1T1I- TV • D I I n e U avie R ecord DAVIE COUNTY’S OLDEST NEW SPAPEE-THE PAPER THE PEOPLE READ ■HERE SHALL THE PR'SS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN: UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN.’’ VOLUMN XLVIX MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5 . 1 9 4 8 . NUM BER 4 0 NEWS OF LONG AGO Love And Grace New Chemieal Weapons Seen Along Mpia Street To Combat Weed Pests By The Street Rambler. W hat Was Happening*!!) Da­ Farmers and householders wag­ OOOOOO o f Jesus ing war on crab grass and other vie. Before Parking Meters troublesome weeds and grasses can Mrs. Paul Jones and daughters Rev. W. K. Isenhour. High Point. N. C. R4 LINES look for help from two new weap­ shoppiug at Sanford’s—Miss Cor­ And Abbreviated Skirts. Many people lone for riches, ons. nelia Hendricks carrying package (Davie Record, May 12,1920) Many people long for tame. The weed-killing chemicals bear the jaw-breaking names of sodium around the square—Two college And they use their time and talent Cotton is 42 cents. Use of Weed Killer isopropyl xanthate and allyl mixed girls dating on Depot street—Miss chlorophenyl carbonate. They have W . W. Stroud, of Winston, was That they may possess the same: Rachel White turning crank on But there’s something that’s better Boosts Com Yield been tested by federal and state in town Monday. agricultural experiment stations parking meter—George Rowland I’m so happy that I own, S. M. Call, Jr., spent Wednes­ 2,4-D Spray Increases "with excellent results against selling bicvles—Pretty girl making day and Thursday in Greensboro. Which excels in fame and riches Still Wrong * many weeds and grasses not eco­ nomically or satisfactorily con­ eyes at handsome voung salesman Jacob Stewart attended the Edu­ That of palace, crown and throne Output by 18 Bushels 'T 'WO YOUNG men had been in- trolled by other chemicals or prac­ —Ernest Hunt resting in front cational Conference at Greensboro First large-scale experiment using tices,” the announcement said. They It's the wondrous love of Jesus, butyl ester of 2,4-D for control of vited out to dinner by their em­ of drug store -Clarence Elam in last week. ployer. During the course of the are being used in active experimen­ And His grace so rich and sweet weeds in corn fields has definitely tal programs but are not yet avail­ postoffice looking over mail—Lu- proven the chemical to be unharm­ meal the conversation drifted into Miss Ivie Horn, who has been That He puts within my spirit channels which got the young friends able commercially. cile Reavis carrying load of books teaching at Lowell, returned home ful to corn and has resulted in in­ As I worship at His feet, creased yields up to 18 bushels per into rather deep water for them. The second-named herbicide is up Main street—Miss Deon Low­ “Do you care for Omar Khay­ the one that combats crab grass, as W ednesday. With the hope of reaching heaven acre, a check on a number of Hen­ ery carrying arms ful . of groceries derson, Ky., farms indicate. yam?” asked their host, at one point well as barnyard, orchard and blue The Mocksville graded school Whan my race on earth is run. during the dinqer, thinking to dis­ grass, cattails and similar plants. to parked auto—Dr. Robert Low­ will close the year’s work on Fri­ Applied to some 18,000 acres at a cover the literary tastes of the young It has a hormone-like action which Where I’ll dwell with ralnts and cost of less than $10,000, 2,4-D was ery, Attorney B. C. Brock and day, May 21st. men. attacks the root structure of the * angels “Pretty well,” the one addressed weed and arrests growth immedi­ Postmaster John LeGrand talking William Markland has moved And outshine the noonday snn. replied, “but, personally, I prefer ately by preventing seed develop­ things over in front of postoffice his family from Salisbury street Chianti.” ment, even though no effect is ap­ —Haines Yates delivering foun­ to Jerusalem township. With the love and grace of Jesns The subject was abandoned, but parent on the surface for the first In mv heart and mind and soui, on the way home the other said to week or longer. It also is used^effec- tain drinks to second floor San­ C. G. Woodruff and Geofge G. his chum: tively in combination with 2,4-D ford building—High School Se­ And the blessed Holy Spirit “Why don’t you simply say you Walker went to Detroit Thursaay against some broad-leaved weeds nior worrying over two freckles to bring back a Buick automobile. Leading up to heaven's goal. don’t Imow when you’re asked some­ not affected by 2,4-D used alone. With a peace that is abiding, thing you don’t understand? Omar The sodium isopropyl xanthate is on her nose. Miss Edna Horn spent several Khayyam isn’t a wine, you idiot. And no guilt to bring me shame described as a "complete killer" days last week with her sister who It’s a kind of cheese.” which should be applied directly to Why should I not feel more happy ■ '' * crop plants. It shows promise for Our County And has been teaching at Lowell. Valuable Animal! Then to own both wealth and * * * - V i w v pre-emergence treatment, in spray J. C. Sanford and Pearl Cartner A man arranged to have his aged fame.' or dust form, and has been used attended a sale of Gumsey cattle mother cared for in a nursing home, with success in the chemical weed­ Social Security where he visited her twice a week. at Greensboro Thursday. O this precious love of Jesus - ing of growing crops. By_ Mrs. Ruth G. Duffy, Manager. John Pfingsten, Henderson, Ky., Each time he brought her a special Miss WillieMillerretumedSun Makes me iove my fellowmen, fanner, is pictured with piles of lunch of delicacies from the farm, Today, I have a message for all day from a short visit to relatives And nesire to bless and help him corn harvested from treated and including a thermos bottle of fresh the wives of all the husdands who untreated plots. The corn in the milk in which he slipped a little Pig Iron Warrants Used at Mt. Ulla. In whatever way I can, work for wages in employment left pile was gathered from the brandy — on advice of the family As Trading Commodity Miss Louise Smith, of Winston, That he may be good and noble. treated field and had an average doctor. The old lady always was de­ which is covered under the Social In the early 1900s pig iron was -spent the week-end in town the Live for Gcp and do his best. ear weight 23 per cent greater lighted with the lunches, and one Security Act. The message is e- than that of the untreated com day, as she sipped the milk, she traded as a commodity, like grain, guest of Miss Dorothy Meroney. And reach heaven, filled wirh glory shown at right. said gravely, “Oh, Larry, don’t ever sugar, coffee or cocoa. Trading in qually important to the widows of M. R. ChafIin returned Satur­ Home of life and peace and rest sell that cow!” warrants on the produce exchange husbands who worked In employ­ day from a visit to his sister, Mrs. given credit for saving the last com and through brokers entitled the crop in that section. SNAPPY RETORT holder to specific quantities of pig ment under Social Security. In H. J. Walker, in Winston. Ash Ihem First Fields treated with 2,4-D and later iron in storage. our day-to-day work, we have found Hon. W. C. Hammer will de­ cultivated yielded 86.8 bushels of The practice grew out of the finan­ that too many do not know abou t . corn per acre as against a yield of cial straits of small merchant blast liver the annual address atj Fork The voters of North Carolina Social Secnrity rights which were will nominate next month candi­ 68.68 bushels per acre for a com­ I furnace operators who could not Church commencement on Tues­ parable field which had only been afford to shut down during periods earned and paid for by the Social day, May 18th. dates for various political offices, cultivated. of dull business activity and thus Secnrity taxes deducted from the Prof. J. D. Hodges who has had inclnding members of the Sta’e The fields checked had been were able to continue operations and secure cash for their.output by ar­ family breadwinner’s weekly or Legislature. sprayed with butyl ester of 2,4-D charge of the Clemmons school applied by a low-gallonage method ranging for issuance of warrants monthly pay checks. for the past year, has moved back There are a number of import­ requiring less than a pint of the against iron produced. This tax pays for an insnrance weed-killer to five gallons of water to his farm at Augusta. ant matters which undoubtedly Under this system the land at the policy with the Bureau of Old-Age will be brought up dnring the next per acre. furnace on which the pig iron was Mrs. Roy Holthouser and litde The increased yield in fields stored was leased to a storage com­ and Survivors Insurance, This daughter Helen, and Miss .Mary session of the General Assembly.
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