Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, March 29, 2018 OUR 128th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 13-2018 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] ONE DOLLAR Westfield Introduces $48.2 Mill. 2018 Municipal Budget By CHRISTINA M. HINKE crease of 0.52 percent. The increase for the police and fire departments, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader equates to approximately $30 on the up almost 15 percent. The total in- WESTFIELD — The town council average assessed homeowner. The crease in non-discretionary costs, on Tuesday introduced its 2018 bud- budget and the presentation can be which includes, pensions, salaries, get of $48,211,227, by a 8-to-1 vote, found on the town’s website healthcare, sewerage, and more, was with a municipal tax levy increase of westfieldnj.gov. about 3.5 percent. 1.13 percent for a total tax levy of The Special Improvement District Councilwoman Neylan gave a list $27,975,496 with a separate library (SID) budget was also introduced by of reasons why she wouldn’t support tax of $2,571,941. The tax levy in- the council, with a $6,000 increase, the budget as presented. “Firstly, we crease is $313,000 over last year. totaling $416,347 in general appro- are spending over 30 percent of the Finance committee member JoAnn priations. The SID funds the Down- town’s surplus for this year’s bud- Neylan was the sole dissenter. A final town Westfield Corporation and has get,” she said. She said unknown ex- vote on the budge will take place on not increased its budget in seven years, penses such as the removal of the cap Tuesday, April 24. Town Administrator Jim Gildea said. on salary increases for police and fire According to the presentation, The municipal budget’s largest in- and tax appeals after the tax revalua- Westfielders will see a tax rate in- creases over last year were pensions tion is complete could impact future budgets that would need to utilize the surplus. “We had an unusual bump in sur- plus” due to taxpayers filing taxes early in 2017, Ms. Neylan also noted. Surplus this year is about $14.5 mil- lion, $4.5 million is to be used to pay Susan D. Dougherty for The Westfield Leader for budgetary items. SIGNS TELL ALL… “Thoughts and prayers are not enough,” “We hope the tide is turning,” the signs read at the March The town collected $27 million in for Our Livesevent in Mindowaskin Park on Saturday. Hundreds of people from all ages were on hand to add their opinion. pre-paid taxes at the end of 2017, Mr. Gildea said. The budget allocates $250,000 in consulting fees, “many of which are Westfield BOE Hears Presentation redundant,” Councilwoman Neylan said. She called the current adminis- tration a “government that spends.” The budget calls for spending over On Upcoming New Website $4 million in surplus to cover ex- penses such as investing in the De- By SARAH McGRAIL many ways. wonderful, and I know you have partment of Public Works aging fleet Specially Written for The Westfield Leader “We realized our website is an made an extraordinary effort to talk of equipment. Finance Chairwoman WESTFIELD — Parents will be invaluable communications tool that to all the stakeholders.” Linda Habgood had said the budget able to create a customized calen- is used by many, many individuals Business Manager Dana Sullivan includes two years of investment in dar for their own family on the new in the community,” he said. presented some of the bigger DPW’s six-year plan, which she said board of education website that will The new website, powered by projects planned for the rest of 2018 Christina H. Hinke for The Westfield Leader is the right decision rather than hav- be launched on Wednesday, August Edlio, will be more accessible for and into 2019. BUDGET TALKS...Westfield Mayor Shelley Brindle explains the 2018 munici- ing the surplus sit in the bank collect- 1, it was revealed during Tuesday’s people with a handicap, such as More than 800 doors and fire pal budget as Town Administrator Jim Gildea looks on. ing less than 1 percent interest. meeting of the Westfield Board of impaired vision, Mr. Auker told at- doors are to be replaced throughout “You are in a safe area,” Warren Education. tendees at the board meeting. the district’s schools, at a cost of Korecky, the town’s budgeting con- Chief Technology Officer Brian There will be links to social me- $4.1 million, as part of the district’s Cranford Defers Vote On sultant, said of keeping the surplus Auker said the district had consulted dia but parents also will be able to ongoing security initiative. level at about $10,000,000, a number extensively with the people who read the board’s Facebook and Twit- Ms. Sullivan pointed out that the that Ms. Habgood said the council would use the website and noted it ter pages on the website. replacement of fire doors, which Bond Ord. Until April 10 agreed is a figure that would maintain would be better and more interac- In response to parental demand, were required to incorporate a sys- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 tive than the existing website in there will be buttons at the top of the tem that closed them in the event of By KIMBERLY A. BROADWELL (CGP and H) for administrative agent website that give easy access to a fire, added significantly to the Specially Written for The Westfield Leader services, authorizing a contract to Genesis and the district calendar. expense. CRANFORD — The township Best Cleaning Building Services, Inc. Garwood, Fanwood Mayors The existing website will be re- Another security procedure has committee on Tuesday night deferred for custodial services for the munici- moved on June 30 and a temporary been the introduction of identifica- a second and final motion to approve pal building and grounds, authoriz- website will take its place until the tion cards for teachers that enable reading of an ordinance to refund ing to award a contract to Bagel To Review Shared Services new website is in place on August 1. them to gain admission to the school monies from a 2006 bond to an April Giant for 2018 Concession Rights The board was shown a test ver- without the need to input a code that meeting. Commissioners voted to for the Centennial Avenue and Or- By MICHAEL BONACCORSO “This will encourage the banks or sion of the new website and Board can be observed and used by others move the second reading of the ordi- ange Avenue Pools, and authorizing Specially Written for The Westfield Leader owners of abandoned or vacant prop- President Gretchan Ohlig said, “I to get into the school. nance until the committee’s Tues- tax refunds and complying with the GARWOOD — Mayor Charles erties to move in a reasonable man- haven’t seen it before but it looks Other major expenses within the day, April 10 meeting. United States Equal Opportunity Em- Lombardo on Tuesday night stated he ner,” said Ms. Cuccaro. district’s aging schools included the According to Commissioner Mary ployment Commission’s “Enforce- would meet with Fanwood Mayor The planning board will review replacement of boilers at a cost of O’Connor, the ordinance is struc- ment Guidance on the Consideration Colleen Mahr sometime this week to any existing fence ordinances regard- $900,000. tured to save the township more than of Arrest and Conviction Records in discuss the shared-service agreement ing corner properties. The district has around one mil- $500,000 in bond payments over a Employment Decisions Under Title moving forward. Mayor Lombardo “We hope for a unanimous ap- lion square feet of building space period of 20 years. She stated, “Hope- VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.” said he values the relationship proval. We hope to repeal this oner- and more than 80 acres of land to fully this ordinance will go forward.” In other business, it was announced Garwood has with Fanwood regard- ous revision that was done three years maintain, with schools ranging in Resolutions that were heard and that today, March 29, would be the ing shared services and expects the ago to the dismay of many corner age from McKinley Elementary passed included: approving a leave last tree debris collection from the relationship to continue in the future. property owners,” said Ms. Cuccaro. School, built in 1908, to Tamaques of absence for an employee of the recent storms by the Department of Councilman Joseph Sarno pro- Councilman Richard McCormack Elementary School, built in 1963. police department, pursuant to the CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 posed at the last borough council said as a corner property owner him- federal Family Medical Leave Act, meeting that the borough should in- self, he does not feel it is “fair” to authorizing an award contract to Har- vestigate what other “deals” can be collect corner property owner’s taxes bor Consultants, Inc. for planning arranged with other municipalities “like everyone else.” Yet, corner prop- services, authorizing an amendment regarding shared services. Mr. Sarno erties are entitled to less privacy than to the contract awarded to Commu- stated that “it would not hurt” the other borough residents. nity Grants, Planning and Housing borough’s working relationship with Planning board member Bill Fanwood “to see” if there is a “better Nierstedt said that he could not pro- deal out there” for Garwood. vide commentary until the ordinance Mr.
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