TRA[HDEWSLETTER and Traa:k5tats Vol. 19, No. 9 March 15, 1973 UNITED STATES OUTDOOR NEWS AC,Middletown, Conn., Aug. 13-HT, Paliwoda(Conn) 2:20:41. 204-6( 18th performerall-time US). AAU Junior One-HourWalk, Reno, Nev., March 3 /ages AC, El Paso,Tex., March2-PV, Jessee(Strid) 17-4(=10th 14-19/-Bentley(Sierra AW) 7M, 136y; 2. Hallack(Mexico) performerall-time US). Wt, Farmer(UTEP-Aus) 64-6. 7M,91y; 3. Snazelle(Sierra AW) 7M, 1 ly ·. LongBeach Relays, Irvine, Calif., March2(a)-3(b)-6M(b), 5-way,Abilene, Tex., March10-lOO(w), 0 kyir (AngSt-Gha) Wagenbach(Full St) 28:10.4. PV(b),Smith (P Coast)17-0; 2. 9.4. Rullard(Sn Cal).,.16-6.- LJ(b, ok); Jaekson-{Strid·Jam)24- 9¼. --­ Quad,Austin ; Tex., March,o.:..44Q1 H, Stephen"s(Bayt51.7; TJ(a, ok), Jackson51-2½; 2. Tucker(L BeachSt) 51-1¾;3. 2. Gailey(Bay) 51.8. PV,Smalley (Tex) 16-1. SP,Dolegiewicz Washington(Sn Cal)50-8½. SP(b),Feuerbach (P Coast)66-11½. (Tex-Can)60-2½. DT, Dolegiewicz185-10; 2. Thomas181-2. HT(a), Lockwood(L BeachSt) 177-0. 440R, Cal International TexasA&M 72-Rice551/:z-Houston 41½, CollegeStation, Tex., 40.3; 2. SouthernCal 40.4. March10-120HH(ok), Jones (A&M) 14.0. PV, Roberts(R) BorderOlympics, Laredo, Tex., March3-120HH(ok), Light­ 16-6. SP,Stadel (R) 57-9¼. DT, Stadel(R) 192-0. foot (Tex) 14.0. 440IH, Cronholm(Rice) 51.7. PV, Roberts ArizonaRelays, Tucson, Ariz., March10-440R, Arizona (Rice) 16-6. LJ(ok), Brabham(Bay) 25-0. Coll LJ(ok), Owusu State40.3 (Wells,McCullough, Chewning, Peoples); 2. Arizona (AngSt-Gha) 24-11. SP,Walker (SMU) 63-7; 2. Dolegiewicz 40.8. 880R,Arizona State 1: 24.0 (McCullough,Peoples, Koep­ (Tex-Can)59-3. DT, Stadel(Rice) 183-5. JT, Pearce(Rice) pen,Manning). Mile A, ArizonaState 3: 11.0 (Manning,Lewis, 239-11; 2. Pere( Lamar)239-0; 3. Busha(Tex) 237-5. Peoples,McCullough). TJ(ok), Robinson(Ariz-Jam) 51-½; 2. EasternNew Mexico-Wyoming, Portales, N.M., March3- Tubb (Ariz) 50-2½.SP, B.Wilhelm (NYAC) 62-8¼; 2. Semkiw lOO(w),Brathwaite (En NM-Trin)9.3; 2. Galbough(W) 9.4. (Ariz St) 58-8. DT, GurTZel(Ariz) 192-0. JT, Sonsky(NYAC) 880, Bait (En NM-Ken)1 :49.9. 263-0; 2. Strickland(Ariz) 251-6; 3. Hawkinson(Ariz) 243-0. InternationalU-Azusa Pacific, San Diego, Calif., March3- SanJose State 87-Stanford 58, Stanford,Calif., March10- DT, Nilsson(Intl U-Swe)177-2. Mile,Schilling (S Jose St) 4: 04.2 (frosh). SP,Albritton (Stan) Arizona121-0c:cidental 33, EagleRock, Calif., March3- 61-5¼(frosh-3rd performer all-time 18-years-old). HJ,Joseph (A) 7-1. DT, Gunzel(A) 183-7. JT, Hawkinson(A) California841/:z-Oregon State 60½, Berkeley, Calif., March10- 239-8. SP,Walker (OS) 59-0; 2. Schmidt(OS) 57-11½; 3. Cramer UCLA99-Arizona State 44, Westwood,Calif., March 3- (OS)57-11¼. JT, Judd (OS)247-10; 2. Kennedy(C-Rho) 100(ok),McCullough (AS) 9.5. 220(ok), McCullough20.9. 242-11. 440, Parks(UCLA) 46.3; 2. Brown(UCLA) 46.3; 3. Peoples UCLA 127-SanDiego State 17, Westwood,Calif., March10- (AS)47.4. 120HH(w),Rich (UCLA) 13.9. HJ,Stones (P Coast­ 120HH(ok),White (Strid-guest) 13.7; 2. Rich (UCLA) 14.0. guest)7-½. PV, Tracanelli(UCLA-Fr) 16-7½; 2. Mooers(UCLA) HJ,Stones (P Coast-guest)7-2¼; 2. Kotinek (UCLA) 6-10;... 16-7½. LJ(ok), McAlister(UCLA) 25-4½.TJ(ok), Tiff (UCLA) 4. McAlister(UCLA) 6-4. PV,Tracanelli (UCLA-Fr) 16-5. 51-5¼; 2. Butts (Strid-guest)51-3½. SP,Pagel (UCLA) 61-5¾; TJ(ok), Freeman(UCLA) 51-9½; 2. Tiff (UCLA) 50-10½.SP, 2. Semkiw(AS) 60-4; 3. Schiller(UCLA) 59-9¾;4. Freberg Schiller(UCLA) 59-6; 2. Freberg(UCLA) 58-3. DT, Gordon (UCLA) 59-2¾(all PRs). DT, Freberg194-10; 2. Gordon (UCLA) 193-7; 2. Freberg193-5. 440R, Openteam 40.8 (UCLA) 187-0. 440A, ArizonaState 40.1 (Wells,McCullough, (Echols,Collett, J. Smith, C.Smith); 2. UCLA40.9. MileR, Chewning,Peoples); 2. UCLA40.4 (Wilson,Brown, Parks, SanDiego open team 3: 10.5(H.Williams 48.4, W.Williams 47.8, Gaddis). S.Williams47.9, Redd46.4). UCSB-CalPoly/SL 0, SantaBarbara, Calif., March 3-880, Win­ 5-Way,Walnut, Calif., March 10-440, Singletary(Strid) 47.1. zenried(CW-guest) 1:49.6. WashingtonState Indoor, Pullman, Wash., March 10-HT(out­ Stanford128-Fresno State 31, Stanford,Calif., March3-SP, door), Keating(S Fraser-Can)196-2; 2. Tenisci(Wash St-Can) Albritton (S) 57-11¾. 188-4. Marathon,Athens, Ohio, March 4-Hatfield (W Va TC) WORLD OUTDOOR NEWS Maracaibo,Ven., Jan. 28-lOOm(w), Mata9.9. PortElizabeth, S. Afr., Feb.17-DT, Van Reenen209-0. Page81-March 15, 1973 " Melbourne,Aus.-HJ, Peckham7-1. nez (Ven) 20.7. BolivarGames, Panama City, Pan.Feb. 25-Mar. 1-100m Potchefstroom,S. Afr.,Mar. 7-400m, Fiasconaro(It) 45.9. (2/25, w), Mata (Ven) 10.1. 200m, Semis(2/26, nwi): Pati- 800m, Malan1 :46.0. UNITED STATES INDOOR NEWS Bates-HolyCross, Lewiston, Maine, Jan. 17-Wt, Morrison Dill 30.7. 11-1.Syphax 30.8. 440(b), Rowe(Mich-Jam) 47.2 · (HC) 59-4½; 2. Wood (B) 58-8½. d best (old d best47.4 Vinson [En Mich] 73) (=6th performer Navy-Maryland,Annapolis, Md., Jan. 20-TJ, Bilmanis(M) all-time world); 2. Eisenlauer(Iowa) 47.6 (14th performerall­ 50-3½. time world). Heats(a): 1-1.Rowe47.9. 111-1.Eisenlauer48.4. Tri, Lincoln, Nebr., Feb. 16-HJ, Nielsen(Nebr Wes)7-½. Semis(af,1-1. Rowe 47.7. 600(b), Cassleman(Mich St) 1:08.8 Tri, Crete,Nebr., Feb. 23-HJ, Nielsen(Nebr Wes)7-0. (=10th performanceall-time world); 2. Valle (Ind) 1:10.6; 3. OklahomaFederation, Norman, Okla., Feb. 24-60LH, Pruitt Close(Ind-Can) 1:10.8. Semis(a): 1-1.Cassleman 1:10.6. 11-1. (Okla) 6.8; 2. Reed(Okla) 6.8. Kent (Wisc) 1·10.7. Virginia lntercollegiates,Lexington, Va., Feb. 28-60HH, Dob­ 880(b), Mango(111) 1 :49.2 (=13th performer,=14th perfor­ son (Wm&M) 7.2. Heats: V-1. Dobson7.2. Semis: 1-1.Dobson manceall-time world 800-880; 6th performer,8th performance 7.2. all-time US); 2. Clark (Iowa) 1:52.2; 3. Parrish(Purd) 1:52.3. AC, Knoxville, Tenn., March2-HJ, Branch(Tenn) 6-11; 2. Heats(a): 1-1.Parrish 1:52.1. 11-1.Mango 1:52.0. 1000(b), Fern (Clemson)6-11; 3. West(Tenn) 6-11. PV, McMillen (Fla Cordes(Wisc) 2: 10.4. Mile(b), Durkin (111)4:01.5; 2. Popejoy St) 16-4. (Mich St) 4:02.4; 3. Mandera(Ind) 4:05.9; 4. Herold (Wisc) EasternMichigan Classic, Ypsilanti, Mich., March2 /220y un­ 4:05.9. 2M(a), Mandera8:43.2; 2. Somesan(Ind) 8:47.6. bankedsynthetic=d/-440, Vinson (En Mich) 47.4 d best (old d 3M(b), Herold 13:38.6; 2. Keefer(Ind) 13:46.2. 70HH(b), best47.6 Mondane[Iowa! 66) (9th performerall-time world). Murray (Mich-Jam)8.2. Heats(a): 1-1.DiMarzio (Purd) 8.3. 600, tie, Beck (Ga Tech) & Mock (NYAC) 1: 11.0. 2M, Wattle 111-1.Murray 8.3. Semis(a): 11-1.Murray 8.3. 1-1.Jackson (B GreenSt) 8:40.0; 2. Minty (En Mich-GB)8:42.2; 3. Macdon (Ind) 8.3; 2. DiMarzio8.3. aid (B GreenSt) 8:43.8; 4. Torres (Murray St) 8:44.4. Wt, Acc­ HJ(b), Adama(Ind) 6-11; 2. Nowacki (Mich) 6-11. PV(b), ambray(Kent St-Fr) 62-1. DisMedR,Cincinnati 9:58.0; 2. Ken­ Bullick (Minn) 15-6. LJ(a), Bolin (Purd) 25-1¼. TJ(b), Onyango tucky 9:59.0. HHR, EasternMichigan 29.7; 2. CuyahogaCC 29.8. (Wisc-Ken)50-½. SP(b),Adams (Mich) 58-6¼; 2. Anderson NebraskaWesleyan-South Dakota State, Lincoln, Nebr., March (Minn) 58-0. MileR(b), Michigan3: 14.1 (Syphax, Cornwell, 2-HJ, Nielsen(NW) 7-1. Chapman,Rowe); 2. MichiganState3:14.1; 3. lllinois3:16.5; IllinoisState Invitational,Normal, Ill., March2-SP, Bilder 4. Wisconsin3: 16.5; 5. Minnesota3: 16.8. Teams: Indiana (Nn 111)60-4½. 54½; 2. Michigan44½; 3. MichiganState 35; 4. Wisconsin33; Tri, Air ForceAcademy, Colo., March2 /293.3y unbanked 5. Illinois 28; 6. Minnesota18½; 7. Purdue18; 8. Iowa 13½; synthetic=f/-Mile R, ColoradoState 3: 17.0. 9. Northwestern9; 10. Ohio State 5. Big10, West Lafayette,Ind., March2(a)-3(b) /220y unbanked Big8, KansasCity, Mo. March2(a)-3(b) /146.7y banked synthetic=d/-60(b), tie, Burton (Purd) & Dill (Mich St) 5.9. board=a; attendance2190(a), 7520(b)/-60(b), Pettes(0 kla Heats(a): 11-1.Burton 6.0. Semis(a): 11-1.Burton 6.0. 300(b), St) 6.2; 2. Webb(Nebr) 6.2. 440(b), Scavuzzo(Kans) 49.5; 2. Dill 30.1 (=7th performanceall-time world); 2. Syphax(Mich) Schultz (Okla St)49.6; 3. Newsome(Okla) 50.1. 600(b), South­ 30.8; 3. tie, Love (Ind) & Sundberg(Minn) 30.9. Heats(a): 1-1. well (Iowa St) 1:12.1; 2. Lee ( KansSt) 1: 12.2. 880(b), Chad- ~~~"'=~~~=-:=: cc-.:--~~~ -~-­ Track Newsletter supplements Track & Field News with ( 1) marks of Heiden suo m : Sven l 7a";- Jofi ar,sson, Lennart Julm.

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