10 Gents ""A RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXXIV, NO. 39. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1952 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. 'Patronage Survey' Examines Baptists to Hear W.S.G.S. to Hold Herbert R. Laird Fort Hancock Roberts9 Post as County Counsel Noted Preacher Unusual Service Is Commissioned Scouts and Cubs Assessment Quiz •:'] Dr. Elmer G. Homrlghausen, pro- fessor of Christian education at RUMSON—Herbert R. Laird of • (Editor's Note: The Register con- Princeton Theological seminary, Wednesday Night Old Farm' village, was commis- Receive Charters tinues its aeries of articles request- sioned a second lieutenant in the On in Sea Bright 1 will speak at the Lenten service ed by, our readers on various po- Zone Commission Sunday at 8 p. m. In the Red Bank Mrs. Franklin Reed, U. 8. Air Force Saturday at grad- Ceremonies Held litical patronage jobs liald by Mon- Baptist church. He has preached uation ceremonies at the Air Force moutti county residents." Presented at the Ocean Grove camp meeting Federation President, pilot training school, Reese field, At Service Club here are some facts on Howard W. To Be Set Up in for three summers, and also in Lubbock, Tex. Mc'Cormick Raps Tax Book Figures^ Hobcsts of New Monmouth, county leading cities and universities of To Address Assembly A son ot Mrs. S. Witaorf Laird, Before 100 Persons counsel or county attorney). this country, and in Heidelberg, Lieut, Laird enlisted in the All- .''Ai senior member of the Atlantic New Shrewsbury Germany. Next Wednesday, Ap. 2, la the Force in.January, 1951. He was as- FORT HANCOCK—Two Import- Axelsen Says It's All 'Politics' '•'• Highlands law firm of Robert, Pills- date for the meeting of the Wom- ant nrsts In the Reid of Boy Scout- bury, Carton & Sorenson; and an Stevens Says It's an's Society of Christian Service of ing were marked at charter pre- outstanding political leader in Mld- the Red Bank Methodist chureff at sentation ceremonies Friday night SEA BRIGHT — Friction be- properties, assessment figures slid dletown township! for many years, To Insure Legality 7:45 p. m. In Fellowship hall. Mrs. for Boy Scout troop 19 and Cub tween the two men that has been downward from $15 to $7.38 a foot. Mr. Roberts receives an annual sal- William Macdonald, president, will Pack 19 at the Service club here. smoldering for months burst Into He told how one property once as- ary of $5,000, which has been the Of New Ordinance preside over the business session. There were 100 persona present, fire Tuesday night, when Council- scssed at $300 was re-assessed at same since he was first appointed Devotions will be under direction representing military and' civilian man Lawrence McCormlck openly $750 and said another $300 assess- .,( Jan. \ 19S6. NEW SHREWSBURY — Mayor of Mrs. F. W. Krill, secretary of personnel of the post and the Mon- questioned differences In assess- ment went up to over $1,100. Ha The office of county counsel or George.Stevens said this week that Spiritual Life. mouth Council of Boy Scouts. ment valuations shown on the said he used properties In the same) county attorney, as it is also members of the borough council The program will be presented This is the first time in 20 years books of Borough Assessor Arthur areas for his comparison. termed, might be described as legal are generally agreed 'to name the by Mrs. A. Melvin Morris, vice pres- that Fort Hancock has had an ac- O. Axelsen. Mr. McCormlck said he did not adviser to the Board of Freeholders planning board as a zoning com- ident and program chairman of the tive Boy Scout unit and the first Mr. McCormick's report to the want to imply that taxpayers with * and hiking care of all legal matters mission for the formal presenta- local society. As a fitting back- time in post history that there has mayor and council came in the low assessments were being charged of the county within the province tion of a new. zoning ordinance. ground for the occasion, various been a Cub pack, .Boy Scout troop form of a lot-by-lot statement about too little or that those with high of the Board of Freeholders, This Actually, the ordinance Is a re- units ot the World Federation of 19 was founded at Fort Hancock various sections of town. In It, assessments were being charged description, however, would not vision of the one adopted about Methodist Women from the follow- July 4, 1924, in the "Y" building, without specifying the owners in- too much. He said he just wanted give the public much of an idea of four years ago, before the borough's ing countries will be represented when E. H. Ayers was "Y" secre- volved, the councilman demonstrat- to find out why there were these what the job covered, and the ex- separation from Shrewsbury town- by women of the church and tary. ed there had been a wide margin differences In per foot assessments •'; tent of what it involved. ship, and since then made a part friends: Morgan Knapp of Middletown in determining the worth of ad- of land of apparently equal value, jj Operating Monmouth county Is a of the borough's laws, But, except Belgian Congo, by Mrs. Molly township, a retired executive of jacent properties. He asked the rea- Councilman John Picknally, a Re- 'i big business. The operating bud- for some new provisions, little Langford; Mexico, by Miss Abbie Monmouth council who was a guest son why. publican, came to Mr. Axelsen's aid t get alone is nearly four and a half change Is made in regulations for V. Strickland; Germany, Miss Rose- at the ceremonies, told of attend- Mr. Axelsen, present In the audi- by saying that it was obvious to . ' million dollars a year) and the the zoned parts of town. marie Edenhofer; Chine, Miss Irma ing the first troop meeting. He ence, defended his assessments as him that one property, because of « county budget has 119 separate line The mayor said he was following von Glahn; Japan, Mrs. Robert Boy- gave a brief history of the unit and fair and called Implications in Mr. Its improvements or lack of them, '> items. "While any $4,000,000 busi- the advice of Borough Attorney. kin; Norway, Mrs. Harrie-Jerola- its activities, and introduced James McCormick's detailed report "cheap" was worth more or less than Its, .J ness requires legal direction," Mr. Lawrence A. Carton in recommend- mon; India, Miss Flora Willguss Moore, an Eagle Scout and an orig- and "political." Ho said Mr. Mc- neighbor and, therefore, carried s> '' * Roberts said, "public business de- ing that the local government go and Mrs. Claude Parker; Philip- inal member of troop 19. Cormlck was "out to get him." He different assessment. 4\ mands many times more because through the formality of establish- pines, Mrs. Gordon McPherson; Bul- added "there is no czar In Sea Axelsen Defends Figures public moneys can only be expend- ing, the zoning commission and car- garia, Dr. Helen Dlmltrow, and IJout. Herbert B. Laird Col. Woods Presides Bright," and that he did not Intend ed according, to strict compliance rying through a procedure such as Dr. E. G. Homrighausen . Estonia, name to be announced, Col. Fred E. Woods, commanding to "knuckle down to Mr. Mc- Mr. Axelsen said his assessments would be taken if zoning were officer, greeted the guests. Fred' were carefully balanced. He said •with the law, which is not the Dr. Homrighausen Is nationally These "nationals" will form & signed to Reese Air Force base af- Cormlck." case in private business." something new here. receiving line and welcome guests ter receiving his primary training BUlett, executive of Monmouth that "Inroads of the sea" and other and internationally known as a council who participated In tho Mayor Wonders What's Up damage caused some of the differ* If the new ordinance Is adopted churchman, preacher, lecturer and arriving from the four Long at Columbus Air Force base, Colum- - General Scope Branch Methodist church, Baton- bus, Miss. He is a graduate of Rut- charter presentation, expressed his After tempers quieted, Mayor ences and that property Improve- Attendance of the counsel is re- merely as an amendment to the old writer. Before Joining the faculty appreciation to both Col. and Mrs. ments caused some others. He said one, someone might contest the le- at Princeton in 1938, he taught town, Little Silver and Red Bank gers university in June, 1951. George A. Krauss said he still did quired at all meetings] of the free- A.M.E. Zion church. At the begin- Lieut. Laird arrived home Mon- Woods for their efforts in getting not "know what this thing Is all all could be explained to anyone \s holders, both regular'and finance gality of the measure in court, he at Butler, university, at the Uni- both scouts and cubs started. The interested and that he would sit >.-. said. ! versity of Geneva, at the University ning of the program the "nationals" day for a two-week furlough. At the about." committee meetings, which means will be seated on the platform. conclusion of his furlough ho will couple's three sons, James, Mike The upshot of the dispute was with council at any time to go over ,-i four times a month. The counsel Action Due Next Week of Dubuque and the Occidental and Milton arc troop members. Mrs. his estimates. Mayor Krauss aald •,< college. He has written a number The guest speaker, Mrs.
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