MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) ACTS AND RESOLVES AS PASSED BY THE Eighty-eighth and Eighty-ninth Legislatures OF THE STATE OF MAINE From April 24, 1937 to April 21, 1939 AND MISCELLANEOUS STATE PAPERS Published by the Secretary of State, in conjunction with the Revisor of Statutes in accordance with the Resolves of the Legislature approved June 28, 1820, March 18, 1840, March 16, 1842 and Acts approved August 6, 1930 and April 2, 1931. KENNEBEC JOURNAL AUGUSTA, MAINE 1939 INDEX 937 Index to Acts and Resolves Passed at Sessions of the Eighty-Fifth, Eighty-Sixth, Eighty-Seventh, Eighty-Eighth and Eighty-Ninth Legislatures PUBLIC LAWS 1931 1933 1935 1937 1939 Page Page Page Page Page A ABSENT VOTING by physically incapacitated ................ 199 236 in unorganized territory 238 relating to ............................. 234,267 205 236 ACADEMIC RECORDS preservation ............................ 332 ACADEMIES state aid 71,200 241, 268, 312 315 64 285 towns may raise money for ............... 94 ACADIA NATIONAL PARK road crossing ............................ 159 ACCOUNTS admissibility as evidence ... ".............. 199 institutions, to be audited ., ........... 102 military, payment clarified ............. 291 Ulunicipalt uniform system .............. 247 public utilities, need not be filed ......... 90 ADMINISrRATORS AND EXECUTORS actions by or against ..................... 247 ADVERTISEMENTS legal, in newspapers ...................... 327 outdoors . 367161, 220, 249 185,220 political. ................................ 58 see also MAINE DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AERONAUTICAL COMMITTEE, THE creation and duties ...................... 40 AERONAUTICAL FUND accruals. 271 351 174 AERONAUTICS see AIRCRAFT: AIRPORTS AGENTS appointment by non-resident mortgagee ... 160 commercial and other .'................ 278 of insurance companies ............... 125 AGREEMENTS, CORRUPT by attorneys and otbers ................... 327 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES pari mutuel betting ..................... 262 state aid .............................. 18 249 49 124 AGRICULTURE, COMMISSIONER advertisement of Maine products ......... 291 clam law enforcement ................... 141 310 dairymen's conference .................... 148 salary .................................. 257 U. S. Department of AgriCUlture .......... 79 AIR sovereignty . ............................. 175 AIR WORK, COMPRESSED rules and regulations ..................... 137 AIRCRAFT licensing ................................ 445 175 Sunday operation ........................ 308 transport of fish and game ............... 147 unlawful taking ....................... 61 AIRPORTS municipal 203 ALCOHOL sale .................................... 286 5 weight in bloodJ evidence ................. 295 938 INDEX 1931 1933 1935 1937 1939 Page Page Page Page Page ALEWIVES in Sac a River ........................... 63 regulation of industry ................... 132,200 ALIMONY decree, alteration '" ..... ............... 46 enforcement ............................ 172 relating to ............................. 293 support of person committed to jail ........ 286 ALL MAINE FAIR ASSOCIATION formerly Maine State Agricultural Society .. 74 ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY county commissioners, chairman ..... ...... 333 salary ................................ 55 county offices, clerk hire .................. 50 game preserve ........................... 275 117 superior court, trial terms ................ 74 probation officers ....................... 76 ANDROSCOGGIN POULTRY AND PET STOCK ASSOCIATION ·exhibitions .............................. 173 ANIMALS dead, disposition ........................ 38 fur bearin~t closed season ............... 330 332 163 trapping .............................. 68 135 neglected and abandoned .............. 89 44,156 231 W~]!~~:t~~~: ~~ :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 110 in captivity ........................... 41,112 property of state ...................... 197 trapping .............................. 144 ANTITOXIN supply and use ......................... 32 APOTHECARIES examination and registration .............. 40 79 regulation of business .................... 174 sale of poisons .. ....................... 347 APPEALS from magistrates ........................ 69 in certain ta..'"( cases .................. _.... 30 APPLES grown outside state, sale ................. 102 packing and grading ..................... 152 APPORTIONMENT representatives to Congress .. .............. 277 ARBITRATION, STATE BOARD compensation ........................... 57 ARMORIES construction ............................ 161 provision by municipalities ............... 148 ARNOLD ffiGHWAY designation ............................. 310 ARNOLD TRAIL designation ............................. 233 AROOSTOOK COUNTY trial lists ............................... 230 Register of Deeds, Southern District, clerk hire ............................. 312 74 ARRESTS relating to ............................. 271 ART COMMISSION created ................................. 314 ASSAULT AND BATTERY jurisdiction of municipal courts . ........... 63 penalty ................................ 226 ASSA YERS OF ORES AND METALS abolisbed .............................. 229 ASSESSORS chairman .............................. 205 conventions ............................. 195 excise tax apportionment. ... .............. 59 notice of taxable property ................ 323 to make annual returns .................. 254 INDEX 939 1931 1933 1935 1937 1939 Page Page Page Page Page ASSETS pledge by bank .......................... 119 ASSOCIATIONS transfer of trust funds ....•...............• 150 ATTACHMENT exemption of personal property ............ 245 399 when dissolved by receiver·s appointment .. 25 ATTORNEY GENERAL biennial report .......................... 245 expense ................................ 73 assistance to Health & Welfare Department . 23 ATTORNEYS AT LAW admittance to practice ................... 160 54,160 corrupt agreements ...................... 327 resident outside state .................... 159 resignations . ............................ 81 unworthy ............................... 13 AUDIT department created ..................... 225 of municipal accounts ................... 247 AUDITOR " state, salary ............................ 230 University of Maine ..................... 102 AUTOMOBILE FINANCE BUSINESS regulation .............................. 263 AUTOMOBILES see MOTOR VEmCLES AUTOPSIES of unclaimed bodies ............. " .. "...... 208 AVIATION see AERONAUTICAL COMMITTEE: AIRCRAFT: AIRPORTS AZISCOHOS LAKE entrance designated . ..................... 47 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS A ACADIA NATIONAL PARK road across ............................. 459 ADJUTANT GENERAL construction project ...... : .............. 597 permit for telepbone lines at Camp Keyes .. 417 ADVENT CHURCH see MAINE STATE AD­ VENT CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE AGRICULTURE relief, rehabilitation etc. ................ 608 ALBANY. surrender of organization ......... 17 ALLAGASH PLANTATION organization repealed .................... 582 ALNA LODGE incorporated. 365 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF BATES COLLEGE charter . ................................ 375 ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY bonds for South Bridge ................... 460 maintenance of law library ................ 340 salaries of officials ....................... 589 ANDROSCOGGIN AND KENNEBEC RAIL­ WAY COMPANY powers enlarged .... ...................... 498 ANDROSCOGGIN LAKE DAM building ................................ 528 maintenance . ............................ 640 500 APPROPRIATIONS deficiency ....................." ......... 348 expenditures of government. 455 630 473 520,535 609 overdrafts .............................. 162,590 special session 1937 ....................... 15 940 INDEX 1931 1933 1935 1937 1939 Page Page Page Page Page APPROPRIATIONS-Continued supplemental ........................... 525 618 631 unexpended balances ..................... 596 ARAXI:!'<"E WILKINS SAWYER FOUNDA­ TION, THE powers .................................. 341 ARGYLE organization surrendered 467 AROOSTOOK COUNTY certified copies of records ................ 341 jail at Houlton ......................... 499 salaries of officials ....................... 590 AROOSTOOK MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY charter e:d:ension . ........................ 387 AROOSTOOK RIV"ER William L. Milliken to erect and maintain piers etc. ................................ 519 AROOSTOOK TRUST COMPANY charter amended ........................ 446 AROOSTOOK VALLEY RAILROAD COM­ PANY motive power ........................... 436 ASHLAND town council and manager government 424 ASSOCIATED HOSPITAL SERVICE OF MAINE incorporation 393 ATHENS road construction ........................ 419 ATLANTIC SEABOARD ASSOCIATION incorporation ........................... 113 AUBURN charter amended ........................ 478 civil service ............................. 518 fire department pensions ................. 522 police and fire department pensions 516 AUBURN SEWERAGE DISTRICT extension .............................. 351 AUGUSTA Board of Commissioners of Police ......... 611 431 construction of road ..................... 420 call firemen pensions .................... 596 three town agreement ..................
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