VITAL RECORDS FROM ALASKA DAILY EMPIRE 1921-1925 JUNEAU, ALASKA VOLUME II Compiled by Betty J. Miller Copyright May 1996 All Rights Reserved Betty J. Miller 2551 Vista Drive #C-201 Juneau, Alaska 99801 FOREWORD Another two years out of my busy life and Volume II is completed! This reference book covers vital statistical records abstracted from the Juneau Alaska Daily Empire from 1921 through 1925. The response and sales of Volume I (1916-1920) certainly was an encouragement for me to continue the research. I suspect there will be a Volume III sometime in the future. Keep in mind when perusing the alphabetical index that the names appearing there are exactly the way they were printed in the newspaper, i.e. some were incorrectly spelled. Check the variations of spellings for surnames. I've cross-referenced where I detected misspellings. It helps to have lived in Juneau all my life and have an awareness of some of these long-time Juneau family names. Copies of these newspaper articles referenced in this book can be made at the Alaska State Library at [email protected] or 907-465-2920 in Juneau. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wouldn't be able to undertake these projects without the cooperation of the Alaska State Library allowing me to take microfilm from their library for weeks at a time. Once again the Family History Center at the LDS Church allowed me to use their library and microfilm reader whenever I needed—which was a couple hours every day. My wonderful husband helped me proofread while we were on vacation this winter. My family encouraged me to publish and distribute this book on my own this time. A first for me! Thank you all for standing by me during these many hours of research. Your individual participation made my job easier. 1921 - 1925 THE ALASKA DAILY EMPIRE Index -A- AALTO, Helmi 1925 (pg. 43) AAL TO, Mary Hilda 1925 (pg. 29) AALTO, Selma 1925 (pg. 29) ABBOTT, Leith Franklin 1925 (pg. 32) ABERCROMBIE, Harry G. 1921 (pg. 4) ABERNATHY, Harry G. 1921 (pg. 1) ABRAHAMS, Phil 1925 (pg. 42) ( " i ABRAHAMSON, Gust 1924 (pg. 23) ACOSTA, Jose 1923 (pg. 38) -';'-1 ADAMS, Curtis 1925 (pg. 15) )' ADAMS, Horace Oakley 1921 (pg. 27); 1925 (pg. 6) ( ) ADAMS, Jim 1921 (pg. 4) ADAMS, N. E. 1921 (pg. 2) ADAMSON, J. M. 1921 (pg. 52) ADAMSON, Joe 1924 (pg. 43) ADAMSON, Mrs. Joseph 1923 (pg. 17) ADEN, Ben 1921 (pg. 30) ADLER, Don 1924 (pg. 41) AGNEW, James P. 1923 (pg. 28) AGNEW, Capt. Pierre Alexander 1925 (pg. 23 & 35) i . I ' AGUEL, Benito 1921 (pg. 51) It, _.I AGUTTER, James H. 1923 (pg. 26) AHLERS, Juanita Helen 1925 (pg. 42) AHLSTRAND, Ida 1925 (pg. 30) AHRENSTEDT, Arthur 1925 (pg. 8) AHUES, Capt. & Mrs. C. E. 1921 (pg. 16) AITCHESON, W. F. 1921 (pg.42) AITKEN, Robert 1922 (pg. 26) ALBAY, Annie 1923 (pg. 35) L.i ' ALBERG, Oscar 1925 (pg. 9) ALBI, Bertha 1921 (pg. 12) ALBI, James 1921 (pg. 12) "ALEC THE TURK" 1921 (pg. 5) . ALEXANDER, Dorothy 1922 (pg. 25) ALEXANDER, H. F. 1923 (pg. 39) ALEXANDER, Merle 1924 (pg. 36) ALEXANDER, Minnie (Mrs. C. J.) 1925 (pg. 42) - 2- f' ALEXANDER, Mrs. 1923 (pg. 39) U ALEXANDER, Ruby 1923 (pg. 27) ALGAR, Rose (Mrs. Allie) 1925 (pg. 6) ALlN, John ("Terrible Swede") 1921 (pg. 35) ALLEN, David L. 1923 (pg. 16) ALLEN, Frank 1921 (pg. 5) ALLEN, Jerry 1921 (pg. 11) ALLEN, Jesse C. 1923 (pg. 14) ALLEN, P. B. 1923 (pg. 4) ALLEN, T. L. 1921 (pg. 34); 1924 (pg. 44) ALLENBAUGH, E. R. 1921 (pg. 30) ALLISON, Frederick 1925 (pg. 38) ALLRED, Clara 1922 (pg. 23) ALLSOF, George F. 1922 (pg. 14) f; L., ALTERADO, S. L. 1922 (pg. 36) ALTHOFF, Joseph 1925 (pg. 43) ALTMAN, Max 1923 (pg. 36) ALVERSON, Rose 1922 (pg. 26) ALVESTAD, Karl 1922 (pg. 29) AMBLER, Anna 1925 (pg. 26) AMES, Pastor 1923 (pg. 32) AMPUSAIT, George 1924 (pg. 19) I I AMUNDSEN, Gean Helen 1923 (pg. 20) \ j AMUNDSEN, Lois 1925 (pg. 31) AMUNDSEN, Ole 1925 (pg. 6A) l; ANDERS,J. L. 1921 (pg.3n ANDERSON, A. 1922 (pg. 26) ANDERSON, A. J. 1925 (pg. 7) Ji\.> ANDERSON, Alida Marie 1921 (pg. 3) r ., ANDERSON, Andrew 1924 (pg. 20); Andy 1925 (pg. 41) ANDERSON, Anna C. 1921 (pg. 35) i ) ANDERSON, Anna G. 1921 (pg. 12) . ANDERSON, Ann Sophia 1923 (pg. 15) \ i ANDERSON, Carl 1923 (pg. 9); 1924 (pg. 3n; 1925 (pg. 23 & 30) L~ ANDERSON, Charles 1925 (pg. 14) ANDERSON, Charles John 1921 (pg. 16) ANDERSON, Dan 1925 (pg. 12) ANDERSON, Edgar 1923 (pg. 32) ANDERSON, Erick 1921 (pg. 40) ANDERSON, Eunice 1923 (pg. 36) ANDERSON, Fred 1922 (pg. 17); Mrs. Fred 1924 (pg. 26) \1 ;' l.J ( I 1 I Li. - 3- ANDERSON, George Iver 1923 (pg. 47) ANDERSON, Gunrun 1923 (pg. 14) ANDERSON, Gus 1924 (pg. 6) ANDERSON, Capt. Henry C. 1921 (pg. 27) ANDERSON, I. G. 1923 (pg. 45) ANDERSON, Jim 1921 (pg. 4) ANDERSON, John 1924 (pg. 14) ANDERSON, John A. 1921 (pg. 33 & 35) ANDERSON, Julius 1921 (pg. 38) ANDERSON, Kate 1925 (pg. 19) , , ANDERSON, Louie 1921 (pg. 54) I I ANDERSON, Mrs. Louis 1921 (pg. 13) ANDERSON, M. O. 1923 (pg. 47) r: ANDERSON, Maria E. (Mrs. Gust) 1924 (pg. 26) ) ANDERSON, Marion 1921 (pg. 10) ( ) ANDERSON, Martin ("Cheechako") 1923 (pg. 34) t' ( , ANDERSON, Mary 1923 (pg. 23) L, ANDERSON, Mrs. Mathew 1925 (pg. 13) ANDERSON, May 1922 (pg. 41) ANDERSON, Miss 1923 (pg. 23) ANDERSON, Nels Peter 1925 (pg. 7) ANDERSON, Oliver 1923 (pg. 35) ANDERSON, Capt. Oscar 1925 (pg. 5) ANDERSON, Peter 1923 (pg. 31) f ' ANDERSON, Sylvia Grace 1925 (pg. 22) I lj ANDERSON, Winnie 1921 (pg. 25) ANDREANOFF, Margaret 1924 (pg. 25) ( i ANDREAS, Anna 1922 (pg. 38) I c_. ANDRES, Manuel 1922 (pg. 33) ANDRESEN, Moritz 1925 (pg. 11) ANDREWS, Baby Girt 1922 (pg. 9) ANDREWS, Frank l. 1925 (pg. 1) "ANDY THE ENGINEt=R" 1921 (pg.42) ANGERMAN, Frank 1923 (pg. 33) ANKENY, Sam 1923 (pg. 23) ANTHONY, Margar~t 1924 (pg. 40) APAFFORD, Capt. Hart 1925 (pg. 5) APPLEBY, William Altan 1925 (pg. 30) ARDERY, Clark 1924 (pg. 21) ARISMAN, Anna 1923 (pg. 46) ARMOUR, Jim 1921 (pg. 7) - 4- ARMSTRONG, Albert B. 1922 (pg. 8) ARMSTRONG, William N. 1921 (pg. 4) r-'l \ i I I ARNESON, S. J. 1921 (pg. 2) i.. j ARNOLD, Bessie 1923 (pg. 17) ARNOLD, Fred 1922 (pg. 5) r' ARNOLDSON, Lydia 1923 (pg. 28) 1 j ARTIN, Frank 1922 (pg. 39) ARUNDELL, C. R. 1921 (pg. 2) ASHBY, Edward 1923 (pg. 13) ASHBY, Holly 1923 (pg. 6) ASHBY, Kathryn 1924 (pg. 11) ASHBY, Randall E. 1922 (pg. 11) ASHBY, Thomas 1923 (pg. 13) ASHFORD, Allene A. 1924 (pg. 28) ASPLUND, Ed 1925 (pg. 28) ATKINSON, Alfred Sr. 1923 (pg. 19) ATKINSON, C. L. 1925 (pg. 36) ATKINSON, Lee 1924 (pg. 39) ATKINSON, Mort E. 1923 (pg. 20) ATKINSON, Romie 1925 (pg. 28) ATKINSON, Sarah Beryl 1925 (pg. 36) ATWELL, Elsie Allen 1921 (pg. 9) . ATWELL, Emmett H. 1921 (pg. 9) AUSTIN, Andrew Douglas 1925 (pg. 24 & 34) [i i AUSTIN, Beatrice Evelyn 1921 (pg. 45) I, .' AUSTIN, Charles G. 1925 (pg. 35) AUSTIN, Ethel 1921 (pg. 23) AUSTIN, Tom C. 1923 (pg. 9) AVENES, Chris 1922 (pg. 22) AXSON, Charles E. 1921 (pg. 37); Mrs. Charles (Dorothy) 1922 (pg. 6) -B - BABCOCK, Louis 1921 (pg. 18) J \ BACH, Cecil 1924 (pg. 26) c. J BACH, Edward 1925 (pg. 43) BACH, Frank Sr. 1924 (pg. 26) BACKMANN, Flora 1921 (pg. 26) BACKSTROMM, James L. 1925 (pg. 33) I •. BACON, Bessie 1923 (pg. 17) u u l ' - 5- BACON, Charles G. 1923 (pg. 45) BAGGEN, Edward 1921 (pg. 53) BAGGEN, George 1921 (pg. 53); 1923 (pg. 18) BAILEY, Annie Neary (Mrs. Hallett) 1924 (pg. 45) BAILEY, Ethel 1924 (pg. 5) BAILEY, Lulu 1925 (pg. 2) (~ i BAIN, Samuel 1923 (pg. 3) BAKER, A. J. 1924 (pg. 5 & 15» BAKER, Claude 1921 (pg. 19) BAKER, George F. 1921 (pg. 7) BAKER, John H. 1922 (pg. 2) BAKER, Mr. Shirley A. 1922 (pg. 1) BAKKE, Ernest 1923 (pg. 7) BALOWIN, George 1923 (pg. 8) BALDWIN, Idamae 1921 (pg. 45) BALDWIN, W. A. C. "Lucky" 1923 (pg. 5) BALKE, Capt. Charles 1923 (pg. 10) , , \ BALL, Edward M. 1921 (pg. 50) ~.- / BALLENTINE, Sera 1921 (pg. 27) BALLINGER, Judge Richard A. 1922 (pg. 21) BALTO, Sam 1921 (pg. 46) BANEY, Nellie Lillian 1922 (pg. 15) f r fl " BANEY, Robert 1922 (pg. 9) J'- v" BANKS, Thomas N. 1923 (pg. 31) BANTA, Henry 1921 (pg. 6) ! \ BANTA, Homer 1921 (pg. 6) BARAS, James 1925 (pg. 14) ( .' BARCLAY, G. M. 1921 (pg. 1) r I BARDI, Annie 1925 (pg. 20) l , BARITELLO, Albin 1922 (pg. 8) f' BARKER, Geralda 1925 (pg. 6) BARKSDALE, Frances Evans 1924 (pg. 37) BARLOW, L. 1925 (pg. 14) i BARNABUS, William 1923 (pg. 20) J \ \..,., BARNARD, E. C. 1921 (pg. 10) BARNARD, Mary A. 1923 (pg. 2) BARNES, Anna (Mrs. William R. ) 1924 (pg. 21) BARNES, Bessie 1925 (pg. 8) BARNES, Robert A. 1921 (pg. 27) BARNES, Stuart 1925 (pg. 15) BARNETI, W. R. 1924 (pg. 39 twice) - 6- BARONOVICH, Mary (Mrs. Charles V.) 1925 (pg. 27) BARRACK, James 1921 (pg. 4) BARREn, Anna 1921 (pg. 50) BARREn, Ed 1924 (pg. 7) BARRETT, Norbert 1922 (pg. 12) BARRINGTON, Sid 1923 (pg. 32) BARRINGTON, Yorke 1923 (pg. 32) BARRY, Mr. Pat 1922 (pg. 41) BARRY, Sgt. 1921 (pg. 3) BARTHELS, Horace R. 1921 (pg. 31) BARTHOLF, Lee 1924 (pg. 4) BARTHOLF, W. B. 1921 (pg. 36) BARTHOLIN I, Helen 1921 (pg. 39) BARTHOLOMEW, Ralph A. 1923 (pg. 4) BARTHOLOMEW, Ralph McLeod 1923 (pg.
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