i Curriculum Vitae ii*sf c*uF.TY !lp.*i{lto. Timothy #T-f":"-ff-Hfu P. Austin, ACTAR #1315 lTisconsin State Patrol F[*", .1 2*fi7 Technical Reconstruction unit Wisconsin State patrol Academy 95 South 10m Avenue {Jf-Hftfo fi'F *ffrtri,i[T ff*rt]ftT 381 Fort McCoy, Wisconsin 54656 05 cF ooru,39"0'l EDUCATION: Northem Michigan. u. niveyity,Marquette, Michigan, August rgg2 -April 1996. - Bachelor of Science Degree. - Graduate 'Cum Laude' (with honors). - Honored by the Michigan Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and the Eghty-Erghth (1996) Michigan Legislatue for contributiolls to higher education and future promise. "i1r"ordir"ry lvisconsin state Patol Academy, Fort Mccoy, wisconsin, Joly - December 1996. - Twenty-two week law enforcement recruits ftaining. - Recipient of scholastic achievement award for acaJemic excellence. Univetsity of lYisconsin - Platteuille,Platteville, \X/isconsin, September 200s -present. - Admitted to / enrolled in Master of Engineering program. Acctedita tion Commis sion fot Ttaffr c Acciden t R econs ttu ction (ACTAny*t - Awarded Full Accteditation as a Ttaffrc Accident Reconstructionist in Septemb et 2002 for demonstrated academic achievement, completion of accident ,p..in" training, applied experience in the field, and .o"".rrd.l completion of the ACTAR Full Accreditation \X/ritten and practical Examination. Cnsh Data Rettieual (CDR) System (Vettonlr and Genetal Motots Cotpotations) - Awarded certificatio-n-rn the operation of the Crash Data Retrie-rai pon; System and in the intelpretation of data tecovered from automobile sensing and &ugoorti" devices via the CDR system nJune2002, Fotensic Mapping and Diagtamming - Certified by the CADZone Corporation inJanuary 2002 anational Master Trainer in the instruction of fotensic dia$amming using Crash Zone, Crime Zone, Fire Zone, and Pocket Zone software packages. - 9ertified by Bunce Industries in April, 2006 as a national instructor in the use of Topcon Total Stations, Forensic3D Suite modeling software, and PI-3000 modeling software. Timothy P. Austin aJt Page 1 of9 ( o) \ o Amedcan Tnffic Safety Setuices Association (ATSSA) - Awarded certification as a Tnffic Control Technician (ICT in February 2005 for construction zone signing and federal requirements conceming high*ay work zones. Mi dwe s t As s o ci a ti o n o f re chni cal Ac cid en t rnves tiga tots - Active member, May 2000 - present. Michigan Association of rtalrfic Accident rnvestigatots - Active member,June2001. - present. Wisconsin Association fot ldentification (association of and for cdme scene investigators) Active - member, March 2004 -present. rllinois As s ocia tion of rechnical Accident rnves tiga tots - Active member, August 2006 _ present. Basic Ctash fnvestigation, \Wisconsin State Patrol Academy, Fot McCoy, Wisconsin. Forty hours, October 1996. - Topics Coaered: lamp .Evidence, and vehicle damage, photogtaphy, and legal aspects of crash investigation. Technical Cnsh rnvestigation, Wisconsin State Patol Academy, Fort McCoy, lTisconsin. Foty hours,July 1997. - Topict Couerc( Scale diagtamming, dtag factor determination, velocity and stopping distances, and field- projects. ' litld Testing Deceleration tests were completed to compare taditional methods of determining drag factors against instrumentation. Vehicle Dynamics, \Wisconsin State Patrol Academy, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. Forty hours, September 1998. - Topict Couered: Laws of motion and energy, determining and using dmg factors, conservation of linear momenturn, vehicle damage analysis, ,id th*rt delermination. Ttaffrc Accident Reconsttuc,frbrr, Institute of Police Technoiogy and Managemen! Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. pghty hours, September 199g. - Topics Couered: Conservation of momentum, mathematics and physics review, speed estimates for vehicles that fall, flip or vault, energy, and basic *o',ion equations used in uafflc accident reconstruction. Timothy P. Austin Page 2 of9 A) (' Ctash Reconstuction rn-Senice, Wisconsin State Patrol Academy, Fort McCoy, s7isconsin. Sixteen hours, January 1999. - Topics Couercd: Heavy truck braking efficiency, measuring crush, conservad.on of momentum, and principal ditection of force. Geodimetet 610 Total Station Tnining, Wisconsin State patrol Academy, Forr McCoy, Wisconsin. Eight hours, Aprit 1999. - Topics Couered: The basic opetation of the Geodimeter Total Station and its application in crash reconstruction. Ws consin Deparanent of Ttanspottation Suweyot's Confetencer superior, \X/isconsin. Twenty-four hours, Janu ary 2000. Topict - Coaered: Geodimeter 610 Total Station training review, product and softwate updates, and discussion forums. Midwest Association of Technical Accident rnvestigatots Confetence, Eau Clare, Wisconsin. Twenty-four hours, May 2000. - Topict coaercd: Reconstruction of low speed crash situations. - Field Tuting Nine tests of low speed collisions were initiated and studied. Michigan Association of Ttaffic Accident fnvestigatorc Confetence, Charlotte, Michigan. Eight hours,June 2001. - Topics Couered: Reconstruction of rollover crashes. - Field Testing Two crash tests involving vehicle rollovers were initiated and studied. Southeast Coast Collision Confetence,Cocoa Beach, Florida. Twelve hours, August 2001. - Topics Coueredl CRASH algorithms, driver perception-respoose time, and principai direction of force. \Wisconsin Crush Reconsttuction In-Setuice, State Pauol Academy, Fort McCoy, lfisconsin. Thirty-two hours, October 2001. - Topics Couered: Forensic mapping, measuring crush ptofi.les, and Geodimeter Total Station updates. FieA - Tuhng Numerous deceleration tests were conducted to study dtag factors and to validate data recovery from attbag Sensing and Diagnostic ModdIs urilizing the Vetronix@ Crash Data Retdevat (CDR) System. Tnffrc and fmpaircd Dtiuing Law Ptogtam, University of \Wisconsin Law School, Appieton, Wisconsin. Sixteen hours, Aptil,2002. - Topics Coaered: Toxicology issues, alcohol curves, and pharmacology of alcohol. Timothy P. Austin Page 3 of9 () ( Specialized Investigation Training. cont. o Cnsh Data Reaieval (CDR) System Opetatot's Cettification Coutse, Coliision Safety Institute, Toronto, ontario, canada,. Twenty-four hours,June 2002. - Topics Coaervd: Collection and intelpretation of data from Electonic Data Recording (EDR) devices. - FieldTesting Four crash tests of vehicles with EDRs completed and studied. o filinois Association of Technical Accident fnvestigatots Confetence, Rockford, Illinois. Twenty-four hours, September 2002. Topics - Coaered: Pole and tree impacts, evidence collection, driver perception and response, and pole/tree breakaway fnctwte energy. - Field Testzng Seven crash tests initiated to study vadous collisions, including vehicle/poie impacts. o Anti'Vehicle Cdme Association of lVisconsin and Wisconsin Chapter of fnftmational Association of Special rnvestigation tlnits /oint Seminat, Wiscorisin Dells, Wisconsin. Sixteen hours, October 2002. - Topics Couered: Identification of frauduient soft tissue injuries, insurance fraud, *d ctigrtai photogaphy. o Mototcycle Ctash Reconstuction, Institute of Police Technology and Management, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. Forty hours, March 2003. - Topict coaered: The investigation of motorcycle collisions, technique, theory, and mathematical formulas. - Field Testing Two ctash tests initiated to study the deceleration rate(s) of a sliding motorcycle. fnrcmational Association of Accident Reconsttuction Specialists %d Annual Seminat, I(ansas City, I(ansas. Thirty-two hours, July 2003. - Topics Coaered: Rollover collisions, heavy truck deceleration, brake proportioning valves, detecting tebuilt bodies, total stations, and investigating catastrophi. cjlisions. - Fie/d Testing Numerous crash tests initiated to study vehicle rollover collisions, and several commercial motor vehicle deceleration tests completed and analyzed,. Canadian Association of Technical Accident fnvestigatorc and Reconsttuctionists 200J Annual confercnce, Burlington, ontario, canadz. Forty hous, August 2003. - Topics Couered: Analyzing events where vehicles move through the air, human factors in ntghttime collisions, Crash Data Retrieval System update, including Ford vehicles, and commercial motor vehicle event data recotders. - Field Tutzng Numerous crash tests completed to study how vehicles move through the air, and for validation of the Crash Data Retdeval System. Applied Physics fot Accident Reconsttuction (Dt Bruno Schmidt), Hawkeye Community College, Watedoo, Iowa. Forty hours, February 2004. - Topics Couered: I(inematics, Newton's Laws, momentum, energy, and rotation. Timothy P. Austin Page 4 of9 (A ( ( Specialized Investigation Training. cont. o Midwest Association of Technical Accident fnvestigatots 2004 Confetence, Rock Island, Illinois. Twenry hours, May 2004. Topict - Coaercd: Challenges of multi-vehicie crash reconstructions, tire failure analysis, pedestrian ctash reconstruction, occupant kinematics analysis, Crash Data Retrievai (CDR) technology and airbags, forensic death investigation, and crash reconstrucdon case preparation fot court. o leath Investigation, lTisconsin State Patrol Academy, Fot McCoy, lTisconsin. Twenty-four hours, June 2004. - Topics Coulvd: The investigation of homicide and suicide cases, and the preservation of evidence located at such scenes. o RECTEC Softwate Tnining, lTisconsin State Patrol Academy, Fort McCoy, \Wisconsin. Forty hours,J,ily 2004. - Topics Coaered: The application and use of RECTEC crash reconstruction software. instructed by the prografitmer. o Ctash
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