VOLUME VII, WASHINGTON CITY, D. G., APRIL 29,1877. NUMBER a children of men, and it teaches us that tru« nation on this occasion is of a capacity that we fairly LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. AT THE CITY HALL. THE CAPITAL, charity is a charity to ourselves, an ele- presume will not fail to do the brilliancy of Sheridan CIRCUIT COURT—Chief Justice Carlter.—Yesterday, . PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY complete justice. In this court: Christman vs. Dexter; judgment by de vating, healthy impulse and nat a calcu- Foreign News« fault. Hume vs. Southey; rule to show cause, dis- THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY The gentlemen, ai the cast runs, aro Sir Anthony charged. Wright vs. Welch & Co.; motion for new lation. Absolute, Mr. Alex. Hunter; Captain Absolute, Mr. NEW YORK/April 28.—The following disiatchTs"aro trial overruled and bills of exception filed. Hueber 937 D street, Washington, ». O. Does one ever reflect how little we can do published here: etux. vs. Tueber et ux.; motion for now trial over- J. H. Reld; Faulkland, Mr. Courtland H. Smith; LONDON, April 28.—Advices through Turkish sourc cs ruled. District of Columbia vs. Lord; motion for new DONN PIATT, . EDITOR. for the poor? The difference between Bob Acres, Colonel Mott Ball; Sir Lucius O'Trigger, from Asia Minor report that the battle at Batoum, be- trial overruled. Magruder vs. Thornton ; certified to Mr. George Douglas of this city; Mr. Fag, Mr. Sam tween Turks and Jtussians, raged throughout the general term. Kowald vs. Harrison; certiorari wealth and poverty are most imaginary. whole of yesterday. The Russians were commanded by lashed. Keeley vs. Mitchell; judgment confessed. TERMS : Per year, (Including postage,) $8.50; six The beggar in his rags has about as much Brent; David, Mr. Carroll Ashby ; Thomas, Mr. Grand Duke Michael and were severely repulsed. S month!, #1.50 j three months, 75 cents—In advance. happiness as the millionaire in his fine linen- ,lames Fowle. Tho Turks, under Hassan Pasha, suffered slight igglns, Cobb & Co. vs. Imtay; motion to set aside Single copies, 5 cents. The ladies are the most acconn>lished and talented losses, but the Russians lost heavily. The Russians re- judgment overruled. Randolph et al. vs. Slmms et Happiness is not in the linen nor the lack of sumed the attack last night, and were again defeated al.; order, and exception to bills of exceptions ten- CLUBS : Ten copies to one address, »20 In advance, in the dramatic line of this section.' As there is a and driven across the frontier. dered. Colladge vs. Crecy; judgment below affirmed. with one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, $35 it in the rags. Pain and privation are posi- proportion of journalists in the performance we don't BUCHAREST, April 28.—The Turks crossed the Dan- . Adjourned sine die. in advance, with one copy tree. | tive evils, but pain comes to the rich as well see how it can be other than a striking success. Ube to-day near Sillstrla. PROBATE COURT—Judge Olin.—Ycstorday, in tho as the poor, while hunger and nakedness do ROME, April 28.—The Italian government has issued office of the register of wills— THE rendition of the Crimson Scarf by the Falrlamb a declaration of neutrality. * Martha J. Bell filed petition for appointment of not call for much and are of small aocount, CONSTANTINOPLE, April 28.—An official dispatch guardian to her Infant children; bond fixed at #1,000. SUNDAY MEDITATIONS. opera troupe, on Wednesday evening last, reflected from Batoum, dated Friday, says the Russians, hav- In re estate of Philip Huhn, deceased; the answer of if their relief were all when placed to our ac- ing renewed tho attack, were again repulsed with (NO. V.) credit alike on the company and upon its manager Margaret Eller to petition of Henry Wise Garnett lor count with God. and tutor, Mr. Remington Fairlamb. heavy loss. The Turks nave not yet crossed the Dan- letters of administration was filed. ube. The occupation of Glenegevo by the Russians —The assignment for to-morrow In the court in gen- "1. Take heed that you do not your alms heforo men There is always about amateur performances a cer is denied. It is rumored that the Sultan proceeds to be seen ol them ; otherwise you have no reward of Let us build an orphan asylum of the eral term is as follows : Nos. (15) Brooks vs. Francis, tain lack of that stage polish reached only by years of next week to Schumba. His brother Reschad goes to (19) Holden & Ford vs. Smith, (20) LIshear vs. Galla- stoutest walls and boautify it with all that Kars. your Father who is in Heaven. professional experience and careful training, and her et al., (21) Talburg vs. Metropolitan railroad- "2. Therefore when thou doest thine alms do not art can give, and we cannot replace a Tho Turkish fleet Is ordered to blockade Russian company, (22) Patch vs. Davis, (24) Prlohett vs.. which always stands in their path to a perfect repre- ports. Hobart Pasha sails shortly for Crete. sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do In Prichett, (25) F. S. and T. company vs. Wilkes, (27) mother's love, that makes in its loss the or- sentation, but as we never see opera performed per- The Ottoman troops now occupy the whole MiHdlto Wood vs. Wood, (28) Hitz vs. National Life Insurance the synagogues and in the streets that they may have phan. It is the giving that makes the good; fectly by a professional it would be odd, indeed, if we district Company, (29) Rider vs. Morsell. glory of men. Verily I say unto you they have their The Turkish budget shows a deficit of £12,000,000. and the poor sister of charity, half mother looked for perfection in amateurs. While as actorial —Mr. Meigs .issued the following marriage licenses reward. LONDON, April 28.—Her Majesty's steamer Thun- yesterday: William G. Clark and Ada J. Curtis, artists they have much to acquire, as vocalists such derer has been ordered to be fitted out for particular Hoffman J. Bolton and Alice Carroll. "8. But when thou doest alms let not thy left hand and half angel, who gives all she has to the service on Tuesday next. She will carry one lieuten- ladies as Misses Flinn and Kaufl'man, and gentlemen VERDICT OF MANSLAUGHTER.—On the night of know what thy right hand doetb : poor and sick, little dreams in her self-sacri- ant, two sergeants, two'oorporals, forty-five gunners, as Messrs. Keen and Morsell, are of really distin privates of marine, artillery and light infantry. Her February 1 last, William Stant, Samuel Morris and . "4. That thy alms may be In secret and tby Father, ficing privation that she is getting a reward Charles Bogue were walking along Louisiana avenue, guished merit and sufficiently capable to swim any complement of officers and men will bo three hundred who seeth in secret himself, shall reward thee openly. and forty-five. near Ninth street. Shortly afterwards cries were here that she prays for in the hereafter. ordinary operatic performance through its seal of- heard from the party, and Morris was seen to strike "6. And when thou prayest thou sholt no the as the A Paris dispatch to the Daily Telegraph has tho fol- Ah! God lift us from the hell of self-torture— troublesome critics to a very fair success. Bogue-on the head, who fell to the sidewalk. Morris hypoorites are, for they love to pray standing in the lowing : "Not only has Russia warned the Khedlvo and Stant were arrested, and Bogue, whose skull was this sense of sin, this loss of self-respect, against sending troops to aid the Sultan; but France fractured by the blow dealt him by Morris, was sent synagogues and on the corners ol tho streets that they THE MINSTRELS, at the National last week, wore an has. warned him against diverting any sums he had and give us oontent with ourselves, and the 0 to the hospital, where he died five days later. The may be seen of men. Verily Isayunto you they have era in the history of minstrelsy. We had supposed set apart for creditors to such purpose. trial of these parties has occupied the criminal court. their reward. heaven of the hereafter Is the heaven of to- that Garncross and Dixey had approximated success BERLIN, April 28.—The statement that the banker, Judge Olin, during the past three days, on an indict- day. Blelchroder, has concluded a loan of 100,000,000 ment for murder. Yesterday afternoon, at 8:15 o'clock, "6. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy about as closely as it] could be in* their line, but they roubles in Russia Is unfounded. the jury returned a verdict of manslaughter against closet and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy The lesson of oliarity taught by Christ has seem to have gotten in a few better since their last PESTH. April 28.—In the lower house of the Hun- ,bot h Stant and Morris. Sentence was deferred. Father which is in secret; and thy Father, who seeth garian Diet to-day the members of the Independent : been taken up from time to time through visit. It has been supposed, to a. great degree, that a Liberal party announced an interpellation whether In secret, shall reward thee openly." the ages, and repeated mostly by women slight vulgarity is essential to minstrel performances. the government considered the treaty of Paris bind- In Memorlam.
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