This page intentionally left blank THE OXNOIZTKATZ DZREOTORY, FOR THE YEAR 1834; CONTAINING THE NAMES OF THE INHABITANTS, THEIR OCCUPATIONS, PLACES OF BUSINESS, AND DWELLING HOUSES; AND A COMPLETE LIST OP THE STREETS AND ALLEYS; IVITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING THE NAMES OF CITY, TOWNSHIP COUNTY, AND STATE OFFICERS, AND THE NAMES AND OFFICERS OF THE VARIOUS PUBLIC, LITERARY, BENEVOLENT, ANI RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS, WITH A VARIETY OF INTERESTING STATISTICAL NOTICES. To which is appended a Statistical Aeeount of the towns COVINGTON AND NEWPORT, KY. CIPJCINNATI: PUBLISHED BY E. DEMING, JVo. 5, Johnston's Row. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE DIRECTORY. N. S. E. W. for the several points of the com- asB—r rear—n near—b between—h house—c corner —B. way Broadway—L. (Lowerl Market—W. Western) Row—D. (Deer) creek—M. (Mill) creek— >yc. Sycamore—L. Liberties. The names of «/rec/s re given without the superfluous repetition of the Ord STREET. BOUNDARIES OF THE WARDS. ''iBST WARD, lies East of Main, and all North of ird,Symmes, and High streets. JKCOND ^YARD, lies West of Main street, from ird to Sixth street. HIRD ^YARD, lies East of Main streiet, and all th of First Ward. ouRTH WARD, lies West of Main street, and th of Third street IFTH WARD, lies North of Sixth, and West of n street. ^ kccJloH^J^^ EU^BARD 4. EDMAND8 BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, Comer of Jffain and Columbia Streets, KEEP constantly on hand a large and general as­ sortment of Standard and Miscellaneous BOOKS, in all the various departments of Literature and Science. To those purchasing they would particularly i^commend their collection of LAW, THEOLOGICAL, MEDICAL and SCHOOL BOOKS as presenting the most complete assortment to be found in the Western Country. Likewise LORING'S GLOBES, Terrestrial and Celestial. MAPS, a complete assortment. Complete sets of SCHOOL APPARATUS, do. ASTRONOMICAL do. do. CHEMICAL do. AIR PUMPS, &c. &c. &c. A choice selection of Stationary, Cutlery, Jtfitn Perfumery and Fancy Articles. H. & E, believe it to be for the interest of coun­ try Merchants, Teachers, Literary Societies, and those purchasing for cash to call ere they make their selections. H. & £. are Agents (among other publications) for "THE LONDON PENNY MAGAZINE," tj far the cheapest periodical in the country. DOCTOR WAlilM), HAS his office, in connexion with Dr. La^ence, On Race, near Fourth street, Where he also continues his attendance upon DIS13ASES OF THE My In which cases the Poor will receive gratui­ tous attention from 12 to 2o'clock, daily. ;;•:;:•;:;•::':•;••: :•::;•:."•::•:•:::.:::x:x.:>:; <.:.:.:>:::x::x.>;.:•:.:•::;-::x^<:::<.:'<. uJRIGULTURAL WAREHOUSE, AND NO. 23, LOWER MARKET STREET- AT this establishment may be had the greatest variety of GARDEN, HERB,- FIELD and FLOWER STEEDS; BOULBOUS FLOWER ROOTS, GRAPE VINES, SE BusiiEK, &c. (in their season.) AGRICTJL- iAL and GAEDEKING BOOKS, FARMING and GAR- liNiNG IMPLEMENTS of every description, neces­ sary for the Fanner and Gardener, constantly on hand, and for sale wholesale and retail. As the variety and quantity of SEEDS and IMPLE­ MENTS, kept at this establishment, are by far great­ er than can be found at any other in the Western country, orders can always be executed with promptness. (^f^A liberal discount will be made to Mer­ chants and others who purchase to sell p^gain. S. C. PARKHURST, Proprietor. S^ADFORB SASTOK, BOOT & 5^»^^ ra ^^'"^ SHOE MANUFACTURER, ^M(dn, between Fifth and Sixth streets, RESPEcxruLLT informs his friends, and the public generally, that he has on hand and will continue to keep a general assortment of Ladies' and Gentle­ men's BOUTS and SHOES, made in the best man­ ner, and most fashionable style. All orders in hi'^ line of bu5li.e:.s, will be thankfully received, an( executed with neatness and despatch. S. E. is prepared to make Ladies' stuff and seal skin, and Gentlemen's stout and light water proof Boots and Shoes, JAMES T, HIGBEE^S (Sign of Dr Rush,) JVo. 140, Main Street, Cincinnati. THE Subscriber has always on hand, an exten­ sive variety of FRESH DRUGS AJYD MBDICIJ^ES, French Chemicals, Surgical Instruments, Fan­ cy Articles, Perfumery, &c. «Scc. all of which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. The strictest attention will always be given to the compounding of Physicians' Prescriptions. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. JAMES T. HIGBEE. CINCINNATI ACADEMY. Corner of Walnut and Fourth. W- HOPWOOD, A. M. Professor of Languages and Mathematics. JOHN L. TALBOTT, {Preceptors m the En- DAVID L. TALBOTT, S gUsh Departments. Terms of Tuition per session of2A weeks. For the English Department, $10 00 Classics and Mathematics, or either, with or without the English 16 00 References. Morgan Neville, Esq. John P. Foote, Esq. Daniel Drake, M. D. A. Kinmont, Esq. RESPECTFXJLLY informs his friends and the public that he has taken the well known house J»ain Street ?Botel: (^Lately occupied by Mr. Thomas Heckcweldcr.) He flatters himself that as his BAR AND TABLE Are well supplied, his BEDS of the very best, and every attention given to ensure comfort and convenience to travellers, he will merit a share of patronage. Ciiicinnati, February 17, 1834. """X1IEU8S, (FORMERLY FROM VIENNA, GERMANY,) PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURER, East side of Walnut, hdu-cen 4th and 5th Streets, CLrCFYXA TI. SUP3PJ0P. riJLWCS MADE WITH A GRAND VIENNA ACTION, Splendid Finish and Rich Tone. Horizontal and Upright Pianos, in different forms and shape, always for sale. Pianos of every description and action repaired and tuned on the shortest notice. All orders will be strictly filled; and the articles made by the best workmen, of materials imported from Germany. WESTERN CHAIR ^*i? MANUFACTORY, No. 19, WEST THIRD STREET, One Door East of the Post Office, THE subscribers have constantly on hand, and for sale, a large and splendid assortment of FANCY AND WINDSOR CHAIRS, SETTEES, &c. All warranted, and sold at the most reduced pricete, wholesale or retail. ROSS & GEYER. E. WHIPPL.E, PATENT ROTARY COOKING STOVE MANUFACTORY, JVb. 23, Main street, Cincinnati. Stoves of every variety constantly on hand. 4. Slide Hearth. 3. Front Door. 2. End Door. 5. 0;itlet for Smoke. 1. Revolving Top. ^^^4, C ^TU^' FIFTH STREET, NEAR MAIN. SrRGEON's Instruments, Knives, Razoi'S, Shears, Scissors, &c. ground, set, and otherwise repaired. yiew penknife blades put into old handles. Cur­ rier's Steels and Magnets made or charged with the properties of the loadstone. Keys fitted andlLocks repaired. Military Swords, Muskets and Rifles polished. G. M. has for sale Table Knives, Razors, Pen­ knives, Shears for tailors, Razor Straps and Hones of superior quality. Also, Hemming's Needles, and Mattress Needles. Q::^ Country orders attended to. >::>:>::;o'>r. x;;o:.>:2«.":.::>:." •:'.>;":'»>i'.'x:s<::w. >c:.;:n<~< THOMAS WHITE, SURGEON DENTIST, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of this city, that he has located himself on Sixth, between Elm and Plumb streets, where he will be happy to wait on all, who may need any thing in the line of his profession. He will cure the Toothache, clean and fill Teeth; and perform all other Operations, appertaining to the profession, without pain, ex­ cept in extracting such teeth as may be incurable. References. Dr.. W. Judkins, Dr. R. P. Simmons, •Jas. S. Wetherbe, Judge J. C. Wright* AND MUSICAL SEMINARY, ESTABLISHED BY MR. MRS. AND MISS NIXON, Fourth Street, near Main, CINCINNATI. For giving instruction on the Piano Forte; in the vafrious styles of English and Italian Vocal mu­ sic; and in Thorough Bass, according to the sim­ plified system of the celebrated J. B. Logier. Also—For the sale of Piano Fortes—Cabinet, Tablet, Grand Square, &c. of the most approved Eastern manufacture. Q:^ No additional charge for repacking, accord­ ing to order. W^ N. ;.:>::::•: :x:.: WHOLESALE AJ^D RETAIL Cordage Store, THE Subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public in general, that in addition to their ROPE MANUFACTORY, Near the head of Main street. They have opened a CORDAGE STORE, on Front street, 3 doors west of Sycamore. P. J. & J. BONTE. JOHN a CLAKK^ DRAPER AJYD TAILOR, JsTo. 6, Pearl street, Cincinnati. WHERE persons can be furnished with a suit of Uhes, made to order, in the most modern style, on 3 shortest notice, of any shade or quality that \y be required. Constantly on hand an assort- nt of Gloves, Suspenders, Stocks, Collars, &c. WILLIAM T. GREENLEAF, Wholesale and Retail Dealer ui HATS, CAP», AND FANCY FURS, No. 127, Main street, ird Door above the Franklin Bank, Cincinnati. ROSEHILL NORSERY. Tfeo and a half miles from iuincinnati, netfr The Lebanon Turnpike. JOHN ADAMSON, PROPRIETOR, HAS, and will have, for sale a choice collectioi* of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Hardy Flowering Shrubs, Herbacious Plants, &c. Consisting of Ap­ ples, Pears, Plumbs, Peaches, Cherries, Apricots, Nectarines, Almonds,Currants, Raspberries, Goose­ berries, Grape Vines, Blackberries, Honeysuckles, Roses, Peaonies, Dahlias, Chrysanthamums, Carna­ tions, &c. a few of the Morns Multicaulis, or JVew- chines Mulberry for Silk Worms, (superior to all others.) Orders left with S. C. PARKHURST, Agricultural Warehouse, Lower Market street, or at the NUR­ SERY, will be punctually attended to personally. J. A, :;>: S"! ;:•:!;:•:!.": :."<:::<.::•: THE CINCINNATI MUSICAL. ACABExlIl^, Is situated on Third Street, opposite the Post-Office. AND is unde'r the direction of W. NASH, teacher ofthe Piano Forte and Singing, Organist and direc­ tor of Music at Christ Church. PIANO FORTES always on hand and for sale, war­ ranted to stand at concert pitch in any climate." SELLEW & CO. MAJ^UFACTURERS OF BRITTAMA AND PEVrXER WARES, WHICH they offer at wholesale or retail, as low •as can be obtained from the east of equalquality. They also keep an assortment-of COMMUNION FUR­ NITURE, consisting of Brittania Metal Flagons, Goblets, Beakers, Plates and Baptismal Founts, which they will sell in sets or separately.
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