T' -V ■ » ' 4 ‘ "j •- z" ' ■ t. * ’ ' • ' X X SATURDAY, M A T ^ 194^ PA6B TWBLVB ' Average Daily Circulation tfUutrftrBlnr Ettntitto 9 n a l& For the Month of April, 1910 The Weather Henning A. Johnsoo of MancbM-' Emanuel Lutheral^ church have. Foreeaet of U. 8. Weether Bureau ter. Dlatrict Treasurer Petrus Pet­ also been invlt^. 6,393 Manch(Mter*B RfUervoir* and Treatment Planta in the Hills. Noted Guests A boutT ow n erson of Hartford and Mra. John A turkey ^rmtr will be served Member of the Audit Cloudy tonight end Tueoday; oe- Swanson of Hartford and Alex An­ to 200 perSohs by Mrs. John Sodcr- Bureau of Ctrealatloae onelonsd light'showere; not much derson of New Haven, members of berg, to followed by a program change In temperature. Here Tonight and entUrtalnraent. John R. yVen- - Th« iUiiericaii Gucmfley Cattle the Executive Hoard. Rev. and .Hnnc/icsfer— ,-f City of Village Charm a u b oi Peterborough, N. H„ re- Mrs. Thorsten A. Gustafson o f the nergreh will serve as toastmaster. porH jttae Ml« of two regUtered QtiwrDMy cowl bv the Batata of To Attend Fortieth An­ YOL. LIX., NO. 203 (Claeelfied^ Adrerttsing on Page IS) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. MAY 27. 1940 r (l‘'UURTEEN PAGES) M. G. Cheney to Ralph G. Tryon, niversary Celebration PRICE THREE CKt Jr., of South Glaatonbury. and the aale of one cow to John Pella of Of Scandia|A)dge. thia town. The cowa sold to Trjon FAITH E. SP1LLANE are Moletta of Green way and A r­ Several' members of'-the Grand butus Bloaaom of Greenway and to Lodge of the District of Connec­ Piela Carnation of Greenway Dance Academy 1 ticut of the Order of Vasa will be in attendance as guests when studio: 14 Strong Street Tel. 4891 A group of 40 High achool boys Scandia Lodge of thla town cele­ laft inla morning at five o’clock by brates its 40th anniversary at French Army Withdraws to Wew Positioni bus for an all day excursion to the Orange Hall tonight at 0:30 Private lessons will be taught and new'registra­ New York World's Fair. The o'clock. District Master Frsnk tions taken from date until July 31. boya were In charge of Dwight Johnson of Thomastop heads the -K. t Pw ry erf the High school faculty, visiting delegation. Classes Will Re-Open In September •niey expect to leave after the Other guests will be Vice Dis­ In All Types of Dancing (loser Than (cr lo Britain Sraworka display tonight and will trict Master Carl Pearson of Sit - Down Strike probably arrive home about three Georgetown, District Secretary o'clock tomorrow morning. Great 201 A good Indication of the lateness N O H S. E 0( the Spring season this year Is Case Is Decided MILES tbe fact that lilacs arc just bloom­ Free Etili|rgemcnt ing. Usually lilacs have bloomed lb Every Boll of Film _ Here’s What You Can Do and practically passed by .Memo­ ■■m Against Lines; vetoped and Printed * V W C rial Day. This year they should In Union’s Favor JBNGLAND NETHERLANDS' be a ptipulnr flower sa Menwirlal For Your Family This decorations. ELITE STUDIO 'iipreme Court Riites Newsboy Good Samaritan RAMSGATl Summer and Many OSTENOl Another aelbark party will be Labor Organization Is To l^ictim of Accident ’) . —___ BRtXiES Boats Swar: held In the Masonic Temple to­ night. Fifteen tables were In play X ' _ Summers To Come Not Lia|)Ic Under Fed­ .Spokane, Wash., May 27,— ASHFORD last week. The. winners weir: (41—A newsboy rushed Harvey James Forde. of Manchester; Rob­ eral .\nti-Tmst Laws Spencer, 6, 25 miles to a hospl-' Sufhleii Blows Pure Nazi Ediinrial Advice Given Bloody Offensive Aimc ert H. Rogers. Msnehester; and For A $5.00 Bill For Damages; Three tal. gave a blood transfusion V Fuaisics Attempts to Score On Listening to Radio David Ross. East Hartford. -Win­ 1 and then dashed off to deliver rOLKC STONE u At ( ’.rushing Alliez ners the previous week w er^ Miss .Insliees in Dissent. ' his papers. Qhiirk Knoekont in Alexandria, May 27.—UP)— | Flanders; Nazi M« Doris McIntosh, West Middle turn­ A t Amston Lake : L David Windle, 17, driving an pike: Mrs. Ethel .tcoK. Bigelow • Rve The Egyptian Oasettli gave i Resen'e a lAit and build a Picnic Table, a Fireplace and old car to make rural deliver- • Fight for Eilglisli Oian* some editorial advice to \ Ita ace on Left street; Miss Edith xth-andall. El­ Washington, May 27.— ies, met a farm wagon in which lington and Robjrft H. Itogers, ha%e the u«e of SANDY BEACHES. BATH HOUSES. (A P )— The Supreme Court ICOURTRAI ' nel; Ground Forces rcailcrs on the aubject of riidio | i Harve^ was being taken out of brnadCBsts today. .1 (^uscs Shift; En< Cross street. CLUB HOU^E. ATHI.ETIC FIEHD. FLOATS, DIYING ruled today that a labor union I the hills. The child, his right Break Flanders Battle "Every minute you apend Its-1 Attacking ‘Without R$ HOARDS. BAtHINf;, FISHING, DANCING and BOAT- WB8 not liable under the Fed­ i lung pierced by a bullet in a toning to enemy broadcasts is lN (i. A Higbly Restricted Development. All Improve­ ; hunting accident, • was near ^^^^•ROUBAIX X y Line Deeply Almost a minute spent In the service of gard to losses' as Si eral anti-trust laws, for dam­ ■ death. f t> ments. ages resulting from a sit-'fl To Ypres in ‘Squeeze.'; Hitler," It said, and addeil that David told doctors he would listening is "tresaonable. In ef­ aUpn Not Unfavoi down strike. The 6 to 3 deci­ give his blood for a transfusion W e will fiiriiiHh *ion fect If not Intent." ibUc . 1 . sion was delivered by Justice " if he could recover In time to Berlin, May 27.— (A P ) — — ----------------------------------------— -------------------------------------------- deliver his papers." \ Bulletin! with icc and a braml AMSTON LAKE Stone. Chief Justice Hughes Sudden blows by swarms of Paris. May 2 7 ^ (A P ) .«>/VACCNCtENNCS (b a ck Amston, Connecticut wrote a dissenting opinion in VIM Y warplanes and high-speed The Allied araLlea of tl which Justices McReynolds torpedo boats paced Nazi at­ — Herald Photos ne*w air comlitroiicd Located Between Colchester and Hebrop On Route’85. TT/X Allies Battling^ north fell ba^L today T O ^ H T Manchester hss one of the finest munlelpal water aystems In the state with ample giHirt water, r><5 miles of water mains giving domes- and Roberts "joined. I A I A J A ^ ^ a tempts today to score a quick Machine Tool Aiaas Nazi atiaets rivall _ 8TAKTINO All 8:IS tic service to 3,(HM) homes nnd In’additlon supplying 314 public and 82 pnvate fire h.vdrants for fire protertlon. Pholo.s (aboyei are (1-rl Coolcrator fr^in nuw Slone asserted that the activ­ knockout in the battle for the top tow, Roaring Brook Reservoir^- Buckingtmm and the Alter plant on Line street. Bottom, (I-ri tiller tanks anil engince/Ing system at violence the German W i ities of the labor unton Involved in English channel. While Ger­ To Save Calais Masonic Tetnf^ Line street plant and ( right l enlarged chlorination plant at Porter street reservoir. I the litigation did not siifTIRciently war assaulta on Verdoa until the firAt part of Men Promise man ground forces broke t Merehandlae O r d ^ n interfere with interstate commerce took their stand on a now 1 to constitute a violation of the Doer Prixe? Refrealkipe inent and this plant has recently ilinining water from a five mile deeply through fhe Flanders From IiiVaders defending the Englioh eh Octoher fori $19,. pay­ Sherman., act. Admlsaliia SAc. Know Your Town hern enlarged and addltiunal watershed. To Aid Nation battle line almost to Y'prcs in nel. Adolf Hitler speedotf I*lpe IJnea Suslainn Union Lantentions equipment has been added to the CONCERT a “ squeeze” to split the 'eft- campaign to crnsli plant. The Manchester Water Company able $1 Per Week. The far-reaching opinion sua- circled Allied forces in Bel­ Britain Strengllicnn Her \MancheHler*8 Water Supply In 1924 the Roaring Brook res­ l.ns 137.8.14 feet of 4 inch pipe laid tsined the contentions of labor or- Frfnch, British and Boh ganiutions for many yeara that Will Give Government; gium and northern France, Coastal Defenses to ervoir In Buckingham was start­ In the town water system.; 6.1..154 When you can .uplve your re­ Lancaster (Pa.) Choir forces in F l a n d ^ Into ed. This reservoir Is nine 'miles leet of six iijt'li pipe; 18.324 of frigeration problems for the sea­ they were not subject ordinarily to OIEPI the high cooimand.said, war­ And Fire Protection System the lavt’. First C^II on Tools j ST.QUCNTIN^ Hurl Back Into Chan* drive for a quick decinioB \ from the renter nnd la connected eight Inch pl|)c; 4,8.1.1 feet of 10- son for $19, why mske any other A.ssisted By This decision was expected to planes left the water front of commanders threw tho DIAL 6588 \ \ wdUi the Manchester station by inch pipe;. 17.161 feet of 12-lnch Vital to Acceleration! nel Any Nazi Thrust. Investment ? guide the Justice Department In Dunkerque in flames and the For A No. I In a SericH oVer six miles of 16-Jnch and 20- pipe; 10,0.16 feet of 16-inch pipe infantry and artillery aa \ its present anti-trust campaign inch pipe line. Along the line, on an«l 2.1,021 feel of wooden 18 Inch If.
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