12499 REPAIRER. Court—BLACKPOOL (By transfer from PHILLIPS, Julia Elaine, married woman, of 65 Ivanhoe High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—4 of 1984. Avenue, Nuneaton in the county of Warwick formerly Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Christensen, carrying on business at 4 Pelham Terrace, Brighton in . John Martin, Petros House, St Andrews Road North, the county of East Sussex in the style of " AUtreats " as St Annes, Lytham St. Annes, Official Receiver. Date of a TOBACCONIST. Court—BRIGHTON. No. of Matter Release—9th August 1984. —96 of 1982. Trustee's Name, Address and Description —Yelland, Henry Russell, Windsor House, (East CLOUGH, Grahame Barry, Transport Manager, formerly Entrance), 30-35 Edward Street, Brighton, East Sussex a COMPANY DIRECTOR, of 49 Lenham Gardens, BN2 2JZ, Official Receiver. Date of Release—9th Breightmet, Bolton, lately residing at 77 Breightmet August! 1984. Drive, Breightmet, formerly residing at 155 Radcliffe Road, Bolton and lately carrying on business on his TURNER, Ronald Francis, of 21 Dolphin Court, Dolphin own account as a GARAGE PROPRIETOR, under the Way, Rustington in the county of West Sussex, COM- style of Firwood Filling Station at Crompton Way, PANY DIRECTOR, now retired, (described in the Re- Bolton all in the metropolitan county of Greater Man- ceiving Order as Ronald Francis Turner, occupation un- chester. Court—BOLTON. No. of Matter—2 of 1981. known, and lately carrying on business at 3 Sutherland Trustee's Name, Adress and Description—Upton, Robin House, Brighton Road, Sutton, Surrey). Court— Andrew, 284 Clifton Drive South, St. Annes-on-Sea, BRIGHTON (by transfer from Croydon County Court). Lancashire, Chartered Accountant Date of Release— No. of Matter—98A of 1983. Trustee's Name, Address 21st June 1984. and Description—Yelland, Henry Russell, Windsor House (East Entrance), 30-35 Edward Street, Brighton, East 5TOW, Alan, LORRY DRIVER/LOADER, of 13 Oxford Sussex, Official Receiver in Bankruptcy. Date of Release Street, Boston, Lincolnshire. Court—BOSTON. No. of —9th August 1984. Matter—23 of 1983. Trustee's Name, Address and Des- cription—Threadgold, Arthur Robert, Severns House, 20 WILKINS, Michael William, of Old Stone Cottage Farm, Middle Pavement, Nottingham, Official Receiver. Date Pease Pottage, Crawley in the county of West Sussex, of Release—10th August 1984. lately residing at 8 Dyson Walk, Eddington Hill, Broad- field, Crawley aforesaid, formerly carrying on business in the style of Wilkins Motor Engineers, at 13 St. John's BIRCH, Kenneth Charles and BIRCH, Trudi Lynne, of 91 Road, Hove in the county of East Sussex as a MECH- Brambletyne Avenue, East Saltdean and lately residing ANIC and CAR REPAIRER, now a Coach Driver. and carrying on business in the style of The Foodstore, Court—BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—96 of 1983. 126-128 Lustrells Vale, Saltdean, Brighton both in the Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Yelland, county of East Sussex, previously trading in the style Henry Russell, Windsor House (East Entrance), 30-35 of Roberts Stores, 143 Lower Street, Pulborough and Edward Street, Brighton, East Sussex, Official Receiver. formerly residing at 53 Old Shoreham Road, Southwick both in the county of West Sussex, FOODSTORE Date of Release—9th August 1984. PROPRIETORS. Court—BRIGHTON. No. of Matter —55 of 1983. Trustee's Name, Address and Description COX, Arthur Frederick, residing at 73 Mendip Road, Yat- —Yelland, Henry Russell, Windsor House (East En- ton, lately residing at 19 Stoke Hill, Stoke Bishop, Bris- trance), 30-35 Edward Street, Brighton, East Sussex, tol and formerly residing at 4 Parrys Lane, Westbury-on- Official Receiver. Date of Release—9th August 1984. Trym, Bristol all in the county of Avon, COMPANY DIRECTOR. Court—BRISTOL. No. of Matter-^tO of 1982. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— BURCHELL, Herbert Harold, of 37 Heathfield Crescent, Higgins, Peter, Sun Alliance House, 4 Colston Avenue, Mile Oak, Portslade, formerly residing at 4 Knoll Close, Bristol BS1 4BN, Official Receiver. Date of Release— Hove and carrying on business at 60 Rutland Road, 2nd July 1984. Hove as a Shop Fitter, previously residing at 144 Hangle- ton Road, Hove and carrying on business in the style of TURNER, Paul Anthony, former COMPANY DIRECTOR, May & Burchell at 64s Davigdor Road, Hove, all in the now unemployed, of Flat 3, 47 South Road, Weston- county of East Sussex as a SHOP FITTER & BUILDER. super-Mare lately residing at The Nest, 28s Lower Now unemployed (described in the Receiving Order as Bristol Road, Weston-super-Mare, formerly carrying on H. H. Burchell (male), of 37 Heathfield Crescent, Port- business in partneship with others from 108 Worle High slade, Brighton, East Sussex). Court—BRIGHTON. No. Street, Worle, Weston-super-Mare and 10 North Street, of Matter—69 of 1983. Truste's Name, Address and Weston-super-Mare all in the county of Avon under Description—Yelland, Henry Russell, Windsor House the style of Lady Anne Lapp Toys, Leo Toys and Hoyle (East Enerance), 30-35 Edward Street, Brighton, East Creations as TOY DESIGNERS and MANUFAC- Sussex BN2 2JZ, Official Receiver. Date of Release— TURERS. Court—BRISTOL. No. of Matter-^65 of 9th August 1984. 1983. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Higgins, Peter, Sun Alliance House, 4 Colston Avenue, Bristol BRYANT, George Harry, of 80 Barcombe Road, Moulse- BS1 4BN, Official Receiver. Date of Release—2nd coomb, Brighton in the county of East Sussex, HANDY- July 1984. MAN/CARE ASSISTANT. Court—BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—134 of 1983. Trustee's Name, Address and FRETWELL, Edward Charles, Lorry Driver, and FRET- Description—Yelland, Henry Russell, of Windsor House WELL, Margaret Diane, Catering Manager both of 15 (East Entrance), 30-35 Edward Street, Brighton, East Brightland Road, Eastbourne in the county of East Sus- Sussex BN2 2JZ, Official Receiver. Date of Release— sex formerly carrying on business in partneship as 9th August 1984. MOBILE CATERERS. Court—EASTBOURNE. No. of Matter—15 of 1983. Trustee's Name, Address and EDWARDS, Alfred Kenneth, Pensioner of 2 Crowborough Description—Yelland, Henry Russel, Windsor House Road, Saltdean, Brighton, East Sussex and lately resid- (East Entrance), 30-35 Edward Street, Brighton, East ing at 128 Phyllis Avenue, Peacehaven, East Sussex (des- Sussex BN2 2JZ, Official Receiver in Bankruptcy. Date cribed in the Receiving Order as occupation unknown). of Release—9th August 1984. Court—BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—143 of 1982. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Yelland, Henry BILBROUGH, Malcolm John, of St. Andrew's Parade, Russell. Windsor House (East Entrance), 30-35 Edward Harrogate in the county of North Yorkshire, lately resid- Street, Brighton, East Sussex, Official Receiver. Date of ing at 7 Omega Street, Harrogate aforesaid unemployed Release—9th August 1984. BUS DRIVER. Court—HARROGATE. No. of Matter —18 of 1981. Trustee's Name, Address and Description EDWARDS, John Arthur Michael, of 19 Norfolk Square, —Robertson, Henry, 1st Floor, New Station Street, Leeds Brighton, formerly residing at 15 Bedford Square, LSI 4JQ, Official Receiver. Date of Release—10th Brighton, lately carrying on business as a Butcher at 43 August 1984. • Upper Hamilton Road, Brighton all in the county of East Sussex, now unemployed. Court—BRIGHTON. CASE, Robin Maxwell, of 7 Alderton Court, West Parade, No. of Matter—138 of 1983. Trustee's Name, Address Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, lately residing and carrying and Description—Yelland, Henry Russel, Windsor House on business at 10A Tower Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea, (East Entrance), 30-35 Edward Street, Brighton, East East Sussex, formerly a HAULIER now a Lorry Driver. Sussex, Official Receiver in Bankruptcy. Date of Release Court—HASTINGS. No. of Matter—14 of 1983. Trustee's —9th August 1984. Name, Address and Description—Yelland, Henry Russell,.
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