E814 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 8, 2018 (LEOs) or ‘‘inspectors’’ and 15,000 contract the Economic Development, Public Buildings, The Exchange’s Core Values are family, com- guards, also known as Protective Security Of- and Emergency Management Subcommittee munity and country, and these pillars of serv- ficers (PSOs). After the Oklahoma City bomb- and a former law enforcement official, I be- ice are no better exemplified than by the work ings in 1995, FPS’ authorized staffing level lieve it is imperative that I do everything pos- done by members of the Exchange Club of was 1,450. FPS maintained about the same sible to protect the millions of federal workers Wyandotte. level of staffing until it dropped to 1,100 in and daily visitors, and to keep federal build- Since its founding, the Exchange Club has 2007. After concerns about the decrease and ings safe. With increased oversight and addi- grown both in size and scope. Its increase in its effect on security, Congress, through the tional legislative authority I believe the Federal membership and funding has allowed the or- appropriations process, began mandating a Protective Service can thrive in its mission of ganization the increased ability to focus on minimum staffing level. Ultimately, this means protecting Federal Facilities, their occupants, helping children, families and other local civic that the FPS has fewer employees than it had and visitors by providing superior law enforce- agencies. The Exchange Club is known as a in 1996, in the immediate aftermath of the ment and protective security services. force for good within Wyandotte and its dedi- bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal I look forward to working with my colleagues cation to partnering with other local charities Building in Oklahoma City, while GSA has ex- to consider this legislation and pass it as soon and schools without seeking recognition. From panded its real estate holdings since 1996 by as possible. partnering with local churches to holding fund- nearly 33 percent. f raising events to supporting the Wyandotte FPS spends about $1.3 billion in executing Soup Kitchen, the Wyandotte Exchange Club its mission while delivering security and law TRIBUTE TO CORY FAUST has provided invaluable service and friendship enforcement services for the 8,700 assets that to our southeast Michigan community for the the General Services Administration (GSA) HON. DAVID YOUNG past 90 years. The Exchange Club of Wyan- owns, controls, or leases. FPS services in- OF IOWA dotte’s longevity and record of success are clude providing a visible uniformed presence IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES testaments to the great work that it has done, in major Federal buildings; responding to Friday, June 8, 2018 and it is my hope that the organization con- criminal incidents and other emergencies; in- tinues to build on these achievements in the stalling and monitoring security devices and Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise years ahead. systems; investigating criminal incidents; con- today to recognize and congratulate Cory Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me ducting physical security assessments; coordi- Faust of Glenwood, Iowa for being selected by in honoring the Exchange Club of Wyandotte nating a comprehensive program for occu- the Glenwood Area Chamber of Commerce as on its 90th anniversary. The Exchange Club pants’ emergency plans; presenting formal their Educator of the Year. Cory has had a has successfully supported important local ini- crime prevention and security awareness pro- lasting influence on the success of the Glen- tiatives in Wyandotte since its founding. grams; and providing police emergency and wood Rams football, track, and athletic pro- f special security services during natural disas- grams. ters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and Cory is the physical education teacher, head HONOR FLIGHT NORTHERN major civil disturbances, including man-made football coach and girls track team coach. He COLORADO 2018 disasters, such as bomb explosions and riots. has been at Glenwood High School for the As the Federal inventory of buildings has past six years and led the Rams to three state HON. KEN BUCK steadily increased over the last 30 years, the football playoffs and to a district championship OF COLORADO quality and implementation of security stand- in 2015. He has also led the girls track team IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ards have varied greatly. The Subcommittee to two championships. Cory’s positive impact Friday, June 8, 2018 on Economic Development, Public Buildings on the entire athletic program at Glenwood and Emergency Managment has unfortunately High School has earned him the reputation Mr. BUCK. Mr. Speaker, in honor of Amer- found that security in Federal buildings is not and respect as a man of character and faith. ica’s heroic veterans, the Honor Flight Net- uniform and is often set by non-security per- Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- work conducts two annual Honor Flight cere- sonnel employed by tenant agencies through resent leaders like Cory in the United States monies to Washington, D.C. to give our na- a Building Security Committee for each indi- Congress. It is with great pride that I recog- tion’s heroes a day to visit and reflect at their vidual public building. This approach to secu- nize and applaud him for his selection as the war memorials. On May 6, 2018, Honor Flight rity makes it difficult to gauge properly the ac- Educator of the Year by the Glenwood Area Northern Colorado held its 20th Honor Flight tual risk at Federal facilities and then allocate Chamber of Commerce and for his commit- that gave many of our courageous veterans FPS resources appropriately. ment to his community and school. I ask that this extraordinary opportunity. I am pleased to My bill, the FPS Reform Act of 2018, ad- my colleagues in the United States House of recognize the May 6, 2018 Honor Flight hon- dresses some of the long-standing issues Representatives join me in congratulating Cory oring World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam identified by the original DOJ report in the on receiving this award and in wishing him War veterans of Northern Colorado. aftermath of the bombing of Alfred P. Murrah nothing but continued success. Mr. Speaker, those who participated in this Building and subsequent reports by the GAO. f flight are as follows: It creates a minimum level of training for Pro- World War II: William Behrns, Leila Morri- tective Service Officers (PSOs) while increas- IN RECOGNITION OF THE EX- son, Gail Wares. Korean War: Melvin Cook, ing the authority of PSOs to carry firearms and CHANGE CLUB OF WYANDOTTE Eldred Cooley, Eugene Curry, Bearl Dennison, detain suspects accused of a felony. The bill ON THE 90TH ANNIVERSARY OF James Dewey, Tito Garcia Jr, Karl Gruber, also improves the training and procedures for ITS FOUNDING Manuel Jimenez, Donald Johnson, Myron federal agencies participating in the Building Kapperman, Roger Lindgren, Bobby Lewis, Security Committees to ensure that that there HON. DEBBIE DINGELL John Mansfield, Thomas Mathias Jr, Dale are uniform and appropriate security standards OF MICHIGAN Mikkelson, Mary Miller, Robert Murphy, How- for individual buildings occupied by federal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ard Nomes, James Onorato, Wilbur Smith, agencies. Finally, the bill requires the Sec- Sigvard Stenlund. Friday, June 8, 2018 retary of DHS to study and report back to Vietnam War: Bruce Abel, Gary Allen, Rus- Congress on several areas of concern with re- Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sell Ayer, Roger Baker, John Ballenski, Philip spect to securing federal buildings including recognize the Wyandotte Exchange Club’s 90 Ballenski, Robert Beckman, Delmar the level of personnel needed to secure fed- years of service to our southeast Michigan Benkendorf, Joseph Bicek, Ivan Birdsall, eral buildings, the best model for funding FPS, community. The organization has bettered Roger Booker, James Boyle, Ronnie Brown, the feasibility of federalizing FPS contract offi- countless lives through its service initiatives. Robert Buchanan, Ronald Byers, Wesley Car- cers, and best practices in preventing explo- Chartered on May 1st, 1928, the Exchange ter, Timothy Casseday, Everett Collins, David sives from entering Federal buildings. Club of Wyandotte has grown exponentially Cordova, John Cordova, Keith Cross, Terry More than 22 years after the bombing of the since its humble beginnings. The organization Curry, Terry Dack, Scott Dallman, James Ehr- Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, it is readily stems from the National Exchange Club, the lich, Rodney Enriques, Gary Evans, Brian apparent that although FPS has made some only national service organization that solely Finkle, Lewis Finch, Rudolph Gallegos, Pete strides in improving the protection of Federal serves communities within the United States. Gomez, Clayton Goss, Stanley Graffis, John buildings there is more progress that needs to Today, there are over 650 local clubs that Haddick, Michael Hadwick, William Hamlin, Ar- be made. In my role as Ranking Member of support the unique cities that they exist in. thur Harris, Michelle Herdengen, Charles Hill, VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:06 Jun 09, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JN8.038 E08JNPT1 June 8, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E815 Richard Hill, William Hilgenberg, Ronald cated public servant and an active member of and everyone who had the pleasure of serving Hoagland, Robert Johnson, Ronald Klug, the community for years, he also previously with him. Although Governor Deukmejian may Terry Kramer, Lonnie Kruise, Darrel Kyger, served on the New Jersey State Parole Board, be gone, the many life-changing contributions Bertram Langeberg, Gerald Lauer, Jay Lee, the New Brunswick Theological Seminary he made in California will have a lasting im- James Lichty, Anthony Lucas, Thomas Board of Trustees and as Chaplain for the pact.
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