On the cover: Visitors strolling o n The Carter Center's grounds now come upon this striking bronze sculpture of n child leading a blind man hy the end of a stick. The man is a victim of river blindness (onchocerciasis), a parasitic disease that threatens more than 100 million people, primarily in Africa. C reated by internationally recognized culptor R.T. Wallen and donated by John and Rebecca Moores, Sightless Among Miracles represents the Cem er's commitment to controll ing river blindness. ME SAGE FROM JIMMY CARTER CHAIR OF THE ' B OARD OF TRUSTEES Jimmy and Ro\alym1 Caner n.'l 'll'U frropmab at a h<•t~tls· oj:scace .\lmmur in Tunr., co adJrl''-' ccmj1u:c m r/w ( ln·w Lakl'~ rl'~on oj Afrrc<l MESSAGE FROM }OHN HARDMAN, ExECUTIVE D IRECTOR OF THE CARTER CENTER jimmy Carter; Roy Vagelos, former chairman of Merck & Co. lnc.; and}uhn Hardman visit the site of a river blindness /)roject in Africa. homns Jefferson \\TOte that "it i~ something unique and valuahle to the donors arc another VItal source of wonderful how much may be table, makmg the 1mposs1blt! a reality. unrestricted support for the Center. T done if we arc always doing." l'm Let me elaborate on anOLher example Recently, the American lnsutute of pleased to report that fiscal year 1995-96 of how we apply the pnnciple!> of Phtlanthropy, an mdcpendent charity wa~ another extraordmary year of "doing" cooperation to mcrea~e our effectiveness watchdog group, gave The Carter Center at The Carter Center. But, as always, we manyfold. For years, Mrs. Carter has led a a grade of "excellent" hased on how well didn't Lk) it alone. national camp::ugn to educate people we spend the money we ra1se. Thi~ year, we applied the princ1ples of ahout mental illnesses. Many groups arc And there is more good news. Once partnership and coopcrntion to monitor working on th~.:: same is:.ues, yet they again, our hudget b balanced, and our the first-ever Pnlestini,m elecuom, rarely come together ro share informa­ endowment was valued at nearly $75 produce an awnrd-winning film to reduce tion or to agree on common Mrmegies. mtllion at the end of this fi~cal year. the ~tigma of mental illne~se , treat Bur for 11 years, they have gathered at To as~u re that our work continues, almost 4 million people with medicine the Annual Rosalynn Carter Symposium The Carter Centt!r conducted three that will ave their s1ght, bring together on Mental Health Pol1cy m pool their studies dunng 1995-96 lookmg at our African leaders m the Great Lakes region rt!sources and resoh·e toward reducing future. A~ a re~ult, a planning commlttt!e to try mend the hornble suffering there, the stigma and dtscrunmatton agamst was appmnreJ to develop a new strategic and reach the 97 percent mark wward those w1th mental1llncsses. One of the plan fo r the Center. The committee the glohal eraJ1Lat10n of Gumea worm legac1es of these mt!etmgs 1s the estab­ mstituted .1 plannmg process that disease. ltshmcnt of the Rosa I} nn Carter Fellow­ mvolved the &)ard ofTrustees, Only a handful of Carter Center staff !.h l p~ in Mental! [ealth Journalism, repre entatives of Emory University, work on each of these and other projects which will contribute to developing a donor~. friends, and staff. The1r input to promote peace and democracy and to cadre of reporters who are b~.::tter­ has resulted in a plan that wtll Mrengthen unprove health. But ir rakes li terally informcd about menwl health issues. Ollr commitment to 1he prevention and hundreds, even thousnn<.b, of people to Our work would mn be possible resolution of conflict and the control and red uce rhe number of case of Guinea without the help of our dedicated eradication of di~ea:.~.:. The new plan will worm, for example. Instead of creating a partner~. In recent years, The Carter take effect in l997 -9 . complex bureaucracy, The Carter Center Center has rcce1veJ fundmg from nme of We look fonvard to connnuing our crea1es a nerwnrk. We join hands with the I 0 largesl grant-making foundations work for peace and development as we key indi\"lduals and organ1:at1ons, who m m the countr}. Although Amencan enter another exc1tmg year of "doing" at turn reach out to their constituents and foundations provide funds that sustain The Carter Center. contacts, until together we have woven our varied pmgrams, a signifie<mt portion the fahnc of a ~ystcm so strong that it can of (1Ur support come~ fn)m md1viduab, w1pe out a d1sease thnt has plagued corporatiom, and development assistance human bcmgs for thousands of years. program· in the Un1teJ States and Each group-each pen.on-brings over~eas. More than 125,000 dtrect-matl - TABLE OF CONTENTS A tt oman 111 the Dornnuum f~.:puhlic ,!!lt'C.\ ha hallot 111 a Jwll tmrkcr in the June I Y96 pre~rJemial deccrun , u·rtn.:\\d lry Th.: Caner C.:mc'l 's Co11ncil of Fred-:; H:l tl'li H.:.u.l~ of ( 1otl mment an..l th, Nwwnal D.:mocraul· ln.,crcw.:. ABOUT TilE CARTER CENTER ................................................... 4 THE YEAR IN REVIEW ............................................................... 6 PRO<.JRAMS PAGE 4 0EMOCRATI7.ATION AND DEVELOPMENT ............................. 14 • CtNFLIC T RE:::it )LUTION • GJ (.)RA J DF-Vf:LCWMENT • HLJ~1:\f\. RIUl!T~ • L\TIN AMl:RICA t\ND THE CARIRRE.\N GLOBAL HEAT!-{ ............................................................... 19 • At ;RieL 1 rURE • GLINEA. W(.)Rt-.1 ERADICATION PAGE 8 • RI\ l:R Bl INI )NE~~ • IN r FRFAI r 11 Ht·.ALTII • Nt)l EVEN 0NF: • MENTAL HEALTII URBAN R EvlTAUZATlON ................................................... 23 PAGE 11 • Tttl:. ATLANTA P ROJECT • TilE AMERICA PROJECT D ONORS AND SUPPORT ........................................................... 25 BoARDS ANI) STAFF ................................................................ 28 PAGE 24 FINANCIAL STATEMENT ........................................................... 33 ABOUT THE CARTER CENTER The Career Center is located in a 35-acre park two miles from doumwwn Atlanta. The complex houses offices for the former president and first lady and most of the Center's staff. What is The Carter Center's role? The Center is governed by a Board of disease after smallpox to be eradicated. The Carter Center is dedicated to Trustees, chaired by President Carter (see • Fighting river blindness in Africa and creating a world where every man, woman, page 28 for members). l11e Center's Board Larin America through a coalition to control and child has the opportuniry ro live in of Councilors provides its programs with the disease. peace. It strives to relieve suffering in the the advice and suprxm of prominent • Helping farmers in Africa triple or United States and around the world regional and local leaders. ( ce page 30 for quadruple their yields of corn, wheat, and through collaborative initiative~ in members.) other grains. Jemocrati:acion and development, global • Working to erase d1e stigma of mental health, and urban revitalization. What are the Center's major illness and to improve access to and quality accomplb,hments? of care for the 50 million Americans who What principles guide the Center's work? Democratization and Development experience mental disorders e\'ery year. The Cenrcr is a nonprofit, nongovern­ • MonitOring multiparry elections in • Promoting preventive health care in mental organization (NGO) founded in more than n dozen countries to assure communities through a network of faith I 982 hy Jimmy and Rosa lynn Cttrter in fairness. groups in U.S. cities. parrnership with Emory Universiry. The • Seeking peaceful ~o l utiom to civil • Developing a nntional strategy to reduce Center: conflicts in places such as udan, Bo nia, fi rearm violence against children-the • tr<lnslates academic research and the Korean P~ ninsula , and the Great Lakes leadmg ct1use of death among Amencans analysis into action-oriented programs thnt region of Africa through the International under age 24. have improved people's li\'es in more than Negotiation Network. 65 countries around the world. • Promoting democracy and economic Urban Revitalization • forms partnerships with and among CCX)peration in the Westem llemisphere • Launching The A tlanta Project (TAP), a indtviduals and groups working on the through the Council of Freely Elected grassr<xlts effort that addresses the social same problems. Heads of Government. problems associated with urban poverry by • is not affi liated with any polttical, • Strengthening human rights and focusing on children and families. Another religious, or governmental organizmion. economic development in emerging program, The America Project, share:. TAP's • avoids duplicating the efforts of other democracies such as Guyana, Ethiopia, experience with cities an.J towns nationwide. agencies or institutions. Zambia, and Liberia. • Preventing human rights violations Where is the Center located? Who directs the Center'::. programs? worldwide through the lnternmional T he Carter Center is located in a 35-acre Programs are directed by resident Human Right Counci l. park nvo miles from downtown Atlanta. Four experts and fellows, some of whom teach at circular, in.terconnecteJ pavilions house Emory Universiry. They design and Global Health offices for the former president and first lady implement activities 111 cooperation with • Leading a worldwide campaign that has and most of the Center's staff. The complex President and Mrs. Carter, networks of achieved 97 percent eradication of Guinea includes the nondenominational Cecil B. world leaders, other NGOs, and partners in worm disease in Africa and parts of Asia. Day C hapel and other conference facilities. the United cares and abroad. Guinea worm will- be only the second The Center also owns the nearby Kirbo Rutkling .md !.:a:-.c' offt..:c 'f'·lCl' fmm the Cn) of Atlant.t fnr TIK· Atlanta Prnjccr .md The Amcn..:.t Pmwct.
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