Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1930 Campus Comment, November 1930 Bridgewater State Normal School Volume 4 Number 2 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State Normal School. (1930). Campus Comment, November 1930. 4(2). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/22 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. CAMPUS COMMENT PUBLISHED BY BRIDGEWA TER NORMAL SCHOOL No.2 NOVEMBER, 1930 Vol. IV Bridgewater Entertains Fourth Annual Library Club Sponsors A Cir­ Hig;h Opinion A. C. M. N. S. Conference. CUlating Library Are You Doing Your Part? Listed as the principal speaker of the Patronize Your Home Industries! Ice Cream Parlor Owner Has High Have you any questions which you Athletic Conference of Massachusetts Op,inion of Bridgewater Normal vwuld like to discuss? Have you any Normal Schools being held at the Bridge­ Library Club is out on two new vent­ School Students opinions on school life or activities which water State Normal School, November ures. One is a circulating library for the you \vant to pass along or question? twenty-first to hventy-second, is Miss entire student body and faculty. The If you have, write to the Campus Com­ . Lillian Schoedler, former field secretary books will be in the library classroom and That the Bridgewater Normal School ment Forum. of the women's division of the National they may be borrowed any week-day students are first-rate and that without Amateur Athletic Federation. Miss during the hours from 9.00--9.10; 1.10- them the town would be as dead as a The purpose of this new column, the Schoedler's speech is "After College 1.25; and 3.30 to 4.00. The charge will cemetery, ""vas the opinion of Bart Casey, Forum, is to afford an opportunity to \Vhat?" which is also the general theme be $.10 a school week and $.05 a week- owner of Casey's Ice Cream Parlor, the the students to discuss questions of school of the conference. end. favorite gathering place of the Normal life or occurrences in student circles, Other speakers are Miss Alma Porter, Our second ventur.e is the food sales School men and women. in an interview and to let the students offer solutions assistant state supervisor of physical ed­ held for the Day Students. This is in today. to various problems which have arisen. \Ve feel that as the paper is a paper of ucation; Miss Ruth Page Sweet of the conjunction with Pro and Con. Increase "They're all right. First rate. I like the students they should be given an op­ Bouve-Boston School of Physical Educa­ your appetite, and your thirst for good them so much I'd like to be an uncle to portunity to use it as a means of expres­ tion; and Mr. Carl Schrader, state super­ literature. all of them," Mr. Casey said. sion. This not only applies to the Forum, visor of physical education. Ruth Knight, Secretary "You hear a lot of people say that they hut also to all sections of the paper .. are a bother and a nuisance." he contin­ Can tributions must be in good form, A. C. M. N. S. Program Saturday, November 22 ued, "but I believe that without them and either typewritten or in legible long­ Friday-November 21, 1930 9 :00-10 :30 General Session there wouldn't be any tOWIl at all. Bridge­ hand. They may be given to any mem­ water would be like a cemetery if it were 1. Reports of Round Table ber of the staff or to the class editor. 9 :15-10 :15 Chapel Exercise:; 110t for them. They're the ones that -Discussions We need your help to improve Our pa­ 1. Welcome to Delegates make the town alive. If the Normal School 2. Discussion of Main per. Will you back us up? a. Dr. Lunch Outing and Picnic Mr. Casey said that the sandwich which 10 :15-11 :15 General Session Bridgewater welcomes delegates from seemed to be most popular with the stud­ 1. Talk-Miss Alma Porter eight normal schools of Massachusetts; ents was the tuna-fish salad sandwich, 2. Reports Framingham, Lowell, Fitchburg, North and that the toasted cheese sandwich a. Organization of major Adams, Westfield, Salem, Worcester, and ranked next in popularity. When first and minor Sports Hyannis. questioned he laughed and said: Fitchburg Organization of the conference has been "The biggest demand when it comes to b. Commuter and Dorm­ directed by Jane Smith of the sophomore sandwiches is for bigger ones." itory Problem-:-Lowell class as general chairman: Harriet Par­ There are so many varieties of drinks c. How Normal School menter, dass of '32 chairman of the pro.:. and sundaes that this busy young man, Graduates Spend Their gram committee; Mary Allen '33, chair­ who was constantly interrupted during the Leisure Time.-Salem man of the hospitality committee; Flor­ interview by customers coming and going, 11 :00-11 :45 Round Table Discussions ence Kerniss '32, chairman of the enter­ could not, say just which ones were best 1. Organization of Sports­ tainment committee; and Mary Lavelle liked. Fitchburg of the senior class, chairman of the finance Mr. Casey caters to the Normal School C Class Social 2. How To Interest Girls In committee. students in every way. Every Wednes­ W. A. A.-Westfield Dorothy Jean Din egan day and Saturday, Transcripts are deliver­ On Friday evening, November 21, at 3. Uniform Point System­ ed at the school for Miss Hill's literature 7 :30 in the Albert Gardner Boyden Gym­ Bridgewater classes. "Then too," he said, with a nasium the C class will hold one of the 4. Health Programs-Hyan­ Attractions at the "Princess smile in his eyes belying the seriousness snappiest socials of the year. It is to nis Theatre" of his tone, "I remodelled the ice cream be in the form of a sport dance. The 5. Faculty Round Table November parlor entirely for their benefit you members appearing in sport costumes will 11 :45-12 :15 Business Meeting lO-l1-H Holiday" with Ann Harding know." have with them aU the pep that belongs to 12 :15-12 :30 Registering 12-13-"CaU of the Flesh" with Ramon When asked if Normal School girls were the class. 12 :30- 1 :30 Lunch Navarro easy to please or whether they were fussy, There will be a miniature golf course Conferenc~ Picture 14-15-"Way Out West" withWilIiam Mr. Casey hedged a little and finally re­ 1 :30- 2 :30 General Session Haines for the golf "fans", bridge for the card marked: 1. Reports 16 -"Last:, of the Lone Wolf" with "sharks," and the best orchestra possible a. What Our W. A. A. Bert Lytell "Wen, you know how women are." for the dancers. Has Done Since The 17-18-"Royal Romance" with Pauline Mary Childs Al All for twenty-five cents. Conference ·At Fitch­ Stark and Don't miss the C social! burg -"Not Damaged" with Lois Moran 1. North Adams 19-20-"Hell Harbor" with Lupe Velez 2. Framingham 21-22-"One Romantic Night" with Lillian Social Calendar Chapel Dates 3. Lowell Gish 2. Discussion of All Re- 23 -/'Ladies Love Brutes" with Geqrge Nov. 21--iC Social Nov. 13-N. A. A. ports - Framingham Bancroft Nov. 26--Thanksgiving vacation Nov. IS-Miss Beal u 2 :30- 3 :30 Address-Miss Ruth Page 24-25- Prince of Diamonds" with Ian Dec. 5-Men's Amateur Night Nov. 20-Library Club Sweet Keith and Aileen Pringle and Dec. 6--Student Cooperative Association Nov. 25-Mr. Stearns 3 :30- 4 :15 Discussion of Address -'-"Dance Hall" with Arthur Lake Dance Nov. 27-Thanksgiving 4 :15- 4 :30 Sports 26-27-H Swing High" with Helen Twel- Dec. 19-5ocial Activities Dance Dec. 2-Miss Bradford 8 :00- "C" Social vetrees Dec. 23-Jan. 5-Christmas vacation Dec. 4-Class Meetings 2 CAj\;fPUS COMMENTS CAMPUS COMMENT BOARD urally held \vhen there is a question of Interview with Miss Caldwell pursuit or conquest. Happy is the woman Editor-in-chief, Elizabeth O'Donnell ; who knows how to keep her man on "Quite exceptional is the way students Assistant Editor, Walker Trafton; Liter­ tenterhooks. run things with very little faculty assist­ ary Editor, Dorothy Gallant; Assistant 1fen usually make better fathers than ance here," said Miss Caldwell when in­ Literary Editors, Doris Ekstrom, Edward husbands. 1fonogamy is not their forte." terviewed recently. Landy; Business Manager, Nathan Bulot­ sky; Assistant Business Manager, Charles vVe wonder what the reaction of the lvfiss Caldwell is the new member of Clough; Advertising :Manager, Ida Warr; stronger sex will be. \Vi11 these opinions the physical education department. She Assistant Advertising Manager, Margaret fall on barren grouund? comes to Bridgewater after varied ex­ VanHouten; Social Editor, Cerise AIm; periences in her chosen field. Art Editor, Florence Brown; Exchange Sincerely yours, Editor, Tillie Jacobson; Sport Editors, Class Al (Sociology) "1 attended Northwestern University in FORUlVl Chicago for two and one half years and Dorothy Dinegan, Thomas Cullen; Joke D. E. G. EdItors, Harold Goeres, Alfred Averill' then went to the University of Wisconsin Alumni Editors, Day Students, Norm~ Dear Editor, for one year," said Miss Caldwell. "My . Johnston; Dorm Students, Jean Ferguson. Reportorial Staff, Cora Anger, Verda There has always been a tradition of Dear Editor, teachiI:g experience came in the next two Dunn, Betty Evans, Ruth Marsden, Eliz. perfect harmony existing between the Have you ever noticed how interesting years in Bessemer, near Birmingham, Al­ McConarty, Ruth Petluck, Emma White.
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