LOK SABHA DEBATES Vol. 111 Flrst day of the Second Sosslon of Eleventh Lok Sabha No 1 LOK SABHA 11. Shri Shees Ram Ola, Minister of State of the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers Wednesday, July 10, 1996/ Asadha 19, 1918 (Saka) 12. Shri Yoginder K. Alagh, Minlster of State of the Ministry of Piannlng and Programme Implementation and Minister of State of the (The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock) Ministry of Science and Technology [MR. SPEAKERln'the Chair] Mlnl8ter8 of Slatr : 13. Shri Dhanushkodi R. Athithan, Minister of State NATIONAL ANTHEM in the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports in the Mlnistry of Human Resource The National Anthem was played. Development 14. Shri Mohd. Maqbool Dar, Minister of State in 11.02 hrr. the Ministry of Home Affairs 15. Shri Muhi Ram Saikia, Minister of State in the [English] Department of Education in the Ministry of KUMARI MAMATA BANERJEE (Calcutta South) : Human Resource Development Sir, the situation of price rise ...(Interruptions) 16. Shrl N.V.N. Somu, Minister of State in the MR. SPEAKER : You may rake it after the Ministry of Defence introduction of Ministers. 17. Shri Satpalji Maharj, Minister of State in the Ministry of Railways. 18. Shri Sr. Balasubramoniyan, Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Gievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the INTRODUCTION OF MINISTERS Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs MR. SPEAKER : The Prime Minister may 19. Shri T R. Balu, Minister of State in the Ministry introduce the Ministers to the House. of Petroleum and Natural Gas ...(Interruptrons) THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI H.D. DEVE SHRI RAM NAiK (Mumbai North) : Sir, I am on a OOWDA) : Sir, I Introduce to you and through you to point of information, We hear from the newspapers the House, my colleagues : that one Minister has resigned. Is he making any statement in the House as to why he had to resign' Cabinet Mlnlaterr : ...(Interruptions) 1.. Shri Beni Prasad Verma, Minister of MR. SPEAKER : You may raise it later, after Communications obituary references. 2. Shri Chaturanan Mishra, Minister of Agriculture 3. Shri lndrajit Gupta, Minister of Home Affairs 11 .O5 hrr. 4. Shri Janeshwar Mishra, Minister of Water Resources OBITUARY REFERENCES 5. Shri R.L. Jalappa, Minister of Textlles [English] 6. Shri Srikanta Kumar Jena, Minister of MR. SPEAKER . Hon'ble Members, I have to Parliamentary Affairs and Minister of Tourism intorm the House with profound sorrow ot the sad Minirterr of State (Independent Charge) : demise of our former colleagues, Shr~M Subha Reddy, Dr Manoj Pandey and Shri vagya Datt 7. Shrl Bolia Buli Ramaiah, Minister of State of Sharma. the Ministry of Commerce Shri M. Subha Reddy was a Member of Eighth 8. Shri Dilip Kumar Ray, Minister of Slate of the Lok Sabha representing Nandyal Parliamentary Ministry of Food Processing Industries constituency of Andhra Pradesh during 1984-89 9. Shri Raghubans Prasnd Singh, Minister of Earlier, he had been a member of Andhra State of the Department of Anlmal Husbandry Pradesh Legislative Council dur~ng1958.72 and and Dalrying In the Ministry of Agriculture Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly dur~ng 10. Shri Ramakant D. Khaiap, Minister of State of 1972-78. the Department of Legal Affairs, Legislative An agriculturist by profession. 9hr1 Reddy was Department and Department of Justice an able and active parliamentrr~an.He took keen 3 Obiruary References JULY 10, 1996 Interest In focussing the attentlon of the House to MR. SPEAKER : Question number one agrarlan problems and Issues relating to rural (Interruptions) development. Shrl Reddy lost h~sllfe in traglc circumstances 11 -09 hrr. when he fell vlctim to a bomb attack on 20 June, (At this stage, Kumari Mamata Banerjee came and 1996 in Kurnool town in Andhra Pradesh at the age sat on the floor near the Table.) of 82 years. (Interruptions) Dr Manoj Pandey was a Member of Eighth Lok Sabha representing Bettlah parliamentary SHRl SARAT PATTANAYAK (Bolangir) : The constrtuency of Bihar durlng 1984-89. Government has not given any statement An Agr~culturist and medical practitioner by ...(Interruptions). There is no question whether they professlon. Dr. Pandey was an active polltical and are going to reduce the price or not. soclal worker. He worked ceaselessly for the MR. SPEAKER . Now please listen to me. Go uplrttment of the poor and weaker sections of the back to your seat. soclety He rendered tree medical servlce to the (Interruptrons) people and imparted free education to the children belonging to poor and backward classes of the society MR. SPEAKER : No, Mamatail, thls 1s not the Dr Pandey act~vely particrpated in the way proceedings of the House (Interruptions) He passed away at Hilton Hospital In London on MR SPEAKER . Please sit down. 3 July. 1996 at a young age of 45 years. (Interruptrons) Shrr Yagya Datt Sharma was a Member of Fourth MR SPEAKER , Look here. Listen to me. and Slxth Lok Sabha representlng Amrltsar and Gurdaspur parliamentary constituencies of Punjab (Inferruptions) durlng 1967.70 and 1977-79. MR. SPEAKER : If your are interested, why do He also served as Governor of Orlssa you not llsten to me? Please sit down Please go An ayurvedic physician by protesslon. Shrl back to your seats and listen to me. Sharma dedicated h~sentire life to the Improvement (Inferruptions) of Indigenous system of medlcrne and vigorously MR. SPEAKER . Why do you not l~stento me? strove for promotion of the Ayurvedlc system of med~clne.Dur~ng the famlnes of 1943 In Bengal and (Interruptions) Kangra-Kula valley In 1945-46, he alongwith a team MR. SPEAKER : We are all responsible of doctors from Punjab provlded succour to the Members We all know the seriousness of the Issue famine-stricken people He also worked for the relief It 1s not that only one or two Members of Parhament and rehabllltatlon of refugees In 1947 and rendered are concerned about this issue We are all medlcai assstance to the sck concerned I am concerned An able parllamentarran, Shri Sharma lost no SHRl KODlKUNNlL SURESH (Adoor) . Thal 1s opportunrty to focus the attentlon of the House to the why we are asklng about this. problems faced by the peasants and the depr~ved sectlons of the soclety He was member of various MR. SPEAKER Yes. There 1s a tlme to do Parliamentary Commrttees everyth~ng Shr, Snarma passed away in New Delhi or! 4 (lnterruptlons) July 1996 at the age ot 75 years MR SPEAKER , I will take up the Issue We aeeply mourn the loss of these frlends and lrnmed~atelyafter the Question Hour I am sure the House wrll join me In conveying our (Interruptions) condclences to the berraved famihes MR. SPEAKER . You cannot take the House lor The House may stand In sllence for a short whlle granted. Thls IS not the way. as a mark of respect to the deceased (Interruptions) 11.O8 hrr. MR. SPEAKER : I have agreed to take up thls The Member then s!ood In s~lencelor a Issue ~mmedlatelyafter the Questlon Hour. short whrle SHRl SONTOSH MOHAN DEV (Silchar) MI Speaker. Slr, please give me one mlnute to say something KUMARl MAMATA BANERJEE (Calcutta South) Slr :+ti people are agltat~ngDecalJse of the high MR. SPEAKER : Yes. prlco :ISH (Interruptions) 5 ASADHA 19, 1918 (Saka) Oral Ans wers 6 SHRl SONTOSH MOHAN DEV : Sir, It was should be followed and if Mr. Santosh Mohan of the decided yesterday that this matter wlll be taken up Congress party says that Kumari Mamata Banerjee after the Question Hour. The hon. Member may not could not be informed then it could be well be knowing about it. Today morning the Prime understood. There could be a communication gap. Minister has also assured us that he would reply to My submission is that the Question Hour should be each and every point. In view of this, I would request taken up and after that the issue that is agitating us our Member to come back to her seat. We have got all should be taken up. I am happy that if the MPs the assurance of the Prime Minister ...(Interr~ptions) of the Congress Party, even if they are supporting Government, are maklng their opinion on the basis SHRl RAM NAlK (Mumbal ~orth): Mr. Bpraker, Sir, what Shri Sontosh Mohan bev said We8 not of merlts of the case, then a chance should be given audible to us. Probably he said that thlr matter to di8cuss the issue. We have given a notice for the should be taken up after the Question Hour is over Adjournment Motion and would llke to press for that. and Kurnari Mamata Banerjee should be allowed to We would also like that the member of the Congress speak first. We are all very such concerned about Party should also support It. this issue. We do not leave our claim for Adjournment Motion only because some Member come8 to the [E nglis h] well of the House. That would not be correct MR. SPEAKER : Let us take up the questions .. .(Interruptions) first. MR. SPEAKER : Please listen to me. Yerterday, in the meeting of the Leaders of the political Partles and Groups this issue came up for discussion, Thr Government readily agreed for a discussion on thlr issue in the House. The unanimous decision of the ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS political parties in the meeting was that 80, thlr hrr already been decided. Where is hte necessity for 811 Natural Calamltleo these things? The whole natlon is worried about thlr, When we are going to discuss this matter, why do [English] you not do things in a decent manner? Do It in a '2.
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