38590 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS December 11, 1969 Committee on Film Classification; to the for certain members of the committee on Ed­ ran Argun; to the Committee on the Judi­ Oommittee on Rules. ucation and Labor; to the Committee on ciary. By Mr. DEVINE: Rules. By Mr. COLLIER: H. Res. 747. Resolution amending the rules By Mr. RIVERS: H.R. 15219. A bill for the relief of Maj. Mi­ of the House to prohibit a single appropria­ H. Res. 750. Resolution to provide for chael M. Mills, U.S. Air Force; to the Com­ tion bill from carrying appropriations for the further expenses of the investigation and mittee on the Judiciary. more than one executive department; to the study authorized by House Resolution 105; By Mr. CORMAN: Committee on Rules. to the Committee on House Administration. H.R. 15220. A bill for the relief of Mrs. In­ H. Res. 748. Resolution to amend rule XXI Soon Lee Castronova; to the Committee on of the Rules of the House of Representatives the Judiciary. to require the yeas and nays in the case of PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. FISHER: final action by the House of Representatives Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private H.R. 15221. A bill for the relief of Maria on general appropriation bills; to the Com­ Gagliardi Paladino; to the Committee on the mittee on Rules. bills and resolutions were introduced and Judiciary. By Mr. PERKINS (for himself and Mr. severally referred as follows: By. Mr. McKNEALLY: BRADEMAS): By Mr. CHAMBERLAIN: H.R. 15222. A bill for the relief of Thomas H. Res. 749. Resolution authorizing travel H.R. 15218. A bill for the relief of Dr. Tu- R. Keefe; to the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIO,NS OF REMARKS MEDICAL RESEARCH AND THE unnecessary fears if the unlearned would Again, many cordial thanks for your ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION try to establish facts by performing re­ generous letter. search instead of regurgitating computer Very sincerely yours, HON. CHET HOLIFIELD runs made on a third party's data. GEORGE C. COTZIAS, M.D. I would like to place Dr. Cotzia's letter OF CALIFORNIA in the RECORD to indicate other areas of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Atomic Energy Commission sponsored SANDS POINT NAVAL TRAINING Thursday, December 11, 1969 medical research from which we can ex­ DEVICES CENTER Mr. HOLIFIELD. Mr. Speaker, on sev­ pect significant benefits for all mankind. eral occasions in the recent past there The letter follows: BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LARORATORY, HON. LESTER L. WOLFF have been statements in the record by OF NEW YORK members of the Joint Committee on ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. Upton, L.I., N.Y., November 24, 1969. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Atomic Energy concerning new clinical Hon. CHET HOLIFIELD, treatments with L-dopa for several neu­ Chairman, Joint Committee on Atomic Ener­ Thursday, December 11, 1969 rological diseases. The Honorable CRAIG gy, Congress of the United States, Wash­ Mr. WOLFF. Mr. Speaker, as you HosMER of California pointed to the out­ ing, D.C. know, many local communities are faced standing medical efforts being supported DEAR REPRESENTATIVE HOLIFIELD: My COl­ with overcrowded schools-the result of by the Atomic Energy Commission and leagues and I are deeply touched by the warm accolade in your letter of November 17. We growing populations coupled with the particularly to the work of Dr. George C. thank both you and the members of your all too frequent problem of lack of avail­ Cotzias and his colleagues at Brookhaven Committee. able land on which to build schools. National Laboratory with L-dopa. Sena­ The results to which you refer constitute In Port Washington, which is part of tor CLINTON ANDERSON made two state­ the fruition of team work that was continued the Third Congressional District, which ments, one concerning the use of L-dopa over many years. Sustaining such labor out­ I am proud to represent in Congress, this for Parkinson's disease and the other side the complex climate provided at Brook­ problem has developed. Recently, how­ concerning L-dopa and dystonia muscu­ haven by the AEC, would have been impos­ ever, the General Services Administra­ lorum deformaris, a neurological disease sible. tion announced that a 161-acre tract of which affects young :people. The main lesson from this is the following: if one wants progress with debilitating dis­ Federal property, the former site of the Recently Dr. Cotzias was awarded the eases, one must couple long-term, in-patient Sands Point Training Devices Center will Albert Lasker Award for his brilliant investigations with highly sophisticated be available to bidders with the greatest clinical work with L-dopa. Since the Joint laboratory research on animals, their tissues, need. Committee has for a long time been in­ their cells and even fragments of their cells. I am concerned with the fact that Port terested in the team efforts at the Brook­ Such tedious and frustrating enterprise is Washington's school system's needs are haven National Laboratory, I wrote to never immediately rewarding. If the Brook­ haven environment can flourish we cannot both immediate and ac~te. Dr. Cotzias and congratulated him on help but remain productive. The work that Recently, Mr. Speaker, I received a behalf of myself and the other members led to tritiated thymidine; studies of the unanimous resolution that had been of the Joint Committee. I received a genetic control of hypertension; of extracor­ passed by the residents of the affected reply from this great, but humble man. poreal irradiation; of the remarkable prog­ area regarding this issue. Since I firmly This is a real man and a real scientist ress toward a cure of hoof and mouth dis­ feel that the Federal Government has and a real doctor who puts his faith in ease; of the synthesis of the first human pro­ a responsibility to meet the needs of the data he records. His great efforts re­ tein (insulin), were bought at bargain prices local communities, especially in the im­ sulted in a true reward for all mankind. by a small group of incredibly dedicated peo­ ple here at the Medical Department at Brook­ portant area of education, I would like to He did not sit in his laboratory scanning haven. take this opportunity to include this res­ data others had collected, shaking his We are of course elated that our results olution in the RECORD: head over past failures and then doing have been confirmed and that from this Whereas the Port Washington Board of nothing. He decided something needed thousands of patients have derived, or will Education last month released a comprehen­ to be done, and did it. derive, benefit and hope. We do not intend, sive public school building program geared to L-Dopa is a newly developed drug however, to rest on these perishable laurels. meet the needs of an expanding school pop­ which has been developed and used in As scientists, we accept this success as a man­ ulation for the next ten years; and many clinical cases. It has given miracu­ date to pursue novel investigations in ani­ Whereas the key to this plan is the acquisi­ mals and man with increased urgency. tion of 50 acres of free land from the Federal lous relief to persons suffering from Our collective experimence and sophistica­ Government, part of the former site of the Parkinsons disease. tion combined with, hopefully, increased fi­ Sands Point Naval Training Devices Center, Dr. Cotzias is not like the pseudosci­ nancial support should further increase our declared surplus by the General Services Ad­ entists and nonscientists--or to use a effectiveness. Presently, for instance, we ap­ ministration last week; and descriptive terminology f1·om Orwell's pear to have hit on even more fundamental Whereas two additional parties, Nassau book "1984"-the "unscientists'' who run processes which we are elucidating in animals County and the Sands Point Country Day all over the country making strident, before we apply them to the therapy of man. School, have made known their interest in Given credits of time and money, we believe the entire 161 acre tract, to the exclusion sensational charges about the dire re­ that other diseases of the brain will be ame­ of the requirements of the Port Washington sults that will befall mankind because liorated at Brookhaven. I hope you will agree School District; and of nuclear power reactors and the Plow­ that at this juncture, besides misleading you, Whereas the Port Washington School Dis­ share programs. It would certainly be false modesty or humility would be inexcus- trict is the only applicant combining both helpful and eliminate the arousing of able. · public and educational use, and requires only December 11, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3859f a small portion of the over-all tract, not to tribution, transmission or sale of electric the investment tax credit as between farm• the exclusion of the other claimants; and energy. we further recommend that REA ers and rural small business on the one hand Whereas petitions bearing the names of take cognizance of the increasing role of and on the other the regulated utilities over 3,100 Port Washington residents, back­ nuclear generation and be prepared to ap­ whose rates are established to cover costs: ing the claim of the School District to 50 prove loans for nuclear generating units Now, therefore, be it resolved that we acres of this site were presented to all rele­ where they are required to provide lowest­ urge the Senate to reinsert into the tax bill vant government agencies and officials in cost wholesale energy. the investment tax credit provision as ap­ Washington, D.C., last week.
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