
OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] Distr. LIMITED IPCT.47 (SPEC.) UNITED NATIONS 17 November 1987 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Original: ENGLISH LINDUSTRIAL INFORMATION SOURCES ON SELECTED NON-FERROUS INDUSTRIES~\ Prepared for the First Consultation on Non-ferrous Metals Industry by the Industrial and Technological Information Section Notations for the non-ferrous metal basic industry: Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) 669.2 Non-ferrous metals International Standard Industrial Classification (!SIC) 372 Non-ferrous metal basic industries Standard International Trade Classification {S!TC) 68 Non-ferrous metals Notation for the literature sources: IS equals ISBN or ISSN depending on the type of literature The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on che part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization concerning the legal status of any country., territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Mention of company ~-Lmes and commercial products does not imply the endorsement of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). This document has been reproduced wit:1out formal editing. CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION AND EXPLANATORY NOTES English iii Chinese v French vii Russian ix Spanish xi Section I. ?R(IFE~SIONAL, TRADE AND RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS, LEARNED SOC!TIES AND SPECIAL INFORMATION SERVICES l A. Unitei Rations and related bodies l B. International and regional organizations 3 c. Oganizations of more restricted scope 14 II • DIRECTORIES 70 A. General, regional and national directories 70 B. Branch directories 73 III. SOURCES O~ STbIISTICS, MARICETIRG AND OTHER ECONOMIC DATA 81 A. World-wlde coverage 81 B. Regional coverage 89 C. Rational c~ver3ge 92 IV. HANDBOOKS, TEXTBOOKS AM> MANUALS, MONOGRAPHS 96 V. PERIODICALS 110 VI. ABSTRACTING, INllEXING AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL 124 A. Abstracting, indexing 124 B. Bibliographical material 133 VII. PROCEEDINGS, PAPERS Arm REPORTS 135 A. United Nations and r~lated bodies 135 B. Miscellaneous 137 VIII. VARIOuS DATA BASES 143 IX. SPECIALIZED DICTIONARIES ARD ENCYCLOPEDIAS 145 X. OTHER SOURCES OF INFORMATION 149 A. Consulting and engineering services 149 B. Environment 149 C. Fairs and exhibitions 153 D. Financing, investing and marketing 154 E. Meetings, conferences an~ congresses 157 F. Patents and licences 158 G. Standards and specifications 159 H. Training 161 I. Translation services 161 J. tJNil.)O activities 161 Bibliographical and other sources used in compiling the present guide 162 i IN'l'R~DUCTION The United Nations Industrial Dcvelopaent Orqanization (ONIDO) promotes the use of industrial inforaation in developinq countries by qivin~ quidance in iaproving national information facilities. As one of the ~~ans of promotion ONIDO coapiles directories and quides to selected specific inforaation sources on sectors of industry of priaary concern to developinq countries. The present quide, dealing with the non-ferrous aetal industries, belongs also to the series of ONIDO Guides to Inforaation Sources (UNIDO/LIB/SER.D). A list of the guides published to date appears at the end of this quider aany will be updated over the next years and aore are planned for the series. The directories and quides are not intended to be exhaustive, nor to be research toolsJ rather they present sources considered to be of practical value to users. The data have been compiled so as to facilitate rapid access to the bodies referred to and the acquisition of th• publications listed. The non-ferrous aetal industries play a aajor role in the econoay of several industri~lized and developing countries. They constitute a subsystem of production and have important relations with the capital goods industries, the iron and steel sector, the enerqy sector, environ11ental pollution and its control, and the construction sector. Therefore the non-ferrous aetal industries are very sensitive to fluctuations in the global ~conoay and to overall trendsJ ~ransnational corporations possess a major role in their development. During the collection and compilation of the data con~ained in this Guide, emphasis has been 9iven to information eourc4s concerning not only the aetals aluminiua, copper, lead. nickel, tin and zinc but also other non-ferrous metals such as chroaiua, aanganese, titaniua, rare eart~1s, precious ..tals etc. UNIDO has provide~ technical assistance to • number ~f dev.el~pinq countries in establishinq and developing non-ferrous aetal industries and continues to assist in p!annin9 and iaple.. ntin~ an integrated approach for both their further development and their support. iii EXPLANATORY NOTES The desiqnations e•ployed and the presentation of the material in this guide do net iaply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Orqanization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country or its authorities, or concerninq the deliaitation of its frontiers. Publications listed in this quide ~ave been selected aainly from literature in the official languages of the United Nationsi when appropriate, publications in other languaqes have also been included. ~he naaes of organizations and publications are given in their original lanquaqes, wherever availabler for those listed in lanquages other than the worki1 , languages of the United Nations, a translation of the title into English is included. Where available, the date and the number of pages of the aost recent known odition are indicated a& veil as the address of the issuing organization or publisher. United Nations and related bodies sales publications should be ordered by sales nuaber. They are available through authorized distributors or may be ordered froa: Sales Section Sales Section Publishin1 Service United Nations Office United Nations or Palais des Nations New York, Rew York 10017 CB-1211 Geneva 10 U~ited State~ of America Switzerland Requests for non-sales items that are issued by the United Nations and related bodies ahould be made direct to the issuing bodi~s. Su99estions for the inclusion of additional information in a future revised version would be appreciated and should be addr~ssed to: Industrial and Technol09ical Information Section United Nation• Induscrial Developc:ent Or9~nizati~n CUNIDO) Vienna Int•~national Centre P.O. Box 300 A-140C Vjonna Austria ~~~I~.t.~m~ < .I.£~ff.) i~::±4azr~***f.ii-i-:ff :ar~f*• ..EF, * 'CE.lit :t.~ rf ~ *;ftjJfl I~~#" I£mff.h~l~OO-~~*~~I~•n,~•1•~Et-JW~*~,#~~ ~'.f ~I ft1 -& ifL ~~ ffz }J fat i!Iffz Ef.J .f- Fi .t.-o El mi wli.. ~ ~~ ..~.I~ Ef.J *• W=i -lt!. ~T(( .I.£~~jl-#*Zf.~ffjJA-:fS )) ( UlHJ·J/LIB/SER · !>) Et-J--~7}0 4~~ -~~~*ffl~-~E£ft~-~-Ia,#~~J~•*44~Et-J~•rJ;J«~• ~ffi~~~' ~Ht~tt~4£-:JS~~m~i~•mo · ~ ~ i fu. ifi it-]~ I!! ~ -1' {~ # rJ;J ~ii~ X,ljf ~ ~ -1'1~ # ~}J iJf ~.Ill-' iTif 'OC JfiJ 1~ ~~~lli~n~ll-~~~~m~W~*~o ~fi~~~~~.:rm~ft~M~~# ~~~-~,Mw~•M~Ef.Jlli~~o ~ ~~.1~.I~1E~-f .I~ 1t OO*fa £,I~ ~-*Et-J!}JJf ~ £1f;f-• ~ffzP.lo 't:~ It.I. ~.i.~ ~ if.J -1--7f-j:f* ~ , fiiJ Ht Ei ~-*~#I .I..~IL ~ li~ fl .. ~ ilf.-$ fl .. -*~ j~ ~ ».. -1{:. ~ 1fiil fa~ ti..-$ fl :HJ#~~ ~ *~o mJ!l:' ~ ~~,~.I j! ,zj-~ 1* ;~ *' {f.J i~ ~»..#~~~·}]·~ ~~~~~#~1/f ~Jl-~t~ffz}fla ~tt·~~~~•mMa~ntt~~,~~-~~*~.~.~.• .. •~~ ·~-~~#*~' fiilat~•~#~~~~~,-~ •.•. ~.•±••··~ ~'ti-#* if,¥. 0 .I£m~E~~-f£lo/00-*4~~~~1~~~~.I.~~W~~7tt*~~' #41f ~~J.J rt {1~1!(--ffe ~ ~ 1vn'tif.J :t#, t#!Jh~~11fr!;t ~-~tf.~tt~ #~o v *~ ff·M ~ J!.o *~-~~~~lli~~~~~~~~~~~~~i:t~~lli~~; ~~~~- ~~, ~~AT-~~~~i:~lli~~ ~m-~ili·~~~#~~iif~~~*~~i:~lli; fil#~-+~I~*~~ *~ i% x JHfHf.1-t {t, #7;:j1f *i!"it i:o ~~~~-~r, ~E~~~~~~-~~*~lli~BP~Nft, ~&IBM~ ~ t 11"-tfl.~ if.JAA:lJl::o a~IB•&•h~~~OO~~*~~~~·lli~~o ii'l iL1 j!q ~ , ~ iif ffiH~ r Wi *iT J!i: Sales Section Sales Section Publishing Service United Nations Office United Nations Palaia des Nations Nev York, Nev York 10017 CR-1211 Geneva 10 United States of America Swi t: zer land ~~!!Ilk~ :*:tn.. ffl ~fr a~4F lli • & , iif .:ftf rfiJ t fr~~~*~ ~~~~~~ffh*M~~~~w~•w~~,#~I#~~= Industrial and TechnolOCJical Information Section United Nations Industrial Development Organization (U~IDO) Vienna International Centre P.O. Box 300 A-1400 Vienna Austria vi. INTRODUCTION L'Organisation des Nations Unies pour le developpement industriel (ONUDI) encourage !'utilisation d'informations industrielles dans les pays en developpement en donnant des conseils sur les moyens d'ameliorer les services nationaux d'information.
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