H20-Diplo FRUS1 5Reviews H-Diplo H-Diplo FRUS Review Editors: Thomas Maddux and H-Diplo FRUS Reviews Diane Labrosse Web and Production Editor: George Fujii No. 28 Published on 6 March 2015 Commissioned for H-Diplo by Thomas Maddux H-Diplo FRUS Review of M. Todd Bennett, ed. Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969- 1976. Volume XXXV: National Security Policy, 1973-1976. Washington, DC, 2014. https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1969-76v35 URL: http://www.tiny.cc/FRUS28 Review by James Cameron, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University he poor president of the United States who is responsible for the defense of this country,” Vice President Nelson Rockefeller lamented at a National “T Security Council meeting in December 1976, as he struggled to get his mind around the capacious nature of U.S. national security commitments (Document 120). Those assembled were attempting to devise a coherent vision of a grand strategy for the United States to bequeath to their successors. The problem of defining ‘national security’ bedeviled their efforts, as it hangs over the title of this FRUS collection. Even narrowing the issue to questions of defense does not help a great deal. As the editor, M. Todd Bennett, points out, many of the major subjects of defense policy during the mid- 1970s have their own volumes, including Vietnam (X), SALT II (XXXIII), NATO (XLI), the Soviet Union (XV and XVI), and the People’s Republic of China (XVIII).1 In this compelling and important collection, Bennett focuses on the operations of the deep national security state, mainly the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Intelligence Community (IC). The first three chapters are chronological, dealing with the United States’ defense posture as U.S. national security organs struggled with the polarizing consequences of President Richard Nixon’s fall and Gerald Ford’s brief presidency. It is impossible to do justice to the wide range of issues covered in this section, but scholars of chemical and biological weapons, civil defense, nuclear strategy, naval shipbuilding, and war-reserve management will find many key documents here. The second part of the volume deals with three notable incidents in intelligence history, including the Team B experiment in competitive intelligence assessment, as well as two 1 M. Todd Bennett (ed.), Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976 Volume XXXV: National Security Policy, 1973-1976 (Washington, DC, 2014), iv. 1 | Page H-Diplo FRUS Reviews less well-known events: the Ford administration’s discovery that the Soviet Union had penetrated the United States’ intercity telephone network, and the CIA’s half-successful effort to raise a sunken Soviet submarine from the bottom of the Pacific with the aid of reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes. If the mid-1970s was a grim time for many Americans, it was a particularly unpleasant period to be a member of the national security apparatus. Nixon, increasingly consumed by Watergate, appears infrequently in this volume. However, when he does, he exemplifies the unedifying situation that members of the military faced during this period. “Wear your uniforms when you are out – tell your people to,” Nixon urged the Joint Chiefs in December 1973, as the net closed around him. “The character flaw in the elite is they are ashamed of our country… You must confront them, try to show them what should be our real values” (Document 28). But what standard-bearer should the military rally around? The choice was doubly unpalatable: between an increasingly discredited president who used the armed services as a shield and the imperatives of national security to cover up his own illegal activities, and the growing proportion of the American public that, partly as a result of Nixon’s repeated invocations, denigrated the traditional values of loyalty, duty, patriotism and sacrifice that the military stood for. A pervasive sense of crisis runs through the documents. As executive authority cratered, Congress took a hacksaw to the DoD budget. “If we cut our defense budget, [Soviet General Secretary Leonid] Brezhnev is likely to roll over me,” Nixon pleaded with members of the Senate Appropriations Committee (Document 7). Yet defense spending dropped precipitously as a share of federal spending, from 34.3% in 1972 to 23.8% in 1977.2 Nixon and Ford stepped away from the professions of military superiority over the Soviet Union that had marked Lyndon Johnson’s years in office and started talking of America as “second to none” in defense (Documents 28 & 41). Despite these semantic games designed to project an image of relative optimism, both Nixon and Ford continued to be preoccupied with a possible loss of faith in the credibility of American global security guarantees. Nixon underlined his fundamental preoccupation to the short-lived defense secretary, Elliott Richardson: “enough was not enough – unless it was as much as the other guy had.” (Document 1). The question of how “much… the other guy had” was becoming increasingly complex, as Volume XXXV shows in great depth in its coverage of the infamous Team B episode of 1975-6. At the instigation of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), experts, headed by Harvard Sovietologist Richard Pipes and advised by Foy Kohler, Paul Nitze, and Paul Wolfowitz, were invited by the Ford administration to present “an alternative view” of Soviet strategic capabilities and intentions to that represented by the U.S. Intelligence Community (Document 171). With the arrival of rough parity in the number of intercontinental nuclear delivery vehicles between the two superpowers, which had been frozen for five years in the 1972 Interim Agreement 2 John Lewis Gaddis, Strategies of Containment: A critical appraisal of American National Security Policy During the Cold War (Revised and Expanded Edn., New York, 2003), 393. 2 | Page H-Diplo FRUS Reviews on Offensive Forces, the focus on Soviet strategic intentions and capabilities inevitably shifted towards qualitative improvements in weapons systems. These included areas such as the accuracy of Soviet multiple warheads (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles, or MIRVs), the ability of the USSR to track and destroy U.S. ballistic missile submarines, and Soviet air defense capabilities (Document 155). Such qualitative features, analysts admitted, were far harder to measure than counting the holes bored in the ground to accommodate nuclear missiles silos (Document 141). Compounding this problem was the fact that intelligence analysts were attempting to project a decade ahead on the basis of this limited evidence (Document 155). The position hammered out within the IC and represented in National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) was that while Kremlin moves may have betrayed “an opportunistic desire to… achieve a margin of superiority,” the Soviets could not “reduce damage to themselves to acceptable levels by a first strike against U.S. strategic forces” – in short, they could not escape from the situation of mutual assured destruction (MAD) that trapped both superpowers (Document 141). PFIAB, by contrast, viewed this judgment as “paying insufficient tribute… to Soviet achievements” and requested that the Director of Central Intelligence reassess the NIE’s conclusions (Document 144). At the root of this divergence was a fundamental and irreconcilable difference of opinion on the value of nuclear superiority.3 While the NIEs continued to maintain that MAD made any Soviet strike on the United States senseless, PFIAB and Team B pushed the thesis that Soviet superiority would give the Kremlin greater confidence in crises and might even tempt it to strike first. If this were not abstract enough, the NIEs implied that such arguments could in themselves undermine deterrence because the “psychological edge” that the Soviets could enjoy in a confrontation would be dependent on whether “those involved focus on the basic strategic relationship or on appearances” (Document 149). In other words, inferiority in the number of MIRVs would not be a problem as long as U.S. policymakers did not believe it was; dissenters were undermining deterrence by shifting policymakers’ attention away from MAD. The documentation arrayed here confirms much of what Anne Hessing Cahn discovered sixteen years ago in her book Killing Détente: The Right Attacks the CIA, though FOIA requests and personal interviews – in particular the slightly partial nature of her book’s title.4 The Team B exercise was not simply a case of the right going for the IC, but instead a particularly nasty family feud within the Republican Party, in which all of the principal participants considered themselves conservatives of one sort or another. Team B accused the CIA of a series of “methodological” shortcomings in its assessments, including “mirror imaging” by trying to squeeze Soviet doctrine into American strategic concepts such as MAD, and giving in to “political pressures and considerations,” in 3 Francis J. Gavin, Nuclear Statecraft: History and Strategy in America’s Atomic Age (Ithaca, NY, 2012), 119-33. 4 Anne Hessing Cahn, Killing Détente: The Right Attacks the CIA (University Park, PA, 1998). 3 | Page H-Diplo FRUS Reviews particular the perceived need to help maintain U.S.-Soviet détente by playing down advances in Soviet strategic weaponry (Document 174, attachment). Despite his initial enthusiasm for the exercise, Director of Central Intelligence George H.W. Bush was not fan of its results, submitting a lengthy defense of the methodology underpinning the NIEs to Ford in the waning months of his presidency (Document 174). The Pesident himself described the leaking of the exercise’s findings to the press in late 1976 as “unforgivable” (Document 172). However, once out, Team B’s conclusions took on a life of their own and added to the pressure on a crumbling trans-administration détente policy. Team B came at a particularly sensitive time, as Ford endured growing criticism from his own party regarding perceived weaknesses on defense.
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