Results Redlands Cup 2018 Rank Bib Name Run 1 (Rk) Run 2 (Rk) Total School Alpine Division 1 Female 1 1 Antonia Murphy 20.41* (1) 21.24* (2) 41.65 SMGS A Alp1F 2 3 Zara Gardiner 21.23* (2) 21.13* (1) 42.36 Jindabyne A Alp1F 3 5 Anna Murphy 22.61* (3) 23.22* (4) 45.83 Redlands A Alp1F 4 77 Rachelle Silsby 23.05* (6) 22.83* (3) 45.88 Jindabyne A Alp1F 5 46 Isabelle Beaton 23.12* (7) 23.62* (6) 46.74 SMGS A Alp1F 6 13 Catarina Di Ramio 23.01 (5) 24.27 (8) 47.28 Thomas Hassall Anglican College A Alp1F 7 7 Francesca Roberts 23.24* (8) 24.11* (7) 47.35 Ascham A Alp1F 8 50 Olivia Watkinson 24.30* (10) 23.56* (5) 47.86 Redlands A Alp1F 9 101 Kadee Laird 24.71* (12) 24.41* (9) 49.12 SMGS A Alp1F 10 48 Kaitlin McGuire 24.08* (9) 25.35* (10) 49.43 Jindabyne A Alp1F 11 82 Isabella HelmiIch 25.05* (13) 25.75* (13) 50.80 Loreto Kirribilli A Alp1F 12 103 Allegra Richardson 25.40* (14) 25.66* (11) 51.06 Redlands A Alp1F 13 51 Amelia Black 25.49* (15) 25.74* (12) 51.23 Ascham A Alp1F 14 10 Eliza-Grace Gannnon 22.78 (4) 28.92 (22) 51.70 SCEGGS A Alp1F 15 53 Annabel Drinnan 24.41* (11) 27.37* (15) 51.78 Loreto Kirribilli A Alp1F 16 11 Taylor Drayton 25.62* (16) 27.63* (16=) 53.25 Macarthur Anglican School A Alp1F 17 9 Evelyn O'Carroll 26.21* (17) 27.63* (16=) 53.84 Loreto Kirribilli A Alp1F 18 79 Alice MacDonald 27.28 (18) 26.93 (14) 54.21 Redlands A Alp1F 19 18 Penny Butler 27.56* (20) 28.19* (18) 55.75 Redlands B Alp1F 20 55 Jessica Hall 27.46* (19) 28.78* (21) 56.24 Macarthur Anglican School A Alp1F 21 83 Jessica Turner 27.70* (21) 28.57* (19=) 56.27 Macarthur Anglican School A Alp1F 22 57 Sienna Scot 27.80* (22) 28.57* (19=) 56.37 Redlands B Alp1F 23 80 Maggie Crowe 28.38* (23) 29.29* (23) 57.67 Ascham A Alp1F 24 20 Sohie Jackson 28.50 (24) 30.01 (25) 58.51 Loreto Kirribilli B Alp1F 25 105 Sophie McKelvey 29.23 (25) 29.74 (24) 58.97 Loreto Kirribilli A Alp1F 26 54 Emma Sexton 31.50 (28) 31.93 (27) 1:03.43 SCEGGS A Alp1F 27 104 Sophie Cropper 32.07 (29) 31.83 (26) 1:03.90 Ascham A Alp1F 28 19 Sophie Nicholas 31.13 (27) 33.66 (28) 1:04.79 Ascham B Alp1F 29 84 Liz Brindley 34.76* (30) 35.32* (30) 1:10.08 Redlands B Alp1F 30 75 Ellie Mccracken 35.91 (31) 34.40 (29) 1:10.31 SMGS A Alp1F Disqualifed 15 Luisa Skyring 30.78 (26) Ravenswood A Alp1F Alpine Division 1 Male 1 4 Hugh McAdam 19.18* (1) 19.30* (1) 38.48 Scots A Alp1M 2 78 Marcus Mead 19.63* (2) 19.43* (2) 39.06 Scots A Alp1M 3 49 Tom Davies 19.78* (3) 19.64* (3) 39.42 Scots A Alp1M 4 16 Charles Beaton 20.69 (4) 21.17 (4) 41.86 SMGS A Alp1M 5 47 Lachlan Miller 20.78* (5) 21.31* (5) 42.09 Redlands A Alp1M 6 81 Ewan Jackman 21.52 (7) 21.51 (6) 43.03 SHORE A Alp1M 7 56 Liam Hayford 22.45 (8) 22.54 (8) 44.99 Redlands B Alp1M 8 14 Harry Zekulich 22.87 (9) 22.47 (7) 45.34 St Ignatus College A Alp1M 9 102 Jack Hanigan 23.05* (10) 23.74* (10) 46.79 Redlands A Alp1M 10 76 Max Keller 23.69* (11) 24.64* (12) 48.33 Redlands A Alp1M 11 52 William Delaney 25.81 (14) 23.11 (9) 48.92 SHORE A Alp1M 12 12 Fylnn Sullivan 24.70 (12) 24.54 (11) 49.24 Sydney Secondary College A Alp1M 13 17 Trip Nickel 25.00 (13) 27.14 (13) 52.14 Redlands B Alp1M 14 6 Tobias Howard 29.58 (15) 31.27 (14) 1:00.85 Macarthur Anglican School A Alp1M Did not fnish 2 Billy Spanos Redlands A Alp1M Disqualifed 8 Jack Doyle 21.36 (6) SHORE A Alp1M Page 1 of 12 * denotes time counted towards team total Results Redlands Cup 2018 Rank Bib Name Run 1 (Rk) Run 2 (Rk) Total School Alpine Division 2 Female 1 28 Isabella Davis 19.90* (1) 21.13* (1) 41.03 Canberra Girls Grammar School A Alp2F 2 32 Kyra Wheatley 21.19* (3) 21.41* (2) 42.60 Pymble Ladies College A Alp2F 3 112 Laura Papworth 21.20* (4) 21.66* (4) 42.86 Pymble Ladies College A Alp2F 4 22 Charlote Halley 21.09* (2) 21.79* (5) 42.88 Ascham A Alp2F 5 27 Josie Baf 21.34 (5) 21.64 (3) 42.98 Jindabyne A Alp2F 6 33 Claudia Cowan 21.46* (6) 22.17* (6) 43.63 Wenona A Alp2F 7 69 Claudia Braysich 22.35* (9) 22.93* (7) 45.28 Pymble Ladies College A Alp2F 8 62 Mackenzie Harding 23.35 (10) 23.52 (8) 46.87 SMGS A Alp2F 9 45 Hannah Williams 23.64* (11) 24.18* (12) 47.82 Roseville A Alp2F 10 95 Lauren Eyers 24.22 (13) 23.62 (9) 47.84 Pymble Ladies College A Alp2F 11 24 Lucy Roberts 23.71* (12) 24.15* (11) 47.86 Redlands A Alp2F 12 89 Annabelle Forster 24.53 (15) 23.84 (10) 48.37 SMGS A Alp2F 13 59 Zara Broinowski 24.34* (14) 25.38* (14) 49.72 Ascham A Alp2F 14 61 Yoojay Weir 24.77* (16) 25.33* (13) 50.10 Redlands A Alp2F 15 74 Beatrix Jones 25.18* (17) 26.19* (15) 51.37 Roseville A Alp2F 16 86 Claudia Steglick 26.20* (18) 27.07* (16) 53.27 Ascham A Alp2F 17 92 Ella Borgo 26.62* (19) 27.23* (18) 53.85 Canberra Girls Grammar School A Alp2F 18 100 Elke Williams 26.87* (20) 27.12* (17) 53.99 Roseville A Alp2F 19 43 Charlote Skyring 27.44 (21) 28.08 (20) 55.52 Ravenswood A Alp2F 20 109 Sophie Gautheron 28.10* (25) 27.76* (19) 55.86 Redlands A Alp2F 21 30 Claudia Holmes 27.55 (22) 28.63 (24) 56.18 SCEGGS A Alp2F 22 70 Ashley Kennard 28.07* (24) 28.46* (21) 56.53 Wenona A Alp2F 23 88 Grace Bracks 28.26 (26) 28.54 (22=) 56.80 Redlands A Alp2F 24 35 Hannah Tobin 27.79* (23) 29.26* (26) 57.05 Redlands B Alp2F 25 99 Caitlin Brunton 28.60* (27) 28.54* (22=) 57.14 Redlands C Alp2F 26 96 Sophie Poter 30.33* (29) 29.30* (27) 59.63 Wenona A Alp2F 27 71 Olivia Hatch 29.48* (28) 31.19* (28) 1:00.67 Redlands B Alp2F 28 72 Anna Saunders 31.28* (30) 31.61* (29) 1:02.89 Redlands C Alp2F 29 65 Lara Agnew 31.42* (31) 32.28* (32) 1:03.70 Canberra Girls Grammar School A Alp2F 30 114 Gerogina Wat 32.50* (33) 31.91 (31) 1:04.41 Redlands C Alp2F 31 113 Phoebe Rathbone 32.68* (34) 31.74* (30) 1:04.42 Redlands B Alp2F 32 42 Caitlin O'Rourke 31.92 (32) 34.84 (34) 1:06.76 Kambala A Alp2F 33 67 Stella Middleditch 35.09 (35) 33.02 (33) 1:08.11 SCEGGS A Alp2F 34 73 Emily Horbach 36.71 (37) 35.30 (35) 1:12.01 Ravenswood A Alp2F 35 98 Maddison Hampton-Vickers 36.43 (36) 36.08 (36) 1:12.51 Redlands B Alp2F Did not fnish 39 Emma Vizard 21.56 (7) Brindabella Christan College A Alp2F Disqualifed 25 Jesse Quinn 21.95 (8) SMGS A Alp2F 41 Ashlee Wilks 28.87* (25) Redlands C Alp2F Page 2 of 12 * denotes time counted towards team total Results Redlands Cup 2018 Rank Bib Name Run 1 (Rk) Run 2 (Rk) Total School Alpine Division 2 Male 1 110 Felix Zylinski 20.37* (1) 20.44* (1) 40.81 SMGS A Alp2M 2 26 Benjamin Wynn 20.58* (2) 20.67* (2) 41.25 SMGS A Alp2M 3 21 Emil Droga 21.09* (3) 21.38* (3) 42.47 Cranbrook A Alp2M 4 23 George Murphy 22.11* (4) 22.56* (4) 44.67 Redlands A Alp2M 5 58 Oliver Fester 22.62* (5) 22.69* (5) 45.31 Cranbrook A Alp2M 6 44 Adrian Hundleby 23.94 (8) 24.97 (9) 48.91 St Aloysius A Alp2M 7 68 Daniel Thomas 24.39* (9) 24.67* (7) 49.06 Redlands B Alp2M 8 90 Daniel Ternes-Dixon 26.07 (12) 23.09* (6) 49.16 SMGS A Alp2M 9 60 Nick Goerner 24.58* (10) 24.70* (8) 49.28 Redlands A Alp2M 10 66 Joshus Drayton 25.43 (11) 26.88 (12) 52.31 Macarthur Anglican School A Alp2M 11 93 James White 26.42 (13) 26.69 (10) 53.11 Macarthur Anglican School A Alp2M 12 87 Zeke Weir 27.22 (17=) 26.71* (11) 53.93 Redlands A Alp2M 13 94 Gus Piper 26.77* (15) 27.21* (13) 53.98 Redlands B Alp2M 14 107 Edward Blunck 26.84* (16) 27.22* (14) 54.06 Cranbrook A Alp2M 15 85 Jasper Parker 27.22 (17=) 27.48 (15) 54.70 Cranbrook A Alp2M 16 37 Liam Sullivan 26.76 (14) 28.45 (17) 55.21 Newington A Alp2M 17 36 Alex Verschoor 28.91 (19) 29.22 (18) 58.13 Redlands C Alp2M 18 63 Callum Vass 22.65* (6) 35.82 (20) 58.47 SMGS A Alp2M 19 111 Sam Corneil 32.36* (20) 31.71* (19) 1:04.07 Redlands B Alp2M 20 108 Simon Van Welde 23.29* (7) 1:13.89 (21) 1:37.18 Redlands A Alp2M Did not fnish 29 Clement Sander 27.92 (16) Macarthur Anglican School A Alp2M Page 3 of 12 * denotes time counted towards team total Results Redlands Cup 2018 Rank Bib Name Run 1 (Rk) Run 2 (Rk) Total School Alpine Division 3 Female 1 131 Lily Punch 15.83 (1) 15.88 (2) 31.71 SCEGGS A Alp3F 2 122 Letta Murphy 16.11 (3) 15.80 (1) 31.91 SMGS A Alp3F 3 126 Jacqueline Davis 16.01* (2) 16.55* (4) 32.56 Canberra Girls Grammar Senior School A Alp3F 4 161 Abbey Davis 16.62* (5) 16.45* (3) 33.07 Canberra Girls Grammar Senior School A Alp3F 5 154 Hannah Bokanovic 16.33 (4) 16.84 (7) 33.17 Monte St Angelo A Alp3F 6 136 Madeleine Kiely 16.67 (6) 16.68 (5) 33.35 Loreto Kirribilli A Alp3F 7 184 Catherine Hardman 17.04* (11) 16.78* (6) 33.82 Canberra Girls Grammar Senior School A Alp3F 8 120 Alex Brennan 16.82* (7) 17.22* (8) 34.04 Wenona A Alp3F 9 142 Lulu Papworth 16.84 (8) 17.40 (10) 34.24 PLC A Alp3F 10 155 Chloe Kennard 16.98* (10) 17.32* (9) 34.30 Wenona A Alp3F 11 124 Sienna Wessels 16.97* (9) 17.73* (14) 34.70 Redlands A Alp3F 12 139 Darcey Graham 17.36 (14) 17.41 (11) 34.77 Kambala A Alp3F 13 140 Lucy Powell 17.35 (13) 17.58 (12) 34.93 Clancy catholic college A Alp3F 14 165 Scarlet Phillips 17.21 (12) 17.80 (17) 35.01 SCEGGS A Alp3F 15 207 Milly Rundell 17.59 (15) 17.70 (13) 35.29 Clancy catholic college A Alp3F 16 200 Catherine Stynes-Garraty 17.70 (16) 17.76 (15) 35.46 SMGS A Alp3F 17 163 Mimi Lavender 17.78* (17) 17.78* (16) 35.56 Ascham A Alp3F 18 132 Chloe Chilcot 17.99* (18) 18.13* (19) 36.12 SMGS B Alp3F 19 159 Julia Murphy 18.46* (20) 18.05* (18) 36.51 Redlands A Alp3F 20 178 Zara Bombelli 18.34* (19) 18.50* (20) 36.84 Wenona A Alp3F 21 189 Sophie Paske 18.89* (23) 18.70* (21) 37.59 SMGS B Alp3F 22 182 Sophie Kennedy 18.64* (21) 18.98* (22) 37.62 Redlands A Alp3F 23 138 Georgina Ladd 18.88 (22) 19.75 (26) 38.63 Aquinas College Ringwood A Alp3F 24 166 Alexandra Fairfeld-Smith 18.98* (24) 19.73* (25) 38.71 SMGS B Alp3F 25 186 Camilla Bourke 19.39* (26) 19.38* (24) 38.77 Ascham A Alp3F 26 135 Grace Mullins 19.71
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