The#236: JUne 2018 IndypendenT• IndypendenT.ORG A TeACheR’S LIFe p7 ROJAVA UndeR SIeGe p20 JeSUS, BLACK & TRAnS p22 CAnBeAT ThIS FORMeR The BeRnIe MAChIne ORGAnIZeR TOppLe The KInG OF QUeenS? Congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez By JOhn TARLeTOn & LydIA MCMULLen-LAIRd, p14 speaking outside a subway station in Elmhurst, Queens. ELIA GRAN MIC CHECK! LET OUR AUTHORS READ THEIR ARTICLES TO YOU ON ITUNES, STITCHER OR SOUNDCLOUD. 2 COMMUNITY CALENDAR The IndypendenT THE INDYPENDENT, INC. 388 Atlantic Avenue, 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11217 212-904-1282 www.indypendent.org Twitter: @TheIndypendent facebook.com/TheIndypendent BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Ellen Davidson, Anna Gold, JUNE 1–JUNE 24 living in the blockaded Gaza Strip. SAT JUNE 16 WED JUNE 20 Alina Mogilyanskaya, Ann 8PM • FREE CASA LA FEMME 1PM–4PM • FREE 6PM–10PM • $20 Schneider, John Tarleton THEATER: OTHELLO 140 Charles St., Mnhtn PARADE: THE MERMAID PARADE PARTY: BIG GAY ROLLER SKATE: Set amid war and palace intrigue in A celebration of ancient mythol- PRIDE EDITION EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: the 17th-century Mediterranean, WED JUNE 6 ogy, the honky-tonk rituals of the Guest DJ, skate rental, cocktails, John Tarleton this classic drama about a noble 7PM–10PM • FREE seaside and community pride. rinkside dining, drag show. Show black Venetian general whose GATHERING/BOOK LAUNCH: CONEY ISLAND your rainbow colors. ASSOCIATE EDITOR: THE BATTLE FOR PARADISE (LA 1208 Surf Ave., Bklyn LEFRAK CENTER AT LAKESIDE Peter Rugh marriage is sabotaged by theater’s most infamous villain, Iago, re- BATALLA POR EL PARAÍSO) PROSPECT PARK CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: mains Shakespeare’s most urgent An urgent conversation about how SAT JUNE 16 171 Eastern Pkwy, Bklyn Ellen Davidson, Alina and relevant tragedy. A lush, the forces of shock politics and 2PM–8PM • FREE Mogilyanskaya, Nicholas romantic vision gives way to the disaster capitalism are seeking FAIR: THE SECOND ANNUAL NYC WED JUNE 20 Powers, Steven Wishnia violent tangle of love and jealousy, to undermine a radical, resilient RADICAL BOOK FAIR 7:30PM–9:30PM • $6–$15 (sug- race and revenge. Tony-winner vision for a just recovery in Puerto Come hang out with leftists from gested donation) ILLUSTRATION DIRECTOR: Ruben Santiago-Hudson directs. Rico. With videos from JunteGente across the fi ve boroughs, expand BOOK LAUNCH: FIGHTING FOR Frank Reynoso Visit publictheater.org for ticketing and The Intercept, an art build, your personal library and build soli- SPACE WITH AUTHOR TRAVIS information. community tables and a book sign- darity! Thousands of used political LUPICK DESIGN DIRECTOR: DELACORTE THEATER ing by author Naomi Klein. and non-political books for sale. The story of a group of drug users Mikael Tarkela Central Park, Mnhtn GREAT HALL AT COOPER UNION VERSO BOOKS in Vancouver’s Downtown East- 7 E. 7th St., Mnhtn 20 Jay St., Suite 1010, Bklyn side who waged a political street DESIGNERS: TUE JUNE 5 fi ght for two decades to transform Leia Doran, Anna Gold 6:30PM–9:30PM • FREE JUNE 9–JUNE 10 SAT JUNE 16 how the city treats its most mar- SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER: MUSIC: COMMON SAT & SUN 11AM–6PM • FREE 10PM–4AM • FREE (before mid- ginalized citizens. Elia Gran Socially-conscious hip hop per- FOOD: THE BIG APPLE BBQ night) THE BROOKLYN COMMONS former and actor Common kicks off BLOCK PARTY MUSIC: WORKING WOMEN AND 388 Atlantic Ave., Bklyn NEWS FELLOW this summer’s Celebrate Brooklyn Enjoy mouthwatering ’cue from the YU SU Georgia Kromrei concert series. world’s best chefs and pitmasters. Working Women, a New York DJ THU JUNE 21 PROSPECT PARK BANDSHELL Madison Square Park, Mnhtn collective comprised of four selec- 5:30PM–7:30PM • FREE GENERAL INQUIRIES: 9th St. and Prospect Park West, tors — DJ Ashlyn, DJ Voices, DJ FAMILY: PRIDE NIGHT AT CHIL- [email protected] Bklyn SAT JUNE 9 Nina and DJ Nicely — each with DREN’S MUSEUM OF MANHAT- 3PM–5PM • FREE a unique vision behind the decks, TAN SUBMISSIONS & NEWS TIPS: TUE JUNE 5 BOOK LAUNCH: GRAPES AND THE are joined by Vancouver-based A special after-hours event in cel- [email protected] 7:30PM–10PM • $70 & up WIND (LAS UVAS Y EL VIENTO) producer and DJ Yu Su. ebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, FOOD: IFTAR FOR GAZA WITH Celebrate the release of Grapes NOWADAYS transgender and queer families, as ADVERTISING & PROMOTION: UNRWA USA and the Wind by Pablo Neruda, 56-06 Cooper Ave., Queens well as LGBTQ adults with children [email protected] In the spirit of Ramadan, UNRWA newly translated into English by in their lives. Enjoy an evening of VOLUNTEER CONTRIBUTORS: USA hosts an experiential and Michael Straus. A conversation SUN JUNE 17 family programming and explore all Linda Martín Alcoff, Camille interactive charitable Iftar (fast between Straus and Phong Bui, 12PM–6PM • FREE fi ve fl oors of the museum. Baker, Gino Barzizza, Bennett breaking) for Gaza. The dinner will co-founder and artistic director of FEST: MAFRIKA MUSIC FESTIVAL CHILDREN'S MUSEUM OF MAN- Baumer, José Carmona, feature authentic Middle Eastern the Brooklyn Rail, will be followed An international music festival HATTAN Valerio Ciriaci, Rico Cleffi , cuisine, hosted at Casa La Femme by a poetry reading in Spanish and aimed at bringing together mem- 212 W. 83rd St., Mnhtn Federico di Pasqua, Renée in Manhattan's West Village. This English with Ralph Lemon, María bers of NYC’s diverse communities Feltz, Bianca Fortis, Lynne event will evoke a day in the life of José Giménez, Alfred MacAdam through sound, dance, visual art, THU JUNE 21 Foster, Lauren Kaori Gurley, a Palestine refugee in Gaza. Pro- and others. food and literature. 7PM–9PM • $25 David Hollenbach, Gena ceeds contribute to UNRWA food BROOKLYN MUSEUM Marcus Garvey Park, Mnhtn FILM: LITTLE CINEMA PRESENTS Hymowech, Gary Martin, assistance for Palestine refugees 200 Eastern Pkwy, Bklyn LABYRINTH Lydia McMullen-Laird, Charina Nadura, Farid Nassif, Mike Newton, Donald Paneth, Dean Patterson, Astha Rajvanshi, Mark Read, Reverend Billy, Jesse Rubin, Erin Sheridan, Steven Sherman, Caitrin Sneed, Chris Stewart, Apoorva Tadepalli, Leanne Tory-Murphy, Naomi Ushiyama, and Amy Wolf. AdVeRTISe In The Indy VOLUNTEER DISTRIBUTORS: Erik Anders-Nilssen, Eric UnIQUe AUdIenCe | AFFORdABLe RATeS | peRSOnAL ATTenTIOn Brelsford, Chris & Pam Brown, Hank Dombrowski, Joseph Epstein, Ed Fanning, June 2018 Kim Frazcek, Lew Friedman, FOR MORe InFORMATIOn, eMAIL [email protected] OR CALL 212-904-1282 Mindy Gershon, Tami Gold, Allan Greenberg, Priscilla Grim, Zack Kelaty, Michael Korn, Jane LaTour, Dave Lippman, Ashley Marinaccio, Saul Nieves, Caroline Rath, The IndypendenT Liam Reilly, and Carol Smith. The IndypendenT 3 JUne IN THIS ISSUE TOO dAMn hIGh, p5 The price of leases for NYC’s 950,000 rent-stabilized apartments are about to rise… again. BRIeFInGS, p6 Trains, taxis, show trials, Rockaways still waiting for the sandman. A BLACK pAnTheR BehInd BARS, p7 An immersive screening of Jim Don’t miss these veterans of the ESTEBAN IGNACIO PAREDES DRAKE His old comrade Hermon Bell Henson’s Labyrinth starring David ’80s California hardcore scene. was granted parole, what will be Bowie as Jareth, the Goblin King, BROOKLYN BAZAAR Jalil Muntaqim’s fate? and Jennifer Connolly as Sarah. 150 Greenpoint Ave., Bklyn Little Cinema reimagines the CLASS STRUGGLe, p8 dark fantasy epic, exploring the FRI JUNE 29 The view from the front of historic collaboration between 7PM–10PM • FREE the chalkboard in Brooklyn’s Bowie, Henson and George PERFORMANCE: BRONX troubled schools. Lucas with a cast of over 20 SPEAKS: DREAMERS PAL- House Of Yes performers and a ABRAS BACANAS Y EMPANA- The SChOOL deFORM MOVeMenT, new interpretation of the classic DAS CHÉVERES p10 soundtrack featuring the best of A night of spoken word, storytell- How Gov. Cuomo and his Bowie's music. ing and savory treats focused on wealthy donors are warping the BROOKLYN MUSEUM the importance of immigration minds of New York’s children. 200 Eastern Pkwy, Bklyn and the struggle for equity and rights with Bronx spoken word pOLITICAL ReVOLUTIOn In QUeenS, SAT JUNE 23 artist Danyeli Rodriguez Del p14 1PM–3PM • FREE Orbe and La Masa founders Josh An upstart candidate is making PARTY: 6TH ANNUAL ALL AGES Montalvo and Laura Valdez. party boss Joe Crowley sweat PRIDE PARTY LA MASA RESTAURANT in advance of their June 26 Listen to super queer music and 1000 Morris Park Ave., Bronx congressional primary. spoken word and have a good time in a space dedicated to LG- SAT JUNE 30 COLd WAR 2.0, p17 BTQ young people, their families, 4PM–9PM • FREE The Democrat’s Russia allies and friends. FOOD: BRONX NIGHT MARKET obsession could come back HOUSING WORKS BOOKSTORE Highlighting food from around to bite them in the November CAFE the world found in New York City, midterms. 126 Crosby St., Mnhtn featuring 35 food vendors, live entertainment and Bronx-based nOWheRe TO TURn, p19 SAT JUNE 23 merchants. A fi rsthand account of the 7PM–10PM • $8 FORDHAM PLAZA migrant caravan though Mexico. ART: LAFONT: LATIN AMERICAN 1 Fordham Plaza, Bronx ART, BEATS & SOCIAL IMPACT UTOpIA On The edGe, p20 SHOWCASE SAT JUNE 30 A Turkish-led invasion could Colombian artist Mario Lafont's 6PM–9PM • FREE upend an effort at feminist posthumous return to NYC. While MUSIC: TALIB KWELI & OSHUN socialism from below in exploring a curated exhibition of The acclaimed Brooklyn emcee, Northern Syria. his works centered on the press- one of the sharpest lyricists of his ing issues of our time, enjoy live generation, is joined by the rising SpLIT SCReenS, IMpeRMeABLe performances and cocktails. Live neo-soul duo OSHUN. BORdeRS, p21 painting by Kim Hernandez. BETSY HEAD PARK Dozens of Gazans were killed, STARR BAR 865 Thomas S. Boyland St., Bklyn JUST TO GET BY: while Ivanka Trump celebrated 214 Starr St., Bklyn Come check out Brooklyn’s STEVEN PISANO the new U.S.
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