Ecological Reference Areas by Natural Community � ID# Site Name County Land Manager Acres Alvar (Rare/Sensitive) 2305 Escanaba River (Cornell) Delta DNR 9 2492 Escanaba River North Marquette DNR 18 12028 Jones Lake -- Drummond Island Chippewa DNR 39 2121 Maxton Plains Chippewa DNR, Conservancy 1,474 Bog (Rare/Sensitive) 3580 Barclay Lake Bogs Luce DNR 27 8926 Barfield Lakes Alger/Luce DNR 138 18825 Chris Brown Bog Luce DNR 8 18689 Connor Lakes Luce DNR 7 19758 Craig Lake Bogs Baraga DNR 58 19483 Crisp Point Chippewa/Luce DNR 10 18837 Dog Lake Cheboygan DNR 15 12097 Fox Lake Bog -- Beaver Island Charlevoix DNR 148 17614 Grass Lake Roscommon DNR 53 17611 Hanson Lake Menominee DNR 147 18674 Harcourt Lake Northeast Schoolcraft DNR 18 4809 Hoop Lake Bog Cheboygan DNR 7 12944 Jackson Tindle Road Mackinac DNR 6 19749 Keweenaw Point Bog Keweenaw DNR 4 15963 Lake Sixteen Bog Cheboygan DNR 10 15964 Lansing Club Pond East Otsego DNR 8 11575 Long Lake Grand Traverse DNR 37 18850 Loon Lake Bog Presque Isle DNR 12 19491 Mason Tract Crawford DNR 2 8430 North Lost Lake Bog Grand Traverse DNR 26 18688 Quintus Lake, Coyote Lake Luce DNR 27 11717 Ryerse Lake Mackinac DNR 48 16139 Tighe Lake Schoolcraft DNR 62 18767 Turtle Creek Otsego DNR 9 18748 Sylvania West Gogebic USFS 60 Boreal Forest (Rare/Sensitive) 10330 Barbed Point -- Drummond Island Chippewa DNR 28 17838 Big Stone Bay Boreal Forest Emmet DNR 131 14549 Boreal #7 Chippewa DNR 49 2127 Cap's Cabin Emmet DNR 50 17859 Fourth Lake Complex Chippewa DNR 293 6311 French Bay -- Beaver Island Charlevoix DNR 20 7487 Garden Island West Boreal Forest Charlevoix DNR 460 4856 High Island Charlevoix DNR 17 19752 Keweenaw Fish Cove Boreal Forest Keweenaw DNR 55 17284 Keweenaw Point Keweenaw DNR 795 8473 Lighthouse Point Mackinac DNR 350 6073 North Fox Island Leelanau DNR 188 17295 Point Abbaye Baraga DNR 146 788 South Fox Island Leelanau DNR 37 12329 Waugoshance and Temperance Islands Emmet DNR 138 7678 Waugoshance Point Emmet DNR 97 4498 Au Sable Point Alger NPS 67 1231 Harbor Island Chippewa USFWS 313 4501 Thunder Bay Island Alpena USFWS 46 Cave (Rare/Sensitive) 9091 Quarry Cave Mackinac Conservancy 8 8533 Hendrie River Water Cave Mackinac DNR 8 Regional/individual maps available by request: call 517-284-5851. � Last Revised: 12/18/14, ACE Page 1 � Ecological Reference Areas by Natural Community � ID# Site Name County Land Manager Acres Alvar3042 (Rare/Sensitive) Kochab Cave Mackinac DNR 8 Clay Bluffs (Rare/Sensitive) 18009 Porcupine Mountains Clay Bluffs Gogebic DNR 16 19147 North Manitou Bluffs Leelanau NPS 17 Coastal Fen (Rare/Sensitive) 13470 Dudley Bay Mackinac Conservancy 6 12664 Grass Bay Cheboygan Conservancy 24 15897 Voight Bay Mackinac Conservancy 43 7889 Voight Bay West Mackinac Conservancy 9 3734 Baldimore Bay Environmental Area Charlevoix DNR 66 7888 Jensen Harbor Charlevoix DNR 158 10574 Northcutt Bay Charlevoix DNR 20 11602 Point Detachee Fen Mackinac DNR 0.7 9513 Sweat Lodge Swale Charlevoix DNR 5 11086 Thompson's Harbor Presque Isle DNR 13 17336 Waugoshance Point Emmet DNR 330 1936 El Cajon Bay, Misery Bay Alpena DNR, Local Gov't 69 19148 Trail's End Bay Emmet Local Gov't 4 Dry Northern Forest (Rare/Sensitive) 12024 Barclay Lake Jack Pines Luce DNR 173 4328 Barfield Lakes Luce DNR 36 14557 Bell's Landing Presque Isle DNR 22 14558 Blind Sucker Creek Luce DNR 110 10262 Crawford Red Pines Crawford DNR 19 8236 Fife Lake Plains Grand Traverse DNR 75 708 Fisher Bridge Red Pines Luce DNR 229 3510 Houghton Lake Red Pines Roscommon DNR 20 18810 Lake Superior Campground Luce DNR 165 11065 Roscommon Red Pines Roscommon DNR 42 2709 Southside Bridge Red Pines Schoolcraft DNR 20 1762 Sunken Lake Red Pines Schoolcraft DNR 109 17342 Two-Hearted Luce DNR, Conservancy 463 6355 Eagle Harbor Keweenaw Local Gov't, Conservancy 170 Dry Sand Prairie (Rare/Sensitive) 5909 Shupac Lake Crawford DNR 63 232 Coolbough Natural Areas -- Ore-Ida Prairie Newaygo Local Gov't 17 Dry-mesic Northern Forest (Rare/Sensitive) 3641 Estivant Pines Keweenaw Conservancy 153 17914 Little Two-Hearted Lakes Pines Luce Conservancy, DNR 118 18778 Au Sable Pines Crawford DNR 13 9666 Beavertown Lakes Luce DNR 194 993 Bryan Creek Marquette DNR 52 14561 Chadwick Creek Montmorency DNR 56 18890 Covington Nestoria Dry-Mesic Northern Forest Baraga DNR 104 18751 Fence River Pines Iron DNR 33 17313 Groveland Minds Dickinson DNR 341 14560 Hartman White Pine Schoolcraft DNR 24 7843 Hog Island Charlevoix DNR 102 18789 Hudson Creek Roscommon DNR 35 15922 Landon Lake Pines Marquette DNR 50 18813 Little Presque Isle Marquette DNR 6 13252 Little Trout Lake Chippewa/MackinDNRac 45 17309 Lost Lake Dickinson DNR 264 17853 Lost Lake Keweenaw DNR 13 Regional/individual maps available by request: call 517-284-5851. � Last Revised: 12/18/14, ACE Page 2 � Ecological Reference Areas by Natural Community � ID# Site Name County Land Manager Acres Alvar19489 (Rare/Sensitive) Mason Tract Crawford DNR 32 19490 Mason Tract Crawford DNR 18 13195 Nebo Trail Emmet DNR 489 10971 Negro Creek Schoolcraft DNR 88 18783 Nine Mile Pines Roscommon DNR 6 7990 North Branch Lakes White Pines Luce DNR 91 18765 Norway Pines Alpena DNR 43 17348 Pesheke Highlands Marquette DNR 307 4499 Pigeon River Pines Cheboygan DNR 80 19149 Piney Ridge Mason DNR 95 9259 Pointe La Par Charlevoix DNR 248 18056 Porcupine Oaks Ontonagon DNR 94 17923 Prison Camp Pine Ridges Luce DNR 94 17365 Rocking Chair Lakes Marquette DNR 32 3934 Sand Lakes Grand Traverse/K alkaskaDNR 475 12496 Swamp Lakes Luce DNR 7 18843 Tomahawk Pines Montmorency DNR 10 16924 Two-Hearted Lakes Dry-Mesic Northern Forest Luce DNR 18 18860 Wycamp Pines Emmet DNR 235 15950 Pretty Lake Pinery Luce DNR, Conservancy 865 12155 Marsh Lake Red Pines Gogebic USFS 16 Emergent Marsh (Common) 19485 Crisp Point Chippewa/Luce DNR 17 19754 Keweenaw Point Keweenaw DNR 6 17998 Lake of the Clouds Ontonagon DNR 24 19743 Middle Lake Marsh Alpena DNR 70 18820 North Point Marsh Alpena DNR 9 17338 Thompson's Harbor Presque Isle DNR 22 17843 Waugoshance Island Emmet DNR 10 Floodplain Forest (Rare/Sensitive) 18760 Black River Floodplain Cheboygan DNR 295 18892 Chippewa Salt Forest Floodplain Midland DNR 100 13437 Manistee River State Game Area Manistee DNR 2,144 19738 Menominee River Floodplain Menominee DNR 0.4 10646 Muskegon River/Green Creek North Clare DNR 45 6095 Muskegon River/Huckleberry Trail Clare DNR 15 929 Smokey Hollow Swamp Alpena DNR 35 930 VanEtten Lake Iosco DNR 77 Granite Bedrock Glade (Rare/Sensitive) 4782 Big Bay South Outcrops Marquette DNR 13 19760 Craig Lake State Park Baraga DNR 4 17302 Escanaba Compartment 113 Menominee DNR 2 17316 Groveland Minds Dickinson DNR 0.9 18814 Little Presque Isle Marquette DNR 31 9902 Lost Creek Outcrops Marquette DNR 10 17310 Lost Lake Dickinson DNR 30 2328 Lost Lake Outcrops Dickinson DNR 88 17352 Pesheke Highlands Marquette DNR 6 2171 Powell Township Outcrops Marquette DNR 16 17926 McFadden Glade Marquette DNR, Conservancy 563 Granite Bedrock Lakeshore (Rare/Sensitive) 18815 Little Presque Isle Marquette DNR 14 Granite Cliff (Rare/Sensitive) 19757 Craig Lake Granite Cliff Baraga DNR 9 Regional/individual maps available by request: call 517-284-5851. � Last Revised: 12/18/14, ACE Page 3 � Ecological Reference Areas by Natural Community � ID# Site Name County Land Manager Acres Alvar18143 (Rare/Sensitive) Craig Lakes Potential Landscape Unit Marquette DNR 0.9 17315 Groveland Minds Dickinson DNR 1 18816 Little Presque Isle Marquette DNR 0.3 17311 Lost Lake Dickinson DNR 2 17928 McFadden Cliffs Marquette DNR 3 6523 Mulligan Cliffs Marquette DNR 15 17350 Pesheke Highlands Marquette DNR 0.1 Granite Lakeshore Cliff (Rare/Sensitive) 18817 Little Presque Isle Marquette DNR 3 Great Lakes Barrens (Rare/Sensitive) 8689 Cathead Bay Leelanau DNR 28 11891 Nordhouse Dunes Mason DNR 1,725 2826 Silver Lake Dunes Oceana DNR 222 3324 Sturgeon Bay Emmet DNR 48 17844 Waugoshance Point Emmet DNR 8 19150 North Manitou Barrens Leelanau NPS 10 7312 Platte Bay East Benzie NPS 77 19144 Platte Bay West Benzie NPS 226 273 Shalda Creek, Good Harbor Bay Leelanau NPS 72 19151 South Manitou Barrens Leelanau NPS 12 Great Lakes Marsh (Rare/Sensitive) 563 Roach Point Chippewa Conservancy 355 12426 Voight Bay -- Marquette Island Mackinac Conservancy 206 1297 Mismer Bay Mackinac Conservancy, DNR 60 4290 Squaw Bay Alpena Conservancy, DNR 32 13163 Big Shoal Cove -- Drummond Island Chippewa DNR 1 2797 Epoufette Bay Mackinac DNR 29 2179 Hog Island -- East Shoreline Charlevoix DNR 64 4683 Hursley Creek, Charlotte River Chippewa DNR 82 13020 Indian Harbor Charlevoix DNR 71 9877 Kemp's Point Chippewa DNR 102 12046 Kenyon Bay and West Mackinac DNR 10 2288 Manistee River State Game Area -- Manistee River Manistee DNR 1,110 11784 Munuscong and Little Munuscong Rivers and Pickford Point Chippewa DNR 957 5459 Negwegon Marsh Alpena DNR 138 18835 Ossineke Marsh Alpena DNR 5 9211 Paw Point, Scott Point Chippewa DNR 171 6629 Pequaming Marsh Baraga DNR 162 1919 Petobego Pond Antrim/Grand Traverse DNR 134 8882 Portage River Marsh Houghton DNR 242 8300 Sturgeon River Houghton DNR 991 3468 Temperance and Waugoshance Islands Emmet DNR 222 17340 Thompson's Harbor Presque Isle DNR 31 11690 Waugoshance Point Emmet DNR 322 11423 Independence Lake Marquette DNR, Conservancy 975 18590 El Cajon Bay, Misery Bay Alpena DNR, Local Gov't 115 5458 Lac La Belle Keweenaw Local Gov't, Conservancy 182 6682 Harbor Island Bay Chippewa USFWS 34 Hardwood-Conifer Swamp (Rare/Sensitive) 10054 Beavertown Lakes Luce Conservancy, DNR 145 18769 Betsie River Swamp Benzie DNR 27 18863 Carp River Swamp Ontonagon DNR 51 19768 Carp River Swamp South Ontonagon DNR 102 1636 Cecil Bay Emmet DNR 459 Regional/individual maps available by request: call 517-284-5851.
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