BOOKING PERIOD: 01 APR – 25 SEPT 2019 TRAVELING DATE: 01 APR – 30 SEPT 2019 西班牙 葡萄牙 黃線南歐熱情七天精彩行程 9 天 8 晚 *每逢星期五出发 *二人成行 *中+粤/英文导游 含:八晚住宿含早 + 来回机场接送 + 中粤/英文导游服务 RM 3,999/人* 第一天 星期五:到馬德里 Madrid 到达馬德里机场(MAD),司机接机再转到酒店入住。自由活动。 第二天 星期六:馬德里 Madrid-薩拉戈莎 Zaragoza (早餐) 早餐於酒店後,早上起程前往遊覽西班牙首都馬德里。比利斯噴泉、米約廣場、西班牙廣場、哥倫布紀念廣場、西班牙大皇宮等景點 名勝,皇宮是西班牙王室鼎盛時之建築,金碧輝煌且美侖美奐,呈現出昔日帝國神聖的餘暉;而代表著西班牙中心點的「零公里」是 一塊不大不的小正方形磁磚,就安放在太陽門的行人道上。而太陽門廣場商店林立,遍佈百貨公司,是選購西班牙特色皮革產品、服 飾及各種紀念品的好去處;下午告別馬德里,朝巴塞隆拿方向進發。 *自费:佛蘭明高舞蹈€ 65 一人 第三天 星期日:薩拉戈莎 Zaragoza-巴塞隆拿 Barcelona (早餐) 早餐於酒店後,前往西班牙著名海岸城市巴塞隆拿,抵步後遊覽熱情迷人的巴塞隆拿,景點包括:哥倫布紀念塔及藍布拉斯大道, 繼往巴塞隆拿最有代表性的聖家教堂參觀,此教堂乃有「建築詩人」之稱的建築奇才高迪的曠世傑作;隨後遊覽魯營球場。遊畢轉赴 蒙朱伊克山丘上的奧林匹克運動會場參觀,一九九二年奧林匹克運動會曾在此舉行,從山丘上更可俯瞰市區全景。餘下時間到繁華熱 鬧的加泰隆尼廣場,這裡商店林立,團友可在此區逛街購物,自由活動。 *自费:西班牙大皇宮€ 10 一人 第四天 星期一:巴塞隆拿 Barcelona-華倫西亞 Valencia-亞利坎提 Alicante (早餐) 早餐於酒店後,早上起程沿海岸線前往西班牙第三大城市華倫西亞,是商業、文化的集中地;今日的華倫西亞雖已退卻光環,但仍 是商貿展覽會舉辦的重要城市,此處全年有各種展覽會舉行。抵步後遊覽舊市內的市政廣場、古城門及華倫西亞大教堂,教堂入口的 三座大門,就透露了大教堂歷經滄桑,但最引人注目的,是南翼禮拜堂所收藏的瑪瑙杯,這個杯子傳說正是耶穌最後晚餐所使用的聖 杯。遊畢,朝白色海岸海灘渡假城市亞利坎提進發。 *自费: 夜遊亞利坎提海灘€10 一人 第五天 星期二:亞利坎提 Alicante-格拉那達 Granada-馬拉加 Malaga (早餐) 早餐於酒店後,早上起程前往安達魯西亞省高原上的名城格拉那達,這是一座歷史名城,曾先後被西哥特人、阿拉伯人統治過,留 下了多種文明和文化的遺跡,抵步後,遊覽摩爾人在「黃金時代」所遺留下之產物「阿爾罕布拉宮」(又稱紅宮),精緻細膩的建築、 清新脫俗的格調,驚世之美令人讚賞。遊畢前往備受推崇的太陽海岸進發。 *自费: 阿爾罕布拉宮€ 16 一人 第六天 星期三:馬拉加 Malaga-塞維爾 Seville (早餐) 早餐於酒店後,前往安達魯西亞地區的靈魂城市塞維爾,此城曾是回教皇朝的首都,安達魯西亞文化的守護天使,佛朗明哥舞蹈的 發源地,又是作家筆下小說「卡門」故事的發生地.抵步後遊覽建於十六世紀的大教堂,堂內皇室專用禮拜堂,安葬著中世紀多個國 王的陵寢;遊罷造訪曾經是回教宮殿及西班牙王朝的宮殿之一的阿卡薩城堡,此宮殿於一九八七年被聯合國列入世界文化遺產,這座 建築經歷回教及天主教王朝,前後的巧妙配搭形成世上最複雜及美麗建築之一,隨後漫步聖十字區、黄金塔及瑪利亞路易莎公園,此 處是一九九二年世界博覽會所在地,西班牙廣場精雕細琢的瓷畫細說昔日西班牙的歷史及風采. BOOKING PERIOD: 01 APR – 25 SEPT 2019 TRAVELING DATE: 01 APR – 30 SEPT 2019 第七天 星期四:塞維爾 Seville-里斯本 Lisbon (早餐) 早餐於酒店後,起程前往葡萄牙首府里斯本,預計下午首先抵達歐洲的天涯海角「大石角」,此地位處歐洲大陸最西端,團友除了感 受茫茫大西洋的浩翰氣勢外,還可購買紀念證書,證明曾經踏足歐洲西端盡頭,極具紀念價值。遊畢轉赴里斯本遊覽市內名勝貝倫古 塔、象徵葡萄牙為昔日開啟航海時代的先驅及對發現新大陸的熱情的航海家紀念碑、之後前往傑若尼莫修道院,一窺十六世紀葡萄牙 海權極盛時期所遺留下之曼奴爾式建築外觀,遊罷送往里馬露茜廣場及龐布廣場一帶自由活動,團友若有興趣可於百年老餅店品嚐正 宗葡式蛋撻。 第八天 星期五:里斯本 Lisbon-杜麗多 Toledo-馬德里 Madrid (早餐) 早餐於酒店後,早上起程前往馬德里,下午途經杜麗多古城遊覽,在太加斯河及堅固的城牆圍繞下,杜麗多記錄了西班牙的歷史與文化, 西班牙全盛時期皆建都於此,漫步在這古蹟密佈的城市,俯瞰亞卡沙爾城堡,參觀結構宏偉的大教堂,完全感受西班牙昔日的繁華;遊 罷送返馬德里。(預料晚上八時返抵馬德里) 第九天 星期六:離馬德里 Madrid (早餐) 早餐於酒店使用,自由活动至集合时间送往馬德里机场(MAD). (以上行程屬文字描述性質僅作參考,描述與現實的差異不構成爭議性,本公司及導遊乃視乎實際情況有權作出適當的安排及調改) 住宿:本團住宿選用三星級酒店為主,以下介紹之酒店僅供參考,將因情況選用其它同級酒店代替 西班牙:馬德里– 02 晚 Campanile Madrid OR Holiday Inn Express Madrid Alcobendas or similar 西班牙:薩拉戈莎– 01 nights Eurostars Hotel Rey Fernando OR Eurostars Zaragoza or similar 西班牙:巴塞隆拿– 01 night AC by Marriott hotel SantCugat 或 Holiday Inn Express Barcelona Sant Cugat 或同等 西班牙:亞利坎提– 01 night TRP Alicante Gran Sol OR Hotel Campanile Alicante or similar 西班牙:馬拉加– 01 night Hotel Restaurant Campanile Malaga Airport OR Hotel La Sierra 西 班牙: 塞維爾 - 01 night Hotel GIT Via SevillaMairena OR GIT Vereda Real or similar 葡萄牙: 里斯本 – 01 night Holiday Inn Express Lisbon Airport OR Hotel UMU or similar 團費包含: 團費: 八晚住宿酒店標準房含早餐 MYR 3,999 一人以兩人一間雙人房計算 來回機場接送馬德里(MAD)(只限於上午 07 點 – MYR 3,999 一小孩佔床計算 晚上 10 點) MYR 3,650 一小孩不佔床計算 觀光遊覽節目 旺季:增加 MYR 500 一人于新年(31 Dec-01 Jan)、春節(7-13 Feb)、耶穌受難日(25 全程旅遊巴士 Mar)、復活節 (27 Mar)、勞動節 (01 May)、耶誕節(24-25 Dec) 中文+粵語/英文导游導遊(二选一) 條例與規則: 團費不包含: 訂金(不退還): MYR500 開團之前抵達馬德里和團結束后離開馬德里交 餘額:出發前 60 天許繳清 通。譬如:飛機票,火車票,等等 必須出發前 30 天報名訂位 午餐 團體以參與世界各地遊客參團為主,至少二人出發 晚餐 確認酒店資料將會在抵達前 24 小時之內收到通知 景點門票 如果提早抵達或延遲離開,請自行安排機場接送 自費項目 小孩以 02 歲至 11 歲為準 旅遊保險 MSIG Plan 6-10 天 RM 79/人 本團住宿選用三星級酒店為主,所列酒店僅供參考,將因情況選用其它同級 導遊司機小費 (EUR7 一人一天) 酒店代替 行李搬運費用 本社有權更改團費價格 個人費用 若有事項無被消費,團費不會退還 行程里無提及的事項 本社不會退還任何費用要是客人更改的事項、取消訂單、缺席或提早離團 團號:EU-Y0255C BOOKING PERIOD: 01 APR – 25 SEPT 2019 TRAVELING DATE: 01 APR – 30 SEPT 2019 SPAIN PORTUGAL WARM SOUTHERN EUROPE 9DAYS 8NIGHTS *DEPART EVERY FRIDAY: *02 TO GO: *MANDARIN+CANTON /ENGLISH SPEAKING GUIDE INCLUDE: 08 NIGHTS ROOM & BREAKFAST + RETURN AIRPORT TRANSFER RM 3,999/PAX* Day 01 Friday: Arrival in Madrid Upon arrival at Madrid Barajas International Airport (MAD), transfer to Madrid and check in hotel, then free at your own leisure. Day 02 Saturday: Madrid-Zaragoza (Breakfast) The tour starts from the capital of Spain, Madrid, where we will pass through the Cibeles Fountain, and then arrive and visit Plaza Mayor, Piazza di Spagna, Plaza de Colón and Royal Palace of Madrid. Then you’ll arrive at the Puertadel Sol, a public square in Madrid. In the square, you can shop for speciality leather goods, clothing and traditional Spanish souvenirs in Spain. Say farewell to Madrid and head to Zaragoza. Visit Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar which is Roman Catholic church in the city. There’s a lot of coffee shops and restaurants around the Basilica. Overnight in Zaragoza. Optional: The Royal Palace of Madrid (without guide) €10 PP Day 03 Sunday: Zaragoza-Barcelona (Breakfast) After breakfast, drive directly to the coastal city of Barcelona. Visit the Columbus Monument and La Rambla, followed by Sagrada Família, which is a large Roman Catholic church in Barcelona. Photo stop at Camp Nou, a football stadium in Barcelona. We’ll also visit Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys, the main stadium for the 1992 Summer Olympics which overlooks the city views. The remaining time is spent in the bustling Plaza Catalonia, where you can have free time and do some shopping. Overnight in Barcelona. Optional: Sagrada Familia Church €15 PP (Reservation visit time 2-2.30PM. Due to limit access control, strongly suggest to book online http://www.sagradafamilia.cat.) Day 04 Monday: Barcelona-Valencia -Alicante (Breakfast) After breakfast we’ll leave Barcelona for Spain’s third largest city, Valencia. It’s commercially and culturally rich, with Moorish culture, Arab customs and foods all frequented in a cultural exchange. Upon arrival, we will visit Modernisme Plaza of the City Hall of Valencia, Valencia’s Ancient City Gates and Valencia Cathedral, where the true Holy Grail is reserved in. After tour the day is rounded off with a drive into Alicante. Day 05 Tuesday: Alicante–Granada (Breakfast) First visit in the morning, free walking along the beach side. Then, depart for the city of Granada on the plateau of the Andalusia province. We will visit the Alhambra, a Moorish citadel and palace, also known as the Red Palace. Once arrived, the Moorish legacy might have caught your eye immediately. Generally referred to as the ‘golden age’ of construction and delicate structure, the dome shape is both stunning and admirable. We proceed on our journey to the Sunny Coast area – Costa del Sol and we go direct to our hotel overnight. Overnight in Granada. Optional: Alhambra Palace of Granada €15 PP (Reservation visit time 4-5.00PM. Due to limit access control, strongly suggest to book online https://tickets.alhambra-patronato.es/en/) Day 06 Wednesday: Granada-Seville (Breakfast) After breakfast, we go northbound to the largest city of the autonomous community of Andalusia, Seville. As the fourth largest city in Spain, it has hosted the World’s Fair in 1992. Upon arrival, we visit Seville Cathedral, the largest Gothic cathedral and now dedicated as Royal Chapel orthe burial place of the kings’ mausoleum for over a century and also the tomb of Christopher Columbus who discovered the New World. Visit to Alcázar of Seville, used to be a Muslim palace and the Spanish Royal Palace. Then we walk through the Santa Cruz, Torre del Oro (the Tower of Gold) and Maria Luisa Park. Lastly visit Plaza de España (Spain Square). Overnight in Seville. Optional: Excursion to Mijas €20 PP / Hemingway’s Beloved Town €25 PP BOOKING PERIOD: 01 APR – 25 SEPT 2019 TRAVELING DATE: 01 APR – 30 SEPT 2019 Day 07 Thursday: Seville-Lisbon (Breakfast) After breakfast, depart to the largest city of Portugal, Lisbon. We are expected to arrive in Cabo da Roca (Cape Roca) in the afternoon. Later, back to the Lisbon city centre and visit Belém Tower, and Jerónimos Monastery where both were classified a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Pass through Marquis of Pombal Square and then stop at Rossio Square for some free time. Overnight in Lisbon. Day 08 Friday: Lisbon-Toledo-Madrid (Breakfast) After breakfast, drive back to Madrid via Toledo. This old city is located on a mountaintop, surrounded on three sides by a bend in the Tagus River, and contains many historical sites. By strolling across the city, overlooking the Alcázar of Toledo and visiting the grand structure of Toledo Cathedral. Then take a well-earned rest as you sit back, catch a breath taking landscape of Spain and enjoy its rich palette of colors in natural surroundings while you are on the journey to Madrid. Overnight in Madrid. Day 09 Saturday: Departure from Madrid (Breakfast) After breakfast, free at your own leisure till transfer to Madrid Barajas International Airport (MAD) for your departure flight home. Accommodation: All the hotels are based on . The rooms are subject to the availability. Same category of the hotel will be replaced if the rooms are fully booked Spain: Madrid – 02 nights Campanile Madrid OR Holiday Inn Express Madrid Alcobendasor similar Spain: Zaragoza – 01 nights EurostarsHotel Rey Fernando OR Eurostars Zaragoza or similar Spain: Barcelona – 01 night AC by Marriott Hotel SantCugat OR Holiday Inn Express Barcelona Sant Cugator similar Spain: Alicante – 01 night TRP Alicante Gran Sol OR Hotel Campanile Alicante or similar Spain: Granada nearby city – 01 night Hotel Restaurant Campanile Malaga Airport OR Hotel La Sierra Spain: Seville – 01 night Hotel GIT Via SevillaMairena OR GIT Vereda Realor similar Portugal: Lisbon – 01 night Holiday Inn Express Lisbon Airport OR Hotel UMUor similar Tour Price Includes Terms and Conditions: 8-night accommodation stay based on twin share
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