New Yorkers Can't Go To the Bar, PAMPHLET ASSAILS So the Bar Will Go To Them! ARMED VOTERS LIQUOR CONTROL ACT ROOSEVELT’ S ACTS 5:- ^ ........ HALTELECnON ' - i. INUIIISIANA G. 0. P. DocomeDt Says Ad- PLANNING TO HELP AGAIN IN LIMELIGHT ministration Is Attempting Root Lout’s Forces b ; JEWISH REFUGEES CoBsiderabie Pressure B diif to Create a Dictatorship Blockint BaOotiiit m 3 No Legal Celebration Vxj Bronglit to Bear te Chu|i xN " X X ^ X ' . X Pariskes and by Boycet- in Peace Times. Inteniatioiial Body to Take XXxX^'XX^X' ^V. XXxX^\^§ X"V ' . Sx' x . V\' ' ''‘X ' ' ' X ' » In State for Tonight Law at V'xx'tt,., x'i.," ; \x .XX ting Polls in OAers. Waihlngton, Dec. 6.—(AP)— Care of 60,000 Persons X X ,v ;-x ;^x x,x^\x x^x XX, ^ . i . I . K 0- 'x'-t..$X'\xi Associated Press General Astembljf; Hotd CoBteadlng the Roosevelt admlnls* X j ; 5 . V . X X V X . , . Ubder the state act, transporta- x ' t Wxx' x \ _ - \ xXX^ x tx>x Baton Rouge, La., Dec. 5—(AP) The celebrationX of prohibition re- tmtloa la attempting to create a tion of liquor also is forUddisn until —Senator Huey P. Long's political peal by foe consumption of l e ^ ••dlctatorahlp" in Hme o f "profound V \ ^ ^ hard liquor and other beverages of after formal repeal afid this was Mai MakI Pretest as De forces were put to rout by vloloitty P«^," the Republican National higher than 3.2 per cent alcoholic proving a source of disappointment Lausanne. Deo. 5.— (A P)—Plans demonstrating-dtisens to three of committee In its second pamphlet content In Connecticut seemed des- to trucking firms which have been Rmgiists of State. for practical relief for 60,000 refu- foe 12 parishes of foe Sixth Con- tined to be delayed today because In a month today said the President ^ ^ . busy with plans for rushing alco- gees from Germany, mostly Jewish, gressional district today and were Utah, foe 36th state needed for rati- holic beverages Into the state In suf- nnd his cohorts are replying to ^ If- 4 forced to cancel the Congressional fication, will not act before 7:30 p. ficient quantities to take care Clitics within their own party with with the Idea of making them use- m. (Mountain time) 9:30 p. m., in BULLETIN! ful cltlsens of their adopting coun- election In those three parishes what at first looked like a legal nothing but “epithets." ^ - ......... when foe residents mads a dlrolay Connecticut. Washington, Dec. 5.— (A P )— . tries were formulated by the Inter- celebration tonight. PMUisylvanto and Ofals nnirwi ^ "It Is the ‘Forgotten Man* of of armed resistance to foe proposed Because of this delay, all sources While all this was In foe air, foe 1982 Rooseveltlan oratory who national refugee conference which balloting. of legal liquor will be closed, as the opened today. druggists dispute with foe sUte complains that he still la In that Elsewhere to foe district, foe elec- state’s liquor act specifies that liquor board stiU hung fire. S* ®*J*^*>» Amendment, and category," It said. The delegates elected Lord Rob- ti<m was ordered to proceed, but "hard stuff" may be purchased In ^ tost slim threat that hoMa ert Cedi of Great Britain chairman Late yesterday at Hartford foe It tai the constitution wS ba The pamphlet’s cover bore no balloting was very light as both package stores only from seven a. board adjourned without acting on title, but carried In bold black type of the conference. state highway police and armed cltl- m.. until six p. m. to Utah bstwam • ami ] Their meeting opened In Lau- foe application of a Hartford drug^ 9:89 o’oloek easteni lima t».: the following “epithets" from re- sens stood near foe polling booths, There will be beer and wine and gist, filed In a test case, for a drug- night cent utterances of the President, sanne University with the speakers tallying those who came to vote. whatever material foe speakeasies refraining from any statements of gist’s permit to sell liquor. The com- From Harrlhbarg hi the Kev- Hugh S. Johnson, Speaker Rainey, The election was designed to send can furnish foe thirsty, who desire mission had ruled that no druggists stone Stats and Oahu^banto a nature calculated to wound Ger- to beat foe gun and hold pre-repeal and Donald R. Rlchberg, NRA coun- many. Mre. Bolivar E. Kemp, Senator permits would be issued. the Buekqye StBte, nawa of the sel; ‘Ty>Hes," “Chlselers," "Dead Long’s candidate, to foe vacant peuties. The commission is scheduled to convention aotkms wae aaad ta Cats," "Witch Doctors," "Bank James G. MacDonald of New ^fo district congress seat to a sud- The low percentage beer and wine York, high commissioner of the meet again today, but It was Indi- •dSha- Wreckers," "Traitors." denly called election, without foe has been available to hotels, res- cated It wUl be several dajrs before WuHam PhlOlpa. Another quoting Andrew Jackson refugee question under the League loldlng of a party Primary, taurants and taverns since last of Natiops, addressed the conferees foe matter of druggists permits will and Theodore Roosevelt on the Ba^ts Burned April, when foe Governor proclsdm- be considered, foe commission mem- Hartford, Doc. 5.— (A P)__^Tha right t . criticise official acts, the and explained that there were 81,- •The parishes of Tangipahoa, home ed part of foe control act relating 000 Jewish refugees and 9,000 non- NE-.I' bers saying they decided to take up State Uquor Control A ct ono of publication said: "No administra- M Mrs. Kemp, Livingston and St to foeir sale. non-controverslal matters first tion In the history of the United Jews—Catholics, members of Pro- Helena to foe eastern sector of foe tho major pieces of leglslathm m- testant denominations, and \m- district after a week of protesting States, having a task to perform, classlfled. to New York are not aUowed by Uw to go to the bar by the General Assomtaly of has been given as unanlmoxu sup- demonstrations In >i^ch foe baUots logs, may bob in> again to aasims a MacDonald estimated that more drinkers, as this r e h e ^ pictiSe In a iS S port by the American people as the St iSeS!* ^ imbibing in the Empire State must be™ e were seized and pufaS^ burned, and ofmajor 1935. role In foe legislative'«««a v s seasfoiknnilnn Roosevelt administration." than 16,000 are Polish or of other Senator Long and other administra- Given Wal! Powers than German nationality or with- tion leaders were hanged and burn- 36TH STATE TO RATIFY out nationality. The product of weeks of study and Declaring the administration's ed In effigy, turned out heavfly arm- toe subject of. a heated debate for requests hac been granted__ h • Oon- He "aid 25,000 had taken refuge ed today to prevent the balloting. dw the control aet was hardly gresi fuDy and without complaint, ^ p 2^5*cS» Lee Ponder, chairman of foe AT 9:30 P. M. OUR TIME OOTnacticut a ^ the pamphlet asserted Mr. Rooae- Sixth District Democratic commit- uces when from numerous velt had been entrusted w ltt more m H O lls^ and 3,000 to Eng- REPUBUCANS ViaORIOUS tee and Long’s spokesman to foe »m e a clamor for amn___ _ land. The rest, he said, were scat- power "than was given Lteoola to section, quickly announced foe elec- Several changes wwe iwj mIo ta tim save the Union or WHsob to wage tered with about 1,000 In Spain and ti<Hi had been called off in* those t2w Ub'ted States. jwt OT foe final day of foe last le^ the World War." parishes. Ponder said foe cancella- Ulafc CoDvention to Be HeU U. S. M AY RELEASE tototive session, but the jg , The New Yorker paid IN ROCKVILLE, PUTNAM was due to an tojunettan Issued "A month or six weeks ago,** It Jg^«ts were not entirely said, "there began to be erltleism tribute to Jewish organisations for by Judge Nat Tycer late yesterday. TUsEyening Instead of h of the policies of the admlnlstra- the reUef movements which they Similar injunctions Issued elsewhere •Iready have started and vdrlch MEDICINAL LIQUOR ntoto especially, have to. tion. It was pointed out In the col- failed to stop foe election. totOTtly asserted that the law umns of the public press that the geoerooiJy haiT been extended to in WiDjaantic Demo- Oose Pomag Places Afternoon As at First noB-Jewldi refq|;eee. 5BANDITSIESCAPE M changed, and from time to President’s recovery prt^fram was His anouncemoit came after the suggested a mi mm lai ^ Shookl OMttnae Werfc Mlllng places of the threMMriaiiM not working, because It was not cratic Ticket Is Swept ^ General Assembly. They aesk woskalde; that many ef the potfdqs OommlaBloner MaeDo^ald said he had remained closed long after Annoanced. Half K K on Gallons R ea^ to ran contrff»> to fuaisewntal eeo- heUgsad psiMila WnB $20,090 CASH nomlc laws, sound buslneas prac- dwold eontlaue 'tb ^ 'r e lle f work, Into M ice — lerides Is j^yottor gtoceeded* -18^ to^.lMw tices, plain common sense «Mi par- wbldi he la to co-ordinate. He said State capital, foe Ftiiciaiia p>rii|tv!.a. Washington, Dec. 5.—(AP)— Be tte Market ticularly to the spirit of American he also woul seandt tiie world for West Baton Rouge, Polnte Ooiq>ee Tried almost 14 years asri-adjudged places \/here refugees can go to be- and Iberville, but many boxes *y»rt institutions and the convictioas and Hold Dp Biy State Bank— wanting, constitutional prohibition To4^: biliky demote—the Motel mrm tradltlpns of the American people.
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