Public Document Pack Policy and Resources Committee Date: THURSDAY, 25 JULY 20 13 Time: 1.45pm Venue: COMMITTEE ROOMS, 2ND FLOOR, WEST WING, GU ILDHALL Members: Mark Boleat (Chairman) Alderman Sir David Howard Deputy Douglas Barrow (Deputy Edward Lord Chairman) Wendy Mead Jeremy Mayhew (Deputy Hugh Morris Chairman) Deputy Joyce Nash Deputy Catherine McGuinness Deputy Henry Pollard (Ex-Officio (Deputy Chairman) Member) Deputy Ken Ayers Stephen Quilter Deputy John Barker (Ex-Officio John Scott (Ex-Officio Member) Member) Deputy Dr Giles Shilson Deputy John Bennett Sir Michael Snyder Deputy Michael Cassidy (Ex- Deputy John Tomlinson Officio Member) James Tumbridge Ray Catt (Ex-Officio Member) Deputy Michael Welbank (Ex-Officio Roger Chadwick (Ex-Officio Member) Member) Alderman Fiona Woolf Deputy Alex Deane Alderman Sir David Wootton Simon Duckworth Alderman Alan Yarrow Revd Dr Martin Dudley (Ex-Officio Member) Stuart Fraser Marianne Fredericks The Rt Hon the Lord Mayor Alderman Roger Gifford George Gillon (Chief Commoner) Enquiries: Angela Roach tel. no.: 020 7332 3685 [email protected] Lunch will be served in Guildhall Club at 1PM John Barradell Town Clerk and Chief Executive AGENDA Part 1 - Public Agenda 1. APOLOGIES 2. MEMBERS DECLARATIONS UNDER THE CODE OF CO NDUCT IN RESPECT OF ITEMS ON THE AGENDA 3. MINUTES To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 27 June 2013 (copy attached). For Decision (Pages 1 - 12) 4. PROJECTS SUB -COMMITTEE MINUTES To note the public minutes of the Projects Sub-Committee meetings held on 19th June and 4th July 2013 (copies attached). For Information (Pages 13 - 24) 5. 2012/13 REVENUE OUTT URN Joint report of the Town Clerk, Chamberlain and Remembrancer (copy attached). For Information (Pages 25 - 28) 6. TOWN CLERK'S BUSINES S PLAN MONITORING AN D RISK REGISTER Report of the Town Clerk (copy attached). For Information (Pages 29 - 34) 7. LOCAL AUDIT AND ACCO UNTABILITY BILL Report of the Remembrancer (copy attached). For Information (Pages 35 - 36) 8. ANTI -SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR, CR IME AND POLICING BIL L Report of the Remembrancer (copy attached). For Information (Pages 37 - 42) 9. LIVERPOOL STREET ARE A ENHANCEMENT STRATE GY Report of the Director of the Built Environment (copy attached). For Decision (Pages 43 - 62) 10. CHAIRMAN'S VISIT TO CHINA Report of the Director of Economic Development (copy attached). For Information (Pages 63 - 70) 2 11. TEENTECH CITY 2013 Report of the Director of Economic Development (copy attached). For Decision (Pages 71 - 76) 12. SINGAPORE STRATEGY Report of the Director of Economic Development (copy attached). For Decision (Pages 77 - 80) 13. SMITH INSTITUTE RES EARCH PROJECT Report of the Director of Public Relations (copy attached). For Decision (Pages 81 - 86) 14. POLLING ON THE EU Report of the Director of Public Relations (copy to follow). For Decision 15. PUBLIC RELATIONS ACTIVITIES Report of the Director of Public Relations (copy attached). For Information (Pages 87 - 96) 16. POLICY INITIATIVES F UND AND COMMITTEE CO NTINGENCY Report of Chamberlain (copy attached). For Information (Pages 97 - 108) 17. QUESTIONS ON MATTERS RELATING TO THE WORK OF THE COMMITTEE 18. ANY OTHER BUSINESS T HAT THE CHAIRMAN CON SIDERS URGENT 19. EXCLUSION OF THE PUB LIC MOTION - That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of the Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. Item Nos. Paragraph(s) in Schedule 12A 20-23 3 3 Part 2 - Non -Public Agenda 20. NON -PUBLIC MINUTES To agree the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 27 June 2013 (copy attached). For Decision (Pages 109 - 114) 21. PROJECTS SUB -COMMIT TEE MINUTES To note the non-public minutes of the Projects Sub-Committee meetings held on 19th June and 4th July 2013 (copies attached). For Information (Pages 115 - 124) 22. RESOURCE ALLOCATION SUB -COMMITTEE To consider the following:- a) To note the non-public minutes of the informal meeting of the Sub-Committee and agree the recommendations contained therein (copy attached). For Decision (Pages 125 - 132) b) Joint report of the Town Clerk and Chamberlain (copy attached). For Information (Pages 133 - 140) 23. GRESHAM COLLEGE FUND ING Joint report of the Town Clerk and Chamberlain (copy attached). For Decision (Pages 141 - 146) 24. QUESTIONS ON MATTERS RELATING TO THE WORK OF THE COMM ITTEE 25. ANY OTHER BUSINESS T HAT THE CHAIRMAN CON SIDERS URGENT AND WHICH THE COMMITTEE AGREE SHOULD BE CONSIDERED WHILST THE PUBLIC ARE EXCLUDED. 4 Agenda Item 3 POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE Thursday, 27 June 2013 Minutes of the meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held at Committee Rooms, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Guildhall on Thursday, 27 June 2013 at 1.45 pm Present Members: Deputy Douglas Barrow (Deputy Chairman) Jeremy Mayhew (Deputy Chairman) Deputy Catherine McGuinness (Deputy Chairman) Deputy Ken Ayers Deputy John Barker (Ex-Officio Member) Deputy John Bennett Ray Catt (Ex-Officio Member) Roger Chadwick (Ex-Officio Member) Deputy Alex Deane Simon Duckworth Revd Dr Martin Dudley (Ex-Officio Member) Stuart Fraser Marianne Fredericks George Gillon (Chief Commoner) Edward Lord Wendy Mead Hugh Morris Deputy Henry Pollard (Ex-Officio Member) John Scott (Ex-Officio Member) Deputy Dr Giles Shilson Deputy Sir Michael Snyder Deputy John Tomlinson Deputy Michael Welbank (Ex-Officio Member) Alderman Sir David Wootton Alderman Alan Yarrow Officers: John Barradell - Town Clerk and Chief Executive Michael Cogher - Comptroller and City Solicitor Philip Everett - Director of the Built Environment Peter Rees - City Planning Officer, Department of the Built Environment Paul Beckett - Department of the Built Environment Paul Sizeland - Director of Economic Development Chris Bilsland - Chamberlain Caroline Al-Beyerty - Financial Services Director Peter Bennett - City Surveyor Tony Halmos - Director of Public Relations Giles French - Assistant Director of Economic Page 1 Development Nigel Lefton - Remembrancer's Department Neil Chrimes - Head of Programmes, Mansion House Graham Bell - Chief Information Officer Peter Lisley - Assistant Town Clerk Angela Roach - Policy Manager Xanthe Couture - Committee Administrator 1. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from the Chairman, Deputy Michael Cassidy, Roger Chadwick, Alderman Sir David Howard, James Tumbridge and Alderman Fiona Woolf. 2. MEMBERS DECLARATIONS UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT IN RESPECT OF ITEMS ON THE AGENDA The following declarations were made:- The Chairman declared an interest in Item No. 23 by virtue of her daughter being a pupil at the Guildhall School. Jeremy Mayhew declared an interest in Item No. 6 by virtue of his work with Pricewaterhouse Coopers and withdrew from the meetings when the item was discussed. Deputy John Barker declared an interest in Item no. 10 as a trustee of the Thames Festival Trust. Alderman Alan Yarrow declared an interest in Item No. 12 as a member of the Board of Lord Mayor’s Show Ltd. 3. MINUTES 3a. the public minutes of the Committee meeting held on 2 May 2013 were approved. 3b. the public minutes of the Resource Allocation Sub-Committee meeting held on 2 May 2013 were noted. 3c. the minutes of the Public Relations and Economic Development Committee held on 2 May 2013 were noted and the recommendations contained therein endorsed. 3d. the public minutes of the Projects Sub-Committee meeting held on 16 May 2013 were noted. Page 2 4. COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE LEVY DRAFT CHARGING SCHEDULE The Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment setting out the results of the first round of public consultation on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), details of the Draft Charging Schedule and proposals for the second round of consultation. RESOLVED – That:- 1. the proposed City CIL Draft Charging Schedule and supporting material be approved for public consultation and, following the consultation, be submitted for public examination; and 2. Officers be authorised to make any further, non-material, changes to the CIL documentation, prior to public consultation. 5. 20MPH SPEED LIMIT The Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment proposing the adoption of a 20mph speed limit for motor vehicles in the City of London. It was noted that the proposal had been approved by the Planning and Transportation Committee. The Director was heard in support of the proposal. He advised that it was not intended that the proposal should provide a standalone solution to road casualty figures but that the reduction in speed would form part of the other activities undertaken as part of the City Corporation’s Road Danger Reduction Plan. The Chairman supported his sentiments highlighting that road casualties were on the increase; that indications were that vulnerable users such as pedestrians and cyclists would increase and that it was clear from a City Residents’ meeting that she had attended recently that this type of action would be welcomed. Members proceeded to discuss the proposal in detail during which the following comments were made:- • concern was expressed that the report had been written to come to one conclusion, that consultation had not been undertaken more widely, there was no evidence to suggest that such action was needed and that the cost of slowing down traffic had not been addressed; • reference was made to the fact that the speed of traffic within the City rarely went beyond 20
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