Volume 54, Issue 9 May 11, 2010 London Aquaria Society www.londonaquariasociety.com Live Foods should be carried out in a tiply in the medium. The Infusoria fairly large container with a infusoria feed on the bacte- good air-water surface so ria and multiply at a rapid Advanced Aquarist Guide that plenty of oxygen is rate. As a result of this, the Pet Library available. population of bacteria de- By: Feroze N. Ghadially The manner in which clines and by about the 10th England this culture is made is quite day the culture becomes simple. A whole large let- quite clear and virtually This name has been tuce is broken into small odourless. By about the given to a heterogeneous pieces and placed in a fish 20th day the culture will be collection of organisms tank or a plastic bowl of really thick with infusoria (mainly protozoans), which about 10– to 15-gallon ca- and suitable for feeding fry. develop in an infusion of pacity. A gallon or so of For small installations a little hay or other suitable or- boiling water is added and hay or a banana peel covered ganic matter. These minute the whole allowed to stand with boiling water in a quart organisms constitute an for a few hours, after which glass or jar will also produce ideal first food for the fry of about six gallons of tap wa- infusoria. many egg-laying fishes. The ter are added. Aquarium Some aquarists har- commonest infusoria is water should not be used for bour the fallacius notion that Paramecium, which meas- this purpose for if it con- a culture of infusoria is a ures about a quarter to half tains some Cyclops or Daph- foul-smelling turbid mass of a millimeter in length. nia they will feed on the in- water. From what I have Since it is well-nigh impossi- fusoria and soon you will said earlier, you will appreci- ble to rear large numbers of have a culture of these or- ate that this is not so: tur- fry without a good infusoria ganisms and no infusoria. bidity indicates a high bacte- culture, it is important to It is worthwhile to stir rial content, in fact a state of study in detail the principles the contents of the tank two pollution. involved in making such a or three times a day and ob- culture. serve the changes that oc- cont’d on page 4 Infusorians are organ- cur. By about the third isms which live in water, day, the water will be- feed on bacteria, utilize oxy- come turbid and will gen and thrive at tempera- have a distinct odour. tures between 60*F. and This is due to the growth 70*F. The first task then is of millions of bacteria in to provide a culture medium the culture medium. where some organic material Spores of infusoria occur is allowed to rot, for this will in the air and soon alight produce the bacteria needed in the medium. They by the infusoria. This hatch and begin to mul- Volume 54, Issue 9 London Aquaria Society Page 2 PresidentPresident Upcoming Events London Aquaria Society Ron Bishop……….….........519-457-7907 [email protected] January 12, 2010: Bob Wright on Livebearers Vice-President February 9, 2010: Jerry Draper—Breeding Fish Dorothy Reimer…….…....519-438-7682 [email protected] March 9, 2010: Zenin on Loaches Treasurer/Website April 13, 2010: Larry Johnston—Trip to Africa. Eric Geissinger…………...519-672-9168 [email protected] May 2, 2010: Club Auction Member at Large May 11, 2010: Dorothy Reimer on Plants Karl Baumgarten…...…….519-659-9862 [email protected] June 8, 2010: Awards Night & Elections Secretary / Correspondence July , 2010: Club barbeque Sharon MacDonald……....519-453-0094 August 10, 2010: No meeting [email protected] Membership Chair September 26, 2010: Club Show & Auction Nancy Drummond……....519-644-2753 [email protected] Table of Contents Library James Kelly….…………....519-681-0717 President’s Message……..……………………....……………….3 Show Chair & B.A.P./H.A.P. Live Foods………………………………………………………...4 Stephen Gregson……....…519-649-5019 [email protected] Loricaria parva ..………………………………………..….…….5 Newsletter Editor Corydoras hastatus……………………………………………….6 Lorraine Gregson………...519-649-5019 Raising Cichlid Mouthbrooder Fry……………………………..7 [email protected] How to Clean a Submersible Pump/Powerhead……………..9 Jar Show Sarah Lee………………….519-686-3473 How to Clean a Filter Sock……………………………………..11 [email protected] Upcoming Events………………………………………………..11 Advertising Koilady’s Korner………………………………………………...11 Bob Steele…………….…...519-473-5648 [email protected] C.A.O.A.C. Convention Flyer………………………………….12 Auction Chair Jar Show Results.………………………………………………..13 Sean Patrick…...…....…….519-691-7566 [email protected] Fish Categories………………..…….…...………………………14 CAOAC Representative C.A.O.A.C. Calendar………………..…………………………..14 Terry Little……….……....519-752-8642 [email protected] London Aquaria Society Page 2 Volume 54, Issue 9 London Aquaria Society Page 3 President’s Message Our May auction was a great opportunity for everyone to build up their fish stocks. I was glad to see a lot of you there. Many hands made light work, so thank you to all of the members who volunteered to assist in set- up, take down, running or any other odd jobs, it was greatly appreciated. The auction is also a great way for those high school students to get some volunteer hours. The speaker for April was Larry Johnson. Larry did a great talk about his recent trip to Africa, and the work they do to help with conservation. It was good to see so many people come out. Thanks to Larry for doing the judging. The guest speaker for May will be our very own Dorothy Reimer. Dorothy will be giving a talk about aquar- ium plants. As I am sure you all know, Dorothy is well known in the hobby around the world, for her exper- tise in horticulture. The fish show for May will be in mouth brooding cichlids (Guentheri, Aulonacara, etc), open fish class as well as the open plant class. To help all of those that are new to the hobby we will be having a new class “pairs”. This new class will be held in May and again in the fall. This class will be for a male and female of any type of fish. This will be a great way for everyone to May 24th week-end CAOAC Convention get to know the difference between the sexes of fish. There will be a ten dollar gift certificate for this class. The auction will be there as usual. Hope to see all of you there We have extra shirts available for $10.00 each which will be available Ron Bishop President at our next General Meeting & Auction on May 2, 2010. The London Aquaria Society is a non-profit organization, established in June 1956. Its main objective is to promote interest in breeding and raising tropical fish and also to provide a means through which hobbyists may exchange ideas, gain information and display their fish, sharing them in the public in the London Area. Please Support Advertising Rates Southwestern Pet Centre Business Card……………….……$25.00 1641 Dundas Street 1/4 page…………………….…….$40.00 1/2 page…………….…………….$75.00 (New Location Dundas & Full Page…………………..……..$125.00 Saskatoon Rates apply for a year coverage totaling 10 is- London, Ontario sues of our Newsletter. Articles in this publica- They support us!!! tion may be reprinted provided full credit is 519-451-7279 given to the Author, the London Aquaria Soci- ety and 2 copies of the published bulletin or magazine in which the article appears, is to be mailed to: London Aquaria Society P.O. Box 45010, RPO Fairmont London, Ontario N5W 1A3 London Aquaria Society Page 3 Live Foods cont’d from front page Infusoria If such water is poured into a tank containing fry, there will be little for them to feed on and they will perish either from starvation or the pollution that will be created by such a procedure. A foul smell in a culture indicates that anaerobic conditions prevail: favouring the growth Protozoa: Polystomella of anaerobic bacteria which produce hydrogen sulphide. If this is noted, the culture should be stirred more frequently or mild aeration applied for a while. Remember that infusoria need oxygen and anaerobic conditions will impede their growth and multiplication. Many infusoria cultures fail because of too low a temperature so this point should be checked also. Successful fish breeding commences with learning to produce good thick cultures of infusoria. The final product should be virtually as clear as aquarium water and teeming with thousands of organisms. The trained eye can see them clearly if a glass jar full of culture is held so that light strikes from outside. A hand lens giving about five power magnification is useful but the magnification given by even a low power microscope is too high to enable one to assess the strength of the culture. Rotifers This is undoubtedly one of the finest PET PARADISE fry foods but usually difficult to come by SUPERSTORE when it is most needed. Rotifers are two or Locally Owned & Operated Since 1995 three times bigger than Paramecium. The rotating wheel effect produced by the hair- LONDON’S LARGEST SELECTION OF like process (cilia) around the mouth gives PUPPIES, KITTENS, REPTILES, FISH, AND SMALL ANIMALS this group of organisms its name. A few rotifers occur in almost any • Full line of Pet and Aquarium Supplies pond but finding enough to feed fishes is • Knowledgeable Friendly Staff another matter. Sometimes, however, large • Great Package Deals, Reasonable Rates • Pets Always Welcome! numbers occur in Daphnia ponds, either free or riding on the backs of Daphnia.
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