WOODBPJDGE TOWNSIi)ft WOOD-BRIDGE TOWNSHIP'S FIVE RAILROADS WELCOMES INVITE INDUSTRY THE HOME BUILDER AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP SEVENTEENTH YEAR Woodbridge, N. J., Friday Afternoon, October 21, 1927 l'JiREE CENTS—$1.50 PER YEAR Edison Radio Interview Where Lindy Landed CUPID LAUGHS AT WE STAND Will Celebrate Birthday IMMIGRATION LAW Woodbridge Man, In St Louis ON RECORD of Incandescent Lamp The ancient proverb that "Love will find a way" was When Tornado Struck City?; Tonight, before a microphone in- again proven as workable as SAYS RYAN stalled in his West Orange, New Jer- ever, in the case of Stephen sey, residence, Thomas A. Edison, Zanetou, proprietor of the New- Describes Scenes of Destruction will be interviewed for the first time York Tailoring Shop, of Main AT MEETING "over the air", when forty-one street, Woodbridg, and his bride j broadcasting- stations from coast to Miss Anna Lambrinidou, of Was Lunching With Rev. L V. Bushman When Twister j coast will be linked together by the Piraeus, Greece. Started; Escaped Center of Gale by 30 Minutes; Tells "We Have Done Our-Best, National Broadcasting Company for With the. new quota restric- ."Eaison Night". The broadcasting I tions of the American immigra- of Cathedral Left Unscathed. We Would Like to do Even ' program, sponsored by the General i tion law in vogue, a long wait- Electric Company, marks the forty- ing list preceded Miss Lam- Better/' Says Mayor, Ad- eighth anniversary of the invention brinidou, and would have pre- Henry W. Von Bremen, of 146 Freeman street, Wood- of the incandescent lamp at Menlo vented her coming to this coun- dressing Democrats. ParK, N. J., just across the Wood- try for many months. But bridge, who returned from a three weeks' business trip through, bridge Township line; it begins at Cupid laughed at immigration the Middle West Saturday, was an eye witness of the terrific 10:00 o'clock Eastern "Standard officials. CALLS K§§ BLUFF Time. Mr. Edison will be inter- Miss Lambrinidou sailed for tornado which cut a two mile swath through the residential viewed on subjects of general inter- Cuba early this month.; Cuba section of St. Louis on September 29cth., leaving in its wake 80 est to every radio listener by E. W. has no immigration restrictions. Mayor, Gill and Sattler Have Rice, Jr., Honorary Chairman of the Mr. Zanetou sailed for Cuba, last dead, 700 injured, 5,000 homes .and business buildings de- Given Generously of Time Board of Directors of the General Saturday morning, on the Ward stroyed, and a property damage of a hundred million dollars- Electric Company. A musical pro- Line Steamship Sorokin. After and Effort, Says Grausam, gram, will be presented by the Gold- their marriage in the sunny Not only did Mr. Von Bremen witness the tornado, but man Band. southern isle, Mr. and Mrs. in Stirring Speech. Zanetou will return to Wood- he escaped possible injury or even death by a scant margin of bridge, to reside at the Grove thirty minutes. That the administration submits avenue home which is awaiting the record of its achievements dur- STORM SIGMALS FOR the bride and groom. Mr. Von Bremen and the Rev. Leonard V. Bushman, for- ing their two years in office, to the A civil ceremony was' per-. fc siiy pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, of Woodbridge, people, as a jury to decide whether formed in Cuba on Wednesday, or not they are fit to be returned to • 1. Fords - Keasbey - Hopelawn, and a church wedding will take were having lunch together in the dining room of the Statler oiflce, was the statement made by ! Fords fire -whistle—4 blasts 8 a. m. place when the bride and groom Hotel, in St. Louis, when the twister swooped down on the city. Mayor _Willia m A. Ryan, at a large I 2. Woodbridge - Sewaren - Port return to Woodbridge. ana enthusiastic rally of Democrats | Reading, Woodbridge Fire Company • Here are Woodbridge Legionaires, who attended Paris A party in honor of the ap- The Statler Hotel, is located in the downtown district which Iield in the School Street Parish 4 blasts 8 a. xn.; Federal Terra convention of Legion, standing on the very spot where Lind- proaching marriage was given was left unscathed by the fury of the storm, the area of de- House on Wednesday evening. | Company whistle, 4 blasts 8 a. m. bergh landed, at Le Gourget Field. Left to right, Joe Silas, Mr. Zanetou at his home last "We have done our best to serve j 3. Avenel and vicinity, Steel, Friday evening. Friends and struction being confined to two square miles in the residential the people. We believe that an of-; 3 times at 8 a. m. Fred Mawbey, A. Bagger, Bill Mesick, Leon McElroy, Joe relatives from Woodbridge, Rah-- sections around Grand Boulevard. ficial of the Townshp should be a) 4. Colonia-Locust Grove Section, Feiraro, and Edward McLeod. \ . •way, Westfield, Plainfield, New ..At about 12:45 p. m., Mr. Von 1 — servant of the people, always eager I fire siren, 2 short blasts S a. m. York, and Connecticut were Bremen said in an interview with af to do their bidding, always working,1 5. Iselin, lire company alarm 4 present. Among- the Wood- Leader reporter, he and Mr. Bush-1 in their interests, keeping their wel-i blasts 8 a. m. bridge guests were Mr. and Mrs. man suddenly noticed the abrupt; fare in mind at all times. This we Telephone Calls for Information Homer Vagelos, Mr. and Mrs. darkness which had enveloped thej have tried to do, and I believe the 1. 'Perth Amboy 24S0. Philip Vagelos, Mr. and Mrs. city, and then the tornado came TownsTiip realizes that we have done 2. Woodbridge 46. Hercules Loukides, Zaphyr Lou- roaring from the North. The shades kides, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cov- VICE AT our level best to reduce taxts, in- 3. Railway 540. in the Statler Hotel dining room crease the efficiency of municipal of- 4. Railway 1054. ras, and others. blew in fantastically and waiters iices, decrease interest of bonded in- Iselin-Metuchen 194-ML. rushed to close the windows, as a debtedness, improve road impartially Miss Agnes Winquist, daughter of of the room under which stood an downpour of rain deluged the city. .E. CHURCH in all parts of the Township, install I Mr. and .Mrs. Jacob Winquist, of' immense wedding cake. "It looked like a blizzard," said improvements wherever most needed, I Avenel, became the bride of Joseph ! The home was decorated, with Mr. Von Bremen. 'The rain came Troops from all Parts of and operate each branch of local White streamers and bells. In the dqwn in sheets. Driven by the wind, government as economically as pos- i Ferdinand Perry, son of Mr. and the rain looked almost as white as Township Hear Sermon on siole. Ulrs. J. Perry, of Metuehen, Satur- evening a reception was held for thei heavy snow. It lasted for ten min ' . ,,,-+,, n, A friends and neighbors of the couple, j "We have been criticised by Com- utes, during which the roar and "Challenge of Youth". Biitteeman Kish and charged with day at four o clock in the Glace Thg Dixie Serenaders furnished the! j thunder-of the tornado's center was Ucgiect 111 railing to l'tcniy condi- Lutheran Church of Perth Amboy.' musjC for dancing. j ! faintly audible. A Boy Scout service for Township: tions at Evergreen avenue. You Rev. Robert Schlotter officiating. _ j j,r Perry will make "The-news of the disaster spread troops was held in the Woodbridge owned theiMrr homan(e in rgMetuehen. They re- know and I know that Mr. Kisli is The bride was beautifully Installation of new officers of Mid-[like wildfire, and Mr. Bushman and Methodist Episcopal Church last bluffing. But when 1 play cards, I j in white taffeta with slippers to ceived many beautiful gifts, one of dlesex Council 857, Knights of Co-.jldrove out along Grand Boulevard, Sunday evening. Rev. A. Boylan, want 10 call the other fellows hand. match. Her round veil was an ex- which was a handsome set of flat lumbus, with proper ceremonies will j which is flanked on both sides by Fitz-Gerald preached on the "Chal- I have called Mr. Kish's bluff, and; ciuisite piece of hand made century-' silver, a 'gift from the. co-workers kfi Iaee at Columbian Club onI the m'ost beautiful residences of St. lenge of Youth", a sermon stressing: proved that it is he, by instigating j old lace, originally the property of of the place where Mrs. Perry was Mondav eTenin October 24th. Dis-j Louis. We soon came upon the first the value of scout training. objection to our agreement with, a princess of Baden-Baden, Ger- employed. Those present at the trict Deputy McCann, of Plainfleld, j outposts of the tornado's desfruc- The Rev. Fitz-Gerald said, in part: liaritan Township on the joint sewer,j many, also a handkerchief of exqui-, wedding were, Mr. and Mrs. J. Win- preside at the installation. - At! tion. Great trees lay across the "When Christ said 'except ye be- who lias prevented the satisfactory j site "design and workmanship. She cm.st and family, Arvid Winquist, 5,300 Middlesex County Dlates u_ .. ^ ". T -.. ' " • x i- • i * -i the close of the meetin_ there will .streets, as though plucked out of the come as little children'.he recognized adjustment of the conditions at jtiver-j Wood- carried a shower bouquet ot white Mr. ana Mrs.
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