WEATHER FORECAST LIGHTING-UP TIME Lleht South-w-il-rlf wind, ve erinf to N.W. early in ___• Jar, probably becoming variable later. Showers early. Fine later [7.30 P.M. t# INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 18—NO. IO3 HAMILTON, BERMUDA, KJONDAY, MAY 2, 1938 3D PER COPY—_40/- PER ANNUM EUROPEAN SITUATION LEANS TO ANGLO-FRENCH COMPROMISE U.S. GARDEN CLUBS TO LONDON NEWS ITEMS DOMESTIC TRAINING WINNERS OF CONTEST THEY SAY ONDON CONFERENCE SUGGESTS VISIT BERMUDA CENTRE DUE TODAY LONDON, Apr. 30. (BOPy-ln a written reply to a question in Com­ That spring cleaning is upon us. OVERTURES TO TENSE NATIONS Over 400 Ladies Expected in mons yesterday the Prime Minister Splendid Progress Reported Arriving in Bermuda en Monday Latter Part of May said that until a satisfactory settle­ on the C.N.S. Lady Somers wiU be * * * ment had been reached with the On Saturday afternoon last, Trin­ two fortunate young ladies, Miss That for the next month everyone Mexican Government in regard to the ity HaU was the scene of the Prize Frances BedeU and Miss Rose Ward Witt be finding out what poUtical THE CRUISE PROGRAMME seizure of British property in that Distribution by the Hon. A. G. Doyle, who are the winners of a con­ and financial rubbish is to be dis­ Day Insignia Banned In Praha country, no Mexican oil would be Grantham, Colonial Secretary, to the test sponsored by the Washington carded. The official cruise programme for allowed to be included in any Govern­ pupils of the Bermuda Domestic Hei aid Times, accompanied by two * * * the visit of the National Council of ment contract or purchase. Training Centre, and Mrs. Charles chapeiones, Miss Olga BedeU and That in the foUowing month every­ Mrs. Fred R. Miller. State Garden Clubs of the USA. » » * G. G. GUbert and her indefatigable one wiU now reform. Sudeten Injured In Police Clash; The Contest, which was sponsored to Bermuda was announced on Sat­ Glasgow streets and buildings are Committee, with Miss Evans, the able * * * urday by Mr. M. A. Gibbons, local Instructor, must have been highly jointly by radio and newspapers, was being gaily decorated in preparation an unusual one. Over the radio a That then the summer wUl be upon correspondent for the American Ex­ for the visit of the King and Queen gratified by the keen interest shewn London Talks Find Response fictitious trial murder case was us. press Company, who are official on Tuesday on the occasion of the in the Centre as exemplified by the staged and was known as "The Trial * * * transportation agents for the cruise. opening of the Empire Exhibition unusually large attendance of over of Baron Von Blau". ThepubUcwas That then everything is forgotten. In Press The Convention cruise, from May 21 Stadium which will be the scene pf 150 members of the general pubUc; to 27, is one of the largest to visit whUe evsryone present, in the words invited to render a verdict in the case. ... numerous spectacles during the Ex­ This episode was a sequel to the Bermuda. Over four hundred lad­ hibition and is to be used for the of Mr. R. C. Crawford, M.C.P. could That the general election wttl be suf­ j 1. (CP)—It was reported yesterday that France ies, from garden clubs in various entertain no doubt but that those famous "Trial of Vivian Ware" and opening ceremony. Its galleries was produced by the same writer, ficient excitement for a long time. to bring pressure to bear on Czechoslovakia in an parts of the U_3., will be in Bermuda provide accommodation for about who received certificates and prizes from May 23 to May 25. and during would not only |ind the instruction Kenneth WeUs. This contest was * * * ersuade her to grant as many of the Nazi demands as 100.000 spectators. Although many their short stay in the Islands they they had received a source of pleas­ given considerable pubUcity both That the Junior Service League BaU lout the sacrifice of national honour and independ- finishing touches are still required, in the paper and over the air, and the will visit the Colony's most beauti­ there is every reason to beUeve that the ure and profit, but in their turn was a great success. s in Paris believe that France and Great Britain ful gardens. would be a credit to the Institution. Canadian National Steamship de­ Exhibition will be ready in all respect rived considerable benefit owing to * * * -ompromise solution of the danger to European peace An elaborate programme of enter- Mrs. Gilbert in her Report said for the opening ceremony. continued repetition of their vessels That apparently aU Bermuda was Such a plan I tainment has been drawn up for that during the past year a total of e ambitions of the Sudeten Germans. * * * and service in connection with the there. this important and influential 320 pupils had attended the Centre, out, according to the following procedure: France Further expansion of the Royal prizes offered. * * * group of travellers. The cruise pro­ the roll at present standing at 194. Air Force, which was recently pre­ That visitors wiU enjoy the gardens _oslovakia to deal generously with the Sudeten gramme begins with the sailing of She expressed the gratitude of the Miss Fiances NedeU is a high schocl dicted by the Prime Minister in Com­ this week. ng the greater part of their demands for auton- the "Monarch of Bermuda"* from Committee to the Legislature for the student and is a native of NorthCare- mons, has now been authorised and lina. Miss Olga BedeU, sister to the * # * ritain will explain to Germany her interest in the New York City on May 21. After-. considerate reception given to their measures of acceleration and develop­ winner of the round trip to Jamaica, That the Domestic Training Centre itral Europe and ask that German Government in- noon tea will be served to the Con­ ment in aircraft industry to supply request for further funds to provide vention members on board ship, apd an Assistant to Miss Evans, in order is a newspaper woman connected with has abundantly justified itself. o obtain a modification of Henlein's demands. additional equipment are immediate­ the Washington Post. there will be an informal reception, ly to be put in hand. It is under­ to accommodate the increasing num­ * * * Miss Rose Ward Doyle who is the tin recognizes the hind­ including an addressrof welcome by stood that plans prepared by the Ah ber of applicants for admission to the That those who opposed it ere now other winner in the contest Uves in rance's alliance with the National Presi<|ent, Mrs.". W. Ministry after consultation with the Centre, to expand the work, and to sorry for themselves. CAPITALS REACT TO Washington and is Secretary to an will make no Dynes, of Hinsdale, HI. In the even­ Society of British Aircraft Manufac­ give more comprehensive courses. official of fhe United States Govern­ I modified. The LONDON CONFERENCE ing a formal get-together dinner turers and now approved by govern­ Mrs. GUbert referred to the excel­ ment Rural Electrification Admin- aid Czechoslo- will be held in the main dining room, ment will aim at doubling the pro­ lent work done by Miss Evans and That the foreign news temperature is istiaticn. This young lady is a na­ through prefer-J followed by a programme of enter­ duction of aircraft within two years. also to the good work done by Mr. a Uttle high, thank j'ou. Clash Over May Day tive of St. Paul, Minnesota and is a ._ treatment. tainment and dancing. The Air Ministry have announced Hammond Tucker, in conducting a * * * member of the District cf Columbia Patriotism the personnel of the supplies commit­ Waiters Class on one evening in each • l. (CP)—The na- The usual ship-board activities Bar and the Kappa Beta Pi Legal That the Empercr of Japan celebrated tee of seven, which- is charged with week, and she thanked most partic­ fc_end praised, the will be followed by the Cruise mem­ Fiaternity. Mr. Fred R. Miller who his 37th birthday in novel fashion. BERLIN, May 1. (CP)—German bers at their own inclination on supervision of production under the ularly Mrs. Clarence Wadsworth and n conference and is accompanying Miss Doyle is also a poUtical ciieles fully acknowledged Sunday, and the afternoon movie chairmanship of Lord Winterton. Mrs. Gladys Trimingham for then comment was, "It is resident of Washington, D.C. this weekend the renewed assurance show in the ship's lounge will feat­ It is stated that the increase in the donations to provide funds for schol­ That an air attack killed a thousand now that the two of close co-operation between Great ure colour films of the gardens of current financial year will be so arships, and Mrs. Ambrose Gosling The two fortunate ycung ladies wiU people just to let everyone know cracies understand each Britain and Prance after the I_.cndon Bermuda to be visited by the Con­ marked that the revised estimate of for her generous gift of prizes. be given a sightseeing tcur of Barmu- his age. : has repeated with conversations. With this obvious vention. These films have recently officers and men required for the Miss Evans made a shcrt speech da and wiU saU on their ship for the * . .l^at under sry tircum- hint CzGehosIv.akian circles voiced been specially taken for the Conven­ Royal Air Force will •*". a the biggest of emphasising the early reluctance cf continuation of then voyage on Tues­ That an Irisji poUtician suggests hold to her engage- regret "lest this co-operation be in­ tion, through the aegis of the Ber­ any postwar year.
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