EN] OF I RELEASET., I DATE RAGA RE Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region Xlll Corogo J.P. Rosoles Ave., Buluon Cily Jonvory 22,2018 REGIONAT MEMORANDUM No.--o.5-1 s.,2otg REGIONAL ENHANCEMENT WRIIESHOP ON CAMPUS JOURNALISM FOR 2OI8 NATTONAT SCHOOTS PRESS CONTERENCE (NSPC) QUALTFTERS To: Schools Division Superiniendents Division Journolism Coordinotors Public ond Privoie Elementory ond Secondory Schools Heods I . Reloiive lo ihe conduct of the 2018 Nollonol Schools Press Conference (NSPC) on Februory 19-23,2018 in Dumoguete City, the Deportmenl of Educotion (DepEd) Corogo Region through the Cuniculum ond Leorning Monogemeni Division (CLMD) sholl conduct o Regionol Enhoncement ttYriteshop for NSPC Quolifiers on Februory '12-14,2018. The venue ol lhe wrileshop sholl be onnounced lhrough on odvisory. 2. This two-doy octivity oims to: o. heighlen the iournolistic skills of the conleslonls ond the cooching techniques of lhe School poper odvisen prior to the notionol coniest; ond b. updole, prepore ond enhoncethe 201B NSPC quolifiers ond their School Poper Advisen in terms of the lotest irends, contents ond mechonics of writing. 3. The porliciponls to this writeshop ore the lop ihree winners in the lndividuol Wriling Contests, First Ploce winners in Colloborolive Desktop Publishing ond their winning cooches, Division Journolism Coordinotors ond Troining focilitotors. Pleose see enclosure I for reference. 4. This is o live in oclivily. The first meol sholl be breokfost on Februory 12, 2018 ond the lost meol sholl be dinner on Februory 14, 2018. 5. Eoch division sholl conduci q division initioted writeshop/cliniquing for their 2018 NSPC quolifiers prior lo ihe conduct of the regionol wrileshop. 1 2r,S -o,' Ulo 6. Eoch division is expecled to submit the required documenls on Februory 12, 20r B. Documenl Nome Responsible Penons {ln Checking ond Verifying the documents) o. Student's outputs ore written in o yellow poper or long EPS Elnoro Ordedor, Mrs. bond poper. The outputs ore conected by the school Rhoodo Delos Sontos ond poper odviser compiled in o long size folder, duly EPS Filddred Suon noted by ihe Division Journolism Coordinolor. (Elem English) Number of outpuls sholl be counled. EPS Dino Abolos, EPS lvy NAporon ond EPS Evelyn Cono ( Sec. English) EPS Doris Cloro/ EPS Tereso I Corniio (Elem- Fil) EPS Felipo Melieb ond Evongeline Losoldo (Sec. Filipino) b. One (l) School publicotion of lhe leomer/s (either EPS Amelio Ulii English or Filipino, lhe medium/cotegory of which lhe Nilo Zolino leorner hos won in the RSPC) . The school publicoiions ( Elem English ond Filipino) ore compiled by division wilh o summory by medium ond by level. EPS Douglos Boylon (This is in consononce with the No School Poper, No Fe Quintos siudent conleslonl Policy. Only sludents from school (Secondory English ond with publicotions, both in English ond Filipino, ond/or Filipino) mointoin o legitimote publicolion stoff websile ore ollowed to compete in the vorious individuol evenls in ihe NSPC.) Schools which hove not collecled Joumolism or subscription fees from lheir students should submit poper e-documenl in PDF files wilh Certificotion from ihe porent's ossociotion, duly noied by the school principol, thot no publicolion fee hos been collecled from ihe students. c. Motrix of octivities ond nonotive report ond pictoriols EPS Conceplion in ihe conducl of Division lnitioted Cliniquing ore Cogulodo compiled in o long folder. Joke Frogo d. Forms to be submilled: EPS lmeldo Soriio . I fcopy] of Personol Doto Sheet with lD Willyn Socosoc piclures of the cooch ond the students, Fe Quintos ( See ottoched enclosure) Mrs. Mo. Belindo Tolong oO ne (l ) copy of Medicol form, . two (2) copies ot 2x2lD size piclure of bolh the cooch ond the quolifier sholl be checked by lhe secretoriot. I These documents sholl be compiled in o folder by division. e. Sizes of T-shirls (customized) of the officiol Glodys S. Asis porticiponts to ihe 201B NSPC sholl be submitted in sofl copy to the emoil oddress ot [email protected]. on Jonuory 29, 2018. 7. The Troining Motrix is stipuloted in Enclosure No. 2. 8. Trovel expenses ond oiher incidentol expenses of poriiciponts sholl be chorged ogoinsl locol ond/or School Poper Funds or olher sources, subject to lhe usuol occounting ond ouditing rules ond regulotions. 9. For more informolion, pleose contoci Dr. Glodys S. Asis, ihe Regionol Journolism Coordinotor, Cuniculum ond Leorning Monogement Division, through Tel. No. (085) 342-8207 loc. l23. 10. lmmediote ond wide disseminotion of this Memorondum to oll concerned ore highly desired. I BEATRIZ G. T , Ph.D., cEsq,v OIC- R gionol DireciorV4 Encls.: As sloled Ref erences: DepEd Memorondum: (DM 200, s. 201 7 | To be indicoted in the Perpetuol lndex under the following subjecis: CONFERENCES CLINIQUING PUPILS STUDENTS Clmd05/gso 1/22ltB Enc|osure no. I tO REGIONAL MEMORANDU M NO. O5rr s. ,20r8 PARTICIPANIS TO THE REGIONAT ENHANCEMENI WRITESHOP FOR 2OI8 NATTONAT. SCHOOTS PRESS CONFERENCE (NSPC) QUALIFIERS Februory 12-14,2018 Venue: TBA Delegates School/ oesignation Division Compus lo urnolist wi nne rs JOIE ANNE MARIE L^ 1 MAGDALERA BUTUAN CITY SPED CENTER BUTUAN CITY I FRA]-ZIE FLAIRE G. 2 CAMIGUING SAN FRANCISCO PILOT CES AGUSAN DEL SUR 3 FIONA ATHEA A. CURIE AGUSAN DEL SUR PILOT LABORATORY SCHOOL BAYUGAN CITY 4 DIMITRI CALAYOGAN BUTUAN CIW SPED CENTER BUTUAN CIW I s CODEY ANDREW GO SURIGAO EDUCATION CENTER SURIGAO CiW I 6 ZEMVI TRISTAN MAGPATOS ALBOR CES DINAGAT ISLANDS 7 KENNETH JEROME GLORIA SAN FRANCISCO PILOT CES AGUSAN DEL SUR a CARL BENEDICT LORZANO AGUSAN DEL SUR PILOT SCHOOT EAYUGAN CIW 9 RUVIENNE BELLE B. DAGSA ALEGRIA CES SURIGAO DEL NORTE 10 KAREN DAWN M. TANEDO BAYUGAN NATL COM PREHENSIVE HS BAYUGAN CITY 11 LEE ANGELA GARNICA FR, SATURNINO URIOS UNIVERSITY BUTUAN CIW t2 MARCEL AN T. RATONEL HINATUAN NHS SURIGAO DEL SUR 13 BEA NOREENYLLE BACALSO DE LA SALLE JOHN BOSCO COLLEGE BISLIG CITY 14 5ELINA KYLE S. TIU SAN FRNACISCO PILOT CES AGUSAN DEL SUR 15 CENNE JAY COL MAINIT CES SURIGAO DEL NORTE CHRISTIAN BENEDICT B. 15 RAMIREZ RAINBOW OF ANGELS LEARNING CENTER BUTUAN CITY a7 RUNNEL 5. CASINILLO LA UNION ES CABADBARAN CITY 18 .JOHN OLIVER BALABA HHSC AGUSAN DEL NORTE 19 HANS ETHAN K, TING RAINBOW OF ANGELS LEARNING CENTER, INC BUTUAN CITY 20 I ]AME! VENICE DANDASAN EAST BAYUGAN CES BAYUGAN CITY 21, CIELO CUMAHIG TAGBINA CES SURIGAO DEL SUR KHRISTINE CEE L. 22 MONTENEGRO ENFANT CHERI STUDY CENTER BUTUAN CITY 23 EJ ARREZA CANTILAN PILOT SCHOOL SURIGAO DEL SUR 24 MYTYN BYRONN OLARTE BISLIG SPECIAL SCIENCE ES BISLIG CITY 25 HUMPHRY -IUL B. SARNO ALBOR CES DINAGAT ISLANDS DWINRUB DUANE S. 26 ASUNCION NORCASES CABADBARAN CITY 27 CHARITY E. BUTAL PUTTING BATO ES CABADBARAN CITY 28 MICA DOLOR TRENTO CES AGUSAN DEL SUR 29 ED IAN JAY BAGUIO SAN FRANCISCO PILOT CES AGUSAN DEL SUR 30 MA. ALEXANDRA EFREN AGUSAN DEL SUR PILOT SCHOOT BAYUGAN CITY 31 GENIE MANTIGUEZ BAYUGAN WEST CES BAYUGAN CITY IRAH AME REAMBONANZA EAST BAYUGAN CES BAYUGAN CITY 33 AVEGAIL P. ALLEN cocoN cEs AGUSAN OEL NORTE 34 IEYLICA MAY NAQUIREZ AGUSAN DEL SUR COLLEGE BAYUGAN CITY 35 JONAH LYN LOZADO EAST BAYUGAN CES BAYUGAN CITY 36 MARIAN JANE LAYASAN BOLOA-BOLOA CES DINAGAT ISLANDS 37 SHAIRINE T. BANAR DAKUTAN CES AGUSAN DEL SUR 3{} IAMES TRUMAN D. PABIA NORCACEs CABADSARAN CITY 39 JERALD PHILIP LOPEZ AGUSAN DEL SUR PILOT SCHOOL I BAYUGAN CITY iro CHRISTOPHER ARELLANO JR. SALVACION ES BAYUGAN CITY 4a PETER KOBE BADIANG SURIGAO CITY SPECIAL SCIENCE ES SURIGAO CITY I 42 REX S. PORMENTERA LA UNION ES CABADBARAN CITY /|;| BRITNEY GRACE A. OSTOS NOLI CES BAYUGAN CITY 4 MARK EUWIEN MATUTINA SURIGAO CITY PILOT ES SURIGAO CITY 45 DAPHNE GEPIGA ROSARIO CES AGUSAN DEL 5UR il5 CATHERINE JOY VELASCO NORCACES CABADBARAN CITY 47 JEZRIEL SHANE OBANDE SAN JUAN ES BAYUGAN CITY 4a DIANNE BLANCO SALVACION ES BAYUGAN CITY 49 ALIE PETER NEIL C, GALEON BAYUGAN NAT'L COMPREHENSIVE HS BAYUGAN CITY 50 NOEL D. EASANEZ JR. DELA SALLE JHON BOSCO COLLEGES BISLIG CITY 51 NEIL JOBERT L. SENANIN NAsIPIT NATL VOCATIONAL SCHOOL AGUSAN DEL NORTE PHILIPPINBE SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL CARAGA EUNICE JOSHUA GAZMIN BUTUAN CIW 52 CAMPUS 53 .JOHNBER VOSETROS BUCAS GRANDE FOUNDATION SCHOOL SIARGAO ISLANDS 54 MART BEBBREIAN M. ATUPAN SAINT MICHAEL COLLEGE OF CARAGA AGUSAN DEL NORTE 55 LESTYLL D, BASAN AGUSAN DEt SUR NHS AGUSAN DEL SUR KENT LAMPAD BAYUGAN NATL COMPREHENSIVE HS EAYUGAN CITY 57 IVANBERT DAMASCO FR. SATURNINO URIOS COLLEGE OF BAYUGAN BAYUGAN CITY 58 SHERRY MARIE SUELLO DE LA SALLE JOHN BOSCO COLLEGE BISLIG CITY 59 CHEZTAYNE WYLME BUNGTAY BUTUAN CITY SPED CENTER BUTUAN CITY 60 SAMANTHA ESTEVES BUTUAN CES BUTUAN CITY 51 CHRISTIAN JAY SALVANA AGUSAN DEL SUR NHS AGUSAN DEL SUR 62 ALFER JOEFRANZ FUCOY BAYUGAN NATL COMPREHENSIVE HS BAYUGAN CITY 63 KIAN LIBARNES AGUSAN NHS BUTUAN CITY 54 NEIL KEVEN PRADEL CARMEN NATL AGRICUTTURAL HS SURIGAO DEL SUR 65 RALPH LAWRENCE TANTOY MAT.I NHS SURIGAO CITY 66 FRENZCARL N, MORETE BAYUGAN NATL COM PREHENSIVE HS BAYU6AN CITY PHILIPPINE SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL{ARAGA LAWRENCE D. OSONIO BUTUAN CITY 67 CAMPUS 63 MARIELLE ALIAH E. GELSANO ESPERANZA NHS AGUSAN DEL SUR 69 JOSEPH ENRIC B. DY BAYUGAN NATL COMPEHENSIVE HS BAYUGAN CITY 70 KLENT ANDREW HALASAN ZILOVIA NHS AGUSAN DEL SUR 7t QUEENITH A. LUIB TUBAJON NHS DINAGAT ISLANDS r2 KERBY KENT TABULAO MANGAGOY NHS BISLIG CITY 73 JOSHUA T. NICOSIA CIRAGA REGIONAL SCIENCE HS SURIGAO CITY MARIANNE FATIMA T. 74 GULTIANO IAGUPIT NHS AGUSAN DEL NORTE 75 CHERRIE MAY F. CUBETO SIARGAO NHS SIARGAO ISLANDS 76 REGIE MARK MANSIGUE SAN LUIS NHS AGUSAN DEL SUR 77 NATHALIA B. TERO AGUSAN DEL SUR COLLEGE BAYUGAN CITY 7A ANA ROSE TAMAYO SAINT MICHAEL COLLEGE OF CARAGA AGUSAN DEL NORTE 79 GLENN ARBIS CARAGA REGIONAL SCIENCE HS SURIGAO CITY 80 NICOTE KEN AGDANA SAN NICOLAS ACADEMY SURIGAO DEL NORTE 81 RIZZA MAE DAGOC SAINTTHERESA COLLEGE TANDAG CITY a2 RHYSON B.
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