INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY Distr. GENERAL GC(II)/INF/17/REV.3 4 October 1958 General Conference ENGLISH ONLY SECOND REGULAR SESSION DELEGATIONS List of 3 October 1958 TABLE OF CONTENTS Delegations of: Pago Member States 2-24 Non-Member States. 25 United Nations 25 Specialized Agencies 26 Regional Intcrgovornmen tal Organiz ation s 27 Non-Governmental Organizati ons 28 - 29 GC(II)/IBP/17/R ev..3 Page 2 MEMBER STATES AFGHANISTAN (Not represented) ALBANIA Delegate: Mr. Dhori SAMSURI Departmental Head, Mini stry of Foreign Affairs ARGENTINA Delegates Rear-Admiral D, H<51io LOPEZ Alternates; * Dr. Gabriel GALVEZ * Mr. Eduardo T. PARDO Dr. Fidel ALSINA AUSTRALIA Delegates Sir Leslie MARTIN Alternates, Mr. William D. FORSYTH Dr. Oliver 0. PULLEY Advisers Mr. William K. FLANAGAN AUSTRIA Delegate s * H.3. Dr. Leopold FIGL Minister of Foreign Affairs Alternates: * Professor Hans THIRRING Member of the Upper Chamber of Parliament.; Head of the Institute for Theoretical Physios of the University of Vienna * Dr. Eeinrich EAYMERLE Federal Chancellery, Department of Foreign Affairs Advisers! * Mr. Rudolf 'FUERST Federal Ministry for Communications and Power * Mr. Franz GRILL Federal Ministry for Trade and Reconstruction * Wife present in Vienna. GC(II)/INF/l7/Eev.3 Pago 4 BRAZIL ' Delegates * Admiral Octacilio CUNHA ** President of the National Nuclear Energy Commission Alternates; Mr. Carlos Alfredo BERNARDES Minister Plenipotentiary; Governor from Brazil Mr. Octavio Mas CARNEIRO Minister Plenipotentiary; Member of the National Nuclear Energy Commission * Professor Luiz CINTRA do PRADO University of Sao Paulo Advisers; Mr. Paulo da Costa FRANCO Second Secretary of Embassy Mr. Eduardo Moroira HOSANNAH' Second Secretary of Embassy * Mr. Carlos Eduardo de Affonseca ALVES do SOUZA Third Secretary of Embassy BULGARIA Delegates * Professor G. NADZHAKOV Vice-Chairman of the Board for the Utilization of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes in the People's Republic of Bulgaria; Vice-President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Alternatess Mr. B. KONSTANTINOV Second Secretary,, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. I. TRAIKOV Secretary of the Board for the Utilization of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes in the People's Republic of Bulgaria Advisers: * Mr. Stoyan KONSTANTINOV Counsellor of the Legation of the People's Republic of Bulgaria in Vienna * Mr, Christo Stoov NIICOLOV Secretary of the Logation of the People's Republic of Bulgaria in Vienna * Wife present in Vienna. ** Daughter present in Vienna. GC(II)/IKP/17/ROV.3 Page 5 BURMA Delegates Mr. HIa NYUNT Director, Union of Burma Atomic Energy Centre Alternate; Mr. Mya SEIN Chief of Division, Foreign Office BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC DelegateJ Professor A. N. SAVCHEMCO Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic; Rector of the University Alternates Mr. N. A. BORISEVICH Vice-Director of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics Advisers Mr. A. N. SHELDOV Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic Secretary; Mr. 0. S. Ti.jRNOVOI Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic Interpreter; Miss N. IT. KOVALERKO CAMBODIA (Wot represented) CANADA Delegates * H.E. Mr. M. H. WERSHOF, Q.C. Permanent Representative and Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Canada to the European Office of the United Nations * Wife present in Vienna. GC(II)/IFP/17/Rev.3 Page 6 . CANADA (continued) Alternates, * Mr. J. L. GRAY President, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. * Mr. W. H. BARTON Counsellor of the Canadian Embassy in Vienna * Mr. R. H. JAY First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Canada to the European Office of the United Nations Advisors Dr. R. LIVINGSTON Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Secretary and * Mr. G. C. LANGILLE Advisers Department of External Affairs Clerical staffs Miss Dorothy PRIEST Mr. Errol WYSE CEYLON Delegate; Mr„ L. J. D. F.JRNANDO Government Mineralogist Alternates, Professor C. J. ELIEZER Professor of Mathematics, University of Ceylon Dr. V. APPAPILLAI Reader in'Physics, University of Ceylon Dr. T. W. WICKREMANAYAKE Lecturer in Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Ceylon CHINA Delegates H.E. Mr. Yuan.-ning WEN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Greece Alternates, Mr. Tang-yueh SUN Cultural Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Paris Mr. Hui HUANG President of the Taiwan Powor Company Advisers Mr; Argon C. T. KUAN First Secretary of the Chinese Embassy in Paris , * Wife present in Vienna. GC(II)/lIF/l7/Rev.3 Page 7 CUBA Delegate. * Dr. Pedro CORPION CAULA Charge d'affaires ad interim of Cuba in Austria Alternate; * Dr. Marcelo ALONSO ROCA Technical Director, Nuclear Energy Commission CZECHOSLOVAKIA Delegate: * H.E. Dr. Pavel WINKLER Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Alternates; Mr. Cestmir SIMA1IE Director of the Institute for Nuclear Physics * H.S. Dr. Richard JE2EK Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Czechoslovak Republic in Austria H.E. Mr. Emanuel BRAZDA Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Czechoslovak Republic Advisers s Dr. Jiri SVAB Official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs * Mr. Zdenek SEINER Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the Czechoslovak Republic to the International Atomic Energy Agency * Mr. Veroslav S0B3K Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the Czechoslovak Republic to the International Atomic Energy Agency Secretaries: Mrs. A. HROMASOVA Miss Ludmila SLEZAKOVi" DENMARK Delegate s Mr. Hans Honrik KOCH Permanent Under-Secretary of State; Chairman of the Executivp Board of the Danish Atomic Energy Commission Alternates s * Mr. Jens CHRISTENSEN Charge* d'affaires ad interim of Denmark in Vienna Professor Bornhard GOMARD University of Copenhagen5 Legal Adviser to the Danish Atomio Energy Commission * Wife present in Vienna. GC(II)/HfP/l7/Rev.3 Page 8 DEMI/IRK (continued) Altomatos' * Professor Et>he K. RASMUSSEN (continuod) University of Copenhagen^ Member of the Executive Committee of the Danish Atomio Energy Commission Secretaryi Mr. Olav GRUE Assistant Chief of Section, Danish Atomic Energy Commission DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Delegate z * Mr, Alfredo P. VORSHIRM Consul-Goneral of the Dominican Republic in Antwerp ECUADOR (Not represented) EL SALVADOR Delegate; Mr. Walter BENEKE 1-ODINA Charge d'affaires ad intorim of El Salvador in Vienna. ETHIOPIA Delegate z * H.E. Mr. Dojazmatch Amaha ABDRRA Imperial Ethiopian. Ambassador in Belgrade Secretary, Mr. Ato Belayneh YOSSEF FINLAND Delegates Mr. Ako BACKSTRCM Chief of Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternatess * Dr. Carl-Olof HCECSOH Chargo" d'Affairos of Finland in Vienna Mr. Martti MUTRU Chief of Bureau. Ministry of Commerce and Industry * Wife present in Vionna. GC(II)/INF/l7/Rov.3 Pago 9 FRANCE Delegatei * Mr. Pierre COUTURE Administrative Director, Atomic Energy Commission Alternatess * Dr. Bortrand GOLDSCHMIDT Governor'from France 5 Director, Department of External Relations and Chemistry, Atomic Energy Commission H.E. Mr. Francois de ROSE Minister Plenipotentiary Advisors: * Mr. Paul FOUCHET Charge" d'affaires of the French Embassy in Vienna Mr. Olivier GUICHARD Presidential Counsellor Mr. Jean MORAT Ministry of Finance Mr. CARON de CHOQUEUSE Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Olivier DELEAU Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jacques MARTIN Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Serge BOIDEVAIX Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Pierre FALQUET Atomic Energy Commission * Mr. Michel HAUSWIRTH Ministry of Finance Secretary: Miss Eliane de MAUTORT GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF Delegates Professor Karl CARSTENS Departmental Director, Foreign Office, Bonn Alternates! * H.E. Mr. Carl Hermann MUELLER-GRAAF Ambassador • * Dr. Johannes WELCZECK Counsellor of Embassy Advisers % Dr. Ulrich von RHAMM Counsellor of Legation, Foreign Office, Bonn Dr. Joachim PRETSCH •Counsellor, Federal Ministry for Atomic Questions * Wife present in Vienna. GC (Il)/lHf<y'l7/il0T. 3 Pago 10 GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF (continued) Adviserss Mr. Hormann-Ludwig COSTA (continued) Director, Federal Ministry for Atomio Questions Dr. Renate WEIDMANN Fodoral Ministry of Finance * Dr. Kurt-Adolf SESBOHM Dr. Walter VffiLLHAUSEN GREECE Delega'te s * Admiral Athanase SPANIDES President of the Greek Atomic Energy Commission Alternates: Mr. Constantin VSNARDIS Director General, Ministry of Finance Mr. Basil ELEFTHERIADES Secretary, Ministry of' Foreign Affairs GUATEMALA Delegate: H.E. Mr. Ricardo QUHTONEZ LEMUS Ambassador of Guatemala in Italy; Governor from Guatemala Alternate! * Dr. Edgar WUNDERLICH HAITI Delegate: H.E. Mr. Honriot ZEPHIRLN Ambassador HONDURAS (Not represented) HUNGARY Delegate s Mr. Ldn£rd PAL, Deputy Director of the Central Physical Rosoarch Institute; Member of the National Atomic Energy Commission; Candidate in Sciences Alternates Mr. Otto LENDVAI National Atomic Energy Commission Advisers % Mrs. Edit BARTA First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Foronc ESZTERGALYOS First Secretary, Legation of the Hungarian People's Republic in Vionna * Wife present in Vionna. GC(II)/INF/l7/Hov.3 Pago 11 ICELAND Delegates Mr. Petur EGGERZ Embassy of Iceland in Bonn INDIA Delegate; Mr. H. J. BHABHA, F.R.S. Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Atomic Energy Alternates: Mr. P. N. THAPAR, I.C.S. Monitor for Finance and Administration of the Atomic 3ft3rgy Commission and ex offioio Sooretary to the Government of India, Department of Atomic Enorgy * Dr. B. RAJAN Resident Roprosontativo
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