commanded by Philip Herbert, later repeated only words which others gasped in astonishment. But their Admiralty. He was also loyal in his Earl of Torrington — which he had said, he was docked three- surprise soon turned to admiration, friendships, and demonstrated this joined on 30 April 1678. After a months’ pay, and ordered to and they sent a report to Charles effectively at the court martial of valiant fight against Algerian apologize publicly to Booth. II, King of Spain, who, in turn, was Torrington, following the defeat of corsairs in the Mediterranean, The humbling of Benbow took so impressed that he wrote a letter the English ships at Beachy Head, Benbow was promoted in 1679 to place on the ship Bristol at of recommendation to James II when he gave evidence in support of the rank of master and transferred Plymouth. The officers and men of of England. his patron who had been in com- to the Nonsuch, where he won the the two vessels were lined on the As a reward for this achievement, mand at the disastrous engagement. praise and friendship of two deck, with Capt. Booth prominently Benbow was granted a naval Though he wore embroidered influential commanders, Sir George at their head, as the boat carrying commission, and he entered as third waistcoats and mingled with the In one Rooke and Sir Cloudsley Shovel. Benbow moored below the Bristol lieutenant on the Elizabeth on 1 highest society he was always proud While serving on the Nonsuch, and Benbow climbed aboard. June 1689. He did not stay long in of his humble upbringing. of the Benbow became involved in an Though he detested being that junior position: Four-months The officers at that time strangest incident that almost spoiled his humiliated before such a large comprised two classes: The future chances in the navy. His ship crowd, Benbow apologized politely “tarpaulin” and the “gentleman.” incidents in the long history of the Royal Navy, had gone to the rescue of another and was allowed to return to his Benbow was a “tarpaulin,” a man British vessel, the Adventure, which ship. Many years later, and after his bred to the sea and who had made a group of captains refused to back the decisions was getting the worst of an death, the Bristol was to echo a his way to promotion from the lower of a daring captain — BY VALENTINE DYALL encounter against an Algerian strange reminder of this incident. deck. As he progressed he often had cruiser. The two vessels beat off the When the Nonsuch was paid off, to command captains who belonged rom junior officer to gold- Fiction has become so interwoven pirate, but as the Adventure sailed Benbow returned to the merchant to the “gentleman” class, who had braided admiral in six-years: with fact in the early history of alongside the Nonsuch, the Adven- service, and became owner of the been jobbed into commissions by FThat’s the sort of meteoric Benbow’s life that little reliable ture’s crew and her commander, Benbow frigate in 1686. He hunted influential friends, and who promotion that many a young man information about him emerges Capt. Booth, were railed at with in the Mediterranean and around entertained an unhealthy disrespect has dreamed of when entering the until late in his career. He is coarse remarks and jests from the the English Channel for pirates, for the “tarpaulins.” Benbow usually navy, but few ever believe it could believed to have been born at Nonsuch for not having combated with such distinguished success that treated them rudely, admitting happen. Yet that was the Shrewsbury in 1653 where his the pirate alone. One of the ring- he won the support of London bluntly that he disliked them, while culmination of the remarkable career father was a tradesman, and after a leaders in the jeering was Benbow, merchants whose ships were in they frequently found his manners of John Benbow, one of England’s short education Benbow was and Booth reported the young officer constant danger of capture by the unbearable. Disobedience or ablest admirals in the 17th Century, apprenticed to a butcher, or a to his superiors. Benbow was court- roving sea brigands. His reputation slackness among his captains he who started his seafaring life by tanner. He is next heard of as martialed, and though the Court was enhanced by a notable feat punished severely, and on one running away to sea as a boy. master’s mate of the Rupert — accepted his plea that he had when he drove off a Sallee rover, Rather menacing portrait of Adm. John occasion court-martialed a captain after killing 13 Moors. Benbow. who during a battle had not, in HMS Pendennis being Spain was paying generous later he was elevated to the rank of Benbow’s opinion, sailed close captured by the French ship bounty money for pirates, and captain on the 70-gun York. enough to the enemy — but he Protee on 20 October 1705. Benbow arranged a surprise for the Benbow’s fortunes were in the failed to secure a conviction. As part of Benbow’s fleet, Spanish authorities. He steered for ascendant, and he had another His rise had been rapid since his Pendennis was captained by Thomas Hudson. Cadiz, and on the journey had the stroke of luck when William of return to the navy. In1692, he had Moors’ heads cut off and preserved in Orange was brought over to replace been Master of the Fleet to Admiral a tub of pork pickle. When he King James; for William’s courtiers Russel at the Battle of Barfleur, and berthed at the port, he landed with included the Earl of Torrington, who from 1693 to 1695 he was in charge his negro servant, Cesar, carrying soon became Benbow’s patron. of fire ships that attacked St. Malo, the heads in a sack. The port cus- Lord Torrington, who as Philip Dunkirk, and other French ports. toms officials challenged him, but he Herbert had been Master of the The French hated him, but their refused to open the bag with the Rupert, and Benbow possessed many captains feared him and he rarely excuse that it contained salt pro- similar qualities, for both were succeeded in drawing his enemy visions for his own use. Annoyed at coarse-tongued and rough-mannered into a fight. his persistent refusal, the officials men with little regard for the feel- In 1695, his career was again hauled him before the magistrates, ings of others. Herbert’s crudeness threatened after a disagreement where again he was ordered to open was well known, and Samuel Pepys with Lord Berkeley who was in the sack. said of him, “Of all the worst men charge of the fleet. The jealousy of “I told you they were salt living, Herbert is the only man I do the senior officer may have been provisions for my own use,” said not know to have any one virtue to part of the cause of the trouble, for Benbow ironically. “Cesar, throw compound for all his vices.” Berkeley wrote: “Benbow is quitting them down upon the table; and, But Benbow at least had a his ship. I cannot imagine the gentleman, if you like them they are reputation for decency and sobriety. reason. He pretends sickness, but I at your service.” He was anxious to institute reforms think it is only feigned.” Three-days With a sweeping gesture the in the navy to provide better later, Berkeley reported: “As to servant rolled the grisly heads out conditions for seamen — a move Benbow, I know of no difference of the bag while the magistrates that was thoroughly opposed by the between him and me, nor have we 54 SEA CLASSICS/November 2016 seaclassicsnow.com 55.
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