1-9114 .?0t/IS'. All~{versary .Etlition .-1961 Kontum Honors Ivy For Dak To Fighting FAMOUS FOURTH With ·Words, Gifts Vol. 2, No. 5 CAMP ENARI, VIETNAM December 10, 1967 ~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ DAK TO - The Kontum Pro­ U1e council, .i we are extremely § -'· . - . :'_ ". ' DE.PARTMENT OF THE ' ARMY . ,. .-,, ~ vincial Council paid tribute and_ grateful for this expression of presented gifts to U.S. soldiers appreciation for what the men =' '_ .HEA00UAR:rERS . 4TH INFANTRY (IVYI D IVISION' ··. = fighting in the Baltle Of Dak To. of the 4th Division and other "The U.S. soldiers came here brigad~s (fighting in the cam­ 6 to protect our land, and to light paign) have done." i=-= -'. AVDD~~~ ~rnc;p~f~~;~~~~~~ ,t~~IN~ ~!~ERAL . 6 November 1967. 1====_ for our democracy and territo­ The general said the showing rial integrity," said Hue Dinh · of appreciation "was especially This year·.marks the 50th Annivel'sary of the 4th Infantry Xuan, council chairman. important for the parents of Division. In celebrating its Golden rear, we reflect with pride He added that the people of those boys who have given § on the history o.f the. division. ·From its initial training § the Kontum Province admired their lives in the defense of free­ § grounds at Camp Green in 1917, ·to the World War I battleground § the American soldiers for tirnir doni" during the Battle Of. Dak valor and sacrifices in .the Dak =: of Meuse Argonne, to the ·D-day landings on Omaha Beai:h and on \ - ~ 'l'o area. · Dak To Wrnp-111>-Pagc 3 through the Siegfried Line in War II and now in Vietnam § ~lorld ~ "We came here first lo thank To. He commented that the men the U.S. Army which is here or the 4th Division have a spe­ fighting:. combat· division, ii: mark of high praise to .the men '1ho and to thank the people who i n 1967, ·the 4th has achieved a unexcelled. It is a cial · appreciation, themselves, =_ have served.in its ranks." ~pirit · -=====_~============== have fou ght and died here," the for tl1e people of the Central council ·chairman added. Highland provinces. We stand in a moment of history, thousands of miles from .our Mr. Hu e also presented Major General Peers said the divi­ "homeland." fighting a war undreamed of by the forebearers oT the General William R. P eers, Ivy sion's soldiers "would like to do Division commander, with a everything . possible lo 'Insure division colors. The techniques and mode of warfare have changed model Montagnard house along these people their freedom." · since the di vision fought iri the "big" wars, l/ut the mission is with crates or' bananas and The units which were the still the same and its accomplishment just ~s vital:' the preservation papayas in appreciation of the object of the council's apprecia­ of individual freedom and the rebuilding of a nation. To date we U.S. inilitary effort. tion belong to the 4th Division, have accomplished this mission to a degree that has earned the Accepting the gifts on behalf the 173rd Airborne Brigade and praise and respect 9f our contemporaries. of. his men, General Peers told the 1st Cavalry Division. As all of us look to the future, it is our duty to continue the traditions exemplified. by 'our cornrades-in-anns durin~ fifty Cacti's Kountry Kitchen years before us. _ ~ ~~(.'51~ Adds Tang To C-Rations W. R. PEEJ!S DUC PHO - Company A, Isl followed by breast of turkey un­ Battalion, 35th Infantry was sta­ der bullets with a pecan and J.la,jor General, USA tioned on bleak, muddy Hill 481 peach cobbler, coffee and cigars _ Commanding § northwest of Chu Lai ror over . for dessert. That's just one of ¥.i11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111i1111111111i11111111111111i11111111111E two weeks, subsisling on C-ra­ our meals, though. We've also tions and not liking it at ail. had ti1e foxhole dinner for two, . "We thought that there must Un can casserole, cease fire 41 Enemy Bodies found be a better way," said Second · casserple and, one morning, we Lieulenant Richard Duncan (Ox· had eggs benedict." nard, Calif.), Weapons Platoon Lieutenant · Duncan says that leader. So, acting_upon U1is re­ this luxurious cooking docs pre· Blackhawks Foil NV A Ambush solve, he gathered about him the sent a few prol;>lems though, es­ CAMP ENARI - "They sure force to assist convoy personnel, lain Clarence Be Hartman (Wil­ combined culinary talents of his pecially obtaining the necessary picked the worst place along said there were elements of at liamsport, Pa.) disi::ovcrcd the platoon to form Four-Zero's spices, onions and sauces. · th e highway to set up their am­ .least .five different enemy bat­ enemy located on the south side Kountry Kitchen. "And, every once in a while,., bush. That's one or the most talions. of the road in mostly open ter· Staff Sergeant J ohn A. Boy­ he added, "we have had meals traveled pieces of terrain in our The action took place along rain. The tanks moved quickly, lan (Riverside, Calif.) was ap­ burn up when we get called out area of responsibility," was the the highway just three to four firing canister rounds and .50- pointed chief chef, while Spe­ for fire missions. It's well worth way Major Robert A. Wolfe hundred meters from where the cal. machine guns as they thun­ cialist 4 Clifford Callaway (Co­ the trouble though." · · (Dallas, N.C.), · operations of­ Ivy cavalry men were guarding dered up lhe hill toward the ag­ vina, Calif.) served as chief KP. ficer, 2nd Squadron, Isl CavalrY,, a vital bridge along the heavily gressors. Private First Class Norman described the action in which a traveled route. They immediate­ Sawyer ls responsible for procur­ North Vietnamese Army element ly informed headquarters or the Convoy personnel crouched be­ ing the necessary spices and Regular l!ses attempted to ambush a U.S. con­ impending b a t tie and then hind trucks to lend a hand wilh ingredients. Since the res laurant voy on . llighway 19E. moved out to assist. Other cav­ small arms. is located in his bunker, 2LT Grenade For Ivy Divis Ion intelligence alry units in the vicinity were Minutes later Troop A, led by Duncan is the proprietor-major· sources reported that the enemy notified and ~onverged on the Captain Ronald P. West (Wau­ domo. · soldiers were part of the · 18th ambush site from both sides, watosa, Wis .) rumbled in from What type of meals docs the Catching Fish E.ngineer Company, 8th Engi­ trapping the enemy. the north. The enemy was rout­ Kountry Kitchen turn out? BAN BLECH (1/22) - PFC neer Sapper Battalion. Officials Troop C Flrs·t ed and with · no place to flee, "Well," said SSG Boylan; Bud Roach (Celest, Tex.), Com­ of the 2nd Squadron, !st Caval­ Troop C was first to arrive. few escaped. "the other evening we had soup pany C, lst Battalion, 22nd In· ry, which sent a reactionary The unit, commanded by Cap- Moving In de j(\ur which was a bean soup, fan try, has a strange way of ·Having blocked the enemy fishing. force, the Blackhawks waited as Having sever'll old grenades air strikes pounded the enemy Golden ~ Year that needed to be destroyed, his Division Artillery Fires positions, and then moved in to end Uie skirmish. See Photo-Page 3 The enemy body count was 41 ·index . · platoon leader pulled the pins Its One-Millionth Round killed and four detained. Six Generals congratulate Ivy· and tossed tiiem into a nearby CAMP ENARI (DlVARTY)­ trucks were destroyed by enemy men-Page 2 stream. ing one million rounds of am­ lire and four others damaged. After the explosion, there, One million rounds · of artillery munition to the various units. ammunition can do quite a 'bit Division's WWII corre· floating on top of the muddy "Commendation· s h o u Id be There were a total of 65 ve­ water, were five or six pan-size of damage: If you don't believe given to the truck d r i v e rs, hicles In the convoy cnroute · spondcnt-.l'age 4 . it, ask the enemy. fish: ammo handler~, and gun crews from Qui Nhon to Pleiku, but Without wasting a second, Artillery units organic and who each contributed vitally to they were so widely dispersed Story of two world wars In . pictures-Pages, .6-7 PFC Roach jumped into the attached to 4th Division Artil­ doing the job," he added. that only a few actually fell river and using his steel pot as lery recently levied the one-mil­ Majqr George Cronin . (West­ within the killing zone of B-50 a net, waded around and col­ lionth damaging artillery round mont, N.J.), Division Artillery rockets and automatic weapons Ivy Division In Vietnam-' lire. Page 8. lected the stunned fish. on the enemy since the division assistant operations officer, also That day for lunch, he rolled has been Jn Vietnam. praised the different units and Besides the dead on the baltle­ .New memorial .for · 1vymen the cleaned fish In C-rallon Major Ralph C. Evans (Pitts­ sections for working together as lielil, the NV A left 23 weapons, burgh) , Division Artillery am­ -Page 9 ·· · crackers and over th e flame of a team. including several B-50 rocket a heating tablet, fried them. munition officer, said there is "One million? I think that's launchers, a light machine gun Early Ivy DMsion c~rp.: Uesults? a "lerrilic feeling of satisfac­ quite a few rounds," .he said and numerous automatic weap· tion" that comes from provid· ,.
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