Phone:0286-2244288 Fax :0286 - 2244288 + PRABHUDAS Bauxite Suppliers & Mines Owners VITHALDAS Refractory U nit Calcination Mayur Pankh Society, 0pp. Circuit Villa, Chopati Road, Porbandar - 360 575, (Gujarat) No. : PV-I/MoEFC CIEIA/2 016'17 I Date:06.08.2016 Project No.: J-l 101 5124412013'IA.tr (1W) To, The Director, (IA-II) Expert Appraisal Committee (Non Coal Mining) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change lndira Paryavaran Bhavan, VaYu Wing, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi - 110 003 Sub: Regarding Environmental Clearance for Virpur, Mewasa, Kenedy, & Mota Asota Bauxite Mine (67.1827 ha) of lVUs. Prabhudas Vithaldas - I, Village: Virpur, Mewasa, Kenedy & Mota Asota Tehsil: Kalyanpur District: Devbhumi Dwarka State: Gujarat. Ref.: 1. ToR approved vide letter no. J-11015124412013-LA.II (n'f) dtd20.02.20l5 2. Amended ToR approved vide letter no. J-11015D4412013-IA.II (M) dtd 04.12.2015 Dear Sir, IWs. Prabhudas Vithaldas-I, has applied for EC for Virpur, Mewasa, Kenedy, & Mota Asota Bauxite Mine (67.1827 ha), Village: Kenedy, Virpur, Mewasa & Mota Asota Tehsil: Kalyanpur District: Devbhumi Dwarka State: Gujarat for Production of Bauxite 5,99,300 TPA. IWs. Prabhudas Vithaldas-I hereby submitting EIA/EMP Report incorporating general and specific points of Terms of Reference, along with the necessary Annexures and documents & Pubic hearing Minutes. (Hard & Soft Copies) We request MoEF&CC to kindly process the application to grant environmental clearance to the Project based on the above documents. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For IWs. Prabhudas Vithaldas - I (Virpur, Kenedy, Mewasa & Mota Asota Bauxite Mine) [Auth orised S i gnatiry] Encl: Final^\*(*\' EIA report with CD EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR PROPOSED VIRPUR, MEWASA, KENEDY & MOTA ASOTA BAUXITE MINE AT VIRPUR MEWASA, KENEDY & MOTA ASOTA VILLAGE, TEHSIL KALYANPUR, DISTRICT, DEVBHUMI DWARKA Area: 67.1827 ha (Reduced area 59.0889 ha) Production Capacity 5,99,300 TPA FINAL EIA REPORT PROJECT PROPONENT : M/s Prabhudas Vitthaldas-I Mayur Pankh Society, Opp. Circuit Villa, Chopati Road, Porbandar-360 5(Gujarat) Environment Consultant : GRASS ROOTS RESEARCH & CREATION INDIA (P) LTD. (An ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007 Certified Co. Accredited by QCI/NABET) F-374,375, Sector-63, Noida, U.P Ph.: 0120-4044630 Tele fax: 0120-2406519 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: http://www.grc-india.com GRC INDIA TRAINING & ANALYTICAL LABORATORY (Accredited by NABL, Recognized by MoEF, GoI) A unit of GRC India July, 2016 Virpur, Mewasa, Kenedy & Mota Asota Bauxite Mine Executive Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Mining Lease was granted over an area of 67.1827 ha (Reduced area 59.0889 ha) in Village: Virpur, Mewasa, Kenedy and Mota Asota Tehsil: Kalyanpur, and Dist: Devbhumi Dwarka, in favor of M/s Prabhudas Vithaldas, Vide Govt. order No. MNL-1559/202648-MNG date12.11.1959 of Ex-Bombay state in industries and cooperation department. The lease deed was executed on 7th Dec.1959 and registered on 10th Dec. 1959 for 30 years till 9.12.1989. The Lessee submitted the first renewal application (Form-“J”) dated 14.02.1989 of Virpur, Mewasa, Kenedy & Mota Asota to the competent authority and Form D is received vide Serial number: ML/RENEWAL/1515 dated 9.2.2009. Prior to the expiry of the lease, the lessee has applied for second renewal for further period of 20 years to the Govt. of Gujarat on date 11.11.2008 for a lease period of upto 08.02.2008. As per Modified Mining Plan, the proposed production capacity is 5,99,300 TPA with mining working area 59.0889 ha as block falling in the Eco Sensitive Zone (ESZ) as per the notification issued by MOEF&CC dated 22.08.2013. The estimated project cost is Rs 70 lakh. The expected life of mine is 6 years (as per present level of exploration). The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study report is prepared for obtaining Environmental Clearance (EC) from the Ministry of Environment and Forests & Climate Change (MoEF & CC), Government of India, New Delhi for the proposed Virpur, Mewasa, Kenedy and Mota Asota Bauxite mine. It is classified as “CATEGORY-A”, as per the EIA notification dtd 14th September 2006 & its amendments thereof. 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Location: The mining area is located in the Village: Virpur, Mewasa, Kenedy and Mota Asota Tehsil: Kalyanpur, Devbhumi Dwarka District of Gujarat state. 1 Virpur, Mewasa, Kenedy & Mota Asota Bauxite Mine Executive Summary Toposheet Details Latitude : 22°13’46.5” to 22°17’24.6” N & 22°04’01.5” to 22°05’14.0” N Longitude : 69°18’03.7” to 69°20’31.7” E & 69°18’20” to 69°18’27.5” E Area & production: The total Mining Lease area is 67.1827 ha (Reduced area 59.0889 ha). Toposheet No. Area ( ha) Reduced Area(ha) Restricted (41F/6 67.1827 59.0889 & 41F/7) Total 67.1827 59.0889 Modified Mining Plan production capacity is revised as 5,99,300 TPA with mining working area 59.0889 ha as some blocks were falling in the Eco Sensitive Zone (ESZ ) as per the notification issued by MOEF & CC dated 22.08.2013. Estimated cost of the project is Rs. 70 lakh. 2.1 Salient Features of Project : Name of the applicant M/s Prabhudas Vithaldas-I Name & Address of M/s. Prabhudas Vithaldas – I, Kenedy, Virpur, Mewasa & Mota Asota Lessee Bauxite Mine M/s. Prabhudas Vithaldas, Mayur Pankh Society, Opp. Circuit Villa, Chopati Road, Porbandar – 360575, Gujarat. Phone No: 0286-22444288 Name of Mine Virpur, Mewasa, Kenedy and Mota Asota Bauxite mine Village Virpur, Mewasa, Kenedy & Mota Asota Taluka Kalyanpur District & State Devbhumi Dwarka, Gujarat 2 Virpur, Mewasa, Kenedy & Mota Asota Bauxite Mine Executive Summary Latitude 22°13’46.5” to 22°17’24.6” N & 22°04’01.5” to 22°05’14.0” N Longitude 69°18’03.7” to 69°20’31.7” E & 69°18’20” to 69°18’27.5” E Elevation 24m ASML Nearest town Ran(about 10km SSE from Virpur site) and Bhatia (about 5 km in NW direction from Kenedy site) Reserved / Protected Narara Island (There are many islands Forest such as Narara, mangroves forest etc with in 5 km area of the mine.) Mineral Bauxite Area (ha) 67.1827 ha Reduced Area(ha) 59.0889 ha No. of Working days 295 Mineable Reserve 26,17,400 tonnes Total Geological Reserve 37,93,200 tonnes Source of Water Near villages Life of mine 6 years (as per as present level of exploration) Method of mining Opencast OTFM Postal Address M/s. Prabhudas Vithaldas, Mayur Pankh Society, Opp. Circuit Villa, Chopati Road, Porbandar – 360575, Gujarat. Phone No: 0286-22444288 Period of Lease (Yrs) 20 Years (09.02.2009 to 08.02.2029) Seismic Zone Zone – IV as per IS- 1893(part-1)-2002 Nearest Railway Station Bhatia Railway station about 2-3 km in WNW from Kenedy N and P Block. 3 Virpur, Mewasa, Kenedy & Mota Asota Bauxite Mine Executive Summary Near Airport Porbandar Airport about 75 km in SSE direction from Virpur, Mewasa and 56 2.2 km in SSE direction from Kenedy. Ecologically Sensitive Marine National Park is about 47 km Areas (Wildlife in NE direction. sanctuaries & National Gaga Bird Sanctuary is about 14 km in Parks) SW direction. Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary 91 km in NE direction. Nearest Road NH-947 about 9 km away in the SW direction from Virpur, Mewasa & Mota Asota mining blocks. SH – 29 about 10km away in the NE direction from Kenedy mining blocks. Basic Requirements for the Project: S. No. Requirements Quantity Source 1 Land 59.0889 ha Renewal Mine lease 2 Water 15 KLD from Nearby villages (Dug well) and mine pit. 3 Manpower 45 Majority from nearby villages 4 Virpur, Mewasa, Kenedy & Mota Asota Bauxite Mine Executive Summary 2.3 Details of Mining: Sr. No. Parameter Description 1 Total working area in the mine Mine Lease 59.0889 ha area. 2 Production level Bauxite 5,99,300 TPA 3. Mineable Reserve 26,17,400 Tonnes 4. Total Geological 37,93,200 Tonnes Reserves 5 Top Soil (Cum) 33,039 (Cum) 4 Mine technology open cast OTFM 5 Name of the lessee M/s Prabhudas Vitthaldas-I 2.4 Drilling & Blasting: About 30% of ROM requires drilling and blasting which will be carried out with the help of jack hammer and compressor. Controlled blasting practice will be adopted and the management intends to eliminate blasting. Alternative method for mineral extraction will be adopted such as, ripper/ dozer combination/ rock breakers/ surface miners etc and practiced wherever practicable. The broad parameters are as under: 1. Spacing :3 m 2. Burden :3 m 3. Depth :2 m 4. Diameter of hole :30 mm 5. Explosive per wise hole :2.86 Kg 6. Power Factor :7 t/Kg 5 Virpur, Mewasa, Kenedy & Mota Asota Bauxite Mine Executive Summary 7. No of holes blasted per round :10 per round 8. Maximum hole blasted per day :40 per 4 rounds The blasted material from the bauxite horizon will be broken and sorted manually. About 30 holes will be required daily and 88 kg Gelatin, 30 detonator and 75 fuse coil will be required daily. Precautions to be observed during drilling & blasting: During drilling, for the safety of the workers ear muffs are provided to the workers to protect them from the effect of noise created by blasting. Prior to blasting people are posted at appropriate distances at all safety points around the lease area to prevent the vehicle as well as pedestrians entering the area. Loading Equipment: S.No Type Nos. Bucket Make Motive HP capacity Power in m3 1 Excavator 2 2.0M3 Tata Diesel 250 Haulage and transport equipment 1.
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