Markowski, He was moved to Vladimir in October ensembles, and speeches by prominent tives boarded six buses provided by the (Continued on page 2) 1974. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 18, 1976 No. 135 Dr. Dobriansky Testifies On World Medical Association Intervenes For Dr. Plakhotniuk Ukrainian Churches FERNEY-VOLTAIRE, France. -The you would verify this information and in WASHINGTON, D.C.-In testimony World Medical Association, in a letter to case it is true, we would appreciate before the Subcommittees on Interna­ the president of the Ukrainian SSR, U. immensely your firm intervention in order tional Political and Military Affairs and Hrushetsky, requested that he do every­ to alleviate the suffering of our colleague International Organizations, Dr. Lev E. thing in his power to alleviate the plight of and to permit him to receive, during his Dobriansky, UCCA President, called for the incarcerated Ukrainian doctor Mykola detention, the best humanitarian and concentrated official action on the geno- Plakhotniuk. cided Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic The appeal to the Soviet government medical care," wrote Dr.
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