Vol. 36-No.5 ISSN 0892-1571 May/June 2010-Iyyar/Sivan 5770 1010TH ANNUALANNUAL SPRINGSPRING LUNCHEONLUNCHEON OFOF THETHE AMERICANAMERICAN SOCIETYSOCIETY FORFOR YADYAD VASHEMVASHEM ore than 200 people attended the Annual Spring Luncheon, which took place May 27th, 2010, at the Grand Hyatt in New York City. This year’s Luncheon theme was M“Continuity.” Lili Stawski, Spring Luncheon Chairwoman, opened the event. Honoree and survivor Doris Gross was introduced by her daughter Lili Gross Barasch, and Honoree and Young Leadership Associate Yonina Gomberg was introduced by her grandmother and Yad Vashem Benefactor Gladys Halpern. Marilyn Rubenstein, a Yad Vashem Benefactor and longtime supporter of the American Society, introduced this year’s guest speaker, Professor Joseph Kertes, recipient of the Canadian National Jewish Book Award and the U.S. National Jewish Book Award for Fiction for his latest novel, Gratitude. The luncheon’s theme of Continuity was evident throughout the entire event as we saw many third-generation participants take their place among the guests. As a member of the Young Leadership Associates, Yonina pledged on behalf of the third generation to assume a leadership role in the American Society for Yad Vashem and continue the mission of Re- membrance so that the world may never forget. Doris Gross, 2010 Spring Luncheon Honoree, Eli Zborowski , Chairman, American Society for Yad Sam and Gladys Halpern; Fred Halpern; Yonina Gomberg, Honoree; Eric Gomberg; Cheryl Vashem; Yonina Gomberg, 2010 Spring Luncheon Honoree. Halpern; and Estelle and Rabbi Avrum Feldman. Members of the Young Leadership Associates. Lionel Barasch, Andrea Moneton, Fela Moncznik, Carol Moneton, Doris Gross, Lili Barasch, Kim- berly Barasch, Nicholas Barasch and Gene Moneton. IN THIS ISSUE Annual Spring Luncheon of The American Society for Yad Vashem.................1, 8-9 Yom Hashoah observed around the world..................................................................2 Heirs sought for Holocaust fortunes............................................................................5 Great escape...................................................................................................................6 The Arab position on the Holocaust..............................................................................7 Yad Vashem ramping up effort to combat Holocaust denial.....................................10 Death on the Baltic.........................................................................................................11 Memories of the Holocaust...........................................................................................13 Athens unveils its first Holocaust memorial..............................................................14 My sister Kathy..............................................................................................................15 Revealing the young bureaucrats behind the Nazi terror..........................................16 Robin Klatt, Alice Klein, Ilana Kahn and Adina Burian. Page 2 MARTYRDOM & RESISTANCE May/June 2010 - Iyyar/Sivan 5770 YOM HASHOAH OBSERVED AROUND THE WORLD Israel – Yad Vashem picked “Voices of gle until the end of the war to save the tan, on the Upper West Side, there was a sign now in place is a replica of the orig- the Survivors” as the theme of this year’s Jewish community from annihilation. daylong recitation of names of the dead. inal, which is undergoing renovation after Holocaust Remembrance Day. A special According to B’nai B’rith, thanks to that In Lower Manhattan, some survivors it was stolen in December and recovered exhibition of the works of Holocaust sur- struggle half of Romania’s Jewry survived. went to the Museum of Jewish Heritage two days later. vivors opened at Yad Vashem. Many of these Jews immigrated to Israel — A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, to By tradition, the march started with the “The voice of the survivors is the link that and contributed greatly to its development. relate their experiences to visiting school- blowing of the shofar, at the gate. binds the painful and tormented history of Aleksander Czoban-Sarel, president of children. The Auschwitz camp was liberated in the Jewish people during the Holocaust to the “Moshe Shor” B’nai B’rith lodge in Tel More and more, though, survivors are January 1945 by Soviet troops. Aviv, escaped the Nazis at not the principal bearers of their own sto- the age of 14 after both of ries. That responsibility is falling with *** his parents were murdered. greater urgency to their children and, as Canada – Holocaust Remembrance Along with his younger sis- the Park Avenue Synagogue ceremony Day was marked by solemn ceremonies ter, he survived by hiding underscored, to their grandchildren. The in Canada and abroad just as a report among Poles and adopting war, after all, ended 65 years ago. Holo- was released showing that violent attacks a false identity. He vowed to caust survivors are not getting any against Jews worldwide more than dou- continue to convey his per- younger. Worse, one by one they are not bled last year. sonal story to future gener- getting any older. Survivors of the Buchenwald concen- ations. The emphasis on a new generation is tration camp gathered with U.S. veterans “We remained alive, even inexorable. That “transfer of memory” and German dignitaries at a ceremony though we could have was behind the Park Avenue Syna- marking the 65th anniversary of the found ourselves among the gogue’s reliance on grandchildren, said camp’s liberation. dead at any moment and at Menachem Z. Rosensaft, a lawyer, who any time. Destiny wanted organized the program us to survive. I am proud with a cantor at the syna- that I chose to live in Eretz gogue, Elana Rozenfeld. Israel,” he said. Interlaced with the sto- ries of ordeal and en- *** durance were songs in USA – Toby Edelstein, 9 Yiddish, written for the years old, stood on Yom most part during the (R to L) President of Israel Shimon Peres; Israeli Prime Minister Hashoah evening before a Holocaust. Benjamin Netanyahu; Eli Zborowski, Chairman of the American synagogue audience of about One song written after Society for Yad Vashem; and Elizabeth Zborowski, Cultural Direc- tor, American Society of Yad Vashem, in Yad Vashem, Jerusalem 350 to talk about his grand- the war was a sad, sweet on Holocaust Remembrance Day. mother. The details were few, number called “Mayn but they were enough. Shvester Chaye” (“My Sis- the future, to hope and to rebirth,” Yad Grandma, Aviva Rohloff Zylberberg, was ter Chaye”). This was a Vashem said on its Web site. a child herself during the Holocaust, that tribute by a Yiddish poet, Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin opened cataclysm of cataclysms in the blood- Binem Heller, to his sister, the Every Person Has a Name ceremony soaked 20th century. A Jew in Germany, who raised him in their by reading aloud the names of children she survived by passing as a Christian. house “with tumbledown Participants in the March of the Living at Auschwitz. who had taken shelter in France only to be Other young people — some in their 30s steps.” Chaye, with the found and sent to Auschwitz. but most in their teens — also rose at the green eyes. Chaye, with the black braids. Holocaust survivors laid flowers at the President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Park Avenue Synagogue, on East 87th Chaye, who died in the Treblinka extermi- site of the concentration camp near Benjamin Netanyahu, opposition leader Tzipi Street, to recount in a few unadorned sen- nation camp, not quite 10 years old. Weimar, Germany, to mark the date. Livni, Knesset members and Holocaust sur- tences how a grandmother or a grandfa- About 56,000 people, including Jews, vivors also participated in the ceremony. ther eluded the Nazis’ industrialized *** Communists, and Gypsies from across Peres read the names of his own family slaughter of Europe’s Jews. Poland – Thousands of young Jews, Europe, were killed at the Nazi camp. members and recounted their story, includ- Cara Levine told of Anne and Saul Cel- along with Holocaust survivors, marched The U.S. Army freed Buchenwald on April ing that of his grandfather Rabbi Zvi nik, who hid in Warsaw after escaping from at Auschwitz to remember those who per- 11, 1945. Meltzer, who was rounded up with other that city’s ghetto. Jennifer and Matt Bala- ished in the Nazi death camp, and to In Toronto, the city’s Jewish community Jews in the Vishniev synagogue that was ban spoke of Irene Anshelewitz honor Poland’s late president. gathered for a service at Earl Bales Park. then torched by Nazis. Schwadron, who endured through concen- The 10,000 or so people from around Toronto’s remembrance service is the Peres commemorated the world attending the annual March of second largest commemoration outside “my family members, who the Living walked the stretch of about 3 of Israel, drawing in about 2,000 people were slaughtered with 2,060 kilometers (2 miles) between the red- from across the Greater Toronto Area. of their fellow community brick Auschwitz compound and the death This year’s ceremony focused on Holo- members in Vishniev in Au- camp’s wooden barracks section of caust survivors living in Toronto and high- gust 1942 at the hands of Birkenau. lighted their contributions to Canada, the Nazis and their local At least 1.1 million people — mostly organizers said. conspirators, who gathered Jews, Poles and Roma — died in the gas But on a day meant for remembering the city’s residents in the chambers at Auschwitz or from starva- past
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