WEATHER TRY OUR PINA COLADA McFLURRY HIGH 89F LATEST NEWS ON WWW.TRIBUNE242.COM LOW 80F The Tribune SUNNY AND THE PEOPLE’S PAPER BREEZY BIGGEST AND BEST Volume: 107 No.236 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2011 PRICE – 75¢ (Abaco and Grand Bahama $1.25) FIRSTHEAD START PRE SCHOOLCLASSBEGINS THE NEW TERM INTERNATIONAL GROUP GIVES GOVT ADVICE ON DENGUE CONTROL By SANCHESKA BROWN THE Pan-American Heath Mom and daughter Organisation has made rec- ommendations to the govern- ment on how to best control and eliminate the dengue out- break in the Bahamas. PAHO representatives have been in New Providence for about two weeks working with officials from the ministries of the environment and health to map out the way forward. Dr Gerry Eykemans, PAHO representative for the Bahamas, said we are not deaths: letter found alone in the fight against dengue fever – there are cur- rently ten other Caribbean countries with dengue fever outbreaks. Dr Eykemans said there needs to be some environ- Mother may have GOVERNOR GENERAL TOURS NEW STRAW MARKET mental and health interven- been depressed, SEE page six CLAIMS THAT sources suggest JUDGE ‘FAVOURED’ ONE BROTHER POLICE now think the Superintendent Stephen deaths of a mother and child Dean said he hopes the OVER ANOTHER found floating in the har- autopsy results will be By MEGAN REYNOLDS bour may be a tragic case of released soon. Tribune Staff Reporter murder-suicide. “We have been interview- [email protected] According to sources ing people but we cannot close to the investigation, arrest anyone or have any THE complicated legal new evidence suggests suspects because the deaths battle between two million- Amanda Seymour Burrows, have not yet been classified. aire Israeli brothers resur- 32, was depressed at the “At this point it can be faced yesterday with fresh claims the presiding judge had time of her death. Based on anything. We cannot specu- favoured one brother over the this, officers think it is pos- late what caused their other. sible she murdered her deaths, however we are cov- Rami Weisfisch, 64, called daughter and killed herself. ering all angles.” on Justice Stephen Isaacs to Among this evidence is There are also unan- recuse himself from the bit- said to be a letter Ms Bur- swered questions about the ter legal dispute, as he had rows wrote to herself detail- discovery of Ms Burrows’ shown bias towards his ing her troubles. Nissan Sentra, which was younger brother Amir Weiss- Meanwhile, the official spotted on Wednesday by a fisch in his ruling, argued line is that police are still passing jogger who read Nicholas Lavender, QC. awaiting autopsy results to about the search for this Mr Lavender suggested the determine exactly what “missing piece” of this inves- Supreme Court judge had caused the deaths. tigation in the news. shown animosity towards Mr The bodies of Ms Burrows According to Superinten- Weisfisch, by describing his and her five-year-old daugh- dent Paul Rolle, officer in recusal application as corrupt ter Kaysha were pulled from charge of the Central Detec- and sinister. waters behind Elizabeth and tive Unites, suggestions that Bay Plaza by defence force the car was driven by some- SEE page six officers on Tuesday. one after the mother and Police say there were no SEE page six visible injuries on the bodies. KERZNER GRANTED COURT NEWS EXTENSION TO REPAY $2.78BN LOAN FOURTH MAN CHARGED IN CONNECTION KERZNER International confirmed yesterday that is has WITH ARMED ROBBERY OF WEB CAFE been granted an extension to By TANEKA THOMPSON repay its $2.78 billion loan that Deputy Chief Reporter is due next month. [email protected] This comes after Kerzner managing director George A FOURTH suspect was Markantonis said the company charged in connection with was in active and "constructive the armed robbery of the discussions" with their lenders. Island Luck Web Cafe yes- Last month, Bloomberg terday. News reported that Kerzner Kermit Evans, also known International Holdings, which is as Amos Evans, limped into part-owned by Dubai World's Court 8 at Bank Lane with Istithmar, might default on the his right arm in a cast and mortgages if a deal cannot be sling. reached. He was charged with eight On Wednesday, a former counts of armed robbery and Chamber of Commerce Presi- three counts of intent to dent said a default would send "enormous shockwaves" endanger the lives of three through the Bahamian econo- policemen. my. Before the defendant was Yesterday, a spokesperson brought into court, police for the company said: “We can prosecutor Sergeant Bernard confirm that Kerzner has Smith told Magistrate Jeanine received an extension from our Weech Gomez that Evans GOVERNOR GENERAL Sir Arthur Foulkes outside of the new Straw Market on Bay Street. The Gov- lenders and we continue to be was not able to climb the ernor General toured the new facility which is expected to open some time this month. SEE PAGE TWO in active and constructive dis- staircase. cussions with them. “It remains business as usual Felipé Major/Tribune staff KERMIT EVANS outside of court SEE page six at all of our properties and resorts.” NASSAU AND BAHAMA ISLANDS’ LEADING NEWSPAPER PAGE 2, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2011 THE TRIBUNE LOCAL NEWS GOVERNOR GENERAL Sir Arthur Foulkes and his wife Lady Joan Foulkes tour the new Straw Market on Bay Street yesterday. The facility is expected to open this month. Felipé Major/Tribune staff If you see this Diva today wish her a very HACKER GROUP ‘ANONYMOUS’ Happy OVERWHELMS PERU WEBSITES LIMA, Peru Birthday Associated Press From the 3 Amigos MEMBERS of the hacker group Anony- mous are claiming responsibility for cyber- $ ORFDO KHDOWKFDUH VXSSOLHU LV attacks that over- FXUUHQWO\ ORRNLQJ WR KLUH D whelmed the websites of Peru's presidency and judiciary. 3+$50$&,67 The activists say on Facebook that they 6NLOO ([SHULHQFH 5HTXLUHPHQWV launched Friday's denial- of-service attacks to ([FHOOHQW FRPPXQLFDWLRQ DQG protest the "ineptitude LQWHUSHUVRQDO VNLOOV and corruption" of Peru- vian authorities. 7HQDFLRXV GULYHQ DQG UHVLOLHQW Such attacks flood *RRG 3ODQQLQJ DQG RUJDQL]DWLRQDO VNLOOV websites with data, typi- cally using Internet-con- 6HOI GLVFLSOLQH DQG VHOI PRWLYDWHG nected "zombie" com- ,QWHUHVWHG LQ WKH KHDOWKFDUH LQGXVWU\ puters hijacked with Tro- jan Horse programs. $ELOLW\ WR LQWHUSUHW GDWD The chief of Peru's $PELWLRXV DQG NHHQ WR GHYHORS D FDUHHU police cybercrime unit confirms the attacks, LQ D VXFFHVVIXO RUJDQL]DWLRQ which knocked the sites $SSOLFDQWV PXVW KDYH D FXUUHQW SKDUPDFLVW OLFHQVH offline for at least six hours. Oscar Gonzales says 7R DSSO\ IRU WKLV SRVLWLRQ FDQGLGDWHV PXVW EH HOLJLEOH WR the sites' owners did not report the outages to OLYH DQG ZRUN LQ WKH %DKDPDV police. Spokesmen for the presidency and judiciary 3OHDVH VHQG UHVXPH·V WR have declined to confirm their sites were under PHGUHSKXPDQUHVRXUFHV#JPDLOFRP attack. THE TRIBUNE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2011, PAGE 3 LOCAL NEWS MAN ACCUSED OF RAPING NINE-YEAR-OLD GIRL RAPE TRIAL VERDICT COULD COME NEXT WEEK By DENISE MAYCOCK floor watching television when she Tribune Freeport Reporter Prosecution and defence set to present felt a tap on her leg. [email protected] She said she was instructed to final address to jury on Monday turn over. FREEPORT - The rape trial of She testified that Whylly then Albert Whylly Sr is winding down had sex with her. and a verdict could come early Whylly, a 59-year-old clergyman home on Jobson Avenue, where The alleged victim wrote her next week as the prosecution and and fruit vendor, is accused of hav- the alleged victim had been mother a note the following day defence are both set to present ing sex with a nine-year-old girl. dropped off by her mother. telling of what had happened. their final address to the jury on The matter was fast-tracked to Carlson Shurland represents Whylly was arrested on Febru- Monday. the Supreme Court by Voluntary Whylly, who is out on bail. ary 7, 2011, and charged with hav- Senior Justice Hartman Long- Bill of Indictment. According to evidence, the ing unlawful sex with a minor. ley will deliver his summation of The incident is alleged to have alleged victim, testified that she On Friday, the accused took the ACCUSED: ALBERT WHYLLY SR the case on the same day. occurred on February 6, 2011, at a was lying on her stomach on the stand and denied the charge. GB PERFORMING ARTS SOCIETY AWARDS FIRST COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP TO CALVIN PARKER JR THE Grand Bahama Performing Arts Society announced that its first college scholarship recipient is Calvin Parker Jr. Mr Parker was presented with a $5000 cheque by two members of the GBPAS committee, treasurer Ivy Elden and sec- retary Colleen Lewis. He is a native of Grand Bahama and the son of Calvin and Colene Parker. In June, he successfully completed a two year course at the College of the Bahamas, New Providence, and received an associates degree in music. This dedicated young man will contin- ue his education at Full Sail University in Orlando, Florida this month, and will pursue a bachelor of science degree in recording arts. Dr Christy Lee, assistant professor of music at COB, said: “Calvin Parker is a very worthy and deserving student. He has excelled in all of his work at the Col- FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Calvin Parker Sr, GBPAS treasurer Ivy Elden, Calvin Parker Jr, lege of the Bahamas and is ready for the Colene Parker and GBPAS secretary Colleen Lewis. opportunities that Full Sail University will afford. privilege to be able to help deserving the performing arts. “I know the scholarship from the students of the arts through scholarship The objective is to provide members of GBPAS will go a long way in helping and educational programmes.
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