(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/0051296A1 BEETHAM Et Al

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/0051296A1 BEETHAM Et Al

US 20170051296A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/0051296A1 BEETHAM et al. (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 23, 2017 (54) METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR (60) Provisional application No. 61/953,333, filed on Mar. INCREASING EFFICIENCY OF TARGETED 14, 2014, provisional application No. 62/051,579, GENE MODIFICATION USING filed on Sep. 17, 2014, provisional application No. OLGONUCLEOTDE-MEDIATED GENE 62/075,811, filed on Nov. 5, 2014, provisional appli REPAIR cation No. 62/075,816, filed on Nov. 5, 2014, provi sional application No. 62/133,129, filed on Mar. 13, (71) Applicants: CIBUS US LLC, San Diego, CA (US); 2015, provisional application No. 61/801,333, filed CIBUS EUROPE B.V., AD Kapelle on Mar. 15, 2013. (NL) (72) Inventors: Peter R. BEETHAM, Carlsbad, CA Publication Classification (US); Gregory F.W. GOCAL, San (51) Int. C. Diego, CA (US); Christian CI2N 5/82 SCHOPKE, Carlsbad, CA (US); Noel (2006.01) SAUER, Oceanside, CA (US); James (52) U.S. C. PEARCE, La Jolla, CA (US); Rosa E. CPC ....... CI2N 15/8213 (2013.01); C12N 2800/80 SEGAMI, Escondio, CA (US); Jerry (2013.01) MOZORUK, Encinitas, CA (US) (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 15/069.885 Provided herein include methods and compositions for (22) Filed: Mar. 14, 2016 effecting a targeted genetic change in DNA in a cell. Certain aspects and embodiments relate to improving the efficiency Related U.S. Application Data of the targeting of modifications to specific locations in (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. PCT/ genomic or other nucleotide sequences. As described herein, US2015/020622, filed on Mar. 14, 2015, Continu nucleic acids which direct specific changes to the genome ation-in-part of application No. 14/777.357, filed on may be combined with various approaches to enhance the Sep. 15, 2015, filed as application No. PCT/US2014/ availability of components of the natural repair systems 029566 on Mar. 14, 2014. present in the cells being targeted for modification. Patent Application Publication Feb. 23, 2017. Sheet 1 of 43 US 2017/0051296 A1 Spsodooid bui3Sejon, ueeJS X Patent Application Publication Feb. 23, 2017 Sheet 2 of 43 US 2017/0051296 A1 A. Okazaki Fragment Riis (BP8 f : C fifts' 2" - {} GG A CGA GG GG GCC AG, G (7 Baer BFPO/NC: UCA. G. GG UCGG GGT AGC G GC TGA AGC ACT GCA CGC CGT GGG TGA AGG GG CA CGA. GGG G 68 AGG G 7 ser BFP4/C: G CLG CCC GUGCCC FGG CCC A CC (TC GTG ACC ACC TFC ACC EAC GGC GTG CA, GC A&C CGC AC CCC (f -er) 2 - 0- ie group or first 5 RNA base (RNA bases without the 2" - O - Me groups are in boxes) 8. Okazaki fragent. Riis BF4 or f. Or NCAF fis' 2 - Me (9) AG C AG CC AC C. (f -ie) BFPOfC: G CUG CCC GUGCC. 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CRBFP C/60-mer C/01-mer C/201-mer C/60-fner CfOurner C/20-met W 3PS 3PS SPS SPS 3PS 3PS Only Only Only F.G. 5 Patent Application Publication Feb. 23, 2017. Sheet 6 of 43 US 2017/0051296 A1 Feb. 23, 2017. Sheet 7 of 43 US 2017/0051296 A1 004},?NG06[57]dqYNG?q Patent Application Publication Feb. 23, 2017. Sheet 8 of 43 US 2017/0051296 A1 ? Ç||| SeO &A:Sod d48 go abouaoied Patent Application Publication Feb. 23, 2017 Sheet 9 of 43 US 2017/0051296 A1 N T. is is N is it him N 's III. S-8 &S S& & SS SS S-8 &S NS s g g s g c gre vers worn c C. C. C P SeO e^i}Sod do go efouao jed Patent Application Publication Feb. 23, 2017. Sheet 10 of 43 US 2017/0051296A1 is EX. i; A. s Ex s e s 7 C. c. C. c. if x - ca. Patent Application Publication US 2017/0051296 A1 Patent Application Publication Feb. 23, 2017. Sheet 12 of 43 US 2017/0051296A1 c . - ? e at n) - - Se ... -- st als e- w N o: d c C C S90 8A:Sod dd) go efoueojed Patent Application Publication Feb. 23, 2017. 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Sheet 24 of 43 US 2017/0051296A1 AMY310767 - Alopecurus myosuroides pastida ACCase translated protein (SEC, E0: MGSPG FiASPSS RINSAAA AFESSSFSRS SKKKSRR, KS S 8:00GSP PAGSSR (GAGDP KEGASAP SGSEKA } SYNG&E SEGRHASLS X;YEFCEG GKHSV y Ahi AAAKF 5 M&SWRWA; FGSEKAIC AMA EDMR NAEIRA (FERGGR 20. NNYAay. EAERTGVS AVWPG-GAS ENPEPCA. AKGFGP 28 ASSINAGK WGSAAAA GPASGS HELEC SIPEEMYRK 30 ACADEA, ASCO-IGYA M KAS.GGGG KGIRKNND EVKAFKQy 38 GEWPGSPIF MRLASQSRH EVOCEYG NiAAHSRC SCRRHQK 40 EEGPWAPR EKEEQAA RRAKAVGY; GAAVEY.YS METGEYYFE 43. NPR WEP ESAEN PAAQiaGMG IPPER RFYGYNGGG 50 YORKAA. APFNFE SOPKGCA VRSENPD GFKPGGKK 55. ESFKSKN; WGYFSVKSGG GEFASF GFAYGER SAATSMSA 60 KEIRGE - YVO NAPDFRE i GTR A&R (AERP 68. YS, GGA. YKii-AE WSEYVSY IK GOppKHIS WHSISNE 70 ESKYIR SGGSYR.R. GSEANYC CGGL8 GNSHIYA 75 EEEAGGR GKC & EPSR: AE PCK RF ABAyADy 80 PYAEVEVMKM CMP. SPAAG WINSEG AMAGIAR } }}SAK 85 RAEPFEGSF EMSL AASG HKRCAAS NAARMAGY HAAK () 90 CFA PFLQEEMS WAR PRR, KSEEGKYNE YKNK 95 KP-RE EACS KEER.

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