The Getty Conservation Institute Field Projects 2006 Retrospective Getty Center East Building is GCI’s headquarters 2006-2007 is an im- tage List. It holds biennial symposiums. Contents portant transition pe- The next one will take place in Kazan, Ta- OWHC – Kazan, Russia ........ 1 riod for Field Projects. tarstan, Russia during June of 2007. Copan Stairway .................... 2 Management Planning ........ 2 Earthen Architecture ........... 3 Several projects are Terra 2008 .......................... 4 coming to a close Evaluation, Past Treatments 4 while we are looking Digital Lab ........................... 5 for new opportuni- Los Angeles Survey .............. 5 Grouts Research ...................7 François LeBlanc ties to advance the Head of Field Projects Documentation Initiative .....7 fi eld of conservation China Initiative ..................... 9 within the framework of the GCI’s For- The Kremlin in Kazan, Russia where the next world Southern African Rock Art . 10 ward Planning Strategy. Several staffs have Egypt, Valley of the Queens 10 conference of the Organization of World Heritage Mosaics Initiative ................11 left us this year to pursue personal goals. Cities will be held Mosaics - Tunisia ...............11 These include Mary Hardy, Kathryn Welch Mosaics - Research .............12 Howe, Chris Seki, and Rick Miller. I have The GCI organized the scientifi c track of Iraq Cultural Heritage .........12 announced that I will retire in September the previous OWHC symposium in Cusco, UNITAR - Japan ..................13 Values in management ........13 and the search for a new Head of Field Peru during 2005. At that time, the GCI GCI IMP .............................14 Projects has already begun. New staffs experimented with two innovative ap- Graduate Interns ................15 are joining our team, namely conservators proaches. The fi rst one was to organize New Staff ............................16 Catherine Myers and Aurora Ortega de a conference in three offi cial languages Publications, Reports ..........16 Papers, lectures ................ 20 Torre and Élise Yakuboff who will be re- (English, French and Spanish) with more Guests and Visitors ............ 21 placing Chris Seki. than 1,000 participants and have them Support Staff ...................... 22 all discuss the theme’s issues at tables of With all this in mind, the 2006 retrospec- 10 people. The second one was to offer a tive offers a bit more background informa- pre-conference course for newly elected tion than would usually be c alled for. Hope - mayors to introduce them to their new fully this will help new employees in Field responsibilities as mayors of a world heri- Projects as well as in other departments to tage city. The whole experience was quite better understand our projects and activi- successful. ties. As always, should you be interested in discussing these projects in more details, Based on the success of the above event, our Project Leaders and Managers will be the GCI accepted to organize the scientifi c delighted to talk with you. Please feel free component of the 9th world congress of to contact them directly. I hope that you the Organization of World Heritage Cit- Los Angeles City Hall, one of will fi nd the 2006 Field Projects Retro- ies, which will take place in Kazan, Rus- the city’s landmarks spective interesting and informative. sian Federation, June 19-23, 2007. The theme will be “Heritage and Economics”. OWHC – Kazan, Russia The GCI formed in May 2006 a Scientifi c Françoise Descamps, Project Manager Advisory Committee comprised of leading O t h e r G C I s t af f : J . M . Te u t o n i c o , F. L e B l a n c , C . economists and heritage professionals to Cancino, J. Cody, K. Louw and B. Weisblatt assist in steering the Congress scientifi c Consultant: Anna Sosnovski program: • Bruno Delas, Mission Culturelle, Mu- The Organization of World Heritage Cities nicipality of Lyon, France represents more than 200 cities that have • Christian Ost, ICHEC Business School, been nominated to UNESCO’s World Heri- Rector, Belgium GCI Information Center 1 • Eduardo Rojas, Sustainable Develop- ing a series of events and visits that broad- ment, Inter-American Development ened the delegation’s knowledge about the Bank, USA city. On June 24th the delegation was hon- • David Throsby, Division of Economics ored to attend Tatarstan’s major “Sabantuy” and Financial Studies, Univ. of Macqua- celebration at the Mayor’s hall in Kazan’s rie, Sydney, Australia Equestrian Center. On June 25th, the del- • Eugenio Yunis, Sustainable tourism, egation visited the historic Island of Sviajsk World Tourism Organization, Madrid, during an all-day excursion along the Volga Spain River. The delegation also visited Kazan’s Françoise Descamps, Other members of the Scientifi c Commit- Kremlin (World Heritage site). Project Manager for Man- tee include Denis Ricard and Lee Minai- agement Planning, Copan Hieroglyphic Stairway, dis (OWHC), Rassikh Sagitov (Kazan), J.M. Copan Stairway Retablo, and OWHC - Ka- Teutonico, F. LeBlanc, F. Descamps, J. Cody, Françoise Descamps, Project Manager zan projects and C. Cancino from GCI. Other GCI staff: T. Roby, S. Maekawa, V. Beltran, and V. Horton Such program will include four key presen- Graduate intern: B. Marcus tations, discussion sessions, as well as a strong student program, poster session, and In October 2006, project managers a pre-Congress Mayors workshop. GCI staff Françoise Descamps and Thomas Roby trav- undertook two planning trips to Kazan, Rus- eled to Copan to meet with the site director sian Federation in March and June 2006. and assess the condition of the Hieroglyphic Stairway after the replacement of the old During the June visit to Kazan, the GCI del- tarp. After their visit to the site, they met egation presented the Congress’ general with Dr. Darío Euraque, director of the Insti- program, key objectives and logistical chal- Copan Hieroglyphic Stair- tuto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia way during reconstruction lenges to Ms. Lyudmila Andreeva, Deputy in 1937 and with Dr. Rodolfo Pastor Fasquelle, Hon- Mayor of Kazan, and several key offi cials duran Minister of Culture, in Tegucigalpa to from Kazan. It also visited the venue of the present advanced copies of the Copan Re- Congress, a new conference center being port, in English and Spanish. Copyediting erected by Korston Hotel & Mall Company was carried out several times for the English and met with Korston representatives. Be- version of the report, and editing for the cause formal presentations regarding the Spanish version of the report. The report is Congress’ theme are limited to four keynote now published. speakers, the Advisory Committee decided to complement these presentations with analysis of case studies, presented as post- Management Planning ers, which will be exhibited throughout the (Formerly known as Joya de Céren) Congress. Françoise Descamps, Project Manager Other GCI staff V. Horton Copan Hieroglyphic Stair- Recognizing the crucial impact of tourism in Consultant: Carolina Castellanos way during temporary removal of its shelter in heritage preservation and its link with the 2003 economics of a World Heritage City, the Project Manager Françoise Descamps partic- Advisory Committee decided to organize ipated in the international conference “Con- a panel where mayors could talk about the servation in Changing Societies, Heritage & challenges associated with tourism and de- Development” in May 2006 and presented bate how best to confront those challeng- the case of Joya de Céren. The conference es. The panel will focus on the question “is was held at the Raymond Lemaire Centre for tourism enough?” Conservation in Leuven, Belgium. Françoise also worked closely with consultant Caro- The delegation met with representatives lina Castellanos meeting with offi cials from from various educational institutions to UNESCO, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, prepare the students’ program, which will National Monuments of France, Canadian comprise an essay competition, poster dis- government, among others to discuss oper- plays and student discussions regarding the ating guidelines for world heritage sites, and Congress’ theme. other details. Currently, Françoise Descamps and Carolina Castellanos are in the process Study results and Conser- Throughout the delegation’s visit, the city of identifying possible case studies for the vation Proposals of Kazan was extremely helpful in organiz- Management Planning project. 2 Earthen Architecture ter. The three-day event, organized by the Mary Hardy, Project Manager GCI Earthen Architecture Initiative (EAI), Other GCI staff: C. Cancino, L. Rainer, G. brought together a select group of sixty-two Ostergren, C. Seki, K. Louw, V. Horton and international professionals with expertise in N. Swarts conservation, seismic retrofi tting methods, Consultant: Julio Vargas and earthen structure building standards. The colloquium was a forum for discussion The GCI Earthen Architecture Initiative is of key issues in preserving earthen cultural a multi-year effort that builds on previous heritage in the world’s seismic regions while work carried out under Project Terra, a ten- ensuring life-safety. year collaborative agreement between the Jeanne Marie Teutonico, Associate Director, Pro- GCI, ICCROM and CRATerre, which ended grams, actively contrib- in January 2006. As with Project Terra, the uted to the OWHC Kazan Symposium, Earthen Ar- goal of the GCI Earthen Architecture Initia- chitecture Initiative proj- tive is to further
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