
Vol. 62 Bollettino Vol. 62 - SUPPLEMENT 1 pp. 327 di Geofisica An International teorica ed applicata Journal of Earth Sciences IMDIS 2021 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 12-14 April, 2021 Online Book of Abstracts SUPPLEMENT 1 Guest Editors: Michèle Fichaut, Vanessa Tosello, Alessandra Giorgetti BOLLETTINO DI GEOFISICA teorica ed applicata 210109 - OGS.Supp.Vol62.cover_08dorso19.indd 3 03/05/21 10:54 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF D. Slejko; Trieste, Italy EDITORIAL COUNCIL SUBSCRIPTIONS 2021 A. Camerlenghi, N. Casagli, F. Coren, P. Del Negro, F. Ferraccioli, S. Parolai, G. Rossi, C. Solidoro; Trieste, Italy ASSOCIATE EDITORS A. SOLID EaRTH GeOPHYsICs N. Abu-Zeid; Ferrara, Italy J. Ba; Nanjing, China R. Barzaghi; Milano, Italy J. Boaga; Padova, Italy C. Braitenberg; Trieste, Italy A. Casas; Barcelona, Spain G. Cassiani; Padova, Italy F. Cavallini; Trieste, Italy A. Del Ben; Trieste, Italy P. dell’Aversana; San Donato Milanese, Italy C. Doglioni; Roma, Italy F. Ferrucci, Vibo Valentia, Italy E. Forte; Trieste, Italy M.-J. Jimenez; Madrid, Spain C. Layland-Bachmann, Berkeley, U.S.A. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata G. Li; Zhoushan, China c/o Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia P. Paganini; Trieste, Italy e di Geofisica Sperimentale V. Paoletti, Naples, Italy Borgo Grotta Gigante, 42/c E. Papadimitriou; Thessaloniki, Greece 34010 Sgonico, Trieste, Italy R. Petrini; Pisa, Italy e-mail: [email protected] M. Pipan; Trieste, Italy G. Seriani; Trieste, Italy http-server: bgta.eu A. Shogenova; Tallin, Estonia E. Stucchi; Milano, Italy S. Trevisani; Venezia, Italy M. Vellico; Trieste, Italy A. Vesnaver; Trieste, Italy V. Volpi; Trieste, Italy A. Vuan; Trieste, Italy A. Yurdakul Cirmik; Izmir, Turkey © Copyright 2021 by OGS A. Zanutta, Bologna, Italy B. PHYsICaL OCeaNOgRaPHY E. Marone; Paranà, Brazil R. Mosetti; Trieste, Italy S. Pierini; Napoli, Italy TECHNICAL BOARD EDITORIaL MaNageR V. Volpi; Trieste, Italy TeCHNICaL STaFF M. Bobbio, A. Rebez, G. Renner, I. Tomini; Trieste, Italy 210109 - OGS.Supp.Vol62.cover_07dorso19.indd 4 03/05/21 09:45 he motecnic Vol.62 – SUPPLEMENT 1 Bollettino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata An International Journal of Earth Sciences IMDIS 2021 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 12-14 April, 2021 - Online Organised by NIOZ jointly with IFREMER, OGS, IOC/IODE, in the frame of SeaDataCloud project (EU H2020 - Grant Agreement 730960). Organizing committee Nina Aalberts - NIOZ, Netherlands; Taco de Bruin - NIOZ, Netherlands Michele Fichaut - IFREMER, France; Vanessa Tosello - IFREMER, France Marten Tacoma - NIOZ, Netherlands Steering Committee Nina Aalberts - NIOZ, Netherlands; Chris Ariyo - CSC, Finland; Vittorio Barale - External consultant; Alexander Barth - ULiège, Belgium; Sergey Belov - RIHMI, Russian Federation; Taco de Bruin - NIOZ, Netherlands; Jean-Noël Druon - JRC, EU; Michèle Fichaut - IFREMER, France; Lotta Fyrberg - SMHI, Sweden; Alessandra Giorgetti - OGS, Italy; Mark Hebden - BODC, United Kingdom; Neil Holdsworth - ICES, Denmark; Athanasia Iona - HCMR, Greece; Adam Leadbetter - MI, Ireland; Volodymyr Myroshnychenko - METU-IMS, Turkey; Leda Pecci - ENEA, Italy; Helge Sagen - IMR, Norway; Dick Schaap - MARIS, The Netherlands; Reiner Schlitzer - AWI, Germany; Serge Scory - RBINS-BMDC, Belgium; Simona Simoncelli - INGV, Italy; Susanne Tamm - BSH, Germany; Lennert Tyberghein - VLIZ, Belgium International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 12-14 April, 2021 - Online TABLE OF CONTENTS Session Products: Data products, information and knowledge .......................................... 15 Oral presentations ALEXEY MISHONOV, TIm BOYER, RICaRDO LOCaRNINI, HERNaN GaRCIa, DaN SEIDOV, MELISSa ZWENg, CHRIStOPHER PaVER, OLga BaRaNOVa, JamES REagaN, IgOR SmOLYaR, ALEXaNDRa GRODSKY World Ocean Database in 3D: Development, Dissemination, Deliverables ............................... 17 MaRtON HIDaS, EDUaRDO KLEIN SaLaS, GUILLaUmE GaLIbERt, SEbaStIEN MaNCINI, CRaIg StEINbERg, BERNaDEttE SLOYaN, MICHaEL HEmmINg, ANa REDONDO RODRIgUEz, MIaOjU CHEN, SImON SPagNOL, PEtER JaNSEN Time-Series Data Products from the Australian Integrated Marine Observing System ............. 19 LUCY SCOtt, TObIaS SPEaRS, PEtER PISSIERSSENS, ARNO LambERt, PIER LUIgI BUttIgIEg The Ocean InfoHub Project........................................................................................................... 21 MattEO VINCI, MaRIa EUgENIa MOLINa JaCK, ELENa PaRtESCaNO, ALESSaNDRa GIORgEttI, ALESSaNDRO ALtENbURgER, ALEXIa COCIaNCICH, ERIK GELEttI EMODnet Chemistry: progresses and challenges along the path to the European marine litter data management .................................................................................................. 23 THIERRY SCHmItt, DICK M.A. SCHaaP, GEORgE SPOELStRa, BENOIt LOUbRIEU, CECILE PERtUISOt, MaRtIN VERLaaN, SaNDRa GaYtaN AgUILaR, RICaRD CamPOS, KNUt HaRtmaNN EMODnet Bathymetry - High Resolution Seabed Mapping – increasing the resolution of the digital bathymetry for European seas............................................................................... 25 PatRICIa CabRERa, VIVIaNa OtERO, GERt EVERaERt, RaPHaËLLE SaUzÈDE, RENOSH PaNNImPULLatH REmaNaN, HERVÉ CLaUStRE, JULIa UItz, ALEXaNDER BaRtH, CHaRLES TROUPIN, LENNERt SCHEPERS Blue-Cloud Demonstrator: A machine learning approach to derive plankton biomass and diversity products from the Global Ocean.............................................................. 27 SImONa SImONCELLI, CHRIStINE COataNOaN, VOLODYmYR MYROSHNYCHENKO, ÖRjaN BÄCK, HELgE SagEN, SERgE SCORY, NaDIa PINaRDI, ALEXaNDER BaRtH, CHaRLES TROUPIN, KaNWaL SHaHzaDI, PaOLO OLIVERI, REINER SCHLItzER, MICHÈLE FICHaUt, DICK SCHaaP SeaDataCloud temperature and salinity climatologies for the European marginal seas and the Global Ocean............................................................................................ 30 CaRLOS PINtO, MEHDI AbbaSI, ANNa OSYPCHUK, JOaNa RIbEIRO, NEIL HOLDSWORtH To patch, to rebuild, or to build a new? The genesis of the ICES portal..................................... 32 ALDO DRagO, AUDREY ZammIt, ADam GaUCI, ANtHONY GaLEa, JOEL AzzOPaRDI, RaISa TaRaSOVa, GIaNfRaNCO CaLISE, GIUSEPPE CIRaOLO, SaLVatORE ARONICa, ROSaRIO SINatRa, ELISabEtta PaRaDISO, FULVIO CaPODICI The concept of featured data services in the PORTO interface................................................... 34 ELENa ZHUK, GEORgE ZODIatIS The CYCOFOS new Web GIS.......................................................................................................... 37 TREVOR ALCORN, XaVIER MONtEYS, IKER BLaSCO, ANa LObatO, JaVIER GONzÁLEz Are the pan-European seas a promising source for critical metals supply? GeoERA-MINDeSEA Marine Data and Information Management Best Practices....................... 40 3 Table of contents DaN LEaR, PEtER HERmaN, GERt VaN HOEY, LENNERt SCHEPERS, NatHaLIE TONNÉ, MaRINa LIPIzER, FRaNK EDgaR MULLER-KaRgER, WaRD APPELtaNS, W. DaNIEL KISSLINg, NEIL HOLDSWORtH, MaRtIN EDWaRDS, ELLEN PECCEU, HENRIK NYgÅRD, GabRIELLE CaNONICO, SILVaNa BIRCHENOUgH, GEORgE GRaHam, KLaaS DENEUDt, JOaNa BEja Supporting the essential - Recommendations for the development of accessible and interoperable marine biological data products.................................................................... 43 ADRIaN BUmaNN, RObIN TEIgLaND, JaNNES GERmISHUYS, BENEDIKt ZIEgLER, MaRtIN MattSON, EDDIE OLSSON, RObERt RYLaNDER, MaRKUS LINDH, YIXIN ZHaNg, TORStEN LINDERS Predicting the spread of invasive marine species with open data and machine learning: Process and Challenges........................................................................... 45 MaRKUS LINDH, PatRICK GORRINgE, JOHaN StÅL A picture is worth a thousand data points: Making videos and images from marine environmental monitoring available to all.................................................................................. 48 Posters ANtONIO NOVELLINO, MaRCO ALba, PatRICK GORRINgE, LUCa BONOfIgLIO EMODnet Physics from data to use cases..................................................................................... 51 SaRa ALmEIDa, PaULO NUNES Declassification of naval data: the steps!..................................................................................... 53 GENNaDII DONCHYtS, GIORgIO SaNtINELLI, ARjEN P. LUIjENDIjK, ANtONIO MORENO RODENaS, MaRtIN VERLaaN Automated extraction and fusion of the intertidal and subtidal bathymetry from the Landsat and Sentinel satellite data............................................................................... 55 RaCHEL KILLICK, NICK RaYNER, CHRIS AtKINSON Marine Databases produced by the UK Met Office..................................................................... 57 DaVID CURRIE, LIz CLaRKE, EDVIN FUgLEbaKK, KIRStEN BIRCH HÅKaNSSON, HENRIK KjEmS-NIELSEN, NUNO PRISta Increasing quality in ICES commercial fisheries data using the Regional Database and Estimation System.................................................................................................. 59 JOaNa RIbEIRO, CaRLOS PINtO, MEHDI AbbaSI, NEIL HOLDSWORtH Development of the ICES Continuous Underwater Noise reporting format and database....... 61 ANDREW MattHEWS, ELIzabEtH BRaDSHaW, KatHY GORDON Using citizen science to rescue tide gauge data.......................................................................... 63 MaRIa EUgENIa MOLINa JaCK, MaRINa LIPIzER, GIORDaNO GIORgI, StEfaNOS PaPazISImOU, BORIS PEtELIN, LUKa ŽILIC�, IVaN VUCˇIC�, CHRIStINa ZERI, ANa CaStELLI, RIgERS BaKIU, MatEja POjE HarmoNIA
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